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November 08, 2005 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-11-08

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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
News 3 Students celebrate
Native American

Opinion 4

Chris Zbrozek: The curse
of student apathy


Arts 8 Depeche Mode
returns with a thud

One-hundredfifteen years ofeditorialfreedom
www.michkandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVI, No. 26 ©2005 The Michigan Daily

City holds

Where to vote on campus
Polls will be open from 7 a. m. to8 p.m.

Coleman part
of higher ed

By Jeremy Davidson
Daily News Editors b
Last summer, former MSA Rep. c
Stuart Wagner passed out earplugs
at a City Council meeting to sym- l
bolize the deaf ear that the Council's a
members turned to student issues. t
Wagner's "protest" was in B
response to a parking restriction that 1
City Council passed, which turned r
open parking spots near a number of s
fraternities and sororities into park- f
ing places that required annual for-
fee passes.
I Second Ward

Elections for City Council mem-
bers are being held today, and stu-
dents have a chance to be heard by
asting a ballot.
Students can vote at the polling
ocation for the ward in which they
re registered to vote. Polling loca-
ions are at the Michigan Union,
Bursley, Mary Markley Residence wg
Hall, East Quadrangle, South Quad-
angle and at Jefferson and fifth r>.
treets. Polling stations will be open
rom 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. today.
There are several election issues
See CITY, Page 7
Third Ward

Speakers agreed
that Michigan needs
an educated workforce
By Anne VanderMey
Daily Staff Reporter
Detroit higher education leaders and
state elected officials bowed their heads in
prayer yesterday in Detroit's Cobo Hall to
ask God to help them improve Michigan's
The opening, prayer, led by a member
of the Detroit Economic Club's board of
directors, kicked off a roundtable discussion
featuring influential voices on higher educa-
tion, including University President Mary
Sue Coleman and Lt. Gov. John Cherry.
The event, titled Growing Minds, Grow-
ing the Economy: Forging Higher Expecta-
tions about Higher Education, delved into
universities' role in propelling the state
into the knowledge-based economy of the
Although speakers agreed that an edu-
cated workforce will lay the foundations
for Michigan's bid to compete in a global-
ized economy, some panelists expressed

concern that state leaders fail to provide
universities with adequate funding to keep
pace with the rising demand for education,
despite vocal commitment to the cause.
"Across the state the quality that
exists (in higher education) is really quite
astounding," Coleman said. But as the state
revamps its industries, she added that deci-
sions made now about higher education
will steer Michigan's transition into the
information age.
"We're at a critical time here in our his-
tory," Coleman said.
The event highlighted the findings of
Cherry's Commission on Higher Education
and Economic Growth, on which Cole-
man served. The creation of the commis-
sion was part of Gov. Jennifer Granholm's
broader effort to bolster the state's economy
by developing a strategy to double the num-
ber of college graduates in the state in 10
years. After six months' work, the com-
mission made 19 recommendations earlier
this year to the state on how it can improve
Michigan's higher education system.
The recommendations included propos-
als to expand degree programs, strength-
en high schools and make college more
See COLEMAN, Page 3


---- Fourth Ward _

Cagers see decline
in ticket sales


Student ticket sales
dropped significantly despite
a reduction in the price
By Jack Herman
Daily Sports Writer
For whatever reason, something
caused student season ticket sales for
men's basketball to fall by more than
40 percent this season.
Numbers obtained from Associate
Athletic Director Marty Bodnar show
that while nonstudent sales dropped
just 7 percent, the number of students
buying season tickets this season
declined from 1,563 to 920. This drop
occurred despite a, price decrease
from $160 to $130, which resulted
from a lower number of home games
this year. Last season, Michigan host-
ed three Preseason NIT matchups but
did not compete in the tournament

Empty seats
Number of tickets sold has
declined from 1,563 to 920
The decrease comes even
after ticket prices were lowered
from last year's $160 per ticket
to $130
Much of the decrease is
attributed to loss of anonymous
donor who purchased all bleach-
er seats in past two years
this year.
The biggest reason for the lower
sales was the loss of an anonymous
donation that had boosted sales in
the past two years, Bodnar said. The
benefactor purchased all 520 bleacher
seats, which the Athletic Department
See TICKETS, Page 7


"I will be happy to work with
the new committee but I
doubt that if I am elected the
Mayor would appoint me to
the committee. Even if I'm
not on the committee, I would
be happy to communicate
by email with students and
with student groups that
are interested in the city."

"Students are alegitimate
part of the community and
should be treated as such.
Student issues are the
community's issues they
are inextricably intertwined.
It was my suggestion, and
one that City Council recently
approved, to constitute a
City MSA Commission.

(The mayor has already
said Greden will be
appointed to the
committee if re-elected.)

"I wholeheartedly support
not only student contact by
any and all means possible,
I also support more input
from non-voters including
non-citizens, non-residents
including homeless,
commuters, visitors,
unregistered residents and
non-voting residents."

"(Students) are my
constituents and
receive the same
respect as my other
constituents and bring
a fresh perspective
to many issues."

Did not respond in time
to meet deadline.



Students from Detroit can't
"find rides to city for elections

By Juia F. Homing
Daily Staff Reporter

Though the race between incumbent
Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and former
Deputy Mayor Freman Hendrix has
inspired debate among many Univer-
sity students from Detroit, student vot-
ers may not turn out in high numbers
because many of them don't have a way
to get to the polls.
Riana Anderson, the president of the
University's NAACP chapter, is from
Detroit but is registered to vote in Ann
Arbor. She said the NAACP organized
carpools to Detroit for the national
elections last year but hasn't received
any requests for a transportation ser-
vice for today's election.
The NAACP and the all-black Delta
Sigma Theta sorority held a discussion

"He might have made some bad decisions, but he
tries to keep the city in the hands of the people."
- Chris Villerot
Engineering freshman

said she supports Hendrix because of
allegations of Kilpatrick's misuse of
city funds.
Engineering freshman Chris Villerot
said he also does not have a way to get
to the polls. He said he supports Kilpat-
rick despite the charges of corruption.
"He might have made some bad deci-
sions, but he tries to keep the city in the
hands of the people," he said.
LSA senior Jennifer Raupp said she

LSA senior Monica Smith of the Defend Affirmative Action Party and LSA sophomore Andy Ramos of
the Students 4 Michigan Party pose in the Michigan Union In front of a display of their flyers.
Parties ear Up f con
By Ashlea Surles Affirmative Action Party are the only two parties


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