Monday, November 28, 2005 News 3A Granholm heads to the Middle East ''ONDA-Y 4& 41v 4 r lwtir uiIT, C t Opinion 4A Suhael Momin: staying in Iraq Arts 8A Charlize Theron talks "Aeon Flux" One-hundredfifteen years ofeditorialfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVI, No. 37 ®2005 The Michigan Daily Experts: state job outlook bleak " Michigan lost 12,300 jobs in first six months of 2005, experts say By Bo He Daily Staff Reporter As Michigan's economy contin- ues to grind through its employ- ment slump, many recent University graduates probably won't have an easy time finding jobs in the state, experts say. At the annual Economic Outlook Conference in Ann Arbor the week before Thanksgiving, the forecast for the Michigan economy was bleak. University economists predicted a sixth consecutive year of job losses in the fiscal year 2006, and while the enormous job losses from 2000 to 2003 have slowed down signifi- cantly, they have not stopped yet. From January to June of this year, the state lost 12,300 jobs, and Univer- sity economists at the conference pre- dicted a loss of about 9,600 jobs. The economists expect some job growth in 2007, with 10,600 jobs added, pri- marily in the service sector. This year has been the weakest in terms of job growth when compared with the last five years, with manu- facturing suffering the most losses. "I don't think the Michigan econ- omy has fallen into the fire quite yet, but it definitely won't be out of the frying pan for a while," Economics Prof. George Fulton said. Crary explained that the ongoing state budget crisis has dramatically hindered state government from bringing about much-needed relief to compensate for the job losses. The state unemployment rate for this year is 6.8 percent, and expected to rise for the next two years, top- ping out at 7.6 percent by the end of 2007. Currently, the national unem- ployment rate is 1.7 points less than Michigan's rate. With numbers so bleak, it comes as no surprise that recent graduates of the University are encountering many more obstacles in their quests to land good jobs in the state. Associate Vice President for Stu- dent Affairs Simone Taylor, who has been tracking the job outlook for college graduates, said overall hir- ing of Michigan employers is down by 42 percent. However, the hiring of last year's graduates has been a little better than expected. "I am cautiously optimistic for current graduates regarding their employment search," she added. Kerin Borland, associate director of the University's Career Center, said the See JOBS, Page 3A Artwork draws fire LSA Building sculptures are currently stored in the Bentley By Karl Stampfl Daily Staff Reporter at 'U, When construction on the salm- on-colored Literature, Science and the Arts Building on State Street is finished next year, 37 of the 39 his- toric bas reliefs by Michigan sculptor Marshall Fredericks will return to its fagade. Two will not. Those two works of art - "Dream of the Young Man" and "Dream of the Young Girl" - have spurred con- troversy on campus for more than 30 years. Opponents have argued that the works are sexist because they portray finding a suitable husband as a woman's central preoccupation. "Dream of the Young Man" depicts a boy dreaming about a ship with wind-filled sails. "Dream of the Young Girl" shows a muscular man flanked by oxen taking the hand of a woman. "The visual representation doesn't seem to hold the same respect for women as it does men," said Fran Blouin, director of the Bentley His- torical Library on North Campus. The reliefs were placed on the LSA Building when it was built in 1948. For years, the University stood by its position that the works are an important part of history and should not be removed just because they are no longer politically correct. But just before renovations began on the LSA Building in 2003, the Office of the Provost - headed by then-Provost Paul Courant - decid- ed to permanently move the works to the Bentley, where fewer students are likely to see them. Some say the decision is an inap- propriate attempt to forget the past. "I don't think it's ever really a positive thing to hide art because of something like this," said LSA sophomore Marah Hehemann, who is majoring in art history. "Keeping it at the University but putting it in a different place seems strange." Gary Krenz, special counsel to University President Mary Sue Cole- man, disagreed. He said. he does not view the move as an attempt to cover up his- tory because the reliefs are not being removed but only relocated. University administrators argue that the Bentley, which holds most of the University's historical records, is an appropriate place to house the reliefs because it places them in a historical context. "My own general view about anachronistic statements of value is that you ought to use them as oppor- tunities to teach," Courant said. "When possible, you'd like to have a display that gives people opportuni- ties to reflect on what the world was like when the art was created." The President's Advisory Com- mission on Women's Issues, formed in 1989 to advise the University president on how to increase gen- der equality, strongly recommended moving the works. "The vision that the bas reliefs convey is better suited to a histori- cal context than as a representation of the dreams we hold for Michigan's men and women students in the 21st century," commission chair Carol Hollenshead wrote in a 2003 letter to University President Mary Sue Cole- man. The controversy spurred Art His- tory Prof. Margaret Root to teach a course on the bas reliefs called Art See SCULPTURES, Page 7A STEVEN TAI/Daily The controversial "Dream of the Young Girl" and "Dream of the Young Man" sculpture by Marshall Fredericks are located at Bentley Historical Library on North Campus. Students rate U' professors with web site But some say website is an inaccurate indicator of a professors performance in. class By Mariem Qamruzzaman Daily Staff Reporter When LSA senior Jason LaBelle schedules his winter semester classes, he won't be concerned about one thing. After checking out, he can decide which professors to take based on their ratings. The website is a database for looking up or rating professors from universities across the country. The University's Ann Arbor campus has 1,326 profes- sors listed on the site, with student ratings for the vast majority of them. "I found it pretty accurate, actually," LaBelle said. "Every semester, I'll check that site. If there are a lot of accurate observations, not people who are mad about grades, then I'll use that to shape my opinion." Next to each professor's name on the website is a happy, neutral or sad face to indicate whether a profes- sor is of good, average or poor quality. The rating sys- tem is on a one to five scale, with five being the highest. Each rating is based on four categories: easiness, help- fulness, clarity and attractiveness. A chili pepper next to a professor's name signifies the instructor's hotness. The ratings are monitored daily by a University stu- dent who reviews the ratings and comments. Such comments range from "Ralph Williams is my guilty pleasure..." to "I swear he is in the Mafia." A few professors at the University believe the site has a practical and positive purpose for students. "I think it's a lot of fun, actually," nuclear engineer- ing Prof. Alex Bielajew said. "Students can rate their professors anonymously. I think it's pretty useful." He added that professors also can use the website to see what students think about them. But not all students and professors agree that the site See RATINGS, Page 7A Now its your t urn to grade 1,326 'U' professors rated on easiness, helpfulness, clarity Ratings based on mandatory evaluation forms Freshman who . won scholarship I'm not a genius : Prognosis OK for meningitis student Male freshman contracted type c meningitis despite receiving vaccination By Michael Kan Daily News Editor More than two weeks after a male freshman student fell ill with bacterial meningitis, the Uni- versity Health Service reported that as of last A New York Times article reported on student's writing Jacqueline E. Howard Daily Staff Reporter To Heidi Kaloustian, every story she writes is merely an entry in a typical 17-year-old girl's diary. But according to The New because of this, in a Nov. 20 arti- cle, The New York Times reported on Kaloustian's new found fame as a prodigy. But the soft-spoken blonde says: "I just don't like the idea of being called a genius." She feels just like any other girl, she added. "She wasn't writing her name in sand at the age of two or any- thing like that," said her mother CC ~Cr 'C V C _____________________________________________________________________________