Friday, November 4, 2005 News 3 Conference aims to increase women's MBA enrollment Opinion 4 Jesse Singal: Patrick Fitzgerald for president . Arts 5 "Boondocks" creator on his animated show WOMEN'S SOCCER UPSETS No. RENN STATE.. SPORT, PAGE 9 4Atk a1g One-hundred-ifteen years of edioralfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVI, No. 25 x2005 The Michigan Daily Google places 'U books online Full text of library books in public domain available on website; lawsuit still looms over Google's digitization of copyrighted works By Gabe Nelson Daily Staff Reporter Google released the full text of more than 10,000 books, thousands of which came from the University's libraries, on its Google Print website yesterday. The University is part of the Google Print Library Project along with Harvard, Stanford, Oxford and the New York Public Library, all of which are providing Google with access to their libraries. Google's ultimate goal is to make all of the world's books readily available and searchable online. But the legality of Google's enterprise is in question because copyright law protects many of the volumes Google hopes to release online. The Authors Guild and five publishing houses have sued Google because it plans to provide limited access to copyrighted books. The books that went online yesterday had expired copyrights. While the entire text of copyrighted materials will be searchable, Google plans to only display the term being searched for within the document and the sentences preceding and following it for context. Google argues that this is permissible under fair use of copyrighted materials and will not take money away from the copyright holders. "It's a great big balancing act, and that's what the courts will be consider- ing," Wilkin said. University President Mary Sue Coleman supported Google in an opin- ion piece in The Washington Post. The University will continue its association with Google regardless of the legal squabbles, officials say. "We stand behind Google," University spokeswoman Kelly Cunning- ham said. "We entered the partnership with Google believing (Google Print) is completely legal, completely fair and does not infringe on copy- right laws." Associate University Librarian John Wilkin said Google approached the University for the project because Google co-founder Larry Page, a University alum, had long expressed interest in digitizing his alma mater's library. To expedite the copying of University books, Google has a separate copying facility in the state, Wilkin said. Google hopes to eventually copy all of the nearly 7 million volumes in the University's libraries - whether under copyright or in the public domain. The Authors Guild argues that by releasing the scanned books, Google takes money out of the hands of writers. "It's been tradition in this country to believe in property rights," Authors Guild president Nick Taylor wrote in The Washington Post. "When did we decide that socialism was the way to run the Internet?" * Many of the volumes in Buhr Shelving Facility, a University facility for storing books that are out of circulation, have been copied so far, and those in the public domain are available on the Google Print website, Cunning- ham said. Included in the volumes are many long-forgotten articles of histori- cal value. "When you go through stacks systematically, treasures turn up, things that people had forgotten about," Wilkin said. The treasures include a copy of "The Private Correspondence of Benja- min Franklin," published in 1818 and "The Emigrant's Guide," a series of letters from 1828 addressed to English natives considering immigration to the United States. Cunningham said the items also include travel accounts, Civil War regimental histories and French- and German-language books. But Google is not only interested in the University's extensive research library. The University is a leader in digital conversion technology and pio- neered much of the technology Google uses, Cunningham said. See GOOGLE, Page 7 PHOTOS BY TREVOR CAMPBELL/ Daily RIGHT: Ludacris performs to an energetic crowd at Hill Auditorium last night. The concert was sponsored by Hil- lei, the Michigan Student Assembly and the University Activities Center. ABOVE: One Be Lo puts in a 25-minute set to open the stage for the night. l 'cts a oofor Luacris By Evan McGarvey Daily Music Editor You could probably write a pretty decent sociology paper about the crowd at Hill Auditorium for Ludac- ris's performance last night. Old, graying ushers taking tickets from 20-year old guys in jerseys and hats. High school kids with parents in tow. Cheering masses of college kids - of all ages and colors - chanting along verbatim as Ludacris tore through bundles of Top 40 hits. Cousin Dre from Detroit's 102.7, the radio person- ality who acted as the night's master of ceremonies, taunted the crowd from his usual shtick before awk- wardly shifting into shout outs for the University chap- ter of Hillel, the University Activities Committee and Michigan Student Assembly. Small moments like these are what made the great rap experiment at Hill so compelling. But thankfully, and most importantly, it was a completely successful night for the artist and his music. Hill's acoustics were Luda's right-hand man; the bass stayed surreally crisp on his set opening "Number One Spot." Each loop on "The Potion," a Timbaland- produced, textured jam from last year's The Red Light District, was firm and distinct. The bass never squashed any of the higher-pitched drum loops on the songs. Luda's voice, adroit and booming on record, hit even harder live. Even without any real "political" slant to his rhymes - probably the most socially responsible thing Ludacris stands for is See LUDACRIS, Page 5 tring of laptop thefts strikes libraries By Rachel Kruer Daily Staff Reporter A recent wave of laptop thefts from cam- pus buildings may have been perpetrated by a band of clean-cut people who resemble students, campus police say. "People don't suspect them because the perpetrators successfully meld into our student population," said Diane Brown, spokeswoman for the Department of Public Safety. About 22 laptops were stolen from cam- pus property in September and October. DPS is investigating the thefts but has not "People don't suspect them because the perpetrators successfully meld into our student population." - Diane Brown DPS Spokeswoman According to DPS briefings, thieves stole seven more laptops in October. The main scenes of the crimes - the Hatcher Graduate Library and the Shapiro Undergraduate Library, both common study areas for students - were the location of 11 of the thefts in September and three in October. Many of the thefts could have been avoid- ed, Brown said. They usually occur when students leave their laptops in a study area to field a phone call or use the restroom. DPS has increased patrols in the libraries to combat the problem, Brown said. See LAPTOPS, Page 7 named any suspects. The University is offering $500 dollars for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of the perpetrators. According to DPS statistics, laptop thefts on campus have increased drastically com- pared with the same timeframe during the previous year. This September, 15 laptops were reported stolen. Only one was stolen during the same month last year. . Center unites campus diabetes researchers W * Michigan Comprehensive Diabetes Center serves as umbrella organization By Deepa Pendse For the Daily Two University researchers, working on a similar area in the field of diabetes, did not consult with each other about their work, miss- ing an opportunity to share their advancements and learn from each other's research. "(It was a) simple lack of knowledge as to who's in the lab next door," said Peter Arvan, head of the University's Metabolism, Endocri- nology and Diabetes Division. To solve that problem, the University has nnnd a new center that unites several cam- of diabetes in the country. In 2002 alone, about 590,000 adults in the state were diagnosed with the disease, according to the Michigan Depart- ment of Community Health. "Coordination of diabetes care and research is going to be increasingly important as the epidemic of Type 2 diabetes and its compli- cations continue to grow in Michigan," said Frank Brosius, head of the University's Ani- mal Models of Diabetes Complications Con- sortium, part of the MCDC. "I wish this had been developed a decade ago." Eva Feldman, director of the Juvenile Dia- betes Research Foundation Center for the Study of Complications in Diabetes, now part of MCDC, said the center will help to increase communication among researchers about the most recent findings. A nortion of a $44-million donation by LEO, students rally against Dearborn ut Students worry about not graduating on time, lecturers about losing their jobs after Dearborn campus slashes course offerings By Ryan Schreiber Daily Dearborn Bureau DEARBORN - With bullhorn chants piercing the mild Novem- ber air, students, teachers and faculty members of the University's Dearborn campus rallied yesterday to show their opposition to the administration's proposed winter-semester course cuts. "They say cut back - we say fight back!" shouted Bonnie Hal- loran, a Dearborn anthropology professor and president of the Lec- turers' Employee Organization. '1"