OP/ED The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 8, 2006 - 5 I I I What are we missing. Why you should want to be offended. DONN M. FRESARD / FRM TH im EDITOR T here's a rea- son why the 12 boxes on this page are blank, and I'll get to that. But first, a few words about what's been filling the boxes on the opposite page. Over the past few months, the Daily and its editors have seen intense criticism for printing several editorial cartoons that student leaders in some minor- ity communities have found racist, demean- ing or otherwise offensive. The most controversial of these cartoons portrayed a high school classroom full of dark-skinned students and one white stu- dent. At the front of the classroom, a black teacher tells the class that they can all expect special preferences when applying to college - except for Bob, the lone white student. Trn~ini inthr rlauvna s ah...+ aiP - didn't earn their way into the University. But being offended is part of living and par- ticipating in a liberal and pluralistic society. When we're all free to express ourselves, we will all come across expression that offends our sensibilities. Besides, when a common but faulty argument appears on an editorial page, it provides the opportunity for a rebuttal - a chance to change minds. Not everyone felt that way. Student leaders, arguing that the cartoon was "objectively racist," demanded retractions and printed apologies. Later, a committee of the University's faculty senate even argued that it was potentially illegal - that the caricature of "an institutional policy favoring diversity" could, by encouraging a "racially hostile learning environment," violate federal equal-protection laws. In other words, if you have qualms about affirmative action, keep quiet - we know we're right, your views are offensive, and it's wrong for you to express them. It's also strikingly similar to the reason- ing that has recently led Muslim extremists to riot, burn and kill in response to an act of blasphemy. One of the pillars of liberal society is that people are free to openly believe in or criticize any religion without fear of reprisal. To understand the Danish cartoon controversy, we must realize that for the Danes and some other Europeans, this basic principle is in real peril. When the Jyl- lands-Posten dared a slew of cartoonists to draw the Prophet Muhammad last Septem- ber, the possibility of violent retaliation by Muslim extremists was very real; a Dutch filmmaker had been killed and a Danish lec- turer had been assaulted for offending radi- cal Muslims. Recent reports indicate that all 12 cartoonists are now in hiding, fearful for their lives. Thankfully, expressing an idea in this coun- trv ill rrely ~,nut iue in nhxvgircu1dangr.r1But though, so in America we have activists and sensitive citizens to enforce the rules. People with unpopular or unconventional opinions on religion and especially race are better off avoiding the topics in public. In the same category are people who are prone to saying things without thinking them through. There are no thoughtless mistakes, just racist people. The culture I'm talking about makes it nearly impossible for people to honestly debate sensi- tive issues in public. That's counterproductive. Since the Enlightenment, liberal Western societies have resolved disputes and questions through open discussion. If an idea that Islam is a violent religion, that genetics might account for differences in gender equality, that affirma- tive action does more harm than good is wrong, then rational argument or science will prove it wrong. If we as a society want to discredit patently false ideas like Irving's, destroying his arguments in the open is a far better option than silencing him with orison. Sunligrht. a reotypes; few come away knowing how to engage those who don't agree or don't under- stand. Maybe that's because the University was until recently in the habit of threatening those people with suspension under its speech code. The effect of all this seems to be a cam- pus that is shamefully self-segregated and too nervous to talk about it. This is why progressives, especially on this campus, should realize that their goals are best served by putting the politics of offense behind them and embracing liberalism. If an idea upsets you, rather than attacking it as offensive, try to prove it wrong. It won't always be comfortable; it shouldn't be. In the interest of free debate, the Daily will continue to print cartoons that may occasion- ally offend you. That's an inevitable part of being a newspaper, and a campus newspaper especially should be a place where ideas are exchanged freely. It would be much easier for us to simply pull all cartoons that are poten- tiallv offensive. hut we would be doniz the