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December 13, 2005 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 2005-12-13

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 3

Exam study break
festivities to take
place at the Union
The University Unions Arts & Pro-
grams is sponsoring the "Great Union
Study Break" tonight at 8 p.m. Activi-
ties will include swing dancing, gin-
gerbread house decorating and other
stress-relieving activities.
Dept. of Astronomy
hosts free
planetarium show
Tonight at 5 and 6 p.m. the
Department of Astronomy's Angell
Hall Planetarium will show view-
ers what the night sky looked like
before environmental and light pol-
lution. The planetarium is in 3118
Angell Hall.
Food Gatherers to
serve homeless
at Hillel
Volunteers in Action is looking for
students to help prepare and serve food
for the homeless from 3 to 7 p.m today
at Hillel. Shifts are from 3 to 5 p.m. and
5 to 7 p.m.
Drawing workshop
to be held in
Alice Lloyd Hall
Arts on the Hill is offering a free
figure drawing workshop in the Art
Studio in Alice Lloyd Hall tonight
from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Artists can draw
live models. Instruction and limited
supples are available. No experience
is necessary.
Mcard stolen
from IM Sports
Thieves stole a caller's Mcard from
the Intramural Sports Building Sun-
day at about 5:55 p.m according to the
Department of Public Safety. There are
currently no suspects.
Vandals damage
bike lock
Vandals damaged a bike lock on a bike
parked at the north side of a building on the
1500 block of Washington Heights at about
9:19 pm. Sunday according to DPS.
.Trespasser found at
University hospital
A person was found trespassing at
the University Hospital at about 1:05
a.m. yesterday. DPS officers escort-

ed the person from the premises.
In Daily History
Leaders see issues
with proposed
summer trimester
Dec. 13, 1961 - As University
administrators consider the switch to
year-round operations, some student
leaders are worried that the proposed
trimester system would leave their orga-
nizations hard pressed for staffers and
money over the summer.
The new plan would create three tri-
mesters of 15 1/2 weeks each, with the
summer term running from mid-May
through August. If the plan is approved,
the University would be operating in
full force all year round.
What makes the plan problematic for
some organizations is the proposal to
split the third term in half, with a break
in the middle of the 15 summer weeks.
Michigan Union President Paul
Carder, said the biggest problem for his
organization would be keeping leader-
ship coherent with the long mid-term
break. He said it would be difficult to


wins award from


Ford Foundation for
social justice work

Ann Arbor and Dearborn
campuses chosen from a pool
of 675 for $100,000 prize
ANN ARBOR (AP) - The University's Ann
Arbor and Dearborn campuses have been selected
as two of 27 higher education institutions to receive
$100,000 grants from the Ford Foundation for com-
bating prejudice.
The grants, announced yesterday, are part of
the foundation's two-year Difficult Dialogues
It is part of a $12 million effort to combat bias
against Muslims and Jews and other groups in the
United States and Europe, the foundation says.
The foundation says the projects seek to promote
academic freedom and constructive dialogue on
college campuses.
Among the goals are enriching learning,
encouraging scholarship and fostering dialogue
about political, religious, racial and cultural

issues, it says.
The Michigan projects were selected from more
than 675 proposals received by the New York-based
"Colleges and universities are uniquely suited to
expand knowledge, understanding and discussion
of controversial issues that affect us all," said Susan
Berresford, president of the Ford Foundation.
"The selected projects illustrate the thoughtful
and creative ways institutions are promoting intel-
lectually rigorous scholarship and open debate that
is essential to higher education," she said.
At the Ann Arbor campus, the University
and its Center for Research on Learning and
Teaching seek to build understanding and
dialogue between students and faculty about
religious issues, said Jorge Balan, a senior pro-
gram officer at the Ford Foundation.
The Dearborn campus seeks to bring stu-
dents, faculty and community members togeth-
er to discuss ethnic, racial and political issues,
Balan said.

Mike Berge uses an antique Zamboni from New York City's Madison Square Garden to
resurface the ice at the Winter Sports Complex in Laketon Township, Mich on Friday.

Ford, asked to continue ads in gay publications

WASHINGTON (AP) - Gay and lesbian organizations
asked Ford Motor Co. on yesterday to reinstate advertising for
its luxury Jaguar and Land Rover brands in gay publications
and to distance itself from an anti-gay group which had boycot-
ted the automaker's vehicles.
Ford officials met with leaders of the Human Rights Campaign, the
Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) and other orga-
nizations in Washington, D.C., after the automaker said last week its
luxury brands would no longer advertise in gay publications.
The move came nearly a week after the Tupelo, Miss.-based
American Family Association canceled its boycott of Ford
vehicles, which started in May amid criticism that the nation's
No. 2 automaker was too gay-friendly.

Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, said Ford
was asked to "make a very strong statement" disassociating itself from
the AFA while reinstating the Jaguar and Land Rover advertising in the
gay press.
Ford has said it did not make the decision because of the boycott or
pressure from conservative Christian groups. It said Jaguar and Land
Rover, part of Ford's Premier Automotive Group, cut back on its market-
ing across-the-board because of difficult market conditions.
The Premier Automotive Group posted a pretax loss of $108 million
in the third quarter.
Ford said in a statement it was "always willing to engage in construc-
tive conversation with those interested in our policies, even with those
who don't always agree with them. But only Ford Motor Company speaks

for Ford Motor Company. Any suggestion to the contrary is incorrect."
The automaker said that "during these budget-tightening times, our
brands must make tough choices where to advertise and how to spend
limited sponsorship dollars." The statement did not mention the AFA.
Ford said last week its Volvo brand would continue to advertise in gay
publications. The automaker has not advertised its Ford, Lincoln and
Mercury brands in similar outlets.
Ford Chairman and CEO Bill Ford said in a statement, "we value all
people - regardless of their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation and
cultural or physical differences."
Ford told gay rights leaders that it had not made any deal with the
AFA to end the automaker's advertising of Jaguar and Land Rover in gay
media, the groups said.

Continued from page 1A
Hilton asserted that his absence
would not disrupt the project.
"Michigan institutionally is
committed to the Google project,"
he said. "It's not attached to any
one person," he added.
Milton Adams, vice provost for
academic programs at the Univer-
sity of Virginia, said he was excit-
ed about the opportunity to work
with Hilton because of Hilton's

vast experience with informa-
tion technology. Adams said the
University of Virginia is devel-
oping several projects that will
depend on information technol-
ogy, including a digital model of
the Roman Forum and a database
of letters, newspaper articles and
other primary documents of the
Civil War.
Hilton said he's interested in
working closely with Virginia fac-
ulty to use technology to enact the
university's academic mission.

Continued from page 1A
bers criticized the planning that resulted in the losses.
MSA Treasurer Devesh Senapati defended Lee and said organiz-
ers had always known losses would be steep.
"The Ludacris concert was not a financial scandal in any sense,"
Senapati said.
Fox said the organizers gave the assembly the impres-
sion that MSA would break even on the event. But Senapati
maintained at the Dec. 6 meeting that was never the case.
The assembly voted unanimously to approve a resolu-
tion to fund the concert made it clear that there was a
range of possible financial costs, Senapati said.

After the Dec. 6 meeting, Fox looked through MSA's minutes to
find Lee's estimate of a $5,000 loss.
"There are just too many inconsistencies in what people are
saying," she said. "I think this concert has shown this assem-
bly that we need to have more financial responsibility."
Walter Nowinski, who recently created an opposition
party to challenge the ruling faction Students 4 Michi-
gan, also spoke out against concert organizers at the
Dec. 6 meeting.
"Now they're changing their story," Nowinski said in an
interview with The Michigan Daily. "MSA can do a lot of
good, but it can only do good if the students can have trust in
it. How can we expect students to trust MSA if the assembly
members can't trust them?"

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