Wednesday, November 23, 2005
1L-e# 1. i l t . _ .t o A r i Kit S T C 8,.S J ®m a 17, 8
News 3 Hendrix calls
for recount of
mayoral election
Opinion 4 Emily Beam: Get
off the bus
Sports 21 Cagers muzzle
.el ir igaui . ai g
One-hundredfifteen years ofeditorialfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVI, No. 36 ©2005 The Michigan Daily
head home
- Tulane students at
the 'U' required to
pay Tulane tuition fee
of $16,673 a semester
By Christina Hildreth
Daily Staff Reporter
When Walker Hines goes home for
Thanksgiving, the guest student and fifth-
generation New Orleanian must decide
what to do if he cannot return to the Uni-
versity next semester.
After being rescued by boat from his
flooded New Orleans neighborhood in
September, the third-year political sci-
ence major was accepted to the Univer-
sity as a nondegree student.
Now, he and 73 other displaced stu-
dents from the four universities hardest-
hit by Hurricane Katrina must choose
whether to try to remain Wolverines or
fly south to their original universities for
the winter semester.
Hines has applied for re-admission to
the University of Michigan and has with-
drawn from Tulane University. He is wait-
ing for the admissions office to decide his
academic fate.
But among the displaced students,
Hines is in the minority.
Sally Lindsley, associate director of
undergraduate admissions, said that
though New Orleans universities have
encouraged displaced students to come
back for the winter semester, her office
has received only five or six inquiries
from displaced students wishing to stay
at the University of Michigan.
"I don't know anybody that's not goingF
back," said Andrew Pridjian, a displaced r'
student who along with 46 others was
admitted under nondegree status from
Tulane, which cancelled its fall semester
after sustaining more than $100 million
in property damage from the storm.
Tulane spokesman Mike Strecker
confirmed Pridjian's guess, saying the
Louisiana university expects most of its
13,000 students to return in the winter.
"The registration for (next) semester
is still going on, so we don't have exact
figures yet, but the early numbers are
encouraging," he said.
The University of New Orleans, which
will re-open its central campus Jan. 29, STE
suffered $103 million in property dam- Sophomore mathematics major Andrew Pridjian from Tulane University at South Quad yesterday.
age but retained more than 7,000 students
during the fall term through online class-
es and satellite campuses. W here are tht f
Spokeswoman Sharon Gruber said Yft
the school is expecting 12,000 students Seventy-fbur displaced students found ther
next semester, 5,000 short of normal at the University of Michigan fall semester.
enrollment. The low estimate reflects
the high number of UNO students who LMI
cannot return because they lost their 1. Xavier University
homes, she said. Undergraduate: 3 students
Twenty-one of the displaced stu-
dents at the University of Michigan 2. University of Now Orleans
hail from UNO. Undergraduate: 6astudents
Though maintaining daily opera- Graduate: 15 students
tions for these two New Orleans
schools has been a logistical night- 3. Tulane University
mare, both have promised to allow Undergraduate: 23 students
displaced students to transfer credits Graduate: 23 students
from any accredited university that
took them in for fall semester. 4. Loyola University New Orleani
But there is a catch. Undergraduate: 2 students
To earn Tulane credit, each of the 46 Graduate:2 students
See DISPLACED, Page 7 GPi:uc A
after apt
Fire official says cause
of fire may be related to a
faulty power strip
By Neil Tambe
Daily Staff Reporter
After a fire burned through half of their apart-
ment complex at 12:52 Monday morning, some
lucky residents are already moving back in.
The Ann Arbor Fire Department respond-
ed to the fire immediately, which blazed
through half of the building, located on 1611
South State Street, a few blocks south of
Michigan Stadium.
Judy Paron, a representative for Oppenheimer
Properties, which owns the complex, said some
of the residents who lived in an unscathed sec-
tion of the 12-unit apartment building were
allowed to return to their apartments by 5 p.m.
Monday, less than 24 hours after the fire bar-
reled through half of their building.
All residents, mostly young adults and Uni-
versity students, evacuated the building safely.
A sure cause of the fire is unknown, but Ann
Arbor Fire Marshal Ron Heemstra said that the
fire might be connected to a faulty power strip
or appliances that were plugged into it.
"Make sure you aren't overloading (the power
strips) ... and make sure your smoke detectors
are working," Heemstra said.
Sylvie Khajuria, a Rackham student and
building resident, did not hear an alarm alert-
ing her to the fire, but evacuated at the heed
of a neighbor. She said she did not receive an
explanation why there was no warning from the
smoke detectors, but intends to find out.
Paron said construction workers spent Mon-
day repairing various wiring systems housed
in the damaged front of the building, including
telephone and electrical lines.
See FIRE, Page 7
Former 'U'
. trovers,
Controversy surrounding Univer
Deborah Bacon's position elimine
punctuated the tide of change views
facing the 'U' in the '60s the no
her Ch
By Donn M. Fresard Bac
Daily News Editor energy
dean of women dies at 98
y that would end in an upheaval of the
sity's relationship with students and the
ation of her office.
e was a person of very conservative
at a time when that was the norm, but
rm was changing," University historian
ret Steneck said of Bacon, who died in
elsea apartment at 98 Friday.
on's life was marked by conviction and
. Born in 1906, she worked at a women's
and served as a nurse at a missionary
al in Alaska. During World War II, she
d as an Army nurse, landing at Omaha
six weeks after D-Day and tending to
3eorge Patton's army in frontline hospi-
ross Europe. After the war, she earned
ctorate in English at Columbia Universi-
at age 44 was appointed dean of women
University of Michigan.
"She was a person of very conservative views at a time
when that was the norm, but the norm was changing."
- Margaret Steneck
University historian
Deborah Bacon served as the University's
dean of women in the 1950s, at the end of an
era when University officials acted as parents to
female students - enforcing dress codes and
curfews and discouraging interracial dating.
When students revolted against that system
as the '50s gave way to the more tumultuous
'60s, Bacon became the lightning rod in a con-
Gen. G
tals ac
her do
ty and
at the L
The controversy
When Bacon took over the Office of the
Dean of Women in 1950, the University tasked
her with carrying out its traditional philosophy:
to act in loco parentis - in the place of a par-
ent. That meant doing as most traditional 1950s
parents would do with young daughters: con-
trolling where they lived, how they dressed and
whom they dated. Bacon took to the job with
characteristic vigor.
"She believed in the social structure as it
was at that time, and she believed in enforcing
it," Steneck said.
Enforcing that social structure meant keep-
ing a close watch on female students to protect
See BACON, Page 3
Deborah Bacon, the University's last dean of
Institute to unite
* researchers at'U'
New institute to facilitate
collaboration of seven University
schools on environmental sustainability
By Gabe Nelson
Daily Staff Reporter
With an energy crisis, global warming and escalating
pollution threatening populations worldwide, the University
recently announced the "Captain Planet" of research groups:
the Graham Environmental Sustainability Institute.
With the combined powers of more than 300 professors
from seven University schools, the GESI aims to uncover
w io ..rntwi ihe envrnmant anA devise strateges tn
Hillel votes to ban
all Coke products
'U' chapter of Hillel
votes to ban Coca-Cola
products at Hillel-
sponsored events
By Jeremy Davidson
Daily Staff Reporter
For the past year, Coca-Cola's bev-
erages have not been the only aspect
of the company under pressure - the
soft-drink giant has fought allegations
of human rights violations in Colombia
and India and is now preparing to con-
front critics in court.
Pre-trial tension has built between
Company is accused of
complicity in the intimidation,
murder and torture of workers
in Colombian bottling plants.
Coke has also drawn ire
for its inadequate internal
investigations of their alleged
human rights violations.
voted last week to ban all Coke products
at Hillel-sponsored events, saying Coke's
labor practices in India and Colombia are
" '