v w
insi dA
3B The Dish
David Brandon discusses
Domino's pizza and running
for University regent
4B Pig's Past
The Blind Pig owner talks
about the venue's history,
muSical and otherwise.
5B In My Own Words
International stude SntSg
DO Lee experiences many
dfutilies while stding iaii
a world away from home.
6B Balancing Act
The University does its
best to help hundreds of
student athites graduate
despite countless hours of
prtaige, ames an travel
10B Media Column
Kristin MacDonald pon-
ders why all interviews of
starlets sound the same.
10B Campus Life Column
Mark Giannotto calls for the
standardization of rules in
a popular drnking game.
11B Random Student Interview
The random isn't very happy
with his friend Jamie, and he
doesn't know Tony Blair.
12B Point/Counterpoint
The GI. Joes and Ninja Turtles
battle over pot and booze.
Magazine Editor: Doug Wernert
Cover Art: Peter Schottenfels
Photo Editor: Ali Olsen
Designer: William Couch
Editor in Chief: Jason Z. Pesick
Managing Editor: Alison Go
From The Editor
This is it for me. I know
you're probably sick of
this little box and the
ridiculous picture that
always accompanies it,
but this is my last one. I
The whole point of
this magazine is to
look at issues that the
normal paper doesn't
have room for and to
present them in a way
that is not just facts,
but rather a piece of writing which has some kind
of slant and makes you think. Hopefully we've
done that with all of our big stories this year.
This week's cover is about the student athlete
treatment here at the University. Yes, they do get
some perks, but it's not a perfect situation for
them, either. The story breaks it all down and is
definitely worth reading.
Our other large story is about The Blind Pig, prob-
ably Ann Arbor's most famous music venue. The
Daily constantly reviews concerts that take place
there, but the piece focuses more on the history
and vibe of the building, which is what a great music
venue is all about.
We still have one more mass meeting, so if you're
still interested in working for The Statement or any
section of the paper, come by and get some infor-
mation. That's it. I'm retired.
Thanks for reading.
Doug Wernert, Magazine Editor
Random is skeptical
ByEvan M r fey / Daily Staff Writer
he Michigan Daily: Hi, is
Michael Jones there?
Random: Yeah, this is
TMD: Great news, you've been
selected to do the Random Student
Interview in the Michigan Daily, do
you have a few minutes?
R: Sure.
TMD: First question, how come
your phone number isn't 281-330-
R: Ha! It wasn't available in my
area code.
TMD:How do you feel about peo-
ple using AIM speak in normal con-
R: I think it's pretty stupid. People
are lazy and don't want to say the
whole word.
TMD: What are your alcoholic
and non-alcoholic drinks of choice?
R: Gin and tonic ... (silence)
TMD: ... and your non-alcoholic?
R: ... (extended silence) ... Hey,
you bitch... I know who this is! ...
TMD: Uh, Jamie? No. It's Evan,
the guy doing the random. But aren't
you Mike Jones? Aren't you supposed
to be surrounded by everyone else in
R: Shut your ass up Jamie! You're
such a bitch.
TMD: Do white people bore you?
R: Yes.
TMD: Is the bird flu the new
trendy virus?
R: Yeah, but I'm not scared.
TMD: So you're not scared by any
disease? I mean, you did write "Still
Tippin'." Mike, are you involved in
Greek life at all?
R: Yeah!
TMD: Okay, so how do you think
the Greek life at the University con-
trasts with the life of Greek people in
the real world?
R: What?
TMD: As a member of the Greek
community are you concerned with
Cyprus or a better relationship with
Turkey and Armenia?
R: Ummmmm ...
TMD: Peloponnesian War?
R: Jamie, dude, why are you doing
TMD: What's your activity of
choice on the weekend?
R: I don't know, just getting drunk
TMD: ... with Slim Thug and Paul
R: No.
TMD: What's your major?
R: Engineering.
TMD: What kind?
R: Don't know yet.
TMD: Who.is the president of
R: No idea.
TMD: Canada?
R: No idea.
TMD: Prime Minister of Eng-
R: No idea.
TMD: Wow ... Mexico, dude ...
you know that they share a huge bor-
der with us, right?
R: Yeah.
TMD: Just not interested?
R: Yeah, man.
TMD: So the football team had a
rough go of it this year, and Tennes-
see had a similarly woeful season.
Their head coach (Phil Fulmer) sent
a letter of apology to all season ticket
holders. What if Lloyd Carr offered a
back rub to each season ticket holder
after every loss?
R: Wow, that'd be pretty sweet.
TMD: What if you had the option
of a happy ending?
R: Dude, no!
TMD: What about from Kevin
R: No!
TMD: Max Pollock?
R: Dude, no way ... well, maybe
from Jamie ...
TMD: Okay, that's it, look for this
tomorrow ... WHO?
Don't get cma
with your pants
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2B - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 26, 2006
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