Thursday R TheSctigan Bailg iR arts. 5A My life with pod people h, hey! Hi! I mean, um, what's up? How's it going? Good? Oh, great ... really great. Um, listen - I was wondering if I could talk to you about, um, this issue I've been having. It's really been bothering me for a while now. You have so much more experience with this kind of thing. You seem so confident whenever I see you: hands in your pockets, strolling across campus with your head held high like you're in your own little world. It would mean a lot to me if I could just, you know, get this off my chest. I mean, I'm not proud of it, but I've finally grown to accept it. Are you ready? OK, here it goes: I really, really want an iPod. Oh God, that's a relief! I feel so much better now. ALEXA See, for the longest time, JON I didn't want one. That's what I told myself. When it first debuted, I thought it was a great idea. Expensive, but the iPod made up for its wince-induc- ing price tag with its utility. Finally, technology was being used to better the everyday lives of people in a tangible, seemingly incorruptible way: A new generation of music lovers, hav- ing long associated recorded music with their computers, could organize their illegally-downloaded MP3s alongside the content of every CD they had painstak- ingly uploaded. Not only that, the iPod was tiny, portable and created by Apple, a computer company whose enduring hip- ness could only be dreamt of by the likes of IBM or Dell. At first, iPods were the domain of music geeks and those with sufficient cash to shop out of SkyMall. But then, as with cell phones before them, iPods became de rigueur accessories, even for those whose CD collections were so small that they were easily portable on their own. Suddenly, the ultra-useful idea behind Apple's plastic albino wonder had been eclipsed by its functionality as an aes- thetic status symbol. Marketed correctly, the device's design proved to be just as magnetic to would-be trendsetters as its defin- ing concept had been to music geeks. Soon, urban hipsters and Midwestern college jocks alike sported the signa- ture white earbuds, just like the sil- houettes in the iPod's ads. Of course, it's idiotic to dislike some- thing just because it catches on with a larger crowd, and I think the iPod's sheer convenience would more than make up for the sting of (gasp!) conformity. It's not the luddite factor that keeps me from investing in a portable storage system for my oh-so-easily-scratched CDs, either. Ever since humans figured out that they could organize sound with objects other than their vocal chords, we've relied on technology to make instruments sound better. The same goes for the machines that capture and replay the music we make. Nobody complained when wax cylinders were replaced with 4DRA 78s or when those brittle S platters were replaced with durable vinyl LPs. kN vE For me, the source of the iPod's stigma has been linked to something much more diabolical than the sartorial implications of toting around a $300 status symbol. Owning, using and promoting the iPod and its slick companion app, iTunes, would seem to nullify the ritu- als that have surrounded my experienc- es as a listener. Venturing downtown to the independent record store located on Ann Arbor's campus; browsing through stacks of used and new discs of all sizes and material makeups; tak- ing a gamble on an album you heard about through a friend of a friend and finding a new favorite to revel in for the next few weeks. Even cover art, the iconic imagery that's simultaneously disposable and valuable to interpreting an album's content, gets lost when it's a minute graphic next to a list of tracks on your screen. I've always said I'll buy an iPod when the price for a basic model dropped below $150 (and no, the techno-evolu- tionary anomaly that is the iPod Shuffle doesn't count), but now that I've thought this through a little more, I'm not so sure. I'd rather blow $300 on a new stack of albums, anyway. - Jones will accept donations for her iPod fund at Courtesy of James Singleton The Hot 8 Brass Band will perform Friday at 8 p.m. at the Michigan Theater. BACK IN BRASS NEW ORLEANS' HOT 8 BRINGS HOPE AND MUSIC By LaToya Johnson Daily Arts Writer It's common knowledge that the devastation of New Orleans has been the center of much cul- tural and political controver- sy in the past six months. It's also no surprise that the city Hot 8 Brass still has a long way to go. Band But for now, New Orleans Friday at 8 p.m. is crooning to a new tune, $ g one provided by its own $10sedonation nine-member Hot 8 Brass Band, who will perform this At the Friday at 8 p.m. at the Mich- Michigan Theater igan Theater in conjunction with the charity Save Our Brass. New Orleans' newest band is helping to drown out the sound of tragedy with their rich Southern music. Save Our Brass was created by the members of Hot 8 Brass following Hurricane Katrina with the goal of revitalizing brass bands in New Orleans. Although the revival of New Orleans' brass bands is the main focus, the foundation has purposes beyond Hurricane Katrina relief, such as creating educational opportunities for the city's youth. The city struggles to repair itself and rebuild homes. But Save Our Brass remains a vital con- tributor in helping to keep the cultural traditions of New Orleans alive. The foundation also cre- ates job opportunities and gives New Orleans a positive, enduring image to display to the out- side world. Hot 8 Brass is not only helping to salvage their city and its musicians, but they are also gracing the rest of the country with a lineup consisting solely of horns. Their sound is raw and blasting, promising a high-energy show. Formed in 1995, the group was created by the merging of two different brass bands, Looney Tunes and High Steppers. Judging from the tracks off the group's newly released and highly acclaimed album, Rock with the Hot 8, unhindered funk, R&B and jazz can be expected. On their website, Arts at Michigan describes the band as having "a secret sound woven deep between the washed-away commu- nities and homes and families - for generations moving across these once beautiful streets- and just like that, all of it gone." Hot 8 brims with optimism and is more than ready to rock the nation as well as restore their city's spirit after the catastrophic events of the last few months. For 10 years Hot 8 Brass have performed in parades, festivals, urban juke joints and clubs in the Deep South. Despite going on tour, they are familiar faces in the city, performing at Second Line parades that regularly take place through- out inner-city New Orleans on Sundays, and are an important tradition for residents. The brass band sound is more than just music for the people who once walked the streets of New Orleans; it's a fundamental backbone of the culture and style of the city Hot 8 Brass Band is working so passionately to recover. A2 trio invades Halfass By Alexandra Jones Daily Arts Editor CONCERT PRFVIFW Next in the East concert series is a three of Ann Arbor's most inno- vative - and inno- vatively named indie groups. Gentle popsters Canada, free-form songsters Descent of the Holy Ghost Church and up- and-coming rock- ers Great Lakes Quad Music Co-op's lineup that includes The Descent of the Holy Ghost Church with Great Lakes Myth Society Friday at 9:30 p.m. At the Halfass writer Chris Bathgate explained how it happened. "While (Residential College student Jansen Swy and I) were at (New England Literature Project), we heard that Magnolia Electric Co. didn't have an opener yet," he said. Despite the fact that students aren't permitted to make or receive phone calls at NELP, Bathgate and Swy managed to secure the booking. Regarding the band's songwriting pro- cess, "It just sort of happens," Bathgate said. "Someone will bring A to the table, and then, when (trumpet player) Ross is on it, it becomes B; and when (drummer) Matt's on it, it becomes C, and it sort of gets further and further away from what it originally was." Descent's original incarnation was formed when a group of musicians record- ed an accompaniment to Swy's poetry for three solid days. Tracks from this seminal session can be found at www.myspace. com/thedescentoftheholyghostchurch. Bathgate is happy to perform as part of this trio of acts. "I'm excited to see (Canada) live," Bathgate said. "And Great Lakes Myth Society are probably the tightest local group that I've seen in the past year." "If you waltz in there, there'll be at least one group that you'll likely enjoy, even though we're very different bands," Bathgate said. DAILY ARTs. Go Tv www. TO READ OUR INTERVIEW WITH ARIES SPEARS, LEADING UP TO HIS STANDUP SHOW TONIGHT, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. WHO KNOWS? NExT WEEK, MAYBE WE'LL HAVE BRITNEY. I ....... . ...... - 11-1 1 IN Myth Society will pack the basement of East Quadrangle Residence Hall at the Halfass Friday night. The Descent of the Holy Ghost Church might not boast a large roster, but this combination of musicians - whose sonic palette includes guitar, drums, trumpet and accordion - has fused diverse influ- ences into a musical product that reflects the best the Ann Arbor scene has to offer. They've only existed since last sum- mer, but the band's career was kick-started with an auspicious performance opening for the alt-country Magnolia Electric Co. Art & Design student/Descent song- DISPLAY ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE )Coy The MIu5aK t a#4/! * Positions available during Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters " Start building your resume: " Sell Advertising to local and national businesses " Manage your own account territory " Earn money working with a student-run organization " Flexible hours that work around your class schedule " Management opportunities available L- - - - F I I MM: