Tuesday January 31, 2006 arts. michigandaily. com artspage@michigandaily. com RTS 8 . . .. . . . ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. - . . . . . ... .............. .. . . . . ......... . VIOLENT 'HOUSE' ARREST LAWRENCE-LED SEQUEL EXPLORES NEW DEPTHS IN INANITY By Imran Syed Daily Arts Writer There comes a point in every man's life when he must stop what he's doing and re-evaluate his perspec- tive on the world and his place within it. Such a time came and went about five years ago for Hilton's nasty dynasty * somehow managed to go one column without mentioning her name, but celebutante Paris Hilton made her way back into the news with a libel suit filed by her ex-boyfriend's 40-something for- mer girlfriend. Already saddled with a reputation of not exactly being the brightest bulb on Broad- way, Hilton managed to outdo herself with her ignorance on the witness stand. Accord- ing to court documents obtained by www.tmz. corn, Hilton failed, in. all her experience, to master an understand- PU ing of international MA JN TT Martin Lawrence. While other funnymen chose to move on from slapstick to adult comedy, Lawrence decided to make a sequel to his 2000 "hit" "Big Momma's House" The lat- est in the unfortunate trend of bad movies leading to worse Big Momma's House 2 At the Showcase and Quality 16 20th Century Fox sequels, this one lacks any sense of comedy, passable storyline or respect for its poor audience's time. Malcolm Turner (Lawrence), the hapless soul who donned the Big Momma pads to bust a murderous rob- ber in the first film, returns to work on another asinine case for the FBI. Circumstances that are never really explained lead him to bust out the Big Momma threads once more and go "undercover" in the house of a sus- pected bad guy. This man is doing something that's bad for "homeland security." Of course, what, how or why is of little concern. At the house, Malcolm undergoes the usual transformations, has the conventional revela- tions and falls in love with the three kids, wondering why their father went so wrong. In all fairness, the film does have a heart. The kids are cute and Big Momma's antics to win their support are mildly endearing. But sentimentality only serves its purpose if it's handled with poise and gets across an even remotely heartwarming message. Such is not the case with "Big Momma's House 2." One minute we have Malcolm building a delicate rela- tionship with the eldest daughter, only to have a nude big momma plopping into a tub of mud a moment later. The story is a pointless, cyclical disaster. But perhaps the film's worst aspect is that it's not even the slightest bit funny. Even Martin Lawrence diehards will be hard pressed to make excuses for the guy; he seems to have lost every last hint of comedic surnames, explaining that an acquaintance had "a weird Greek name. Like Douglas." Even better, Hilton said, "I meet so many people. I don't even know some of my friends' names." In a minor achievement of sorts, Hilton didn't embarrass herself as greatly as her mother managed to recently. Her youth and lime- light-obsessed mother did her best impression of her scantily clad daughters, and was pictured at a nightclub (she's in her 40s) com- pletely trashed and wearing a see- through shirt. The incident will likely lead to large groups of young boys search- ing for pictures of Paris and unex- pectedly finding out what happens when gravity and age take their toll on the female body. In related over-the-hill celebrity news, Aaron Spelling, creator of "Beverly Hill 90210" and a litany of other soap operas regularly occupy- ing soccer moms everywhere, was charged with sexual harassment this past week. His nurse alleged that Holly- wood's favorite octogenarian was a little too grabby with her (and himself), fondling her breasts, masturbating in front of her, asking for oral sex and "talking about his own sexual liasons with actresses" (please say no, Jennie Garth), lead- ing to retina-burning mental images and yet another reason to avoid Court TV at all costs for the next few months. In a surprising twist of fate, the caretaker was later involved in a devastating car accident that left her in a coma, and is reportedly pregnant with Spelling's lovechild - a child destined to grow up with no mother and exact his revenge against the Spell- ing family by purposefully botching Tori Spelling's eventual face lift, lead- ing her to wear a bandage around her head and going into seclusion because of horrific scarring. Or something like that. I might be wrong. The slightly more stoned IT Aaron, Aaron Sorkin of ,00 "West Wing" fame, will return to television with a highly anticipated series follow- ing the behind-the-scenes action of a "Saturday Night Live"-type show. Sorkin, notoriously famous for his apprehension with hallucinogen- ic mushrooms at an airport, signed D.L. Hughley, Steven Weber and fellow former drug addict Matthew Perry for the show. Twice as bloated and half as funny since his "good" years on "Friends," Perry finally has the funds to restart the expensive habit he was forced to quit. (Sadly, "Friends" residuals can only get you so much high-quality coke and Vicodin.) And finally, in a Hollywood-imi- tating-college turn of events, Us Weekly reports that Jessica Simp- son was seen performing a sup- posed "walk of shame" in a men's shirt from the Chateau Marmont to her friend's car after a night with Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine. Considering Levine's burgeoning popularity and the death of soon- to-be ex-hubbie Nick Lachey's sing- ing career, maybe Jessica's upgrade should be called a "stride of pride." Slowly but surely,. she's on her way to sleeping with three-star talent. Ah, that's ambition we should all aspire to. Mattoo out. - Mattoo is a future biographer of the Hilton sisters and world- champion gossip. E-mail him at mattoop@umich.edu. A Courtesy of 20th Century Fox A Oddly enough, the most disturbing thing here is the hair. swagger he once had. Without any real snaps to dish out, what remains of Lawrence is a 400-pound blob of rubber, babbling incoherently and desperately clinging to the Hollywood relevance he once had. The supporting cast does little to help their ineffec- tive star. Nia Long's role as Malcolm's love interest is trimmed considerably from the first film, and she seems to serve little purpose in this story at all. Gone are the two top-notch character actors that somehow wandered into the first film - Terrence Howard ("Hustle and Flow") and Paul Giamatti ("Cin- derella Man") - both of whom, incidentally, are likely to receive Oscar nods this morning. But then again, both were unknowns when they made "Big Momma's House," so maybe this sequel will cata- pult some unknowns to fame too. Come to think of it, that Eduardo Renta was absolutely stellar as "Club Bad Guy #2" - maybe he'll turn out to be the next Tom Hanks. Wouldn't that put a nice, shiny wrapper on the pile of debris that is "Big Momma's House 2"? I OVER 65,000 PEOPLE. ONE COMMON PURPOSE. ; ff_5At Caterpillar, people from different backgrounds and experiences are united by a common goal: reaching our highest potential. That's what allows us to make progress possible in over 200 countries worldwide. SUnlimit yourself at www.catcareers.com. I