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March 30, 2006 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-03-30

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Thursday, March 30, 2006
News 2A Abramoff sentenced
to 6 years in prison


Opinion 4A

Aaron Kaplan thinks
you're moving
back home

Arts 8A Buddha Machine
makes beautiful music

One-hundred-siteen years of editord freedom
www.michigandaziy.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVI, No. 102 ©2006 The Michigan Daily

Dems gear up for
state rep primary

LSA freshman Sydney Tuchman writes her proposal for the new name of Big Ten Burrito on a suggestion slip. After the Big Ten Athletic Conference
threatened to file a trademark lawsuit, the restaurant was forced to change its name to dodge court costs.

Leigh Greden and
Rebekah Warren vie for
Democratic nomation
By Andrew Grossman
Daily Staff Reporter
When it comes to the issues, the differences
between the two candidates in August's Demo-
cratic primary for state representative from Ann
Arbor's 53rd District are few.
City Council member Leigh Greden (D-Ward
3) and abortion-rights activist Rebekah Warren
are on the same side of most of today's divisive
Both oppose the Michigan Civil Rights Initia-
tive, which aims to outlaw some affirmative action
programs in Michigan. Both support abortion
rights. And both support more education funding.
But Greden and Warren differ greatly when it
comes to political style and their sources of sup-
Their race hints at an increasingly common
national division within the Democratic Party pit-
ting the party's establishment, like Greden, against
progressive upstarts, like Warren.
Greden is a lifelong Ann Arbor resident and a
firm member of the city's Democratic establish-
ment. He is serving his second term on City Coun-
cil, which is composed entirely of Democrats,
and has earned the endorsements of Mayor John
Hieftje and six of his 10 colleagues on the Coun-
Warren first came to Ann Arbor as a student 15
years ago and has remained ever since. She has
strong ties to the activist community and is espe-
cially popular among advocates of abortion rights.
She currently serves as executive director of Pro-
Choice Michigan.
Greden and Warren compete for the seat Rep.
Chris Kolb (D-Ann Arbor) has held for the last six
years. Term limits prevent him from running again.
Because the 53rd district, which includes downtown
Ann Arbor and Central Campus, is predominant-
ly Democratic, the winner of the primary will be
heavily favored in November's election.
The primary will likely be decided by whichever
group - the activists or the establishment - has
greater numbers and produces greater turnout.
Perhaps it's telling that Greden names former
President Bill Clinton - known for his cen-
trism - as his political role model, even though
he positions himself to Clinton's left. Clin-
ton is the father of the so-called "New Demo-

Leigh Greden
City Coun-
cil member,
Albion College
Case Western
Reserve Uni-
versity (lawn
degree) Greden
Endorsements: Mayor John Hieftje,
6 of 10 City Council members
Top priority: Increase state educa-
tion funding
Rebekah Warren
Executive director of Michigan
Rights Action
of Michigan
Former State Wre
Rep. Mary Schoer (D-Ann Arbor),
City Council member Wendy Woods
Top priority: Abortion rights
crats," a centrist faction of the Democratic Party
that has become the party's most powerful force.
Warren seems to have forged strong ties
with the party's progressive wing that made
its mark during the Democratic presidential
primaries for the 2004 election season with
See PRIMARY, page 2A

Facing lawsuit, BTB to

Big Ten Conference
threatened legal action against
local burrito joint
By Carissa Miller
Daily Staff Reporter
The owners of Big Ten Burrito have a prob-
lem. Because of a trademark lawsuit, they have to
rename their company, but their ideas just don't
cut it.
Last June, owners Justin Herrick and Adam
Lowenstein tried to trademark the name of the
local burrito joint, but the move generated legal
resistance and claims of trademark infringement
from the Big Ten Athletic Conferenced. Rather
than battle the multimillion-dollar corporation in
court, the owners agreed to change their name by
September. The conference is responsible for the
cost of new logos and signs.
Herrick and Lowenstein kicked off the BTB
Name Game Challenge on Monday, inviting peo-

For Alison Go's take on the rev
Burrito, see Opinion,

naming of Big Ten
page 4A


ple to submit suggestions at the Ann Arbor or East
Lansing locations or online.
BTB fans have submitted more than 200 options,
ranging from just using the acronym "BTB" to
alliterations such as "Burrito Bungalow."
One avid fan even proposed the owners rename
the restaurant "Fuck You Big Ten Conference
"We probably won't go with that one," Lowenstein
said, though he conceded it's his personal favorite.
Lowenstein said that when the dispute with the
conference began, he didn't think they could actu-
ally-makethe restaurant change its name.
But after a few weeks, Lowenstein said he real-
ized his two-year-old business would not be finan-
cially capable of representing itself should the
conference make good on its threat to take the bur-
rito shop to court. Despite feeling frustrated and
See BURRITO, page 2A


Big Eleven Burrito
Big Tasty Burrito
Big Time Burrito
Big Diez
Fuck You Big Ten Con-
ference Burrito
Grande Diez
Grande Ten Burrito
Sombrero Grande
Burrito Bungalow

Alumni association loses members

Membership falls off after years
of steady increases, leading to
speculation as to why
By Dhruv Menawat
For the Daily
After a decade of steady increases, Alumni Asso-
ciation membership has fallen off.
Membership dropped by 3,000 members between
June 2005 and February 2006. The majority of the
decline occurred in the last three months.
Factors that have been proposed range from
concern that the Alumni Association president is
not an alum to widespread dissatisfaction with the
University. Association leadership attributes the
decline to a flailing state economy.
Alumni Association President Steve Grafton
speculated that recent layoffs at General Motors
and Ford have caused the losses.
Layoffs not only affect those who lose their jobs,
but also their friends and neighbors who, wary of
further economic declines, may decline to renew
their memberships, he said.

About 140,000 Michigan alumni live in South-
east Michigan, an area plagued with sluggish eco-
nomic growth.
Some have speculated that alumni are canceling
their memberships because they are dissatisfied
with the University.
In response, Grafton pointed to results from a
monthly alumni satisfaction survey.
The survey found that on a scale of one to 10,
with one being poor and 10 being excellent, the
average score of the University's reputation was
9.1, the pride alumni felt as a result of attending the
University was 9.3, and overall satisfaction with
the University was 8.7.
To boost membership, the association is consid-
ering lowering the $59-a-year dues to attract mem-
bers like Jim Priest, a 1995 graduate.
Priest said he did not join the association because
he felt that membership fees were too high.
"With a family and all, I needed the money,"
Priest said.
Others doubt decreasing the dues will be signifi-
cant enough to make a difference. The current dues
are $59 per year.
"The dues are such a small thing, I doubt that

that's a factor," said David Fivenson, who holds
two degrees from the University.
Some alumni said they are uncomfortable with
the fact that the president of the association has
no prior ties to the University, despite such a large
alumni base to pick from.
Grafton was hired from a similar position he
held at Mississippi State University's alumni orga-
Kristel Rodriguez, who graduated two years ago,
said she was surprised to learn that the president is
not a graduate.
"Are you serious? It doesn't make any sense -
that's the whole point," she said.
Other alums were less concerned.
Michael Mayer, who graduated in 2003, said if
someone has the passion to head the alumni asso-
ciation, he should be allowed to do so.
Former Alumni Association President Bob For-
man said Grafton's lack of University affiliation is
unlikely to inhibit his performance.
"It's a professional job," he said. "He manages a
large staff for a big nonprofit organization."
Some have speculated that a recent focus on
See ALUMS, page 7A

School caters to
Detroit moms
Graduation requirement stipulates that
students of Catherine Ferguson.Academy
commit to a college
Michael Coulter
Daily Staff Reporter
Imagine waking up at 4:30 in the morning, dressing yourself and
your child and going to work. Now imagine that you're 16 years old
and you're not going to work - you're going to high school.
For the girls attending Catherine Ferguson Academy in Detroit,
this is a daily routine. Catherine Ferguson is an alternative public
high school for teenage mothers. It provides an education for student
in grades 6 through 12, as well as daycare for the students' children.
About 400 girls are enrolled in the school, and the daycare facilities
accommodate nearly 200 babies - from 2 weeks to 3 years old.
Over the last few months, members of the University community
have reached out helping hands to this school.
Third-year nursing students Alexis Adamjee and Brynn Wozniak
were assigned to help care for children at the school in January as
part of their nursing curriculum. They said they were shocked by the
plight of the students they were sent to help.
Since their first visit, Adamjee and Wozniak have dedicated them-
selves to bettering the lives of the young women.
Adamjee, a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, and Woz-
niak, a member of the Alpha Phi sorority, have recruited the help of their
sororities to raise more than $3,500 for the school over the last three
months. They said they hope to raise $10,000 by the end of the year.
The money will go toward new uniforms for the students as well as
toys, high chairs, cribs and books for the nursery. Adamjee and Wozniak
also hope to provide strollers and car seats for the school to loan out.
Nursing Prof. Maureen Kassof said it was important that Univer-
sity students be aware of the economic hardships some people face in
Detroit and neighboring regions.
"Middle-class university students need to see how different and
diverse life is outside of their own worlds," she said.
Catherine Ferguson is located near the center of Detroit. It is haunted
by stray dogs and surrounded by abandoned buildings, Adamjee said.
The academy has been burglarized several times. Audio-video equip-
ment, textbooks and food are among the items that have been stolen.
"It's not a sunny, motivating environment," Wozniak said. "We
want to help these children now because they will be the future."
Despite the conditions, most students go on to college. The gradu-

SOLE hits Fleming
with chalkings

Turnout strong at
protest of U' apparel
made in sweatshops
By Kelly Fraser
Daily Staff Reporter
Phrases like "Its up to you Mary Sue,"
"SOLE was here" and "Sweatfree Uni-
versity," covered two sides of the Flem-

Michigan Union before marching to
As part of the group's "Sweatfree Uni-
versity" campaign, SOLE called on Cole-
man to adopt the Designated Suppliers
Program, an extension of international
labor laws for factories that manufacture
clothing bearing the University logo.
Under the program, all licensed fac-
tories would be required to demonstrate
full compliance with international labor

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