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November 09, 2005 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-11-09

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 9, 2005 - 3

Advanced Judaic
Studies institute to
celebrate launch
The Frankel Institute for
Advanced Judaic Studies will mark
its launch and reveal its director,
Deborah Dash Moore, at 4 p.m.
today. Among the speakers will
be University President Mary Sue
Coleman and LSA Dean Terrence
McDonald. The new institute was
made possible by a $20-million
gift - the largest in LSA history
- from the Samuel and Jean Fran-
kel Jewish Heritage Foundation.
Pierpont to host
book-binding class
Arts at Michigan will hold a book-
binding workshop at the Pierpont Com-
mons Valley Room from 6 to 8 p.m. For
a charge of $25, participants can learn
two techniques for creating simple yet
elegant book binds. Also included will
be a session on how to decorate a book.
Harvard professor
to speak on
asthma, stress
Harvard Medical School Prof. Rosa-
lind Wright will speak on stress and
asthma disparities at the Vaughn Pub-
lic Health building at 3:00 p.m. this
afternoon with a reception immediately
Women's Studies
to hold talk on
gender history
There will be a lecture and discussion
on research in gender history in room
2239 of Lane Hall at noon today. The
talk is sponsored by the Department of
Women's Studies.
Driver hits walker
without realizing it
A male reported a vehicle hit-
ting him while he was crossing the
intersection of Fletcher Street and
North University Avenue on Mon-
day at around 4 p.m, the Department
of Public Safety reported. DPS later
located and interviewed the driver,
who said she was not aware that
she had hit someone. The victim
declined medical treatment.
Laptop burglar
arrested at library
DPS officers arrested a male steal-
ing a laptop in the Harlan Hatcher
Graduate Library on Monday around
7:15 p.m. While searching the sus-
pect's residence, DPS found two other
stolen laptops. The suspect is in custo-

dy and may be charged with receiving
and concealing stolen property and
attempted larceny.
Rivalry gets out
of hand at CCRB
basketball game
A Michigan State University stu-
dent claimed he was assaulted when a
University of Michigan student threw
an elbow at him while playing basket-
ball at the CCRB on Monday around
8:45 p.m. No ambulance was called
because the victim sought medical
treatment on his own.
In Daily History
Undercover cops
bust 75 students
drinking at parties
Nov. 9, 1998 - Early Saturday
morning, undercover Ann Arbor police
officers nosin2 as nartiers. issued a

Hendrix, Kilpatrick greet supporters at rallies

Continued from page 1
"Kwame needed a wake-up call - he got a little too
comfortable," Saunders said. "Even if Kwame wins this
race, it will be the wake-up call he needed. If he had been a
good mayor, it wouldn't be this close."
Constance Patterson, another voter at Bagley, said Hen-
drix's experience was one of the main reasons she support-
ed him.
"I think Archer was one of the best mayors we've had,"
she said.
But Patterson's friend India Bell voted for the incumbent
mayor. Bell, who is 18, said Kilpatrick has a better connec-
tion with her age group.
"He can relate to the city more than the other candidate,"
Bell said.
Michelle Waters, another young voter, agreed.
She said she supports young people in political positions
because she thinks it will open the door for more people in
her generation to become involved.
She said Kilpatrick's involvement in politics from a
young age - he was the youngest man to serve as the state
House Democratic leader before becoming mayor - is an
inspiration to her.
"Kwame's campaign spoke more to the people than Hen-
drix. Hendrix just talked to the people - he didn't connect
with them," Waters said.
Elmer Murray said he voted because his 25-year-old
daughter Beverley convinced him to. They both supported
"He's the lesser of two evils," Murray said. "There's
nothing good about Kilpatrick except he's the one I know."
Darlene Smith said she supported the incumbent mayor
because of the jobs his administration has created in the city.
"(Kilpatrick) has a fresh vision for Detroit and needs
time to finish what he has started," Smith said.
Saunders said the mayoral race has been close because
of the support that Kilpatrick has received from the city's
He said he had seen many young voters throughout the
A noticeably younger crowd attended Kilpatrick's rally.
The mayor's backers congregated at the Marriott Renais-
sance Hotel, another upscale location just blocks away from
the Hendrix rally in downtown Detroit. While Kilpatrick's
rally was more subdued last night, volunteers stayed positive
as some exit polls indicated a lead for Kilpatrick early on.
Had he lost, Kilpatrick would have been the first incum-
bent Detroit mayor to be unseated since 1961.

TOP RIGHT: Detroit Mayor
Kwame Kilpatrick, with his
mother U.S. Rep. Carolyn
Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-Detroit) at
his side, shakes a supporter's
hand at his rally at the Marriott
Renaissance Hotel last night.
TOP LEFT: Detroit mayoral can-
didate Freman Hendrix cheers
on supporters at his rally at
Detroit's State Theater.
LEFT: Election volunteers
organize and file absentee
ballots i thebasement of
Cobo Hall during Detroit's
elections yesterday.

Students surprised to learn dorm meals cost $


to $13

Continued from page 1.
There is also the question of why meal plans are
required for students living in the dormitories.
"It is in part to ensure that all of our fixed costs
are appropriately paid for," Levy said. "But it's
a more philosophical statement. Particularly for
freshman and sophomore residents, it's our belief
that it makes life easier for most students to be
able to rely on a meal plan that's built-in, paid for
as part of a standard fee."
But some students question the rationale of deny-
ing college-aged individuals - especially those who
rarely use their meal plans - the right to decide
whether to feed themselves or rely on the University.
A typical case is that of LSA sophomore Jin Hee
Hayward, who said she uses only 11 or 12 meals out
of the 13 allotted to her most weeks.
"Every week, they're making 7 to 14 dollars on
me," she said. "They steal our meal credits when we
don't finish all of our meals."
Hayward suggested that meals should roll over
from week to week.
"Making us lose the meals we paid for is wrong in
every way," she said.
If students skip just a few meals a week, costs
per meal become exorbitant. For example, students
who skip three meals on the nine-meal-per-week
plan pay almost $13 for every meal they eat.
"The meals are way too expensive for a

dorm," Caion-Demeastri said. "I could go to a
restaurant and get a really good, healthy meal
for six or so dollars."
What goes into the cost
University officials say every effort is made to
keep the cost of food low for students.
The University tries to use its purchasing power
as a large-scale buyer to get the most value, Levy
said. "The University is always a desired customer
because we pay our bills," he added.
Dining Services also constantly monitors pric-
es to make sure the University is getting the best
values, he added.
"For instance, right now Michigan apples are
coming into season," Levy said about a month
ago. "We'll monitor that. We can buy a good qual-
ity Michigan apple at a less expensive cost than a
Washington apple."
Raw food - which costs the University an aver-
age of $2.33 per student per meal - is only a small
portion of the cost to feed the students.
In the yearly budget of Dining Services, food
accounts for 56 percent of expenses; laundry, 1 per-
cent; supplies, 2 percent; student wages, 19 percent;
and equipment repair, 1 percent.
The remaining 21 percent of expenses goes
toward paying Dining Services administra-
tors. Housing Director Carol Henry made about
$145,000 last year, Dining Services Director San-
dra Lowry made just under $71,000 and Levy

made just over $77,000. Residence hall chefs
make about $40,000 a year, and cooks earn about
$30,000 a year.
Levy said the University's dining budget comes
out about even every year.
But this winter, with room and board fees locked
in but with utility costs rising, Levy said Universi-
ty Housing will face a challenge. Its expenses will
go up, but its revenue will not.
So what will this mean for students? Lower-qual-
ity food - like perch, Levy said, rather than cod.
"Last year, we looked at the fishes and said, 'Well,
we can afford the higher price for cod," Levy said.
"This year, we'd pick the lower-cost one.""
Food quality
University Dining Services chefs, cooks, student
workers and other employees prepare 2.5 million
meals a year for students.
"We're mass cooking for thousands of people,"
said LSA sophomore Raysa Leer, who works in the
East Quadrangle cafeteria. "This isn't a restaurant.
While we do our best, there is the issue of this being
When asked to describe the biggest challenges
chefs at the University face in the quest to produce
quality food, University Executive Chef Steven Mey-
ers said, "Busy restaurants may feed 200 to 300 cus-
tomers on their best night, while an average meal at
South Quad or Bursley is 1,300 customers."
Meyers said the small allocation for raw food

often limits the menu. Given more than $2.33 per
meal, he said he would offer a steak option, an item
highly demanded by students. But steak costs about
$.50 per ounce.
"The complete meal would be used up with 5
ounces, and 5 ounces is not enough for a quality
steak experience," he said.
Most students said they were content with the food
when judging it independent of its price.
"My dining experience has been satisfactory,"
LSA sophomore Gabriel Baker said.
Baker was also comfortable with the price
of meals.
"I suppose with the amount of money they have to
pay for employees, I'm OK with the price," he said.
University President Mary Sue Coleman said
she hasn't heard a lot of dissatisfaction about din-
ing from students.
"I have had some students say they like it a lot.
There's a wide spectrum of opinions," she said.
Coleman said the soon-to-be-built Hill Dining
Center will centralize operations because of its
large size and may even make food less expen-
sive for students.
"Smaller dining halls make things more expen-
sive," she said.
But until then, students will have to pay the high
price of living in University housing.
"It's just another fee we have to pay," Caion-
Demaestri said. "It's another way the University
finds to drain our money."


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