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March 09, 2006 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2006-03-09

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3B The Daily Dish
Clayton Lewis preserves
historical graphics at the
Clements Library.
4B Literary Community
Karl Pohrt fights for the
community in the face of
growing corporate cor petition
5B In My Own Words
Lloyd Cargo shows off his
c lectic musc taste every
Wednesday on WCBN.
6B Northern Exposure
A monorail is just one of
the possible plans to further
develop North Carnpus

1OB Media Column
Kristin MacDonald examines
the difference between
acting and being an actor.
10B Campus Life Column
Mark Giannotto confronts
the new Greek policies and
wants his parties back.
11B Random Student Interview
Random dislikes the Oscars
a d the G .,Joes'
conservative views"
12B Point/Counterpoint
The G.lJoes and Ninja
Turtles de bate whether outer
space is fact or fiction.
Magazine Editor: James V. Dowd
Associate Magazine Editor: Chris Gaerig
Cover Art: Angela Cesere
Photo Editor: Shubra Ohri
Designer: William Couch

From The Editors

This week's


centers around a part
of the University which
remains mysterious for
many: North Campus.
Recently retired
Magazine Editor Doug
Wernert spent a great
deal of time with some
of the school's most
influential figures, dis-
cussing the past, pres-
ent and future of North

Random doesn't like Floridian
By Chris Gaerig / As

Editor in Chief: Donn M.
Managing Editor: Ashley


The magazine also features the story of Karl
Pohrt - owner of Shaman Drum bookstore on
State Street. Melissa Runstrom met with him
to discuss the livelihood of a small indepen-
dent store in a world controlled by huge con-
Finally, the "In My Own Words" staple comes
from Arts Editor Lloyd Cargo, who serves as a
morning DJ on WCBN.
Thanks for reading.
James V. Dowd, Magazine Editor
Chris Gaerig, Associate Magazine Editor

m Michigan Daily: Hi is Kevin
Random: Hey, what's up?
TMD: This is Chris from The Michi-
gan Daily and you've been selected to do
the Random Student Interview. Do you
have a couple of minutes?
R: Ah, yeah.
TMD:, First question: Did you watch
the Oscars?
R: Hell no.
TMD: Hell no? Why not?
R: Cause it's a waste of time because
it's a bunch of bullshit.
TMD: Why is it all bullshit?
R: Because it gets voted on by rich
people who are in an elite group. It's
not voted on by the people who actually
watch the movies.
TMD: You don't like rich people?
R: No, I don't mind rich people but
I don't think they should decide our
TMD: When did they become your
R: Well, they're notour awards but the
people who watch them and the people
who care.
TMD: I know you don't really care,
but what do you think about "Crash"
winning? It was a big upset.
R: I think it's pretty cool that a movie
that's actually artistic-won for a change.
"American Beauty" was the last movie
that won that had some meaning. Like,
most of the movies are all blockbusters
and aren't very artistic.
TMD: What do you think about Three
6 Mafia winning an Oscar?
R: I have no idea what that movie is.
TMD: It's a band. They're a rap
R: Was that from "Hustle & Flow?"
TMD: Yeah.
R: Well, the whole movie is about
music. So I guess it's not bad that the
one good movie that came out all about
music won an Oscar.
TMD: But Three 6 Mafia got banned
from clubs for a song called "Tear the
Club up '97" where people literally
tore the club up. And now they have an
R: Well, they voted on it.
TMD: Next question: What do you
think about outer space?
R: Just outer space in general?
TMD: Yeah.
R: Outer space is crazy. It's dark.
TMD: It is dark and crazy. Do you
think we really landed on the moon?
R: Probably.
TMD: Do you think there's a Michi-
gan flag on the moon?
R: I want to see a picture from a shut-
tle going over it, but there probably is.
TMD: How about Michigan basket-
R: I think we'll make the tournament
but if Abram and Hunter aren't playing,
we're going to get embarrassed in the
first round.
TMD: But we closed out the year los-
ing 40 games or so.
R: Yeah, but even though we lost it
was because we didn't have Abram and
TMD: What do you think about Bam

Margera getting arrested?
R: That dude came to Michigan once.
Well, he's kind of disgusting so I expect
him to. What did he do, touch a girl who
didn't want to be touched or something?
TMD: Actually, he got drunk in an
R: Well, that's kind of sweet actually.
TMD: He had brass knuckles in his
R: But they've got bars in airports,
you're supposed to get drunk in an air-
TMD: Yeah, but you're not supposed
to be a belligerent asshole.
R: So he got arrested for public intoxi-
TMD: That and having brass knuck-
les in his backpack.
R: I mean, you've gotta have protec-
tion. What's wrong with that?
TMD: He was at an airport and going
on a plane.
R: Maybe he needed them cause if he
has a wife, he's gotta keep her in line.
TMD: OK. What was your favorite
childhood toy?
R: That's a tough one. Probably Etch-
TMD: That's pretty good but a little
boring. Mine was probably my Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtle figures.
R: Oh yeah, anything Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles. That's where I learned my
first swear word.
TMD: They swore?
R: Cowabunga buttheads. I used to
always say that.
TMD: Really? I really don't remem-
ber that at all.
R: Well then I think you're missing
TMD: Speaking of the Turtles, what
do you think about Point/Counterpoint
in The Statement? It's Ninja Turtles vs.
G.I. Joes.
R: Oh yeah. I think they both have
their valid points but the G.I. Joes are
pretty conservative. So I prefer the ston-
er, pizza-eating Turtles to G.I. Joes.
TMD: Yeah, getting stoned and eat-
ing pizza is pretty awesome. Do you
think robots are pretty cool?
R: There's nothing like good old
human labor.
TMD: So you don't really like them
R: No.
TMD: Would you ever get a pet
R: Hell no. If I'm going to get a pet I
want it to be real.
TMD: What's not real about a robot?
R: We made it. We don't make pets,
we make robots.
TMD: I think we do make pets now
though. We engineer cows and sheep.
R: That doesn't count, I am not going
to have a cow as a pet. Although, If we
start to clone our own animals, which we
probably will ... well, there's that Arnold
Schwarzenegger movie where they do
that. They clone their pets so the kids
won't know they died.
TMD: "Total Recall?"
R: No it's not that.
TMD: "Conan the Barbarian?"
R: No. It's futuristic, but not that

TMD: "Eraser?"
R: No. That was like present day.
TMD: "Terminator 3?"
R: No, come on. "28 Days." I think
that's what it was.
TMD: Not "28 Days Later" with
zombies? It didn't have Arnold Schwar-
zenegger but it had zombies.
R: No, but it's a number.
TMD: What restaurant do you think
is missing on campus?
R: Burger King.
TMD: I think Popeyes is missing. We
need some good fried chicken here.
R: No, I worked at KFC/Taco Bell,
so I am not going to say either of those.
Fried chicken is pretty gross. And we
don't have enough ah ... I can't say it
because it wouldn't be printed.
TMD: Could you beat me up if we
fought? Are you a big dude?

R: I think so. I am a little bigger than
TMD: Do you jazzercise?
R: No.
TMD: Pilates? It really works your
calf muscles.
R: No.
TMD: If Dick Cheney had a kid now
what would it look like?
R: It would be missing a couple of
TMD: A couple of arms? Like two or
R: Yeah, two or three.
TMD: Is it OK for guys to wear
R: It's not OK for guys to wear boots.
TMD: Why not?
R: Because boots are not cool. Girls
shouldn't even wear Uggs.
TMD: Yeah, but their feet aren't hairy


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2B - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 9, 2006


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