Thursday, January 19, 2006
Opinion 4A
Jesse Singal
sees through
conservative tricks
Arts 5A Fred Savage brings
treat to ABC
One-hundredffteen years ofeditoralfreedom
Sports 8A
Cagers on cruise
control against 'Cats
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www.michiganday. com
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXVI, No. 57
2006 The Michigan Daily
Lock up: Crime rates rise
Statistics paint dismal picture
of rising crime in student areas of
Ann Arbor
By Drew Philp
Daily Staff Reporter
Students were hit particularly hard by crime
in Ann Arbor last year, according to statistics
released by the Ann Arbor Police Department
earlier this month.
Last year, serious crime in the city increased
by 8 percent. But the increase in serious crime
in student areas was much higher: 23 percent
In Ann Arbor overall, every serious crime
except arson and murder has increased since
2004. Police reported three more rapes this year,
47 more assaults, 23 more robberies and 50 more
stolen cars.
Additionally, there was a 12-percent increase
in burglaries, jumping from 749 in 2004 to 840
in 2005.
No murders were reported last year, compared
with two that were reported in 2004.
While burglaries increased by only 12 per-
cent, the number of robberies - which involve
violence or intimidation - increased by 28 per-
cent, mostly because of a string of more than 30
robberies committed in the summer months by a
small group of individuals, police said.
"We made several key arrests and the rob-
beries dropped off," said Charlotte DeMatteo, a
crime analyst for the AAPD.
Chief Greg O'Dell, interim police chief, said
that although the force was not thrilled with the
data, the numbers do not necessarily indicate
the beginning of a serious crime wave.
He noted that despite last year's increase,
numbers are significantly lower than they were
in 2001, 2002 and 2003. He said crime in 2004
had been unusually low. The AAPD recorded 10
percent less serious crime in 2004 than in 2003.
The total number of serious crimes reported
in areas densely populated by students increased
more dramatically than in the city as a whole,
with serious crimes leaping from 708 to 868 -
a 23 percent increase.
The proportion of crimes committed in stu-
dent areas also increased this year. Of all
crimes, 24 percent were committed in student
neighborhoods in 2005 compared with 21 per-
cent in 2004. Because police do not keep track
of whether crime victims are students, the fig-
ures include all crimes committed in predomi-
nantly student areas, including those in which
students were not victims.
Robbery, arson and forcible rape all increased
in student areas, while aggravated assault, lar-
ceny and motor vehicle theft decreased. The
number of home invasions rose by 38 percent in
the last year.
Department of Public Safety spokeswoman
Diane Brown said the increase in burglar-
ies affecting off-campus student areas may be
linked to a decrease of burglaries in residence
halls. Brown said because of increased security
measures in dormitories, such as a 24-hour con-
trolled access program and self-locking doors,
burglaries have been drastically reduced over
the past few years.
The numbers of crimes committed on cam-
pus, which is under the jurisdiction of DPS, are
not yet available for 2005, but the ;number of
burglaries in residence halls has fallen consis-
tently - from 150 in 2002 to 67 in 2003 to 25
in 2004.
Break-Ins have Increased dramatically in Ann Arbor in the last year, especially
among student housing.
. woman
leaves 'U'
Lisa Tedesco, who has served in a
number of positions at the University,
takes job at Emory University
By Carissa Miller
Daily Staff Reporter
When former University Vice President and Secre-
tary Lisa Tedesco assumes her new role at Emory Uni-
versity this spring, the University will lose one of its
most innovative and committed leaders, faculty and
badministrators said.
On May 1, Tedesco will begin her tenure as dean of
Emory's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences as well
as vice provost for academic affairs.
"It was a great honor to be invited," Tedesco said.
Tedesco said leaving the University was a difficult
"Michigan will remain with me in positive and mean-
ingful ways," said Tedesco, who is currently a dentistry
Tedesco will work with other faculty to ensure gradu-
ate programs at Emory are high-quality and competi-
tive, said Emory Provost Earl Lewis, who announced the
Tedesco will also hold professorships in the Rollins
School of Public Health and in Emory College's Division
of Educational Studies.
Lewis, a former Rackham dean at the University
of Michigan, said Tedesco will bring both experience
and background as a social scientist to new position at
"I worked with Lisa during my 15 years on the Michi-
gan faculty," Lewis said. "Her energy, drive, values, style
and leadership skills will be a great asset in her new job.
We all anxiously await her arrival."
Marilyn Woolfolk, an assistant dean in the Universi-
ty's School of Dentistry, said the students and faculty
at Emory will gain an educator with the essential skills
necessary to connect and communicate with people.
"Lisa has the ability to get people of varying perspec-
tives to work collectively for the good of the organi-
zation," Woolfolk said. "We will miss her energy and
enthusiasm and genuine concern for people. But that's
what she'll take to Emory and be a tremendous leader for
the graduate school."
Tedesco, who joined the University in 1992 as asso-
ciate dean of Academic Affairs in the dentistry school,
has been part of several significant administrative tran-
In 1998, Tedesco was named vice president and sec-
retary of the University, a position she relinquished last
year to take a fellowship at Columbia University's Center
for Community Health Partnerships. She also served as
interim provost in 2001 after former provost Nancy Can-
tor accepted the chancellorship position at the University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
University spokeswoman Julie Peterson said Tedesco is
well known for her commitment to diversity. She acted as
an investigator of the University's Health Occupations Part-
ners in Education project, which provided academic prepa-
ration to minority youth for careers in health and medicine.
She has also been involved in University policy decisions
concerning affirmative action and efforts to increase the
number of women in scientific fields, Peterson said.
The Michigan Alum
reaches out
to youth
Program fights through
financial hardships to show
middle-schoolers "World of Work"
By Kelly Fraser
Daily Staff Reporter
The future holds test tubes, data analysis
reports and multiple career adjustments, and
Jeannine Lasovage knows it.
Lasovage is the director of Reach Out, a non-
profit academic mentoring program that has
matched 117 col-
lege student volun-
teers with students "They want
at Scarlett Middle
School in Ann to try harder
Arbor this year. i n
Next week,
Reach Out is sched-
uled to kick off its
winter "World of
Work" program
with a trip to Daim-
lerChrysler. At the
company, which is
in Auburn Hills,
mentors and Ann
because they
have a more
concrete goal."
Shara Cherniak
Reach Out co-coordinator
This collage is composed of photos of five famous alumni: NFL quarterback Tom Brady, businessman and philan-
trophist Stephen Ross, actor James Earl Jones, former President Gerald Ford and actress Lucy Liu.
What characteristic links Larry Page, the Unabomber
and Dick Gephardt? They're all among the 435,000
alumni of the University of Michigan. The following is
the first in a semester-long series of alumni profiles:
Alurn baffles book censorship
Arbor middle school students will meet employ-
ees, visit a wind tunnel and ride on test tracks.
The activities give children hands-on experi-
ence in the workplace and allow students to see
practical applications of their schoolwork, said
Business sophomore David Flood, a program
Many of the students may have never met any-
one who truly enjoyed his job, Flood said. Job
shadowing is intended to expose students to new
fields they may have never considered.
"They want to try harder in school because
they have a more concrete goal," said Education
junior Shara Cherniak, who helps coordinate the
Reach Out began in 1995 after a National
Science Foundation grant to the College of
Engineering required that the college initiate a
community outreach program.
Lasovage said in the last few years the pro-
gram has placed heavy emphasis on math and
science, but it has recently expanded its focus
to include career workshops and job shadowing,
largely because of the influence of University
Since 2001, when its funding ran out, Reach
Out has struggled to find a long-term sponsor.
The program has relied heavily on donations and
sponsorships from the Ann Arbor-based Pfizer
Corporation and the Dow Foundation.
"We just want some long-term stability,"
Flood said.
The financial hardships have resulted in the
See REACH OUT, page 7A
Anti-censorship and
civil liberties activist
found in unexpected place
By Kelly Fraser
Daily Staff Reporter
ROCHESTER - The logs in the
child-sized fireplace may be plastic,
but everything else - from the crayon
thank-you notes addressed simply to
"the book lady" to the thousands of col-
orful titles crammed into the shelves in
University alum Cammie Mammino's
children's book store - can only be
described as genuine.
Eighteen years after opening its
doors, Mammino's shop, Halfway
Down the Stairs, named after an A.A.
Milne poem, remains a staple of down-
town Rochester.
But it is her continued activism in
local and national censorship and other
civil liberties issues that sets her apart.
Mammino is now in her eighth and
final year serving on the executive board
of the American Booksellers Founda-
tion for Free Expression, where she con-
sults on censorship controversies across
the country.
Mammino's first experiences with
book banning began during her first
teaching job, where she encountered
parents enraged over her class's discus-
sion of issues like abortion and the Viet-
nam War.
"In the end, it boiled down (to the fact)
that people weren't comfortable with the
free exchange of ideas," she said.
Years later, when concerned custom-
See ALUM, page 7A
Muslim group to plead for journalist's release