4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 18, 2005 OPINION cat lie firtichtgan 43a illd JASON Z. PESICK Editor in Chief SUHAEL MOMIN SAM SINGER Editorial Page Editors ALISON GO Managing Editor EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com NOTABLE QUOTABLE You know Cox has fucked 'em, uh, in the line of duty." - Attorney Lee O'Brien, claiming state Attor- ney General Mike Cox had extramarital sex in a courthouse, to a Cox employee wearing a wiretap for an investigation of a plot to black- mail Cox, in an Oct. 14 conversation at a bar in Novi, according to a transcript on freep.com. MICHELLE BIEN THLELBEAN ARCH fvps Of t, I fi / tO( The waiting game ZACK DENFELD 8-BlT CRITIC hought experi- ment: Let's say a government in charge of the United States spiraled out of control. In particular, let's assume that it was the executive branch (also known as "the administration") that through a series of poor judgments and inappropriate appointments at all levels became totally insular and had a repeated pattern of power abuse and criminal behavior that was under investigation. Q: Other than an armed uprising or just waiting it out, what are the legal or histori- cal precedents that would allow a truly perni- cious executive branch to be deposed? It seems not much. Unlike parliamentary systems of government which have the pos- sibility of no-confidence votes, it is difficult to remove an administration in a presidential system. But in the short term we have seen something akin to the stylings of the parlia- mentary system this week. I would agree with the editorial page of The New York Times which on Thursday wrote, "No matter how the White House chooses to spin it, the United States Senate cast a vote of no confidence this week on the war in Iraq. And about time." The administration is looking increasingly discreditable in the mainstream press, and even the right is beginning to see the writing on the wall. This week, noted conservative col- umnist William Kristol wrote, "If the Ameri- can people really come to a settled belief that Bush lied us into war, his presidency will be over." His advice was for the administration to keep refuting the dissenters, because he believes the facts are on the administrations side. But the Bush administration's admonish- ment of political dissent as "irresponsible" this week just emphasizes its trapped-in-a-corner mentality. The facts will speak, and they are being uncovered each day. This is the same week that the deeply irre- sponsible and hypocritical policies of the executive branch were on full display. On Wednesday of this week, according to the BBC, the United States admitted to using white phosphorus in Falluja as a weapon after previously saying "that white phosphorus had been used only to light up enemy positions. White phosphorus produces a dense white smoke that can cause serious burns to human flesh. Although the United States is not a sig- natory to the 1980 Convention on Certain Con- ventional Weapons, which prohibits its use as an incendiary weapon against civilian populations or in air attacks against enemy forces in civilian areas, the United States may have violated the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention, which it is a signatory to. The initial denial of its use repeats this administration's tactic of questionable poli- cies that then have to be covered up or denied. While illegal or inappropriate use of white phosphorus may not concern neoconserva- tives who give no credence to the notion of international law when it interferes with their imperial dreams anyway, most Americans are unlikely to agree with the use of chemical- based weapon that the world has collectively deemed unlawful for combat use. How much must an administration lie before it becomes the constitutional duty of the people to remove it from office? The most honorable members of the Sen- ate, such as John McCain (R-Ariz.), have long stood up to the more heinous aspects of the neoconservative agenda, but one wonders what type of pressure it will take for other congressmen to return to their senses and move away from the use of the "black arts" the vice president's office has been mania- cally pushing for since Sept. 11. In the United States, articles of impeach- ment require a simple majority to be brought forth in the house and can even then be killed in the senate. The current congressional con- figuration makes the prospect of impeachment unlikely, but the administration may be run- ning out of scare tactics and dirty tricks. Most moderate Republicans realize this administra- tion will be a severe election-year burden. The American polity is finally waking up from its Sept. 11 daze, and although it may not be until 2006, the criminality of the Bush administra- tion will be exposed and they will be deposed in an unceremonious manner. The question then will be if the American people can resist the temptation to return to an isolationist philosophy and instead find a way to reintegrate the nation into main- stream global civil society. Denfeld can be reached at zcd@umich.edu. Experts are not the enemy JESSE SINGAL SEM ItE TIDE Preaching politics Current law protects church-state separation ecent news that the Internal Revenue Service is targeting liberal California church for an anti-war sermon before last year's presi- dential election understandably dis- turbed the Daily's editorial board. The editorial it passed in reaction (Praying to talk, 11/17/2005), however, went far beyond questioning whether this action is politically motivated. The Daily took a broad stance that all nonprofit orga- nizations, including religious groups, should be free from any restrictions on political speech. This position, if car- ried out, would draw church and state dangerously close together at a time when the faith-based Bush administra- tion is already making a mockery of secular governance. The tax law giving exemptions to churches is a straightforward solution to the role of religious institutions in a sec- ular state. Acknowledging that religion is a sphere that should not be within its control, the government doesn't tax churches. In exchange for this benefit, churches accept speech restrictions that prohibit them from attempting to influ- ence the government in elections. As the law is typically enforced, reli- gious leaders are allowed to speak out on moral and societal issues as their faith dictates, but are prohibited from endorsing candidates or directly aid- ing their campaigns. Indeed, one of the most troubling aspects about the case involving All Saints Episcopal Church of Pasadena, Calif. is that the sermon the IRS objects to did not endorse a can- didate; though the sermon sharply criti- cized President Bush for his decision to go to war in Iraq, it also took Sen. John Kerry to task for supporting Bush's war and suggested both candidates had given insufficient attention to poverty. The Daily is a strong supporter of free speech, and its concerns with speech restrictions on nonprofits are under- standable. Indeed, these rules apply to all charitable groups. It is rather difficult to understand why the United Way, say, should have anything less than the full First Amendment rights its leaders oth- erwise enjoy as private citizens. (The legislative history behind the limits on tax-exempt groups suggests that chari- table organizations serving as cogs in political campaigns spurred the move.) In the case of religious organizations, however, the Daily's adamant belief that America is and should be a secular state heavily outweighs the limited free speech concerns with this law. Allowing ministers and monks to influence elec- tions through their congregations encour- ages a far greater degree of entanglement between church and state than our coun- try should accept. You don't have to look as far as Iraq to see that mobilizing religious groups for every political cam- paign isn't exactly the smoothest way to run a democracy. More troubling are the implications for interaction between church and state, given the direction of this admin- istration. Reflecting the influence of conservative Christians in the Republi- can Party, Bush has pushed for policies such as federal funding for faith-based initiatives. It's not difficult to imagine corrupt clergy, once allowed to engage in campaigns, offering up their believ- ers' political support as a bargaining chip when negotiating with the govern- ment for public money. Allowing tax-exempt religious groups to advocate their beliefs on specific poli- cies while preventing them from joining in political campaigns is a fair balance in a free, secular state. There's no need to change tax laws around to give reli- gion more influence in our public life. Christopher Zbrozek is an LSA senior and an associate editorial page editor. He can be reached at zbro@umich.edu. here were two impor- tant election results involving evolution a couple of week s ag o. In Dover, Penn., vot- ers replaced eight Republican members of a school board, all of whom had enacted a policy requiring students in the district to hear a short statement about intelligent design prior to learning about evolution. The new board members, all Democrats, want nothing to do with intelligent design. In Kansas, meanwhile, things turned out differently; the state's Board of Education approved new science standards in a 6-4 vote that seem to favor intelligent design at the expense of evolution. Most notable among the changes is an alteration of the board's very definition of science. The old language, which stated that science is "the human activity of seeking natural expla- nations for what we observe in the world around us," has been supplanted by a new definition - one that cuts out the word "natural" with reference to the explana- tions that science seeks to develop. This is troublesome, to say the least. The excision certainly seems intentional, and it's hard to see why science should ever touch anything that isn't "natural." Certain groups are seeking to worm their preferred ideology into science classrooms - an ideology that is far from scientific. What's unfortunate is that if poll numbers are any indication, Kansas's result is much more in line with "mainstream America." According to a CBS survey conducted in late October, 51 percent of Americans believe that God created humans in their present form. This is a surprising statis- tic for anyone who lives in a major urban area or a liberal, intellectual enclave like Ann Arbor - if you asked around in New York, Boston or Los Angeles, you'd get the impression that Americans, on the whole, accept evolution. But this is not the case, and it has major ramifications. Huge swathes of the country disagree with the accepted view of biologists every- where. It's easy to shrug this off and say, "So what?" But there's more at stake here. This has to do with being a highly industrialized, ultramodern country where the majority of the population lacks a basic understanding of science or the logical process. It has to do with our ability to accept undesirable facts. And most importantly, it has to do with our ability to defer to experts. A history class teaches what history experts think. A painting class teaches the techniques adopted by master painters. So why, in certain areas, are we so unwilling to accept the opinions of experts? It's a question that needs to be addressed, as an ill-informed voting body is a self-destruc- tive voting body. Just as most Americans don't believe in evolution, there was a point at which most people thought Saddam Hus- sein was involved in Sept. 11. These aren't exactly raging controversies for experts in the respective areas; all it takes to find out that yes, evolution exists, or that Hussein, a secular nationalist, would be loath to asso- ciate with a religious radical like Osama bin Laden, is to ask someone with a doctor- ate in the relevant field. A country unwill- ing to look to experts cannot be expected to effectively govern itself. No group better embodies this mistrust of experts than the Bush administration. According to The Associated Press, the non- partisan Government Accountability Office recently revealed anomalies in the Food and Drug Administration's decision to reject over-the-counter sales of the morning-aftet pill, including the fact that "some documents suggest the decision was made even before scientists finished reviewing the evidence." Much has already been written accusing President Bush of stocking high-level orga- nizations like the FDA and Environmental Protection Agency with those whose quali- fications are more political than scientific. Bush, for his part, wants intelligent design taught alongside evolution. It's in the interest of politicians that we mistrust experts. Experts, usually subjected to the political disinfectant of peer-reviewed journals and wary of the career-killing potential of bad science, are more concerned with accuracy than with conclusions that fit into a particular agen- da. Politicians are concerned with getting re-elected. This explains many of the ori- gins of anti-intellectualism; intellectuals have a pesky habit of undermining political rhetoric. The same goes for the consistent attempts on the part of the Republicans to foment distrust of the media. The GOP, of course, would rather have itself and its "new media" figureheads be the ones who produce and disseminate "truth." It's vital for the future of the country that the voting public get over this misunderstanding and fear. If Kansas is in any indication, we have a ways to go. Singal can be reached at jsingal@umich.edu. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Unified community will meet Phelps's message of hatred TO THE DAILY: Thank you for your coverage of the upcoming community action to address Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church's picketing of this Saturday's production of encouragement from across Ann Arbor, the state of Michigan, and indeed the country have driven our efforts to speak out against Phelps and the hate that he represents so well. Few take Phelps seriously - his message is illogical and hateful, and certainly has no place in our community or any other. But the message, though irrational, is no less hurtful. Phelps and the of a unified, peaceful community action is this: If we cannot come together and address this most exaggerated and extreme form of homophobia and hate, then we are ill- equipped and unprepared to address hate and homophobia as it exists in our daily lives. After the Ohio State game on Saturday, celebrate Michigan's victory and join us in Qrnldarity niitride of the Michigan ILeagueP { «T,-, T);--t" a., "^t rPflPrr rlP wipxvC of the T)ailtr'c eclirnrial hnard Their F i I