6 - The Michi an Daily - Wednesday. January 25, 20C the michigan daily 0 -OMMOMM LOST: TI-83 PLUS graphing calculator (black), pic of Spiderman taped to inside of cover. 586.943.8852 or looieC umih.edu A P a t m e n A v a I b a r 2 a Q !!! 2 BDRM. APT. !!! Don't miss out on this opportunity. Very spacious, Ig. balcony in Ann Arbor's historic West Side! Avail. Immed. 741-9300. !!!!!SHORT TERM LEASE!!!!! 415 E. Hoover May-August lease. Furnished, heat & water, parking and FREE Internet. Let's make a deal! 761-8000 primesh.com !!!ANAZING !! Avail. Fall 2006.3-6 bedroom houses with all different locations and prices to choose from. Check us out on the web at www.campusmgt.com or call Justin at (734)663-4101 to arrange a personal show- ing. Don't miss out! !!!CORNER HOUSE APARTMENTS!!! 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. for Spring & Fall 2006. High ceilings, spectacular views & garage parking. 741-9300. www.annarborapartments.net !!1&2-BEDROOM APTS!! Great location at WALNUT & GEDDES, Just off South U! Furnished apts. w/ dwshr! Heat, water and prkg. incl. Don't miss out - Call today to make an appt. 734.668.1100 1350 GEDDES FURN. rms. for rent. Prkg. avail. $425-$500 per rm. 734475-2577. 1 & 2 Bdrm. Apts. On Catherine Fall 2006 Copi Properties 663-5609 1 & 2 Bdm. fum. apt. avail, at 402 Hill St. and 1313 S. State (w/ balcony). Avail. Sept. 2006. Ldry.,A/C, free prkg. Call 904-6735. 1 OR 2 bdrm. apt. 811 Packard. Fum. w. Balc. 2 prkg. No smkg., no pets. $790/mo. - 1 bdrm., $1140/mo. -2 bdrm. 734678-7068. 1-3 BEDROOM APTS.AVAILABLE Negotiable Rates Call PMSI 734-665-5552. 133 HILL ST. 3 bdrm., 1 study, I bath. 1st floor hse. $500/room/mo. 12 mo. fall lease. 1 bdrm. apt., 2nd floor. Private entrance. $800/mo. 12 or 16 mo. lease avail. 5/5/06. Ldry. & prkg.incl.Call 810-225-9351. 2006 RENTALS ADDRESS, BDRM., BATH., PRICE, TERM 1Am77zit g G~pcia/ on remaining .2005 APAR771FNT$ CONDO FOR SALE, 2 bdrm., $171,000. See www-personal.umich.edu/~bmcrae 3 miles from campus, call 709-7177. ATTENTION GRADS: SPACIOUS studio & I bdrm. apts. featuring bay windows, walk- in closets & much more. 741-9300. www.annarbompartments.net AVAIL. 9/1/06 WILLIAM & Division. Effi- ciency, 1, & 2 bedroom apartments with secu- rity buzzer, separate storage & laundry facili- ties. Gallatin Realty Co. 734-368-0256. AVAIL. SEPT. '06. Spacious 2 bdrm. upper duplex at 1818 Jackson. A/C, ldry. & prkg. $950/mo. includes heat, H20. 930-6122. AVAILABLE FALL 2006 Spacious 2 bedroom apartment, 2 blocks to campus. Hardwood floors, large rooms, park- ing, and laundry. 734-944-2405. AVAILABLE FALL Large one bedroom unfumished apartment. Hardwood floors, high ceilings, bay window, free parking, laundry. 734-944-2405. AVAILABLE MAY 2006 efficiency at 410 N. State St., $725, heat, water and electric paid, 1 bdrm. at 929 S. Division, $725 + elec- tric, each unit has 1 parking space available at no extra cost. Please call 734-996-1991 or visit www.cappomanagement.com AVAILABLE NOW EFF. at 121 Glen Ave., $700/month, recently remodeled attic apart- ment, no parking, spacious floor plan with hardwood floors, landlord pays heat, water, and electric. Please call 734-996-1991 or visit www.cappomanagement.com **PARKINGON CENTRAL CAMPUS*** -------------Call today 761-8000. CAMPUS PARKING SPACES Available. 665-8825. PARKING AVAIL.! FOREST & Hill or Ged- des & Observatory. 734-475-2577. U 328 John 832 Brookwood 200 Packard 500 Packard 1103 White 6 6 6 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 3200 3000 3200 3200 2100 May May Fall Fall Fall !! ASTONISHING 2 BDRMS.!! 2 bdrm. apartment w/ FREE intemet! Got your attention? Call Justin at (734)663-4101, these apartments won't last long, so hurry call today. Campus Management CORNERHOUSE APARTMENTS 205 S. State St. on central campus 2 & 3 bdrm Apt Homes Beautifully Furnished Outstanding views Garage parking Central air 9 foot high ceilings Premier campus location NOW SIGNING LEASES FOR FALL Models open daily 734-741-9300 www.annarborapartments.net EFFICIENCIES, ONE, TWO and three bed- room apartments located on the UM Campus. Call Michigan Realty at 734-662-5500 or wwwmichcomrealty.com EXECUTIVE RENTAL: YOU bring your suitcase & we provide everything else. Flexi- ble lease term avail. immed. 741-9300. www.annarborapartments.net FREE RENT: LIVE in, fem. companion/per- sonal assistant for a young woman with phys- ical and mental disabilities in A2 co-housing community. Alternating wknds. including 3-4 weekday eves. Call 734-429-3215. GREAT LOCATION, GREAT value. 2 apt. units avail, at Church & Willard. 2 min. walk to Diag. 5 bdrm. ($2500/mo.) 6 bdrm. ($3000/mo.) w/ free prkg. & ldry. May or Sept. lease. Ideal for 11 people. 248-320-3208 or email kazmgt@twmixr.com GREAT, REMODELED 2 bdrm. apt. 4 min. walk to Campus. $850/mo. Avail. now to Fall. Prkg., heat, H20, coin ldry. 973-7368. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY- AN effi- ciency & 2 bedroom apartment are available near U of M central campus. Wilson White Co., Inc. 734.995.9200. EHO. LARGE 1 BDRM. near union/Law School. Hardwood/carpet with decorative fireplace. Ldrylprkg. Avail. Sept. Lse. $795.761-3821. '03 VW JET'A GL, 43K mi., manual, sil- ver/black interior, $124K, 734-255-3107. ! ! 1 bdrm. apt. 715 Arbor, # 2. May lease. Carlsonproperties.com, 332-6000. ! ! 5 Bedroom Houses, May lease, Carlsonproperties.com, 332-6000. ! ! DOGS WELCOME spacious 2 bdrm. with lg., modem kitchen. Heat, water & park- ing included. 741-9657. ! ! RENT BY THE ROOM on central cam- pus. Avail. immed. 741-9300, www.annarborapartments.net ! ! RENT Lowered $1500/mo. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. 5 bdrm. house. 930 Dewey. 734-769-6683 or sbery@comcastnet ! NOW & fall 2006. 820 Fuller. 2 bdrm. apt. Great loc. Modem & spacious. Close to Med- ical. Exercise facility. Amenities & incen- tives; prkg. 734 883-7771 or 734 649-0219. !! 945 GREENWOOD..GREAT PRICE!! 5 bdrml6 person, $2,00/mo., May lease, free prkg., wshrldryer, call 8344010. !! CONDO/4 BDRMALOADED WIEXTRA Fum. North campus. Utils. incl.,A/C., ldry. & free garage prkg. Cable TV, DSL. $550-595/person/mo. Call 313-838-2629. !! FALL 2006 !! 715 & 721 Chuch St. !! You have to see it to believe it!! Incredible loca- tion, beautiful and quiet. 1, 2 bdrm. apts. Easy in/out prkg. Free heat & water. Ldry. avail. No pets. No smkg. Many furnished. Call Bobbie at 734-320-1245. !! LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION!! 2 Bedroom, fully fum. w/georgous leather furniture, very lg. kitch. w/ modern appli- ances, full-size wshr.c& dryer, on-site park- ing, located on Church St. Call Laura 4 734-994-0644. A artments Available! www.Bartonbrook.com, 734-665-5620 !! GREATAPTS.& HSES.FORO6-07!! A combination of quality and prices you can't Beat! We have Hses. &Apts. all over A2 w/ something to fit every need. Studios, 1 bdrms., 2 bdrms., 3 bdrms., and houses still available. PICK UP OUR LISTINGS TO- DAY at Campus Management 337 E. Huron (6634104). "CMI proudly serving the Ann Arbor and U of M community for almost 45 years!" For more listings check: www.MichiganRental.com 1 bdrm. avail.now, $680/mo. Call 734-327-0529. 3 BDRM., 3/4 people on Catherine/Kerry- town. Ldry., prkg., $1300/1400 +util. Also avail. 1 bdrm. apt. on lake $725.449-4797. 3 BDRM., NEW townhouse behind Rack- ham at 907 E. Huron. $1,600/month. Call 734-323-3918. 4 BDRM., 2 bath. hse. Prkg., yard, A/C, on North Campus/Med. School area. 426-9485. 524 S. FOURTH AVE. On Campus. 5 bdrm., 2 bath. Fall '06.734-207-3520. 6 BDRM., FOOTBALL parking $. Sept. '06. $2700/mo. 769-2344 or hutch@providenet 904 S. FOREST luxury furn. rms. avail. for winter semester. $475-$600 per bdrm. Ldry. & utils. mcl. Prkg. avail. 734-475-2577. ?? ARE YOU looking for apts.?? We're looking for RESIDENT MANAGERS! Call 734.668.1100. I STUD E NT O110l$lNG, . INC. !!RENT ME I'M A GREAT House!! !!MAKE YOUR OWN DEAL!! LOCATION BDRM. BATH. PRKG. TERM 418E.KingsleyA 6 2 3 MorS 418 E.Kingsley B 7 2 4 M or S 909 Sylvan 8 3J 7 M or S 817 McKinley 7 3J 6 May 1012 Michigan 6 3J 6 M or S 818 Brown 6 2 4 Sept. M=May S=Sept. J=Jacuzzi All have been completely remodeled. Oak floors, 2 fridges, trash compactor, dwshr. 3 have central A/C, rest have room A/C. Call 973-7368, www.allmandproperties.com #1 BEST APARTMENT, as voted in 2005. You've seen the rest, now see the best! On campus location, lots of amenities, great cus- tomer service, 1/2 off Security Deposit - what more could you ask for! University Towers - 536 South Forest Avenue - Ann Arbor, MI 48104 - (734)761-2680, www.universitytowers-mi.com $ AVAILABLE NOW or for Fall 2006 $ 1, 2, 3 bdrm. apts. Excellent, convenient, great location, prkg. 734 883-7771 or 734 649-0219. **2006 MAY & Fall** 1,2,3Bdrm.apts.@1100 Hill, 1026 Vaughn, 1600 Packard, 1130 Oakland & 910 Packard. JMS Properties. 222-9033 or 769-7025 www.jmsprop.comr *AVAIL. NOW AND fall. Close to Med. & Central Campus. Modem 2 bdrm. Fum. & Unfum. Batc. 800 Fuller. Start $860. 769-7520. www.housing.umich.edu 4 AVAILABLE NOW Spacious unfumished efficiency, two blocks to business and law, hardwood floors. 734-944-2405. BUSINESS/LAW SCHOOL IS just a short walk from this cozy 3bdrm. w/15 baths. & carport. FREE winter shuttle around Central & North Campus. 741-9300. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT A wide variety of Eff.,1 & 2 bdrm. apartments still available for next fall. Quality and convenience have never looked so good and been so affordable. Call Justin today @ 734-6634101 or on the web at www.campusmgt.com CHARMING 3 BDRM. hse. Hardwood firs., ldry., prkg. Walk to campus, grocery, down- town. No smkg. $1500/mo. 734-395-6032. CLEAN NEWLY REMODELED, Fum. & Unfum. rooms + 2 bdrn. apts. in Kerrytown area. Free internet and prkg. 734-222-4700. CULLINARY DELIGHT! NEW, remodeled 2 bdrm. Prkg., coin Idry., 4 min. walk to Frieze bldg. NEXT DOOR: remodeled, historic 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. Must see to believe! 973-7368. DO YOU LIKE FREE STUFF WITH YOUR APARTMENT? *Free Heat, Free Water, Free Ethemet, Free Furniture Free Parking, Free Maintenance! PRIME STUDENT HOUSING 761-8000 primesh.com *Varies by location. DOWNTOWN 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. Newly Re- modeled. Reduced Price. Immed. occu- pancy. Days 662-7888 or evenings 995-2433. EFFICIENCIES NEAR UNION/LAW School. Carpet w/ decorative fireplace. Prkg.- /ldry. avail. Sept. Ise. $645-685.761-3821. Adorable 2 Bdrm. Apt. All the amenities $1050 9/06 Hill/S. Division Call 734-668-7955 9am-9pm LARGE FURNISHED 3 bdrm. apt. on S. State, Near UM bus stop, 5 min. to Mich. Union. Avail. Now, winter, Fall '06. Heat & water mcl. Balc., A/C, prkg., ldry. $1400 -$1550. No smkglno pets. 734-996-3539 or 734-678-7250. ehtseng@comcast.net LARGE ROOMS IN REMODELED HOUSE. Also, 2 room suites. Now to fall. New fum., deluxe kitch., ldry., great prkg. 6 min. walk to main campus. 973-7368. LOW SEC. DEP., $1,200 OFF W/ 1 YR. LSE.! Great North Campus loc. Lg. apts. Heat incl. & pets O.K. Beautiful, landscaped grounds, 1g. walk-in closets. 734-663-8463. MAY LEASES AVAIL.!!! Studio to 3 bed- room apts. on Central Campus. 741-9300. MCKINLEY TERRACE LARGE 1 & 2 bdrm. apts., dishwasher, balcony/patio & FREE winter shuttle around central & north campus. 741-9300. annarborapartments.net NEAR UNION LG. contemporary studios to 3 bdrm. apts. 741-9300. www.annarborapartments.net NEED HOUSING FOR FALL 2006? Fantastic Apartments, Great Houses. Convenient Central Campus locations. Stop by our office for a complete brochure! Campus Rentals 734-665-8825 www.campusrealty.com 41 1-800-KAP-TEST kaptest.com 'Cannot be combined oith any other offer, rebate, discount or promotion. Otter applies to LSAT GMAT, GRE, MCAT OAT. OAT. and PCAT 15-, 25-. or 35-hour Private Tutoring Programs, Classroom courses, and Premium Online Courses or the United States and Canada. Not valid in Puerto Rico. -'Conditions and restrictions apply. For complete guarantee eligibility requirements. Uvsitd aptestdcomCasg. -The Higher Score Guarantee applies only to Kaplan courses taken and completed in Ohe United States and Canada. The Higher Test Score Guarantee dues not apply to PCAT programs. 41 Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 "Stop it!" 5 Nails may cause them 10 Shipboard shout 14 _-friendly 15 Plan again, as strategy 16 Victor Borge, e.g. 17 Hodgepodge 18 Verse units 19 Gem mined in Australia 20 Where to stand firm? 23 Lulu 24 Madeline of "Clue" 25 Bacchic attendants 27 Short-circuit 30 Short rest 32 Collect for a cause 33 _ root 34 Tell just about anybody 7 Unit of energy 8 Reps 1 Wonder 2 Uptight 44 Shorebird 5 Mexican fast food 7 Narrow projections 9 Spins on the ice 0 Wobble 2 Certain something 3 Sympathetic attention 4 Where to relax? 0 Hyped-up 2 Impolite looks 4 Russian carriages 5 Scare 6 Hear of 7 Arsenal supply 8 Cologne that sounds forbidding 9 Never-married woman 10 Big flap 11 Where to enjoy oneself? 12 Broadcasting 13 Cries from a kennel 21 Throws caution to the wind 22 "Dangerous" McGrew of verse 26 Soda can ring 27 Arboretum sight 28 Unyielding 29 Where to negotiate? 30 Picks 31 Eve's second 33 Game with a library and billiard room 35 Mil. no-show 14 17 2021 36 Mrs. Truman 39 Chinese restaurant order 40 Kick off 43 Up to now 46 Mythical women warriors 48 Yr.-end month 49 Arrow on a screen 50 Instruct 51 Colonel's insignia 52 Line from the heart 55 Siamese sound 56 Gala 57 Orchestra member 58 Cheep digs 59 Gives the once- over 61 Econ. yardstick APARTMENT OPEN HOUSE Saturday, Jauary 21 from 1 - 4 PM. Come see why we were voted #1 in 2005! Enjoy food, drinks and prizes. One day only spe- cials on lease signings in addition to 1/2 off Security Deposit! University Towers - 536 South Forest Avenue - Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (734)761-2680. www.universitytowers-mi.com APARTMENTS, SUBLETS & Room- mates... List and Browse FREE! All Cities & Areas. 1-877-367-7368. www.sublet.com ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: P L U M B W A N A A J A X R E M I R I D EIS T U B E OOP S E N I A C O D O R O N E L A R G E P I Z Z A F E D E X S U S I E S T E DID B R A K E S A N I N O A N C H O V I E S R I N G S A Y H I A S T A E X T RAC H E E S E S H Y N O H O W S Y S A N E O X I D E E N IN U I H A L F M U S H R O O M S XB O X 1H AT E OV A L E E RP SA S E E D E P E E S Y EIS M I I Deadline for line ads is 11:30am one business day prior to publication. Rates: $4.10 per line for the first issue and $2,05 per line for each additional consecutive issue. * Frequency and Bulk contracts are available- contact our staff for details " Students may receive a 20% discount when ads are placed in person with a valid student ID (non-organizational, non- business ads only) " All ads must be prepaid unless prior billing privileges have been established " We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, cash, or check " For Classified Display advertising, please call one of our Account Executives _I xwordeditor@aol.com 5 T6 7 8 9g 1/24/06 12 113 Classification: 010 - Lost Found 020 - For Sale 025 - Parking 030 - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent 070 - Sublet 080 - Services 090 - Help Wanted 093 - Summer Employment 095 - Child Care 1nn -ri(-- Q T-rsral I day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days i i I 24 27 28 29 32 2s 26 30 31 33 34 35 36 I I I *ann a.I 2 lines 3 lines 4 lines 8.20 12.30 16.40 12.30 18.45 24.60 16.40 24.60 32.80 20.50 30.75 41.00 24.60 36.90 49.20 I