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February 10, 2006 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-02-10

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 10, 2006 - 3

ON CAMPUS Son of radicals to
SJournalist to sekra t
- aterspeoa read at LShaman
fter screening of
film about her life

----.----- v I A A A 1

Students of Color of Rackham will
screen "The Agronomist" at 6 p.m. as part
of their 16th annual conference. The film
is based on the life experiences of award-
winning journalist Michele Montas, for-
mer editor in chief of Radio Haiti.
The screening will take place on the
4th floor amphitheatee of Rackham.
Trotter to hold
workshop on
partnership building
The Trotter Multicultural Center will
sponsor a workshop tomorrow at 6 p.m.
to discuss the importance of partnership
building. The workshop is geared toward
organizations who want to apply for the
Trotter Community Grant, which gives
money to student groups putting on events
to promote diversity.
The workshop will take place in Wil-
liam Monroe Trotter House, and anyone
who is interested can attend.
Three bands to
jam in East Quad
The East Quad Music Co-op is host-
ing a night of live music at the Halfway
Inn in East Quadrangle Residence Hall
tonight. The event features three bands:
Slumber Party, Showdown at the Equator
and Marie & Francis. The event begins
at 9:30 p.m. The entrance to the venue is
on Church Street between Willard and
Hill. The cost for the show is $5.

Author was raised by
members of Weather
Underground, studied as
Rhodes scholar
By Jack Russo
Daily Arts Writer
When Chesa Boudin was barely
over a year old, both of his parents
- David Gilbert and Kathy Boudin
of the Weather Underground - were
imprisoned for their part in the
infamous Brink's armored car rob-
bery, where two police officers and
a guard were killed and the radical
1970s group lost the last shred of its
romantic-outlaw image.
Boudin was raised by Bernadine
Dohrn and Bill Ayers, two fel-
low members of the Students for a
Democratic Society offshoot who
resurfaced a year before the rob-
bery. Boudin graduated from Yale
as a Rhodes scholar in 2002.
Boudin, whose story partly
inspired River Phoenix's charac-
ter in the 1988 film "Running on
Empty," will come to Ann Arbor's
Shaman Drum Bookshop to intro-
duce his new book, "The Venezuelan
Revolution: 100 Questions - 100
Answers," today at 7 p.m.
Boudin lived in Venezuela for
one year. He was researching Latin
American public policy as part of
his master's degree from Oxford
While in Venezuela, he studied
President Hugo Chavez's use of oil
to undermine U.S. influence.
"Chavez fought to take control
(of Venezuela's oil), to serve as a
tool effective in making a multipo-

lar world," he said.
Boudin's story starts in the
1960s, when a more militant fac-
tion of the student activist orga-
nization Students for Democratic
Society, the Weather Underground,
was formed.
His revolutionary background, he
said, led to his writing the book.
"Here in the U.S., we have a repre-
sentative democracy where we elect
officials to make decisions for us,"
Boudin said. "In Venezuela, there
is a participatory democracy. It was
amazing to see this. Opposition of
parties are more polarized. Parties
are more bitter rivals, and this was
inspiring to me."
"The Venezuelan Revolution" is an
introduction to Venezuela's political
processes during the last 10 years.
"It's a wide range of information
in an easy to read format," Boudin
Another of his books is called
"Letters from Young Activists,"
which he helped edit.
The anthology was assembled for
young people to express their visions
of a better future, Boudin said.
"If you watch mainstream media,
(the) young seem apathetic ... dis-
enfranchised," he said. "Given the
opportunity, we have opinions and
we've been given all kinds of prob-
lems from our parents' generation."
He is excited about returning to
Ann Arbor.
"My dad went to the University
of Michigan, my grandparents met
there and my brother got married
there," he said. "For me, it's kind of
like a second home."
Tonight's reading will be followed
by a discussion and book signing.

Biker T-shirt stolen tameOf

Lexis Nexis
simplifies search

now Y w om IN V rV/n\/


from ER patient

A white T-shirt with a BMW motor-
cyle emblem on it and $20 were stolen
from a patient in the University Hos-
pital Emergency Room Wednesday at
about 5:30 p.m., the Department of Pub-
lic Safety reported.
implants lifted
from hospital
Twelve collagen implants were
reported stolen from a University
clinic in Livonia Wednesday at 2 p.m.
Wednesday, according to DPS. The
value of the implants is estimated at
Police currently have no suspects but
think the implants could have been sto-
len as early as last month.
Chemical reaction
sets fire to
garbage can
A trash can was ignited in the Chemis-
try Building on Wednesday, DPS reported.
The fire started after someone threw a
chemical wipe into the trash and the chem-
icals on the wipe reacted with chemicals in
the trash can. The fire was put out with an
extinguisher before it caused any damage.
In Daily History
Inaugural class
selected for
Residential College
Feb. 10, 1967 - The University's
Residential College at the University
has chosen its inaugurating class. Two
hundred students were awarded spots in
the highly competitive program. They
were selected from more than 1,600
applicants. The students first had to
gain admittance to the literary college,
and then file a separate application with
the RC.
The RC, which will open its doors
next fall, is designed to be a "college
within a college." The school will offer
students the atmosphere of a small liberal
arts institution combined with all of the

_ j
On third video, Ann
Arbor native urges U.S.
government to act quickly
napped American journalist Jill Carroll
appeared in a video aired yesterday on a
private Kuwaiti TV channel, appeal-
ing for her supporters to do what-
ever it takes to win her release and
saying "there is a very short time."
Carroll was shown in the black-
and-white video wearing an Islamic
headscarf, sitting on a chair in front
of a wall with a large floral design.
She spoke to the camera in a firm
voice, without weeping as she did
on a previous video.
"I am here. I am fine. Please just do
whatever they want, give them what-
ever they want as quickly as possible,"
she said, adding she was speaking on
Feb. 2, nearly a month after she was
abducted by armed men in Baghdad.
"There is a very short time. Please do
it fast. That's all."
The 22-second video was aired
on Al Rai TV, a private Kuwaiti
channel. It included audio, unlike
two previous videos of Carroll.
The video was delivered ear-
lier yesterday to Al Rai's Baghdad
office and was aired in its entirety,
Hani al-Srougi, an editor at the sta-
tion, told The Associated Press.
It was accompanied by a letter writ-
ten by the 28-year-old freelancer.
The newscaster said on the air
that the station would hand the let-
ter over to authorities but did not
specify whether they would give it
to Kuwait or American officials.
The station said it would not dis-
close the letter's contents.
In Baghdad, a U.S. Embassy
spokesman Dennis Culkin said yes-
terday that American authorities
routinely do not comment on such
tapes, especially before they have
been authenticated.
In the tape, Carroll mentions the
letter and suggests that her captors
sent a letter in her handwriting pre-
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Users can
now search for
congressional bills and
laws by index number
Thanks to a revamping of a popular
electronic database, though, students
may be able to locate the information
they need quickly and efficiently.
Lexis Nexis aims to make its Con-
gressional database more accessible
to first-time users by simplifying the
basic search options and sorting the
results by date and house.
Launched last month, the redesign
also adds a search-by-number feature

"My big problem with the new
interface is an oversimplified initial
search screen," she said.
"Most database users tell the pro-
ducers they want something, but often
the search screens are too simple."
York recommends students skip to
the advanced search screen, which,
contrary to popular belief, is not more
difficult to use, she said.
"The advanced search is more
informative and often as easy to use
(as the basic search)," York said.
Because the search combines mul-
tiple categories on the first screen,
York said it can be difficult to distin-
guish between congressional commit-

that allows users
to search congres-
sional bills and
laws by their index
The University
is a Lexis Nexis
subscriber, mean-
ing all affiliates
with a valid uniq-
name have access
to the site through
the library's data-
With the rede-
sign, the Universi-
ty also has access
to the database's
U.S Serial Set
Digital Collec-
tion - an archive

"The advanced
search is more
informative and
often as easy
to use (as the
basic search)."
- Grace York
Coordinator, University
library documents center

tee reports and laws.
The site's designers
as well as professors
hope students who
would normally use
Google or other basic
search engines will
be encouraged to use
Lexis Nexis instead.
Given that the rede-
sign has only recently
been introduced,
Law School librarian
Aimee Mangan said
'she hasn't noticed any
changes in students'
research techniques
so far. But she added
that Google users
would probably find
the new Lexis Nexis

Former French hostage Florence Aubenas, left, with Christian Science
Monitor European bureau chief Peter Ford, right, addresses reporters on
the Human Rights square yesterday in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris dur-
Ing a demonstration organized by 'Reporters without Borders,' to support
American reporter Jill Carroll.

viously. It was the first report of any
letters from Carroll.
"I am with the mujahadeen (holy war-
riors). I sent you a letter written by my
hand, but you wanted more evidence,
so we are sending you this letter now to
prove I am with the mujahadeen," she
Armed men abducted Carroll on Jan. 7
in Baghdad, killing her Iraqi translator.
On Jan. 30, Al-Jazeera television
broadcast a video showing Carroll weep-
ing as she appealed for the release of
female Iraqi prisoners.
The name of the group that has
claimed responsibility for her abduction,
the Revenge Brigades, appeared on that
. On Jan. 17, A1-Jazeera aired a
video released by the Revenge Bri-
gades showing Carroll - her head
bare, and her long straight brown

hair parted in the middle - and set-
ting a Jan. 20 deadline for the release
of all female prisoners in Iraq. The
group threatened to execute her
unless their demands were met.
A producer at Al-Jazeera said the
station did not receive any letters
with the videos it aired.
Late last month, the U.S. military
freed five Iraqi women detainees,
but American officials insisted the
release was not linked to the demand
by Carroll's abductors.
The U.S. military was believed
be holding about six more. It was
unclear how many women were held
by Iraqi authorities.
Some 250 foreigners have been
taken captive since the 2003 U.S.-
led invasion that toppled Saddam
Hussein, and at least 39 have been

of over 325,000 congressional docu-
ments dating back to 1789.
Grace York, coordinator of the
University library's document center,
said the new format is easier for users
who are unfamiliar with the search
process but experienced researchers
might have trouble adjusting to the
slimmer search options.

more accessible.
LSA junior Scott Cederbaum, who
uses the site as a political science and
history major, said he is excited that
the new search will eliminate unre-
lated results.
"I've always thought (Lexis Nexis
has) been a pretty good resource for
finding resources," he said.

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