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January 10, 2006 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-01-10

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Tuesday,January 10, 2006

News 2 Dems grill Alito
as confirmation
hearings begin


Opinion 4
Sports 8

Rajiv Prabhakar
on racism
Venegoni: Young caps
off terrific season

One-hundredfifteen years ofedforzndfreedom
www.mic/ngandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVI, No. 51 62006 The Michigan Daily

State restores

last year's


The Big Eight
in University of Michigan salaries
Robert Kelch
Executive VP for Medical Affairs
t n~xUp $19,177
Last year's rank: 1

Faculty pay
can't compete

budget cuts

with Ivies

While University
administrators welcome
the reimbursement, they
maintain it's not enough
By Justin Miller
Daily Staff Reporter
The state will return $2.5 million
it cut from the University last spring.
Coupled with the $3.1 million it has
already given back, the state now has
restored the $5.6 million in cuts the
state made in the middle of 2005.
Despite the restoration, don't expect
your tuition bill to shrink.
Instead, the money will be used to
finish reimbursing a rainy-day savings
account the University used to bridge
the shortfall created by the cut.
The original state allocation to the
University in 2005 was $320.6, but the
state cut that amount to $315 million
midyear. With the latest restoration,
the University has in effect received
the original $320.6-million allocation.
The state plans to allocate $316.3
million dollars for 2006 - a decrease
that University officials say led to the
large 12.3 percent in-state and 6.9 per-
cent out-of-state tutition increases.
The University welcomed the res-
toration, but maintains the state needs
to put more money toward higher
University spokeswoman Kelly
Cuinningham said the University is
pleased to receive the $2.5 million, but
added that it's not enough.
"The one lump restoration is not
new money," she said in an e-mail.
l ka tllreiair far below its
previous coimiiment levels to higher

"The state still
remains far below
its previous
levels to higher
education funding"
- Kelly Cunnigham,
University spokeswoman
education funding."
The money will come from a $318
million unexpected windfall of tax
revenue from 2005.
It is still unclear whether more
money in the state's coffers means a
stop to higher education cuts.
It is too soon to tell, said Greg Bird,
spokesman for the State Budget Office.
Bird called the surplus a one-titme
shot of revenue due to unexpected
gains in tax revenue last year.
Bird said $120 million of the gen-
eral fund's surplus will be used to pay
for tax cuts passed by the Legislature.
How the remaining money will be
spent has not yet been determined,
Bird said.
More insight into the state's budget
priorities will come next month when
Gov. Jennifer Granholm presents her
budget to the Legislature.
Bird said the state would still have
to be cautious on how it proceeds with
the budget because of economic uncer-
tainties like layoffs in the automotive
-'sector and how much Michigan w.ill,
receive from the next federal budget.

Mary Sue Coleman
v xUniversity President

t ..;,,.


Up $16,958
Last year's rank: 3

University faculty were given
an average salary increase of 3.7
percent, the highest in four years
By Michael Kan
Daily News Editor

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Allen Lichter
Medical School Dean
Up $11,709
Last years rank: 5
Robert Dolan
Dean, Business School

Last year's rank: 7
Douglas Strong
th Systems Interim Director
Up $13,422
Last year's rank: 9

li ::S

Bill Martin
Athletic Director
Up $57,680
Last year's rank: 28

Harvard, Stanford, Yale -
versity competes academically
the best schools in the country
But when the Universityc
faculty salary increases, it con
down to a bracket where publi
competitors and faculty salari
Medical School Prof. Charles
"It's like driving a Merced
of an economy car" said the
Senate Advisory Committee o
the executive arm of Unive
nance. "If you don't look at the
istrators, faculty salaries are i
This year the University ga
staff a modest salary increase
state funding cuts. Universit
aged a 3.7-percent increase in
for the 2006 fiscal year. Tha
highest in the past four years a
likely outpace the 2005 inflat
Administrators say the Un
offering competitive salary in
par with the country's best col
according to Koopman, who s
SACUA chair from 2002-200
all faculty salaries and ben-
efits don't measure up with
the top schools the Univer-
sity compares itself to.
According to the Ameri-
can Association for Univer-
sity Professors, in 2004-05
the highest paid full-time
professors at the Univer-
sity earned an average of
$120,200. Faculty salaries at
other public schools hovered
near the same; for example,
the highest paid professors
at the University of Califor-
nia at Los Angeles average
But salaries at private
schools are in a league of their
own. At Princeton University
the highest paid full-time pro
fessors earned $151,100, abou
25 percent higher than at th

- whenever the Uni-
y, it compares itself to
competes at offering
veniently brings itself
c schools are the only
ies are far lower, said
es Benz ... at the cost
former chair of the

A list of the salaries of all the University's
employees is available at michigandaly.com.
With the quality of University faculty compa-
rable to top private colleges like Harvard, Koop-
mann said the University should be compensating
its instructors with a salary equivalent to those
"We are going to compete academically with the
elite private schools. But we are going to compete
salary-wise with public schools. That's what I call
cherry-picking," he said.
And although the University is facing state budget
cuts, Koopman said administrators are choosing to
use campus financial resources for the construction
of buildings that could be diverted to increase

n University Affairs, faculty salaries.
rsity faculty gover- ,K Administrators said they
e salaries of admin- v;See SALARY,
nadequate." - 9Page 7
ive its faculty and
despite repeated,/4'fa l y a e - w:' ,
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Zelda Geyer-Sylvia
Up $9,892
Last year's rank: 10

:;; 3i

Lloyd Carr
Head Football Coach
Up $7,757
Last year's rank; 12

LSA junior attacked outside Big Ten

Victim suffers coma,
permanent hearing loss
By Drew Philp
Daily Staff Reporter
Since waking up from a three-
day coma after being the victim
of an aggravated assault, an LSA
junior and local police are asking

the University community to come
forward with any information
regarding his attackers.
The victim, who wished to
remain anonymous for fear of fur-
ther harassment,' was found in a
snow bank during the early morn-
ing hours of Dec. 14 on the 700
block of Packard Street and was
transported to the University Hos-

See page 7 for a police sketch of the
pital for treatment, said Michael
Anderson of the Ann Arbor Police
Police have no suspects or leads
in the case, and they are hoping
someone who saw the incident

or recognizes the artist's render-
ing will come forward with more
The incident began at Big Ten
Burrito, a local restaurant, when
four men entered the building and
began to harass the victim and a
friend while they waited in line for
food. Someone's hat was knocked
See AS$AOLT, Page 7

Former YMCA patron Patron David Noel attends an Ann Arbor City
Council meeting yesterday night.
City moves former

MLK opener links King's
teachings to business world

Y residents to


Some residents upset
that they are being moved
outside of Ann Arbor
By Ben Beckett
Daily Staff Reporter
City Council unanimously
approved a measure last night to
move about 90 former residents of
the Ann Arbor YMCA to an apart-

said he was worried he would have a
hard time traveling to his doctors, all
of whom have offices in Ann Arbor.
He also complained that the city
had been unclear about his need to
pay part of the hotel bill and said he
is in debt as a result..
The former residents paid $380 per
month for their hotel rooms under
the arrangement.
They YMCA residents make an
average of about $11,000 per year,

Professor says consumerism
may be effective way to
combat world poverty
Jacqueline E. Howard
Daily Staff Reporter
Most wouldn't combine the teachings of
Martin Luther King Jr. with corporate strat-
Business School Prof. C. K. Prahalad used
the opening speech of the 19th annual Dr.
Martin Luther King Symposium to do exact-
ly that.
L7:.- - - - -- l - -.mnLoi.nt i s rn

Jaipur Foot, an Indian company that is the
world's largest prosthetic provider, tailors its
products to the poor.
The average prosthetic leg costs $8,000 in
the United States; in India, the Jaipur Foot
costs $20.
"How can the poor spend money?" Pra-
halad said. "We must create the capacity to
consume. Thus, make easy payments, ( have)
access to credit, create ... services so consum-
ers can pay per use and directly distribute."
This unique way of viewing the poor as
consumers provided business school senior
Sunita Mohanty a new way to study corpo-
rate strategy.

. i


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