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April 05, 2006 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-04-05

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 5, 2006 - 9

Thesis projec
By Kimberly Chou
Daily Arts Writer
There's a brand new dance at the Michigan League
ballroom tonight, and three Art and Design seniors want

you to know its name.
Part of the first class to gradu-
ate under the School of Art and
Design's new curriculum - which
now requires a senior thesis project
- Joanne Kantor, Lauren Kuzak
and Lauren Silverstein will present
their fashion and accessories show
at 7:30 pim. Dubbed "Raw Runway"

Raw Runway
Tonight at
7:30 p.m.
At the Michigan
League Ballroom

t hits runway
For this show, Kuzak focused on structured silhou-
ettes, such as corsets, Silverstein said. In contrast, Kantor
applied African, Jewish and American themes to con-
temporary clothing. Silverstein fashions her bags from
leather and denim, weaving some of the fabric herself
and using cut-up jeans for other pieces.
Though there is no specific fashion design major at the
University, the girls have made the best of it.
"The three of us have learned by ourselves basically
- independently, through whichever professors who
could possibly help us; we bought patterns and we bought
fabric; we practiced and made things up and (took) classes
elsewhere," Silverstein said. "There's really no fashion
(program), but we've managed to do it anyway."
Raw Runway is the culmination of the students' inde-
pendent project class. The show is essentially the Art and
Design oeuvre, which took them two semesters and 12
credits to complete.
"That might give you some sort of idea how much work
we've put into this, but I'm not sure it even comes close,
because I've been working on this project 12 hours a day,
every day for the past few weeks," Silverstein said. "I
think about it constantly; I can't get it off my mind."

Courtesy of Lauren Silverstein
Concept art will be on display at the show.
All three designers will mingle with the crowd at the
pre-party an hour before the show. Hors d'oeuvres and
drinks will be served, and the original concept drawings
for the clothing and handbags will also be displayed.
"I want to be out there talking to people and seeing
who's coming," Silverstein said. "We're opening the doors
earlier so everyone can view the drawings. (They) are a
really important part of my project in particular so I'm
glad that people have time to see them."
As other students in the Art and Design program can
attest to, creativity and innovation are the keys to success.
"As big as you can think - that's what you can do,"
Silverstein said.

for the students' relative newness and fresh take on the
design world, the event features clothing designed by Kan-
tor and Kuzak, as well as handbags made by Silverstein.
"It's basically three separate runway shows," Silver-
stein said. "We each have our own completely different,
separate ideas, just at the same venue at the same time,
one after another."

The repeat offenders

* T.I. bombs in shallow, underdeveloped first feature

4 4 Any publicity is good
publicity." This saying
takes precedence in
Hollywood more than anywhere
else. Scandals sell records, bring
in audiences and put you on the
tongues of celebrity magazine
editors. But there's a point, when
actions, outrageous or not, can start
to overshadow accom-
plishments and derail
the careers of those
desperate for attention
(see Ben Affleck).
The biggest news
to come from one
of these ubiquitous
celebs leaked out of
England, where Whit- 1
ney "I make too much
money to use crack" PUN
Houston's sister-in-lawMA
provided photographs
to the Sun newspaper
of the high queen of soul's sup-
posed drug den.
Filthy, covered with half-empty
crack vials and strewn with gar-
bage, Houston's post-binge bath-
room can't really come as a shock
considering her increasingly erratic
behavior, which itself is worthy of
an after-school special.
Honestly, when it gets to the
point where the only hits she gets
are in her bathroom, and Bobby
Brown is the stable one in the rela-
tionship, there might be a problem.
Not to be outdone, model Naomi
Campbell, fresh off the revelation
of her own coke-fueled tryst with
rehab poster-child Kate Moss, got
herself in the in news as well. The
darker, more feminine version of
Russell Crowe overshadowed her


previous assault charges - includ-
ing attacking a flight attendant
and store clerk - by throwing her
crystal-encrusted Blackberry at her
housekeeper's head - causing a 4-
inch gash because she couldn't find
Campbell's jeans.
Really, I don't know what she's
complaining about. I remember
that one time in Milan
when Heidi Klum threw
off her Victoria's Secret
diamond bra and I defi-
nitely didn't have a prob-
lem with that.
On a related legal note,
what are the odds of "I'm
'N Luv (Wit a Stripper)"
getting any play within five
miles of the Duke campus?
Critical accusations not
Sdquiteat the Duke level were
hurled at media darling
Gwyneth Paltrow after the
pregnant actress was seen drinking
on multiple occasions. Her supporters
defended initial reports of her down-
ing a post-St. Patrick's Day Guin-
ness with statements about the beer's
iron content actually helping babies'
development. Paltrow was later seen
drinking a glass of wine, however,
setting off a series of hushed criticism
from the "Sex and the City" crowd
still reeling from her breakup with
Brad Pitt so many years ago.
But you know, fetal alcohol
syndrome might not be so bad for
the soon-to-be-named-after-a-fruit
child. Consider it preparation for a
lifetime of having to listen to her
father's music.
- Mattoo bedazzles all his own
bras. Share at mattoop@umich.edu.

By Anthony Baber
Daily Arts Writer
After releasing an astoundingly cre-
ative album, Tip "T.I." Harris headlines

the long-awaited
film "ATL" in the
same week. In what
many believe will
be the crucial point
of T.I.'s career,
"ATL" gives little to

At the Showcase
and Quality 16
Warner Bros.

The focus, Rashad (T.I., in his big-
screen debut), is a high school senior
who acts as a narrator to the inner-
workings of the Atlanta folk. The
movie seems to revolve around the
local skating rink, Cascade, where
everyone shows up on Sunday night.
The ATL style is definitely represented
with spinning rims both on their rides
and inside their skates. Rashad's crew,
"The Ones," are preparing for Skate
Wars, Cascade's team roller-skating
competition coming in the following
month. The kids spend more time at the
rink than they do at school, especially
Rashad's younger brother Ant (new-
comer Evan Ross Naess), who takes a
step into the drug game.
The most captivating aspect of the
film is the romance between Rashad
and mysterious New New, played

by newcomer Lauren London. Her
ridiculous name is only amplified by
her irritatingly exaggerated South-
ern slang and twang, with enough
missing consonants to fill a bowl of
alphabet soup. You can tell there's
chemistry between the two, but the
movie's cramped time frame, rough-
ly a month, leaves the relationship
a series of disjointed moments of
courting, flirting and sex.
In contrast to other hood mov-
ies "ATL" has been compared to,
the film avoids a central theme and
jumps from one story to the next
without any deeper insight. Many key
characters go undeveloped. Uncle
George (Mykelti Williamson, "For-
rest Gump"), the man who takes in
Rashad and Ant after their parents'
death, seems to be an essential char-

acter - but all we find out is that he's
stingy with his cereal.
Though the cinematography is
superb, with wide camera angles that
accent the vibrant lights and excitement
of Cascade, the movie's biggest visual
interest is the countless camera shots of
beautiful Georgia peach booties: They
seem to go on forever.
This is not to mention that T.I.'s act-
ing is lackluster at best; every emotion
seems the same. When he's mad he
seems indifferent, when he's happy he
seems indifferent, when he's indifferent
... well, you get the point. Every scene
appears to come back to Rashad, and
T.I. just isn't captivating.
So this is not his forte. Now we know
that an hour and a half of T.I. rapping
is always better than an hour and a half
of him acting.

no idea of what really goes on in every-
day Atlanta, aside from roller skating
and drug dealing.
The movie highlights the lives of
miscellaneous, undeveloped characters
circling an obscure town in Mechanic-
sville, Ga., right outside Atlanta.

r I


University of Michigan Dance Marathon
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University of Michigan Alumni Association
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Kaplan Test Preparation
Silver Sponsors
Hanover Insurance Group Foundation/
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University of Michigan Credit Union
Bronze Sponsors
TCF Bank
to all the Dancers, Sponsors,
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