Friday, April 7, 2006
News 3 Libby implicates Bush
in CIA leak case
Opinion 4
Jesse Singal's last
words on politics
One-hundred-sixteen years of editorialdfreedom
Arts 5 Gilbert and Sullivan
opera comes to
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXVI, No. 108
©2006 The Michigan Daily
Regents to
defend seats
Students and community members march past the Michigan Theater on East Liberty Street during a rally against sexual violence last night. The rally
was part of Take Back the Night week. Marchers started at 7 p.m. on the Diag and progressed through the streets of Ann Arbor, chanting: "What do
we want? Safe streets. When do we want it? Now."
With ex hibit artists to Frieze past
At least three other
major party candidates vie
for two seats on board
By Gabe Nelson
Daily StaffReporter
With seven months until November's
elections, candidates are already gear-
ing up for the race for the two avail-
able seats on the University Board of
Incumbent regents David Brandon
(R-Ann Arbor) and Kathy White (D-
Ann Arbor), whose eight-year terms
have run out,
hope to win
Three other
from the two
major parties
will vie for a
bid at the state
party conven-
tions this sum-
mer. White
At that time,
the state Dem-
ocratic and
Parties will
announce their
for the Novem-
ber ballot.
Brandon on
the Republi- Brandon
can ticket will
be Susan Brown, a Republican from
Kalamazoo. According to Brown's
website, she will officially declare
her candidacy at the Mackinac
Republican Leadership Conference
in September.
Casandra Ulbrich, a Democrat from
Rochester Hills, and Julia Darlow, a
Democrat from Ann Arbor Township,
are seeking nominations on the Dem-
ocratic ticket.
Each party is expected to run two
Until the conventions, candidates
will campaign by petitioning the
state's politicians for endorsements.
"Trying to win a nomination is kind
of an inside game," Ulbrich said. "It's
who you know. It's all about who likes
you and who doesn't."
Candidates said they're also trying
to inform the state's citizens about the
election's importance.
"The people who vote, by and large,
do not know what a regent is," Brown
said. "They're missing an obligation and
an opportunity to have a say in the Uni-
versity, the third-largest employer in the
state of Michigan, and that's a problem."
But no matter how close the contest
becomes, don't expect mudslinging
and heated policy debates in the race.
Most candidates agreed regents
shouldn't have a strong agenda.
"Serving as a regent is not the same
as being a legislator with a platform
and a set of policies you want enact-
ed," Darlow said. "While serving as a
fiduciary, you need to study the infor-
mation while you're there and come to
a decision."
Regents should make decisions
based on benefit to the University, not
a preexisting opinion, Darlow added.
Brown, though, said she wants
regents to take stronger political
stances. Her campaign slogan is "Our
Ticket to a Conservative Voice."
"I think the job should be taken
far more seriously," she said. "The
University of Michigan is the engine
behind the economy of the state,
so it's important to have a fiscally
conservative voice on the Board of
If elected, Brown said she would
advocate lowering the University's
operating costs by increasing efficiency
and using the savings to lower tuition.
While other candidates aren't pro-
moting platforms as specific as Brown's,
they each highlighted their priorities.
White said she would continue to fight
for generous financial aid if re-elected.
"Accessibility to outstanding higher
education is paramount for the people
of the state of Michigan," she wrote in
a statement to The Michigan Daily.
Darlow said her priorities are affirma-
tive action, ensuring affordable education
for students and economic development.
Ulbrich said she is concerned by
skyrocketing tuition costs, adding that
the state needs to show its dedication
to higher education by increasing its
funding to the University.
"Without the appropriations, it's the
students who really get hurt in the long
run," she said.
Brandon is seeking reelection to
oversee the construction of the new C.S.
Mott Children's and Women's Hospital,
the renovations to Michigan Stadium
and the Michigan Difference fundrais-
ing campaign - all issues the regent
stressed during his current term.
In an e-mail interview, he said his
platform is his "record over the past
seven-plus years as a regent of the
See REGENTS, page 3
Inspired by the Frieze Building's
impending destruction, two artists
will temporarily transform the
historic site into a giant work of art
By Becky Kollar
For the Daily
The soon-to-be demolished Frieze Building will be
transformed into an enormous outside theater for an eve-
ning on April 18.
LSA senior Jacqueline Wood plans to project giant
images of Frieze history onto the outside walls and win-
dows of the historic former high school as part of her
senior thesis.
Throughout this semester, Wood has collected an array
of imagery and audio clips about events and people that
have filled the Frieze Building since its construction in
Wood, a film and video studies major, is organizing
the large-scale, multi-projection exhibition, titled "Frieze
Frame," as a farewell to the building, which is slated to be
destroyed to make way for North Quad.
Frieze housed many of Wood's classes during her time
at the University. Nine video projectors and five slide pro-
jectors will project images onto Frieze for two hours.
"I was thinking about my experiences in college and
said, 'What am I going to remember in 50 years.' Those
memories are usually tied to a place, and for me that was
Frieze," Wood said.
Wood said she has collected more than 400 photo-
graphs and video clips for the project to date. She has
gathered pictures, texts, flyers, old yearbook photos from
the building's years as Ann Arbor High School and photos
of original architectural plans. Wood plans to incorporate
pictures of all current staff members in their Frieze offices
and is also looking for personal photos from community
members or students.
"It is a community event and it's open to contributions,"
she said. "All the imagery has to do with the history, cul-
ture and life of the building: anything and everything
University alum Heather Radke is organizing the audio
component of Wood's project. Radke has conducted inter-
views and set up a voicemail accoumt to collect students'
and community members' memories of the building,
How to contribute your
memories of Frieze
The artists are seeking from student and
community members contributions for
the project. To share a story or personal
memory, call the Frieze Frame hotline at 661-
0323. The artists also need Frieze artifacts
- photographs, flyers, texts or any other
Frieze memorabilia - to be incorporated into
slide shows. To make a contribution, e-mail
which she plans to meld into a running commentary to
accompany the images.
"It's interesting to hear people say, 'This is what I did in
this space.' It's amazing to hear about the building, both
the momentous and mundane memories, just everyday
'moments'" Radke said. "Giving people a voice is the most
important part of this project."
The building has occupied the corner of State Street and
See FRIEZE, page 7
Diag gets sexy
- in a safe way
Medical school professor
hands out advance
prescriptions for Plan B
By Jeremy Davidson
Daily News Editor
Together, sex and politics usually spell con-
troversy. But when various student groups
stormed the Diag yesterday afternoon for the
second annual Safe Sex Fair, they spelled activ-
About a dozen groups participating in the
event promoted reproductive rights and sexual
health and safety, answering questions, pass-
ing out condoms and distributing flyers to stu-
Members of College Democrats and the Uni-
versity's undergraduate chapter of the American
Civil Liberties Union distributed information
about current legislation in the state House that
would require Michigan employers that offer
health insurance to provide coverage for pre-
scription contraceptives.
"We want insurance companies that cover
drugs, like Viagra, to cover the pill," ACLU
member Dan Ray said.
With election season fast approaching, sup-
porters of Rebekah Warren - one of two
Democratic candidates vying to represent Ann
Arbor in the state House - also took advan-
tage of the fair to pass out information about
Warren's platform, which is heavily geared
toward reproductive rights.
Warren, who is hoping to win the seat as
state representative of the 53rd district, is the
executive director of Pro-Choice Michigan, a
group that advocates for women's reproductive
Students for Choice, which sponsored the
event, invited Medical School Prof. Tim John-
son to hand out advance prescriptions for emer-
gency contraception.
Johnson, an OBGYN, said the prescriptions
for "Plan B" can be filled within a year of the
date they were issued.
Since 2002, University Health Services has
offered. advance prescriptions for emergency
contraception to students, a measure adopted
largely because of the efforts from Students for
In addition to passing out hundreds of con-
doms and packages of lubricant, several stu-
dents talked about ways to reduce the risks of
sexual behavior.
See SAFETY, page 7
It a University
Mary Sue
responds to
in a
Students question
Cole-man o olce
Alum came to 'U' after months as POW
Leon Zimmerman, now 81,
remembers World War II, days
as a Wolverine
By Christina Hildreth
Daily News Editor
attending college with the help of the GI Bill,
Zimmerman was three years older than most
students and anxious to get on with his life.
Most WWII veterans on cam-
pus "were above the college rah-
rah," he said. "We just wanted A L U
to get a degree and get out of
an interview earlier this year.
He graduated with a bachelor's degree in
business administration in 1948, just two short
years after entering the School of
Business as "half a sophomore"
M N I because of a few credits he had
picked up at the University of
Grand Rapids before enlist in
the U.S. Air Force.
Zimmerman couldn't escape
the terror of his time in captiv-
Barrage of questions include
cost of out-of-state tuition,
quality of'U' education
By Gabe Nelson
One student cited a Wall Street Journal story that
said colleges are receiving a record number of appli-
cations and asked how the University is responding.
Coleman said the University has begun rejecting
more applicants in response to all-time-high fresh-
man class sizes the last two years.
JACKSON - Less than eight months after
the Russian Army liberated him from a Nazi
prison camp in May 1945, Leon Zimmerman
And so he did, taking a full
load of courses year-round to
accelerate his academic career.