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January 06, 2006 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2006-01-06

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 6, 2006 - 7

Continued from page 1
said. "We stand in the tradition of the
slandered. We assume we will be slan-
dered in the way previous civil rights
movements have been slandered."
Massey said it was "absolutely not"
out of the question for BAMN to dis-
rupt the next meeting as it had the last
"When racists are trying to make
an attack on the progress of minorities
and women and do it on the basis of
lying and deceit, there will be some
raucousness to be had," he said.
DeGrow said she supported the
protesters' presence, but not their dis-
ruptive behavior.
"I don't believe Rosa Parks ever went
into a room and raised her voice or
disrupted a public meeting," she said.
"People listened when she spoke, not
because when she demonstrated she
shouted out the other participants."
The time and location of the
next meeting have yet to be decid-.
* ed.

Continued from page 1
said Ypsilanti Deputy Police Chief Matt Hershberger.
Investigators are in the process of reviewing video-
tapes of a bus stop where a police canine tracked the
scent of the suspect.
Police believe the incidents may be connected but
say it is too early to tell.
"There are similarities between cases, but there are
differences also," Hershberger said. He said Ypsilan-
ti police are requesting DNA analysis from the state
of Michigan but added that it will take time for the
results to be returned. Because the tests will be con-
ducted in a Michigan state laboratory, other cases may
take higher priority.
"We are doing anything and everything we can to
stop this," said EMU spokeswoman Ward Mullens.
EMU has strengthened its security in recent months
in light of the sexual assaults -beefing up its DPS
force with six new student officers, increasing lighting
on campus, and communicating to the University com-
munity the importance of taking safety precautions.
This month EMU is offering a self-defense course.
It has also attempted to spread the word about Student
Eyes and Ears for University Safety, an escort system
that is comparable to the University's S.A.F.E. walk

Ypsilanti is borders Ann Arbor to the west.
University of Michigan DPS spokeswoman Diane
Brown said that although the majority of sexual assaults
on campus are committed by a prior acquaintance,
students should take precautions to protect themselves
on and around campus. She advised students to stick
to well-lit areas, to never walk alone and to be aware
of the more than 130 blue light phones placed around
campus and in the parking structures. These phones
ring directly into the DPS public safety center.
Willis said the rapes drove home the importance of
standard safety precautions.
"After the incident I have been much more careful,"
Willis said. "I always park under lights and have my
keys in my hand."
Brown suggests that students should program the
DPS phone number into their cell phones for emergen-
cies on campus because a call to 911 from a non-cam-
pus phone will be answered by the Ann Arbor Police
then relayed to DPS - costing valuable time that
could be saved by calling DPS directly, Brown said.
She also suggested that students utilize the S.A.F.E
Walk service, which provides a walking escort for any
member of the University community at any time.
The phone number for DPS emergencies is 763-1131
and S.A.F.E. Walk can be reached at 763-9255.

Continued from page 1
ulation in the United States.
Out-of-country voting took place
in 15 countries including Australia,
Canada, England and Jordan.
But not everyone took part in the
voting process. LSA senior Sayf Al-
katib and his father decided not to.
"Before I can feel comfortable
about voting, I want to understand
why we're in theksituation we're in
right now," Al-katib said. "I feel
like President Bush is advertising
the election in a way to distract the
American people from the real issues
of our involvement in Iraq."
Al-katib also said elections in Iraq
are being used to distract the public
from probing Bush's faulty argument
that weapons of mass destruction and
terrorist ties made war with Iraq nec-
"I think my biggest reason for not
voting is that I feel that this election is
more of a tool to justify going to war
with Iraq in the first place," he said.
"I obviously am deeply concerned
with the future of Iraq. However,
I feel that my right to vote is being
granted solely as a political tool to
gain support for the war."
He added that the last time he vis-
ited the country was 11 years ago,
which detaches him from the situa-
Once results are announced, two-
thirds of the National Assembly of
Iraq must vote on a president, who
must then ask the majority party to
appoint a prime minister and other
high officials.

A broken lock in a student residence on Sybil Street.
Holiday breakzlz
,lague officampus
student houses

Continued from page 1
"There are always cops around
Nykaza and her housemate and
recent graduate Caitlin Lackie noted
that the burglars had some odd hab-
"A jar full of change was sto-
len but the (burglar) left the cup it
was in," Lackie said. "He must have
dumped it out."
Lackie, who also reported her
computer stolen, said the burglar
had not taken her USB cable with
the computer but instead laid it out
on top of her desk..
Awood, who lives in the same
apartment building as Nykaza and
Lackie, said the only item stolen was
a laptop, while a DVD player, televi-
sion and computer keyboard had not
been touched.
A resident of a house that was bur-
glarized over the break, who wished
not to be named because of the pos-
sibility of another break-in, said all
of her doors were locked and dead-
bolted during the break.
"They broke in the side door. I
think they used a crowbar to pry the
door open," she said.
The student said the burglars used
something to pry open the locked
door to her room and to move her

"A jar full of change
was stolen but
the robber left the
cup it was in."
- Caitlin Lackie,
recent graduate whose
apartment was
Burglarized during
winter break.
desk to reach her computer.
Because the burglars did not rum-
mage through her room, the student
said she does not feel less safe.
"They didn't look for anything
besides my computer," she said. "It
would have been a lot different if my
room would have been torn up."
Awood said she doesn't feel safe
at all since the theft. She had locked
her doors and windows locked and
blames the thefts on easily break-
able doors and accessible upstairs
"The doors are just plywood boxes
- very sketchy," Awood said.
- Anne VanderMey
contributed to this report

the michigan daily
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For Friday, Jan. 6, 2006
(March 21 to April 19)
You want to help a friend today.
Perhaps you want to lend your efforts to
a group. Do whatever you can to help
someone in a way that makes you feel
fulfilled and worthwhile.
(April 20 to May 20)
You're willing to put somebody else's
needs before your own today. Your ide-
alism is aroused. You feel useful in giv-
ing somebody else (perhaps a parent) a
(May 21 to June 20)
This is a wonderful day to join in any
group effort that brings benefit to others.
You want to feel that your life makes a
difference in the lives of others. Your
motivation to do so is all that is neces-
(June 21 to July 22)
Don't be modest about your nurturing
support for someone. You are a caring
person, and this counts for a lot in
today's world. (What is more important
than kindness?)
(July 23 to Aug. 22)
Your appreciation of beauty is aroused
today. Let yourself enjoy music, art and
the accomplishments of others. Your cre-
ative soul will sing!

can really benefit from your sympathetic
(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
Your approach to problems at work is
highly creative today. You're able to see
outside of the box. Trust your intuitive
solutions - others need them.
(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
You love classical knowledge, nature
and decency among others. These quali-
ties might let you help children today.
Alternatively, you might use your talents
in a creative way!
(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
You understand the need for security
within the family dynamic. You appreci-
ate tradition. Look for opportunities to
help family members today. You can
make a difference.
(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
Your sign always wants to make the
world a better place. Talk to others and
network with people to find out how to
do this. Help a sibling if you can.
(Feb. 19 to March 20)
You're tempted to spend money on
something quite luxurious today. If you
can afford it, do it. (We all love our pre-
cious darlings.)
YOU BORN TODAY You are a per-
son who seeks the truth. You do this in
your ordinary. everyday life: you also do

The future Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy building, currently under
construction, will include classrooms for the new public policy program.

Continued from page 1
needed central space, Blank said.
Blank said one .of the goals of the
program is to train students to go into
public policy, but that is not the main
focus of the program.
"The primary goal is to train stu-
dents to be informed and intelligent
people in the world who are able
to relate to issues of public policy,"
Blank said.
Chamberlin said he has met many

that allows LSA students majoring in
a social science to complete a bach-
elor's degree and master's degree in
public policy in five years. According
to Blank, there are no plans to elimi-
nate the program, but some students
are worried that the new degree may
threaten the accelerated program in
the future.
"The B.A./MPP program is a proud
tradition and a terrific opportunity,"
Ball said. "In opening one new door for
students interested in public policy, the
Ford School should not close another

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