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December 13, 2005 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-12-13

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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

News 3 U' wins award from
Ford Foundation for
social justice

Opinion 4
Sports 9

Sam Singer: Bombs
over Teh ran
Edelson: New threads
cause of Varsity's troubles

One-hundredfifteen years of edaorialfreedom

www.michiandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVI, No. 47 @2005 The Michigan Daily


MSA lost $15k

By Karl Stampfl
Daily Staff Reporter
A telling quote from the Michigan Stud
bly's Sept. 6 meeting minutes reveals that th
lost at least four times the amount it origina
to lose on last month's Ludacris concert.
According to the assembly's minutes,
eral Counsel Russ Garber asked, "What's t
could lose if everything went wrong?"
"Five-thousand-dollars loss at the end
- worst-case scenario," said Eddie Lee, th
resentative who organized the concert.
The assembly ended up losing $20,000 o
$15,000 more than Lee's initial estimate.
"I'm not sure why I would say that," Le
terday in an interview. "If I said that, I wa
MSA Rep. Rese Fox posted the min
with commentary in her blog at fox4
MSA President Jesse Levine said he coul



for Lee but said the discrepancy might have been the
result of potential event sponsors that did not follow
through with their sponsorship.
ent Assem- "The five grand was in the context that we had all
he assembly those sponsors," Levine said.
illy planned Levine said organizers knew the concert was
probably going to lose more than $5,000 before the
MSA Gen- concert took place. Representatives have expressed
the max we concern that this was not brought to their attention
before the concert date.
of the day "A lot of the planning was done during the sum-
e MSA rep- mer," Levine said. "Eddie and I personally called
almost all the reps over the summer to give them all
n the event, the information. But communication still could have
been better."
ee said yes- Levine admitted the assembly made some mistakes
s definitely in planning the concert.
"This is not a perfect effort. There have been great
utes along lessons learned from this experience," including the
4msa.blog. need for better advertising, he said.
At the Dec. 6 MSA meeting, several assembly mem-
d not speak See LUDACRIS, Page 3

Many fans plan to stay
home for bowl game

By Ian Herbert
Managing Sports Editor

Football bowl game

If it seems like none of your friends are going to the
bowl game this year, it's because they probably aren't.
Bowl game ticket sales are down this year for Mich-
igan, which will play Nebraska in the Alamo Bowl on
Dec. 28. Marty Bodnar, the associate athletic direc-
tor for ticketing services, said the Athletic Department
has sold 147 student tickets and approximately 5,000
total tickets for the game in San Antonio
Last year, when Michigan played in the Rose Bowl,
the Athletic Department sold nearly 35,000 tickets,
including 2,000 that were bought by students.
But the Rose Bowl is a bigger game than the
Alamo Bowl.
The last time Michigan played in the Alamo Bowl,
after the 1995 season, the University sold just more
than 6,000 tickets. Bodnar said he thought the total

Tickets sold
Alamo 5,000
Rose 35,000

Ticket limit

At the 2005 Rose Bowl, the University
received 10,000 extra tickets because
Texas did not sell its allotment.
The last time Michigan attended an
Alamo Bowl -10 years ago in 1995 -
about 6,000 tickets were sold. That year,
the limit was 10,000 just like this year.

Music junior Katie Biome works on her set design of an insane asylum as a part of her final project in the Frieze
Building yesterday.

See ALAMO BOWL, Page 7

Today's paper is the
last Daily of the fall
term. We will resume
printing in January. As
always, be sure to visit
www.mhi/an diiily.Com for
the latest news about the
University. We wish you
a great winter break and
a happy new year.
-The editors

Champion of Google Project to leave 'U'

By Jeremy Davidson
Daily StaffReporter
The University's Office of the Provost will
be losing one of its "leaders and best" next year.
University of Virginia President John Casteen
announced last Friday that James Hilton, asso-
ciate provost for academic, information and
instructional technology affairs, will be taking
the position of vice president and chief informa-
tion officer at Virginia after he leaves the Univer-
sity of Michigan in July.
The president's office has not yet begun the
search for Hilton's replacement.
Since starting out as a psychology professor in
1985, Hilton has risen to take on two high-ranking

positions simultaneously, which in the past have
been held by two separate individuals - Univer-
sity librarian and associate provost.
"He is completely irreplaceable," said Jack
Bernard, assistant general counsel for the Uni-
versity. "The qualities of leadership he brings
are unheralded."
John Wilkin, associate University librarian,
said Hilton has been a champion for using tech-
nology to complement classroom learning.
"James has articulated visions and directions at
a very high level;' Wilkin said. "It has been won-
derful having his voice and vision."
The Google Print Library Project, which is
still scanning the University library's books into
its online database despite recent legal challenges,

"He is completely irreplaceable. The qualities of
leadership he brings are unheralded."
-Jack Bernard
Assistant general counsel for the University

has been a chief concern for the University librar-
ian and will continue to be an important issue for
Hilton's successor until the project is completed.
Wilkin said that though Hilton has been a
strong advocate for the project, his departure will

not hinder its progress.
"We've set up (the project) operationally so
that (it's) not affected by any change of staff in the
library;" Wilkin said.
See HILTON, Page 3

Football player.
begins second trial

EIf convicted,
Harrison could
anywhere from
to life in prison

one day

By Nate Sandals
Daily Sports Writer

Judge Archie Brown is presiding over
the trial, which is being heard by a jury
selected yesterday morning.
Jury selection took more than four
hours for the trial that is expected to end
Thursday or Friday. The defense raised
most of the objections against poten-
tial jurors before the 14-person jury was
finally seated. The jury consists of eight
women and six men.
If convicted, Harrison - a former
Michigan defensive tackle - could be
sentenced to anywhere from one day to
life in prison.
Anthony Chambers, Harrison's defense

Bars could
stay open
until 4 am
Proponents of new closing
time say it will give bar patrons a
chance to sober up before leaving
By Neil Tambe
Daily Staff Reporter
Party on.
A new law that passed with unanimous support
in the state House and Senate late last month would
help bar-crawlers do just that.

Larry Harrison's second legal battle
began yesterday at the Washtenaw Coun-
ty Circuit Court as a new jury convened
to try him on a felony charge of sexual


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