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March 09, 2006 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-03-09

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4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 9, 2006 /PN
Editor in Chief CHRISTOPHER ZBROZEK Managing Editor
Editorial Page Editors
420 MAYNARD STREET on these is
ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 onth'suspects
tothedaily@michigandaily.com shot all to heck and
back." . A
Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily's editorial board. All
other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their author.
n* . :- Alabama Fire Marshal Richard Montgomery, .
T ro bete t xon the three college students who were recently
.b so m e 3'arrested for setting fire to nine Alabama baptist
>Pxrn pe sd businesta_ efr s igud dchurches, as reported yesterday by nytimes.com.
ith M~ichigan's economy makin~gup the difference by raising.
in trouble, eis atorsnd other taxes during an election year
y lresdnsae s ade- aunkeyropsttacudM narch1y for M etro Detroit
perate for s1lutlns. Atnew legisla- mean more cuts to funding for
tieitiative nored by.Oakland este and s crgrams CHRISTOPHER ZBROZEK BORN IN THE IJS.A.
County Executive L. Brooks Patter-.Patterson would like to frame. his__
4o rai$ to cferlhlp.TeIntiaitatieas Spaeple-powredbit
tive listo appoer h Te, wiud theieiare,a eoplesowredi buta 'm normally a fan that encourage distrust and political division. ever" Wallace in the Democratic presidential
rcif atoed egislatre tote. e .w. . r aorore nonaimts o individal of democracy and It would be impossible for Metro Detroiters primary. The rac-laden rhetoric from public
ohther torpeis Mgihian's tin or corprte Thati's g to a walt all. The more I to think of themselves as anything except citi- officials on both sides of Eight Mile in the zoo
Business Tax. If approved, G v. Jen- donors and big corporations are read the Detroit papers, zens of the whole region. Or rather, as sub- debate, though, makes it clear we still have a
nifer Granholm couldn't veto the exempt from those pesky campaign though, the more I jects of the kingdom, but you get the idea. long way to go.
measure. Patterson has campaigned finance regulations that typically gt realize that Metro Take the zoo debacle, for instance. Proud Now, I'd say the fact that Metro Detroit is
for signatures to place theinitiative in yur way. whenever you try to buy Detroit would be far Detroit residents have been unwilling to one of the most segregated areas in the coun-
on the. Nove Iber ballot. But while yourself alaw better off if some king yield control of the city's zoo, while subur- try has something to do with our awful race
Michigan's ctomyI needs help and Patterson would also like to claim were to raise an army banites are hesitant to contribute their tax relations. When people grow up in homog-
the SBT needs reform, a special- that he's forcing 'legislators to con- and conquer southeast dollars to anything they don't own. As Oak- enous communities - whether all-white or
interest-funded sprint around the front an issue they would rather Michigan. land County Executive L. Brooks Patterson all-black - it's more difficult for them to
problem isn'tthe way to do it'.shirk. But is initiative does just the Hear me out on this one. Yes, in theory, an argued in a letter to the editor in yesterday's trust people who have a different amount of
Granholn haswopposed cutting the opposite. If voters approve the initia- .elected, representative government is a nice Detroit Free Press, the dollar amount of a melanin in their skin. Ongoing segregation,
SBT without a replacement of the tive, legislators an claim they were thing to have. But every year, more issues pile tax to support the zoo might be "piddling," though, is another one of those problems no
- t brings in almost overridden and blame the petition for up that affect everyone in Metro Detroit - an but any zoo tax would be taxation without one knows how to solve. We've gotten rid
a l , rtef'uthi rstinglT , antiquated water system, a pathetic lack of representation. I've seen that same Boston of racist housing laws and restrictive cov-
a rtusiess sf tate~s.. enea ngy, r esns bud e sa e public transport and an inadequate, aging con- Tea Party-era concern voiced in a comment enants; what are we supposed to do about de
Laro KustatenSk eate M-ayoriting ly, Natteson a htiired t ame, vention center that might eventually drive the on the Michigan Citizen's website to defend facto segregation?
eads .Kopposs ar' iatWyo ig, thrmNatiponas Pfthei Mhian Cimlt auto show from the Motor City. Most recently, the Detroit City Council's initial vote against This is another area where absolute mon-
exsf p sesi n'ltersonbstnitiatingRtgatssponsirsiof-thedMichieansignil of course, there's all the squawking and howl- transferring control of the zoo because.the archy reigns supreme. Once the king has dis-
the tax syst in befause of. the is- tures that many later said had been ing over the Detroit Zoo. plan would still have required Detroit to solved the borders between Detroit and its
cal problems the;state already faces. obtained fraudulently. "sign to sup- Everyone agrees that someone needs to take cover some zoo costs. suburbs, it's a short step to ordering forced
Michigan are1ady has .abudget cri- port civil rights,. or taxcuts, and some sort of action on all these problems. The But an absolute monarchy, from what repopulation of whites into Detroit and blacks
sispartly due to former Republican don't mind. the. details".-.thats all area's leaders, however, are too busy bickering I hear, is all about taxation without repre- into the suburbs. Extreme, perhaps, but it
Gov. John .Englr's reckless1tax cuts in aday's work if you're paid per sig- on behalf of their own constituents to come to sentation - the principle's not even up for might be the only way I see an integrated *
According to Sikkema's spokesman, nature. an agreement over who should pay what and debate! Besides, isn't the Zoo already in Metro Detroit in my lifetime.
"If people think we've been cutting The reason we have legislators i who should be in control. Sometimes you'll "Royal" Oak? Now, I realize some of you loyal Americans,
the budget a lothey ain't seen noth so. that they canwrangle with the hear people say that what the area needs is The zoo situation, of course, highlighted with your "freedom" and your "rights," might
ing yet if this psses." eye-wateringly boring details of more regional cooperation. But no one knows the persistent tensions between the city and find monarchy repugnant. And I'll admit that
The SBT was initially created as a things like tax law and state bud how to achieve that either. its suburbs in all their racially tinged glory. repopulation scheme sounds a little too much
single sEltion t a. complex mess of geting. Pettion initiatives may look I admit that I too was long flummoxed Sure, race relations in the region aren't as bad like a politically correct version of ethnic
st xs a sbaa ydertiafrs>gan ebabout how on Earth to achieve more regional as they were in 1942, when white Detroiters cleansing.
roll and additional company assets, they can be easily twisted by spe- trust and goodwill in a sharply segregated opposed to an integrated public housing proj- I still stand by monarchy for Metro Detroit.
not earnigswhichmeansfbusi- cia intereststo taks e advantage of.....metropolitan area with a bitter racial past ect could openly post a billboard reading: "We Say it happened, and it went horribly. Well,
nesses are forcId to pay even when voters' lack of information and rush and lots of current economic anxiety to boot. want white tenants in our white community" then everyone - whether they live in West-
into law. The SBT But then one day in lecture, my philosophy ... or in 1943, when there was a race riot ... or land or on West Grand Boulevard - would
inpreftale as e' ng new oab s slop e probposalserf d professor mumbled something about some in the early sixties, when a few blocks from join together to rise up and overthrow the
Eliminating he tax, however, last thing Michigan needs is another guy named Hobbes and this political system where I grew up in Sterling Heights, a black king. Maybe I'm cynical, but even that would
dcost the state $1.8 billion quick fix that turns into a long-term called "absolute monarchy." It's just what family tried to move in only to have their be more regional unity than we have now.
year. gdeb .Metro Detroit needs! house firebombed ... or in 1967, another riot _______________
Think about it. Under a monarch, we ... or in 1972, when Michigan voters chose Zbrozek can be reached at
wouldn't have these artificial municipalities George "Segregation Now, Segregation For- zbro@umich.edu
Aborting Dakota VIEWPOINT
abortion is unconstitutional Real reform
JIn direct oposition to the prec- sensus within the scientific communi-
edent set by Rot v. Wade, South ty as to the exact nonent life.begins..By ANDREW YAHKND AND PAGE BUTLER tors, our concerns and proposed changes to enact another revision to the R&E require-
Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds signed Such illusions of scientific objectivity the College's Race and Ethnicity requirement ment that we view as more clear-cut. The time
a bill on Monday that effectively out- may give the law an official-oking In case you haven't noticed, student gov- have been called "naive," "overly idealistic" has come to expand the R&E requirement to
laws abortion dn all cases except those sheen. But without the necessary sup- ernment elections are fast approaching. The and "dangerous," leading us to believe that we address other forms of oppression and dis-
n whic7 the mother's life is at risk. port, these appeals to science remain entrance of the Michigan Progressive Party are onto something good. crimination that have appeared and continue
Both.ab...0p ents and defend- nothing more than superficial trap- and the Student Conservative Party promises In 1991, LSA faculty created the R&E to appear in our society. The R&E requirement
ers have bee epecting such a law pings of pseudo-science intended tO to make this semester's electoral bout particu- requirement with the intent that all LSA stu- must be expanded into a new requirement that
.ince President Bush appointed John lend credibility to a theory ultimately larly contentious. While we must admit that dents should explore "issues arising from racial also includes issues such as gender, socioeco-
Roberts and Samuel Alito to the based on faith. we do not really know what the MPP or SCP's or ethnic intolerance:' While we whole-heart- nomic class, religion, disability and sexual oni-

SupIeme Court tilting the odds of South Dakota is not alone in push- qualifications for student government are, they edly agree with this intent, we must also iden- entation. If we are to recognize one form of
a reversa of te in favor of pro-lif- ing clearly unconstitutional legisla- do seem passionate when it comes to talking tify with Thurgood Marshall's statement that oppression as worthy of mandatory study, we
ers. Such a dirct challenge to the tion to provoke a new abortion ruling. about their political agendas. "intent will be evident in the results." In the must also allow for the exploration of issues
33-year-old tibing legalizing abor- Seven other'states are currently debat- While Students 4 Michigan does not have case of the R&E requirement, the results are related to other identities. Is the College main-
tion should surprise no one, and ing similar bans, and should they a political ideology and we have never really less than impressive on a number of fronts. taming a position that racism is more important
we can only 'hope that the Supreme pas, a onecould eventually cha- understood what politics have to do with most First, courses that best address issues of than struggles such as those related to gender
Court will uphold a woman's right lenge Roe student government matters, we do under- race and ethnicity all too often do not fulfill discrimination, heterosexism and anti-Semi-
to choose when it inevitably rules &n Those who wave the banner of stand that talking about dogma is a whole lot the R&E requirement. Some professors, wor- tism? Creating such a hierarchy of oppression
the legality.&f The.Sou1thDakota law states' rights to defend state..aw ..more exciting than actually working toward ried that their classes will be filled by students is a practice that is both philosophically and
1or others that culd soon emerges banning abortion fail to acknowledge improvement. Late-night research and early- simply trying to fulfill the requirement rather academically troubling
Rounds signdthe bill knowing full that such bans strip individuals of per- morning administrative meetings are not near- than pursuing an interest in the subject matter, On March 21 and 22, we are also proposing
wellthat itwoud take aSupreme Court sonal freedoms. Outlawing abortion, ly as electrifying as philosophical debates over choose not to designate their course as R&E. that you, the students, be given the opportu-
decision overturning Roe v. Wade for much like outlawing gay marriage, whether student government should be more Perhaps this is why popular courses such nity to voice your opinion on the R&E require
the law to have any effect . Oppnents may be overwhelmingly popular in "progressive" or "conservative." as "Black Americans and the Political Sys- ment. The issue of expansion will be up for a
of abortio. ae 'akI.ngno atempt to select areas of the cOuntrybut ituti-.....As leaders of the S4M party, one might tem" (POLSCI 324), "Intergroup Dialogues" vote as a ballot question, along with the elec-
mask the fact that the ban is no more matey 5 leads to a less free society. expect us to be intensely involved with the (PSYCH/SOC 122) and "Race and Ethnicity" tion of officers and representatives. If students
than a 'test ca's - a ploy intended to Rounds should know this - he cites campaign jockeying that is currently taking (CAAS 420) do not currently satisfy the R&E demonstrate support for revision of the R&E
oce"the Supreme Court to revisit Roe the reversal of Pessy v. Ferguson as place on campus. Unfortunately, we really have requirement. We think there is something requirement, as we believe they will, it will
- and they are openly toutingCit.as aan.eample'of the Supreme Court's not had the time to get as involved as much wrong with this situation. The College should then be the LSA faculty's obligation to open
political maneuver seeking to capita .- ability to hange its mind for the bet- as we would like. You see, it has been a busy examine designating courses as R&E them- up a serious dialogue on this matter. We know
ize on the nowconservative-friendlier ter. What he doesn't mentlin is that year for LSA Student Government. LSA-SG selves, rather than allowing professors this addressing the exploration of various forms of
upreme Court. 'those who defended segregation also members have been staying active by creating control. If they do not, well-intentioned faculty oppression is not nearly as exciting as the polit-
What's more, to jstify the criminal- claimed to be upholding the seem- a new international studies minor, establishing members will continue to utilize the R&E des- ical positioning that we suspect will be return-
.ization of abortion, the text of the billingly sacred values of states' rights to an inexpensive LSAT familiarization course ignation as an enrollment management tool. ing to this page shortly, but we believe we
mentions "the technological advances justify their abhorrent racial policies and launching the College's first student honor While we recognize that such a change might - and our fellow students - cannot remain
and medica.experievce and body of In this...aseabortion opponents are council. As the end of our term approaches, take several years to be fairly evaluated and silent on this issue.
knowledge abut abortions7 produced using the concept of federalism as a we must offer one last proposal for campus implemented, we do not believe this issue can ----------
and made available sice the 1973 excuse to enact a ban that ifringes improvement. be ignored. Yahkind is LSA-SG president. Butler is
decision of Re v. Wade" that "prove on individual rights. At this point, In meetings with faculty and administra- In the meantime, we believe faculty should LSA-SG vice president.
that life begins at conception." This all we can do is.cross our fingers and ________________________________________________
d et backing is dubious hope the Supreme Court reasons the Send all letters to the editor to
absseeis byno means a con- same way LETTER TO THE EDITOR tothedaily@michigandaily.com.
Editorial Board Members: Amy Anspach, Andrew Bielak, Kevin Bunkley, Gabrielle
D'Angelo, Whitney Dibo, Milly Dick, Sara Eber, Jesse Forester, Mara Gay, Jared Goldberg, Board Game Club not just and ages. Not only do we plays tons of fun
Ashwin Jagannathan, Mark Kuehn, Frank Manley, Kirsty McNamara, Rajiv Prabhakar, 4. dr1,. games, but we talk about all kinds of things,
Katherine Seid, Gavin Stern, Ben Taylor, Jessica Teng, Rachel Wagner. alternative to drin kng like cool new words we learned for Scrabble
S--. and which Clue charcter we are most like

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