4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 OPINION Wabe £ibCijjau 1Bzi1 JASON Z. PESICK Editor in Chief SUHAEL MOMIN SAM SINGER Editorial Page Editors ALISON Go Managing Editor EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.comr NOTABLE QUOTABLE We are not going to cut and run.: - President Bush, vowing yesterday that American-troops will not leave Iraq until a stable, democratic government emerges, as reported by CNN.com. .wr. q; a p fit, _: l KIM LEUNG Ti lB TAK -O"Tr £ox 16 I . _ f .nn'n : CMVM' h _ _. - __ More than a facelift MARA GAY COMMON SENSE f you're not quite sure where it dis- appeared to, the LSA academic advis- ing office is now located on East Liber- ty Street in downtown Ann Arbor - its tem- porary home while the Angell Hall office undergoes a bit of remodeling. And if you've ever interacted with LSA's academic advising, you under- stand how it's in dire need of improvement. Though it is only my second year at the Uni- versity, one thing has become increasingly clear: If you can navigate the University, you can navigate the world. The University's reputation as one of the nation's most pres- tigious universities is well deserved, and many of us were drawn in by its offers of endless opportunity and readily achievable anonymity. But during another maddening round of class registration in which Wolver- ine Access becomes a virtual battleground, the failures of LSA's academic advising office leave little room for romanticism. As we fight for a prized spot in popular classes, spend hours glued to the computer screen and stalk academic advisors to make sure we enroll in courses that can some- day translate into a degree, we sometimes find ourselves wondering if a smaller, more intimate school might have made our lives easier. Students find the University's incredible resources largely inaccessible because LSA's academic advising program has failed. A sprawling maze of confusion and red tape, it has left students to fend for themselves in one of the largest research universities in the world. Navigating the University can be a source of pride for undergraduates, who are likely some of the most independent and self-suf- ficient college students in the nation, given the sheer size of the school they have chosen to attend. But with thousands of classes to choose from, numerous majors to explore and a substantial number of distribution requirements to conquer, the University's academic advising program should be a source of support, not stress, for its stu- dents. The student who decides to study abroad, for example, will make more than one trip to the Office of International Programs. Those who choose to embark on a non-University study abroad program, however, will find that OIP is of no help to them at all. I asked the OIP if they could answer a few questions for me about how to transfer credit from my non-University study abroad program of choice and was told point-blank, "We don't do that here." When I asked if some- one could refer me to an office that does do that, they could not. Instead, they gave me a single sheet of paper published by the Uni- versity with a checklist of more offices to visit, people to see and still more red tape to unravel before I could study abroad. That's just the tip of the iceberg. There are seniors who suddenly realize they are on the five-year plan, second-semester juniors without majors and freshmen without a clue. While being proactive and learning to self- advocate are skills as important at the Uni- versity as they are in life, the University has the ability and the responsibility to give stu- dents the tools they need to take advantage of the resources it has to offer. LSA's aca- demic advising system leaves the enormous potential of our school untapped and largely inaccessible to the student body. There are tangible things that can be done, beginning with a new attitude toward academic advising at the University. It is precisely because of the University's large size that LSA's advising program must be taken far more seriously and held up for scrutiny. Advising should be a student-friendly, transparent process that gives every stu- dent the opportunity to have a friendly and productive relationship with his advisor. Although it is the quantity of time with advi- sors that is in question, and not necessarily the quality, advisors must be more knowl- edgeable about the complicated and bureau- cratic workings of the system of which they are a part. Advising departments need to become more centralized and establish bet- ter communication between various offices; there should be a single office, for example, that helps all University students make the necessary arrangements to study abroad. Like College of Engineering students, LSA students should be required to meet with an academic advisor before registering for classes. If you know to ask, any advisor can pull up a "progress-to-degree" report that reveals which and how many classes you need to earn a degree or complete a concentration. This report should be acces- sible through Wolverine Access so students can track their own progress whenever they so desire. Students at the University are already at a disadvantage when it comes to obtaining recommendations and credit for internships and independent studies because large class sizes severely limit their contact with pro- fessors. Academic advisors should be more involved here as well. Students can current- ly request to see a specific advisor, but they often find it difficult to develop a relation- ship or even a rapport with a single advi- sor - not that surprising considering how many different types of advisors can be nec- essary throughout a student's undergraduate career. It's not sexy, but it sure is scandalous. The extensive resources, opportunities and classes offered at the University are ren- dered useless if the vast majority of students are unable to take advantage of them. The time has come for LSA's academic advising to get more than a facelift. 0 0 Gay can be reached at maracl@umich.edu. VIEWPOINT Think locally, act locally 0 BY MIKE FORSTER When provoked, students can be just as engaged and just as powerful as any other group. In the 2004 election, displaying our anger at the current administration (or discontent with John Kerry as any sort of attractive alternative), we voted in record numbers. When the Ann Arbor City Council tried to ban couch porches during the sum- mer of 2004, we rose up and prevented it. And when the Michigan Student Assembly was voting on a resolution to divest from Israel, we packed the Michigan Union ball- room. The potential is there, and the time is now to become active yet again. We face another important election next November, but this time because of local issues. City Council will most likely be voting on Mayor John Hieftje's lease-sign- ing ordinance, the couch ban will likely be debated once again and another student will attempt to win a Council seat. However, with our current level of participation, it would be foolhardy to expect pro-student decisions from our local government. The lease-signing ordinance, if passed, would prohibit any landlord to show any housing units until one-quarter of the cur- rent lease has passed. This will give students a longer grace period to decide where and with whom to live. The students I have spo- ken with have been overwhelmingly in favor of this ordinance; both students who are future renters and students currently renting who are faced with the choice of renewing their leases in late September or being sub- jected to large groups of students trampling through their homes. A very similar ordi- nance was passed in Madison, Wisc. and has been a success. Unfortunately, we have shown that when only local issues are at stake, we do not show up. This year's elections received the lowest student turnout in recent memory. Therefore, we should not be surprised that the Council makes critical decisions that aversely affect students, such as new parking regulations, without consulting us. The new joint stu- dent-City Council committee is a great start, but without voter participation, I fear it will lack significance. We cannot wait until it's too late to start following local news and become politi- cally engaged. What we do next semester will be crucial, because we do not have the luxury to sit back and remain indifferent until something really angers us again. Tra- ditionally ,local issues do not get as much as attention as national ones, but it is in the local ones that we can make the most impact. I am tired of seeing student houses burn down because of bad wiring and care- less inspections. I am tired of new parking regulations that force young women to take long walks home late at night. I am tired of living in a city in which a large number of its workers cannot afford to live within its boundaries. But most of all I am tired of voting in East Quad in the afternoon and seeing that only about 80 of my fellow stu- dents have bothered to vote. Now is the time for action, and it does not take much to make a difference. It could be as easy as changing your registration from your hometown to Ann Arbor, or as involved as forming a new student group to focus on city issues. It is about time we stop complaining about the state, city or even our own student government and start doing something about it. We control our own destiny, but if we do not stand up right now and be heard we will not only be com- promising ourselves, but the fate of future University students. Forster is an LSA senior and former chair of MSA's External Relations Committee. He currently serves on the joint student-Ann Arbor City Council committee. 0 LETTER TO THE EDITOR Editorial Board Members: Amy Anspach, Reggie Brown, Gabrielle D'Angelo, John Davis, Whitney Dibo, Milly Dick, Sara Eber, Jesse Forester, Mara Gay, Jared Goldberg, Ashwin hwannathan. Theresa Kennellv. Mark Kuehn. Will Kerridge, Frank Manley, Kirsty McNa- Cartoonist oversimpliftes role of affirmative action, misses 4 ,'VJ...*A 41ft? Jn vt. fr £ course, he has family members who attend- ed the University, decides to go into nurs- ing, has a rich father who donated a large sum of monev comes from a rural county. .. :: :. 4 ' 4':..: i. i ". ...... <:3'':' }' .> ' .. f :. I