41 4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 OPINION br £bw JASON Z. PESICK Editor in Chief SUHAEL MOMIN SAM SINGER Editorial Page Editors ALISON Go Managing Editor EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.com NOTABLE QUOTABLE 44'Like Rosa Parks, Judge Alito will be able to change history by virtue of where he sits." - Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y), on President Bush's nomination of Samuel Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court, as reported yesterday by The Washington Post. COLIN DALY TiE MIH&IAN A L I. 4 wvs Yo. $LEV -El P# S1N4 tGAR Preying on confusion SAM SINGERS AM 'S C)B3 he painfully they incapable of leaving it at that?" details will reveal, lies somewhere in between tedious chro- It's always refreshing to see a pundit dedi- one columnist's hyperbole and the other's nology of cate margin space to deflating (instead of prop- deliberately narrow reality. the Valerie Plame agating) media alarmism, especially when just Despite Rich's finger-pointing, Fitzgerald's affair has been bor- inches away, Times columnist and self-stylized investigation hasn't come near the Oval Office, ing its followers to muckraker Frank Rich is busy unveiling his and the President has been kept at a safe distance. tears ever since it signature scandal of the week. Nor is there any reason to believe Libby's pros- first made headlines Dating back to the Nixon years, Rich's sto- ecution will double as a show trial on the admin- in 2003. With count- ried career as a journalist/film critic has left istration's candor in its pre-war intelligence less side plots and a him hopelessly jaded; trapped in an ongoing gathering. But simply "leaving it at that," to use background-intensive political stage show that stars him as Bob Brooks's words, would be just as misleading. storyline, the 22-month probe into the White Woodward and President Bush as a latter-day Any doubts that the fallout from the Libby House's role in leaking the identity of CIA Nixon. It came as no surprise that Rich opened indictment would penetrate the upper ranks of operative Valerie Plame may be one of the this Sunday's piece, "One step closer to the the White House were dispelled with last week- least appreciated and scarcely understood Big Enchilada," with an elaborate analogy end's news of Fitzgerald's plans to use Libby's criminal investigations ever to grace the front comparing the Libby indictment to the open- prosecution as an opportunity to bring his boss, page of a national newspaper. ing months of the Watergate scandal, when the the vice president of the United States, to the I'd try to explain it myself, but they only country would soon "come to see that the orig- witness stand. give me this little box. So for the sake of con- inal petty crime was merely the leading edge As the point-source behind the leak, we venience, it's sufficient to know that a senior of thematically related but wildly disparate already know Cheney sits atop this mountain of White House official - vice presidential aide abuses of power ... " Rich went on to directly controversy; it's now up to Fitzgerald to discov- Scooter Libby - has been indicted for lying implicate the President, framing the Libby er in what capacity. The prosecution can place under oath, and an even higher-ranking White indictment in the wider context of a cover-up Cheney on Air Force Two with Libby the day House Official - the vice president - is still culture he claims has characterized the admin- Plame's identity was revealed to Time Maga- treading water. istration's handling of the Iraq war. zine's Matt Cooper. And as a material witness, In a hard-hitting Sunday column, New York But where Rich reaches too far, Brooks attention will certainly be brought to Cheney's Times heavyweight David Brooks doused cold doesn't reach far enough. He closes the lid on potential motives for discrediting former dip- water on the hysteria that's consumed the inves- the indictment, stubbornly unwilling to accept lomat and outspoken administration opponent tigation, ridiculing conspiracy claims advanced the idea that someone or something bigger may Joseph Wilson by outing his wife. by Democrats and accusing the party of being be behind the leak. Given the magnitude of the Look for some high-profile subpoe- paranoid and "compulsively overheated" at first issue and the general confusion surrounding it, nas. Look for a showdown over the scope wind of a political scandal. discussing this investigation in anything but the of executive privilege and a drawn out plea Brooks properly points out that Patrick most sober and evenhanded tone seems need- bargain. Look for the president to begin dis- Fitzgerald, the special counsel heading the lessly opportunistic. When readers need reso- tancing himself from Cheney. And regard- investigation, found only enough evidence to lution most, Brooks and Rich, like too many less of where the pundits point you, keep charge Libby and little to shore up allegations of of their partisan counterparts in the media, are looking for the facts. a broader conspiracy or coordinated cover-up. busy towing the company line. Instead of peel- "One of the president's top advisers is indicted ing away the layers, they bury the facts under Singer can be reached on serious charges," Brooks rumbles, "Why are more spin. The truth, as the still-unfolding at singers@umich.edu. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR New Big House luxury boxes 'not our style' TO THE DAILY: I am one of the old University grads - class of '49 and 83 years young. But I still have fond memories of those fall afternoons in Michigan Stadium watching Tommy Harmon tear up the turf. (I started school in 1940.) So I feel a kinship with that house - now called the Big House - that our beloved Fielding H. Yost built. And I doubt very much he ever envisioned or wanted any luxury boxes. We don't need them - they are not our style. If the Athletic Department needs more revenue, let's raise it some other way. Them's my sentiments! Go Blue! George Schumacher Alum Majority of affirmative- action opponents are racist TO THE DAILY: The viewpoint from Oct. 25 (Consider a vote for RAM this election year) touches on something that frequently occurs yet is hardly ever discussed. In that article, the writer mentions that one member of the class made a blanket accusation that all of those in opposition to affirmative action were racist. Now, this type of accusation is nothing new, but it is usually dismissed as an angry, unfounded rebuttal. However, contrary to what they might think, I would have to agree that the majority of those who do not sup- port affirmative action are - either directly or indirectly - racist, as they do not seek to find alternatives with the same fervor they seek to destroy this policy. Many people desire to do away with affir- mative action. Fine, I have no problem with that. I will be the first to admit that it is flawed. However, what I do have a prob- lem with is the fact that a viable alterna- tive policy is never mentioned (half-baked afterthoughts such as President Bush's sug- gestion of the "10-percent plan" excluded). It is almost surprising considering how pas- at least he is completely honest with how he feels. The other part of that implication is that removing affirmative action will level the playing field. In response to this, I sug- gest one look at things such as legacy admissions into colleges, where children of alumni are looked favorably upon by universities solely because their parents attended the same school. This and any- thing in a similar vein are inherently rac- ist, because the effects of racist policies and practices from years ago do not allow minorities to take advantage of them today. Therefore, to deny that race plays a factor in today's society is flat out ignorance, and the product of that ignorance is more dis- crimination against minorities. With all that said, I pose this question to those who oppose affirmative action: Are you one of those who truly desires to reach equal- ity in society, or do you actually deserve to be labeled a racist? Nathan Broyles LSA senior Affirmative-action opponents lack awareness TO THE DAILY: I would like to say a few words in sup- port of the viewpoint Silence and arm- bands (10/27/2005). Many people oppose affirmative action without knowing much about it. It's just like people who oppose stem-cell research without knowing what exactly a stem cell is. They should prob- ably research the topic first. Many do not even know that Asians do not benefit from affirmative action in this Universi- ty's admission policy. Yet as an Asian, I still support affirmative action. Many people oppose it because they fail to see how privileged they are. It's so ingrained in us that we take for granted what we could easily have. Now we have to share those privileges with others. Obviously we feel threatened, and hence the opposi- tion to affirmative action. If we want to abolish affirmative action and be "fair" High-school students should be in class, not at rally TO THE DAILY: Having an hour between classes Thurs- day, I had the opportunity to talk with proponents and opponents of affirmative action, as well as some high school students who had been bussed in. Being a person who firmly believes in preferences for socioeconomic or other hardships, I listened to and pointed out flaws in the arguments of people on both extremes. Try as I might, I could not, how- ever, discuss the issue with the high-school students. Not a single one of the Detroit students I spoke with even knew what the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative was. When I asked them why they were there, one sincerely remarked, "Because white people are try- ing to make it illegal for black people to go to college." When I told them that this was patently false, I was told that their teach- er knew more than me and that they were right. It was simply an unacceptable level of discourse. Also, the only thing that the polar- extreme partisan groups can agree to in regard to affirmative action is the fact that inner-city schools need to educate their students better. This instantly calls into question the rationale for bussing these kids in and filling them with racial- ly inflammatory and often utterly false rhetoric. Considering Detroit has one of the worst education records in the nation, might there have been a better endeavor for these students on a school day paid for (in Detroit's case) by state and federal tax- payers? Perhaps something that involves textbooks and education instead of serving as a rent-a-protest? If they absolutely had to come, wouldn't they have been better served by being truthfully educated on the issue instead of merely serving as warm bodies to chant on the Diag? This also calls into question the motiva- tions of those that brought them here. Obvi- ously, it takes a lot of money to hire charter busses for 1,000 students every five months. Editorial Board Members: Amy Anspach, Reggie Brown, John Davis, Whitney Dibo, Milly Dick, Sara Eber, Jesse Forester, Mara Gay, Eric Jackson, Ashwin Jagannathan, The- resa Kennelly, Will Kerridge, Rajiv Prabhakar, Matt Rose, David Russell, Brian Slade,