Friday, February 17, 2006 News 2 Kofi Annan calls for U.S. to close prison at Guantanamo Bay Opinion 4 Jesse Singal is troubled by torture S HOOPS DROPS L3TH STRAIGHT .. PORTS, P . One-hundredfifteen years of editorialfreedom Arts 8 'Life + Death' comes to Duderstadt - - - -- ---------- - -------- - - - ---------------------- e Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 78 02006 The Michigan Daily 'U' center a little-known resource for depression CAPS may not be enough for some students' mental health needs By Carissa Miller Daily Staff Reporter The first places many students turn for help are Counseling and Psychological Services and the Uni- versity Health System. But for individuals experiencing symptoms of severe mental illness such as depression or bipolar disorder, these general service offices might not be enough. Although they might not know it, students have one of the country's best resources for mental health coun- seling at their fingertips. The University of Michigan Depression Center is the country's only comprehensive depression center. It formed in 2001 to focus clinical and research efforts on. the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of depression in college students. "The age of onset tends to be when an individual is a young adult," said John Greden, the center's director and chair of the Psychiatry Department. "(An individu- al's) general vulnerability can be made worse by drugs, alcohol and loss of sleep, which are common stresses during the college years." The depression center draws from numerous dis- ciplines and departments, including the medical and nursing schools, public policy, social work and psy- chology, to combat depression and bipolar disorder. In addition to its clinical services, the center con- ducts extensive research on the possible causes and impact of depression on college-age students. Previous studies have addressed seasonal depression, the effects of sleep deprivation on mood, academic- and trauma- based stress and social stigma about mental illness. "We are changing public awareness, but we still have a lot of work to do," Greden said. Besides the greater visibility of services such as CAPS and UHS, Greden said students' lack of knowl- edge about the center might stem from the inadequate attention to depression in our society. Depression is underdiagnosed and undertreated, he said, which may contribute to the misunderstanding and stigma of the disease. Each year, the center invites representatives from academic institutions around the country to speak on issues of mental health and counseling services at the Depression on College Campuses conference. The event allows students, administrators and faculty from the University to learn what mental illness services are available at other campuses and how the University might improve its care. "The conference has opened up a dialogue for these issues and how colleges should deal with depression and other mental illness," said Psychiatry Prof. Rachel Glick, who served as co-chair of the conference. "Any- thing we can do as a community to help support our student body is really important, and this only gets accentuated when there is a loss or disasters" The theme of the 2006 conference, scheduled for Mar. 21 and 22, relates to the ways a campus com- munity copes with the immediate and lasting mental impact of crises, such as Hurricane Katrina, September 11, suicides and fires. The event, co-sponsored by the Michigan Center for Public Health Preparedness, will feature speakers with first-hand experience in dealing with disasters and traumatic loss on college campuses. One of this year's scheduled speakers is Victor Schwartz, director of Yeshiva University's Counsel- ing Center and former chief psychiatrist at New York University. Schwartz's previous work has frequently focused on the mental health of college students. See CENTER, page 7 Site helps students find their fnends Engineering student hopes one day to be mentioned in same sentence as other U' alums who invented Google, iPod By Kelly Fraser Daily Staff Reporter Google. The iPod. One of these is not like the others. The first two are well-known innovations by University alums. The third isn't a household term. Yet. Engineering junior Daniel Feldman hopes to one day elevate the site to status. Feldman is creator of, a prototype of a website that lets users input their location and activity onto maps of common campus study areas so that their friends can find them. Feldman aims to add his site to the ranks of household technology that shares University roots. The site is also registered as Live Bursting with enthusiasm, Feldman described it as "a buddy list times one million" that will use location-based technology to connect students "in the right now." With an account available to anyone with a University uniqname, users can post or find study groups and mass meetings. They can also track their friends' status. Privacy is the biggest hurdle for the site, Feld- man said. He said trial users were at first skeptical of the tracking technology, but were comforted by the site's login and ability to restrict accessible infor- mation to only a list of approved friends. Rackham student Jeff Powers agreed security is key to the technology's success. "The huge thing is that even if you can build (the technology), people are really concerned with privacy," he said. "If you can solve that problem, maybe you'll be the next big thing." The website began as a group term project for Engineering Prof. Elliot Soloway's course on the applications of mobile technology. Soloway, who also taught Google co-creator Larry Page and iPod inventor Tony Fadell, chal- lenges students to design their project around a problem they see and work to solve it themselves. Soloway doesn't interfere with the process. "It allows students to let their imaginations go and solve problems," he said. "They work much harder in that context." Soloway said that unlike sites developed by adults for college students, as a student-managed site, is uniquel tailored to students. "We are starting with the university audience because it is an audience that we know really well," Feldman said. Feldman plans to keep the site design general enough to be transferable to other universities or for use at business conferences. He originally envisioned the site as a method to con- nect students in the same classes in study groups, but said the site can also serve as a social tool. "There are thousands of students on campus of the same age, with the same classes, and similar interests," the site's introduction says. "This cam- pus has an incredible amount of untapped social potential." Now that detailed maps of the Shapiro Undergraduate Library are complete, Feldman and his team are working to add more maps, See WEBSITE, page 7 Against a backdrop of him and his father, Steve Ford, son offormer President Gerald Ford, a University alum, speaks at the Gerald R. Ford Library yesterday about the First Family's relationship with the media. Ford's son talks on media, first -families Steve Ford's speech launches new exhibit called 'Prime Time Presidents' By EkJyot Saini Daily Staff Reporter Stumbling onto the stage, Steve Ford hoped to make a point about the media and perception. "It's every boy's dream to grow up and be like his father," he jokingly said. Amid laughs from the audience, Ford launched into a story about his father, for- mer President Gerald Ford, and how the media characterized him as clumsy after he stumbled on a flight of stairs when making his way off a plane in Austria. The younger Ford noted that his father was not clumsy but a star football player during his days at the University. Steve Ford spoke to a packed crowd at the University's Gerald R. Ford Presi- dential Library yesterday about the role of the media and its impact on his family during his father's time in office to help launch a new exhibit at the library called "Prime Time Presidents." The exhibit consists of video clips, pho- tographs and documents about the expand- ing relationship between television and presidential families. Joshua Cochran, an archives techni- cian, said television is synonymous with memorable moments of. presidencies, and the library wanted to highlight those moments. Many of the video clips on display are some of the lighter moments of interaction between presidents and the media. Exam- ples include former first lady Betty Ford's appearance on the Mary Tyler Moore Show as well as President Ford hosting Saturday Night Live with his press secretary, Ronald See STEVE FORD, page 7 . Workers describe 1 ife in sweatshops Gifts push museum toward renovation SOLE brings workers to tell stories about manufacturing University apparel By Katerina Georglev Daily Staff Reporter Move over, Coca-Cola. Students Organizing for Labor and Economic Equality targeted Univer- "SweatFree" campaign to persuade the University to adopt a policy that would force licensees that produce University apparel to source only from specified factories. The approved factories pay work- ers a living wage and allow them to unionize. Duke University, George- town University and the University of Wisconsin at Madison are among the many universities that are now follow- ing such a policy. The speakers relayed their experi- University alums have contributed $6.5 million to UMMA since December By Michael Coulter For the Daily The University of Michigan Muse- um of Art has taken a leap toward completing its campaign to raise $35.4 million to more than double its size. Since December, UMMA has received over $6.5 million in gifts from University alums, including A. Alfred Taubman, the namesake of the Announced in June 2004, the expanded and renovated museum will include classrooms, a common area, a computing site, a larger gift shop, facilities for the creation of art and an auditorium that seats 225 people. UMMA Director James Stewart said the renovations will make the museum "a more compelling envi- ronment." Stewart, who has been the act- ing director for the past eight years, said the food provided in the com- mon area and the wi-fi computer site will attract students to the museum because it will be "a cooler place to hang out." I