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January 25, 2006 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2006-01-25

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 3

ON CAMPUS Hopwood award
* New Orleans Brass winners announced
Band to discuss
Big Easy's music Poet Alice Fulton, a former span of 30 minutes.
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Members of the Hot 8 Brass Band
will discuss the musical heritage of
New Orleans, the group's home city,
at the Rackham auditorium today
from 4:30 to 6 p.m. University Musi-
cology Prof. Mark Claque will facili-
tate the discussion.
Symphony band to
perform at Hill
The UMS Symphony Band will per-
form today at 8 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
The performance will feature the music
of Giovanni Gabrielli and Samuel Bar-
ber, among others.
Sundance winner
to perform with
The Office of Academic Multicul-
tural Initiatives is sponsoring spo-
ken-word performances by students
and artist/filmmaker Saul Williams
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater in
the Michigan League at 7:30 p.m.
Alert student
* foils Bursley theft
Upon returning to his room in Burs-
ley Residence Hall on Monday after-
noon, a student found a person leaving
the room with his laptop computer, the
student reported to the Department of
Public Safety. The student was able to
get the computer back by grabbing it out
of the suspects hands. The victim then
proceeded escort the suspect out of the
dormitory. An area search for the suspect
turned up no suspects.
Chairs stolen
from East Quad
Computer Lab
Chairs were stolen from the East
Quad computing site Monday evening
at 10:31 p.m., DPS reported.
* Patient kicks ER
security officer
While a University Hospital security
officer was in the process of securing a
patient in the emergency room yester-
day, the patient kicked him in the face,
reported DPS.
In Daily History
convicted of
Jan. 25, 1985 - Three members
of the Progressive Student Network
were convicted yesterday by the 15th
District Court of trespassing while
barricading a University engineering
laboratory last March.
The six-member jury issued its
unanimous vote that the defendants

were guilty after less than an hour
of deliberation.
Linwood Noah, the prosecuting
attorney, said he was not surprised by
the guilty verdict. Similarly, Donald
Koster, the defense attorney, replied
he was "disappointed, but not sur-
prised" by the verdict and plans to
appeal the case.
Koster said he would appeal on the
grounds that Engineering Prof. George
Haddad, whose research the students
were protesting, read the trespass act
without the proper authority. Haddad
confessed during yesterday's cross-
examination that he had no authority to
read the act to the demonstrators.
Haddad testified that the demonstra-
tors demanded that the guidelines for
classified research projects adopted by
the University be extended to nonclassi-
fied research.
Koster argued that he could not
present the case he wanted after

University creative writing
professor, was the guest speaker
By Andrew Klein
Daily Arts Writer
This year's Hopwood Underclassmen
Awards Ceremony, held yesterday at Rack-
ham Auditorium, not only celebrated the bot-
tomless pool of young talent thriving at the
University, but also marked a return to the
University for the event's guest speaker, poet
Alice Fulton.
Fulton, currently a professor of English at
Cornell University, taught creative writing at
the University from 1983 through 2001.
English professor and former director of
the Hopwood Awards program Nicholas Del-
banco presided over the ceremony, sparing
only a few sentences outlining the legacy of
the Hopwood Awards. There are three Hop-
wood underclassman categories: essay, fic-
tion and poetry. Presented along with the
Hopwoods, five different fellowships make
up another substantial list of awards. A total
of $21,750 in awards was presented in the

u i csy p ou~~i~i , ires man peen-
ish Ahmed was awarded $1,500 in the essay
category with a piece titled "Because I Swal-
lowed an Ocean." LSA sophomore and Michi-
gan Daily reporter C. C. Song earned $1,250
in the fiction category for her short story
"Grace." RC sophomore and Daily reporter
Karl Stampfl took home three awards total-
ing $4,300, which included $1,000 in poetry,
$800 in the fiction category and $2,500 from
the Roy W. Cowden Memorial Fellowship.
The second-and third-place winners in the
essay category, LSA sophomore Geoffrey
George and RC sophomore Alison Heeres,
both submitted papers that were originally
conceived in Residential College Prof. Leslie
Stainton's course, Creative Adaptation.
The awards ceremony lasted less than an
hour. Delbanco introduced his former col-
league, Alice Fulton, with select but warm-
hearted remarks, describing her as possessing
"an unflagging ambition" and her work as some-
thing that "stands somehow outside of time."
Fulton received her Master of Fine Arts
from Cornell in 1982, and less than a decade
later won a MacArthur Foundation fellowship
for her poetry. Her best-known collection of

I JI* L.4,I 4'f U
English Prof. Nicholas Delbanco gives out the 2006 Hopwood underclassmen awards at
the Rackham Auditorium yesterday.

poetry is "Felt," which won her the 2003 Bob-
bitt National Prize for Poetry from the Library
of Congress.
She read numerous selections of her work
from several different books, their topics

ranging from embarrassment to religious
experiences. She was emphatic in her encour-
agement to those who were not graced with an
award, explaining that, "Perseverance is nine-
tenths of being a writer."

Granhoim to talk about economy, jobs, education

Michigan has 180,000
fewer jobs available than it
did at its peak in 2000
LANSING (AP) - Gov. Jennifer Granholm
plans to focus her 2006 State of the State
address today on familiar themes: improving
the state's economy to create more jobs and
strengthening education so more workers can
get high-tech jobs.
"The governor knows that our state is hurt-
ing," Granholm spokeswoman Liz Boyd said
yesterday. "The governor has a plan. She's
working her plan. Citizens can expect to hear
more steps of that plan tomorrow."
Focusing on jobs and education are nothing
new for the Democratic governor, who gave
her first State of the State address in 2003.
Since Republican Gov. John Engler left
office in December 2002, Michigan has
gained back nearly 95,000 of the jobs it lost in
the recession and afterward.
But the state still has 180,000 fewer jobs
than the 4.98 million it had during its mid-
2000 peak, according to the federal Bureau of
Labor Statistics.
Some of the initiatives Granholm will talk

about Wednesday have been redrawn to make
them more acceptable to the Republicans who
control the state Senate and House.
Her plan to reward students who complete
at least two years of college or technical train-
ing with scholarship money, for instance, now
gives some of the money up front for use dur-
ing those first two years
to students who do well a
on standardized high The govern
school tests. She's workin
Under her plan, the
Michigan Merit Award Citizens can
would give those stu-
dents $1,000 each of to hear mor
their first two years
of school - whether that plan tor
that's at a community
college, university or
other training - and
give them another Spokes
$2,000 if they earn a
two-year associate's
degree or become juniors at a four-year uni-
versity while maintaining a minimum 2.5
grade point average.
If students didn't do well on the high school
test, they could get the full $4,000 by finish-

ing two years of college.
Granholm also will propose a $1 billion plan
to provide health insurance to half of the million
state residents who don't have coverage.
The Michigan First Health Partnership would
be paid for with state and federal dollars.
It's designed to lessen some of the strain

or has a plan.
ag her plan.
e steps of
- Liz Boyd
woman for Granholm

the uninsured put on
the economy and busi-
nesses, Boyd said, and
is part of the gover-
nor's broader efforts
to improve the state's
economic climate and
quality of life.
Granholm also wants
to use education pro-
grams at schools, offic-
es and churches to help
better promote healthy
lifestyles and push for
setting up an electronic
network to consolidate

will be to urge lawmakers to support a plan
requiring high school students to take four
classes each in math and English, three each
in science and social science, two in world
languages and one each in physical education
and the arts.
After-school programs to help middle-
school students with math, science and com-
puter technology also will get attention, with
the governor proposing to use state money to
get more programs going.
Some House Republicans have proposed their
own plan for stiffer high school requirements.
Under their proposal, high school students
could, with their parents' permission, opt out
of the college-prep curriculum and instead
begin receiving vocational training in their
freshman year.
They would not need to take a foreign lan-
guage class to graduate.
Senate Majority Leader Sikkema and House
Speaker Crag DeRoche, both Republicans,
will respond to the governor's hour-long
address with a Capitol news conference fol-
lowing the speech.
The Michigan Green Party has taped a 20-
minute response that will be shown on Michi-
gan Government TV at 8:20 p.m. EST today.

health care information for providers.
Republican lawmakers also are pushing
for more technology in health care record-
The governor's main education initiative

I I, _________________________________________________________________

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The College ofLiterature, Science & the Arts and the Department ofMathematics present a
tinguished Lecture Series in Mathematical Biology
(LS&A Research Theme Semester in Mathematical Biology)
Profesor Mihael .fiReedf
Bishop-MacDermott Family Professor of Mathematics
Duke University
Why is Mathematical Biology so Hard
ological systems are exceptionally diverse, complex, and special at the same time. The difficulties
herent in investigating such systems will be illustrated by a discussion of folate and methionine
etabolism, which plays a critical role in DNA synthesis, DNA methylation, and protection against
idative stress. Mutations in the genes of one-carbon metabolism and dietary imbalances in the
bstrates of these pathways (amino acids, vitamins .b, 32, folate) are associated with developmental
normalities, cancer, heart disease, and depression. Mathematical models can be used to investigatefi
usal mechanisms and to shed light on public policy alternatives, but the construction of these models
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uestions for research mathematicians.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
6:00 p.m. 9 Room 1360 East Hall

knowledge, perspective, understanding



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Should Religious Beliefs be a
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