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December 08, 2005 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-12-08

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, December 8, 2005 - 3A

Community sing
at Museum of
Art tonight
There will be a community sing
held at 7 p.m. tonight at the University
Museum of Art. Interested individuals
are encouraged to participate in a festive
night of song accompanied by the Caril-
lon Women's Chorale.
Art School alum
will discuss art
made from bread
Art and Design alum Beili Liu will dis-
cuss her exhibition currently displayed in
a gallery adjacent to the Alice Lloyd Resi-
dence Hall dining room . Her artwork fea-
tures unique pieces constructed from 500
loaves of bread. She will speak in the West
* Conference Room of the Rackham Build-
ing at 6 p.m. today.
Students perform
'A Flea in Her Ear'
at Power Center
School of Music students will perform
the 19th century comedy "A Flea in
Her Ear," by French playwright Georg-
es Feydeau tonight in the Power Center.
The performance will begin at 7:30
p.m. Tickets are $9 with a student ID.
Jewish LGBT group
* to host 'Flaming
Menorah' party
Ahava, the Hillel LGBT group, will
hold a Hanukkah celebration, "Flam-
* ing Menorah Party," tonight in the Irwin
Green Auditorium at Hillel at 8 p.m.
Thief sells stolen
books to Union
A book bag containing a laptop
and two textbooks was reported sto-
len from the basement computer lab
in the Michigan Union. The Depart-
ment of Pubic Safety apprehended
the individual who admitted to sell-
ing the books to the Union book-
Caller reports theft
from laundry room
on North Campus
A caller requested to meet with a DPS
officer regarding a break-in to a laundry
room on North Campus yesterday. DPS
currently has no suspects.

Tree stolen from
A tree was reported stolen from Nich-
ols Arboretum yesterday around 1 p.m.
OPS currently has no suspects.
In Daily History
* President Hatcher
petitions NASA
to build research
center near 'U'
Dec. 8, 1963 - University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher will appear
before a committee of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administra-
tion in 10 days to try to convince the
Organization to build a $50 million
dollar research center in southeast-
ern Michigan.
Robert Burroughs, director of
the University's Office of Research
Administration, said NASA director

Greek council approves new fraternities

By Kelly Fraser
Daily StaffReporter
While attending an event for one of the two
fraternities he was rushing last September, LSA
freshman Noah Goodman's cell phone rang.
The voice on the other end of the line sus-
pected he was at the other fraternity and accused
him of disloyalty. Having not committed to
either fraternity, Goodman said he realized he
wanted the camaraderie of a fraternity but with
more freedom.
With that in mind, Goodman joined fellow
LSA freshman Reid Benjamin in forming a new
chapter of Pi Lambda Phi.
"We wanted somewhere where everyone
could fit in," Benjamin said. "We stress unity
without conformity."
Benjamin and Goodman, president and vice
president respectively, used word of mouth to
recruit members and to outline a detailed devel-
opment plan, which they presented to the Inter-
fraternity Council executive board earlier this
Last night, the IFC voted to approve Pi
Lambda Phi. It will begin the first of two semes-
ters of its expansionary phase in January.
Membership in the IFC is divided into three
phases: expansionary, expansionary probation-
ary and full status, said Chris Haughee, assis-
tant director of the University's Office of Greek
New fraternities spend one year becoming
full members of the IFC.
Haughee said this timetable allows new fra-
ternities to establish themselves and adjust to
new responsibilities.
"We want to ensure they are acclimated,

accustomed and involved in the Greek system;'
he said.
The council also granted full membership to
The Triangle fraternity, a professional brother-
hood focusing on engineering, architecture and
science, and a redeemed Zeta Psi fraternity.
A chapter of Zeta Psi was closed in 2002 fol-
lowing a member's death from a heroin over-
IFC spokesman Brian Millman said the new
chapter and its members have no connection
with the past house, adding that Zeta Psi mem-
bers have worked hard in the past semester to
become strong, active members of the Greek
Beyond reevaluating Pi Lambda Phi's poten-
tial to succeed, the executive board was con-
cerned with the role the new chapter will play
on campus.
Reid said the organization's nondiscrimina-
tory history and its diverse membership will
allow it to fill a separate niche on campus.
"We were looking around the room and real-
ized (the members) don't look like stereotypical
fraternity kids," Reid said. "What we did have in
common was our love, passion and enthusiasm
that we are going to apply (to Pi Lambda Phi)."
IFC members were also impressed by the
overwhelmingly freshman chapter's drive, orga-
nization and detailed proposal, Millman said.
In the next semester, the 18 members hope to
organize a rush campaign and charity event in
addition to finding a chapter house, Reid said.
Goodman said Pi Lambda Phi has a long his-
tory at the University, with alumni records dat-
ing back as far as 1890. However, because of
low membership, the chapter became defunct
in the mid-1990s.

LSA freshmen Noah Goodman and Reid Benjamin propose their fraternity, Pi Lambda Phi, at the Inter-
fraternity Council meeting yesterday.

Some GOP reps give dirty money to charity

WASHINGTON (AP) - Three Michigan
Republicans said yesterday they will give to
charity several campaign contributions from
donors tied to a former California congress-
man who pleaded guilty to taking bribes.
Reps. Joe Knollenberg and Candice Miller
plan to return at least $10,000 in contributions
connected to their former Republican House
colleague, Randy "Duke" Cunningham, who
resigned last week. Rep. Pete Hoekstra (R-
Holland) donated $3,000 in contributions last
"I am shocked and greatly disappointed by
the dealings of my former colleague. Because
of these actions, a serious question of ethical
responsibility has been brought to light," said
Knollenberg, of Oakland County's Bloom-
field Township.
Two House Republicans from Michigan who
received similar contributions - Reps. Mike

Rogers of Brighton and Thaddeus McCotter
of Livonia - said they had no plans to return
the money or donate it to charity.
Cunningham pleaded guilty last week to
taking $2.4 million in bribes in exchange for
steering government work to defense con-
tractors. In a practice common among law-
makers, he had given colleagues money from
his campaign account and a political action
committee he created called the American
Prosperity PAC.
Since Cunningham's plea, several House
Republicans in Congress have donated the
money to charity or disclosed plans to do so.
Miller, of Macomb County's Harrison
Township, will donate $6,000 to a military-
affiliated charity, said Miller's chief of staff,
Jamie Roe. Records show Miller's campaign
committee received $5,000 from the Ameri-
can Prosperity PAC in October 2002 and her

PAC received a $1,000 contribution from a
defense contracting company called ADCS
"She just felt it was the right thing to do,"
Roe said.
Knollenberg's campaign was reviewing
several years of campaign finance records
and did not immediately have the total amount
it planned to give to a local food bank, said
spokeswoman Jennifer Hing. Records show
Knollenberg's campaign committee received
$4,000 in June 2004 from Brent and Regina
Brent Wilkes headed ADCS Inc., which
provided campaign cash and favors to Cun-
ningham while reaping valuable contracts.
The 33-page guilty plea filed in the case
did not name the alleged conspirators, but
details such as business addresses and occu-
pations made some of their identities appar-

ent. Hing said Knollenberg also received a
contribution from ADCS but did not have
the total.
Hoekstra donated $3,000 in contributions
from Brent Wilkes and ADCS to the Ataxia
Telangiectasia Children's Project, spokesman
Dave Yonkman said.
Rogers received $6,000 in contributions
from the American Prosperity PAC from
2000-02 and $2,000 in contributions from
Cunningham's campaign committee, Friends
of Duke Cunningham, in June 2001. He did
not plan to return the money or donate it.
"It's long been spent, and those were legal
contributions at the time," said Sylvia War-
ner, a Rogers spokeswoman.
McCotter received $5,000 from Cunning-
ham's PAC in October 2002. He said in an
interview that the funds had been legally
raised and received and legally spent.

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