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November 01, 2005 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-11-01

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 1, 2005 - 3


Parks remembered for courage, strength

Witnesses of
alleged abuses to
speak tomorrow
The Coke Coalition, a group that
has accused the Coca Cola Company
of human rights abuses in India and
Colombia, will bring in eyewitnesses
Amit Srivastava and Luis Adolfo to
talk about the alleged labor abuses
they say they have seen.
They will be speaking today at 6
p.m. at the School of Social Work.
Seattle AIDS
activists will rally
on the Diag
A caravan from the Campaign to
End AIDS will arrive in Ann Arbor
on the Diag at .11:45 a.m. today.
After the hour-long rally, they will
continue on their way, stopping in
cities across the United States until
they reach Washington.
Film to be screened
for Native American
Heritage month
There will be a screening of "In
the Light of Reverence" at the Wil-
liam Monroe Trotter Multicultural'
Center this evening from 6 to 8:30
The film details the accounts of
the Lakota, Hopi and Wintu tribes
following the controversy over
places such as Devil's Tower in
Wyoming and the debates between
the preservation or development of
those lands.
The film has been shown inter-
nationally for the last decade and
was directed over 10 years by Chris-
topher McLeod and is narrated by
Peter Coyote.
Man found drunk
inside University
parking garage
A male not affiliated with the Uni-
versity was picked up for being openly
intoxicated in the parking structure at
525 Church St. at around 10 p.m. Sun-
day, the Department of Public safety
reported. The male already had a war-
rant out for his arrest. He also had an
expired license. His bond was $300,
but he was not able to post it, so he was
escorted off campus and released.
Fire extinguisher
stolen from East
Quad stairwell
On Sunday night, a fire extinguisher
was stolen from a basement-level stairwell
of East Quadrangle Residence Hall, DPS
reported. There are currently no suspects.
The theft was reported at 11:19 p.m.
Cash stolen from
patient's room

About $100 in cash was stolen from a
patient's room at University Health Ser-
vice, DPS reported. The alleged crime
was reported Sunday night at around
5:30 p.m. There are no known suspects.
Caravan broken
into, property taken
The passenger window of a Dodge
Caravan was broken into at about 11
a.m. Sunday morning, DPS reported.
Victims allege that personal property
was missing. The crime occurred at
525 Church St. on the third level of the
Church Street parking garage.
In Daily History
Portion of North
Campus building

r Nation mourns, celebrates
loss of civil rights movement
hero in variety of ways
WASHINGTON (AP) - Linking hands and
singing "We Shall Overcome," old friends and Wash-
ington's establishment remembered Rosa Parks yes-
terday as a quiet, gentle woman whose courage in the
face of segregation helped inspire generations.
An overflow church crowd paid tribute to the
woman whose refusal to give up her seat to a white
man on a Montgomery, Ala., city bus 50 years ago
helped galvanize the modern civil rights movement.
The two-day farewell and "homegoing" in Washing-
ton also attracted tens of thousands who stood for
hours for a glimpse of Parks's mahogany coffin in the
Capitol Rotunda.
In a three-hour memorial service at historic Met-
ropolitan A.M.E. Church, Parks was celebrated by
political, religious and civil rights leaders and other

luminaries who spoke of the example she set with a
simple act of defiance.
"I would not be standing here today, nor stand-
ing where I stand every day, had she not chosen
to sit down," said talk show host Oprah Winfrey.
"I know that."
Winfrey, who was born in Mississippi during
segregation, said Parks' stand "changed the trajec-
tory of my life and the lives of so many other people
in the world."
Bishop Adam Jefferson Richardson of the Afri-
can Methodist Episcopal Church called Parks a
"woman of quiet strength" who was "noble without
pretense, regal in her simplicity, courageous without
being bombastic."
Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) said Parks'
refusal to give up her seat "was the functional equiva-
lent of a nonviolent shot heard round the world."
"She saw the inherent evil in segregation and she
had the courage to fight it in its common place, a seat
on a bus," said Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.)

At the end of the service, the audience joined
hands and sang the civil rights anthem "We Shall
Overcome." Mourners reached into the aisle to touch
her casket as it was wheeled out of the church.
Afterward, Parks's casket was flown to Detroit,
where a viewing began at mid-evening at the Charles
H. Wright Museum of African American History.
Former President Clinton and singer Aretha Franklin
were scheduled to attend her funeral Wednesday.
Parks, who died last Monday at 92, was arrested
Dec. 1, 1955, for refusing to give up her bus seat to a
white man on demand, as required by law at the time.
The incident inspired a boycott that vaulted the Rev.
Martin Luther King Jr. to prominence and sparked
the civil rights movement that brought an end to for-
mal segregation.
Friends recalled that Parks was an active
NAACP member before her arrest and had grown
weary of laws and rules that separated the races
in buses, restaurants and public accommodations
throughout the South.

Dorothy Height, president emeritus of the National
Council of Negro Women, remembered that Parks
said at the time that she was "sick and tired of giving
in to a system so unjust."
"She said it in her gentle manner but with the
same vigor of the prophets of old as they struck
injustice," Height said.
Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) said her legacy was
so great that when former South African President
Nelson Mandela visited Detroit in 1990, he led the
crowd in a chant of Parks's name.
The moment "made us realize that this is an inter-
national phenomenon that we celebrate. Rosa Parks is
worldwide," said Conyers, who hired Parks to work
in his Detroit congressional office.
Her memorial brought together leaders of both
parties, from Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff
to Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) Sen. Edward Kennedy
(D-Mass.) and Democratic National Committee
Chairman Howard Dean.

Bouchard enters
U.S. Senate race

Oakland County
sheriff one of the three
Republicans challenging
Stabenow in 2006
LANSING (AP) - Oakland Coun-
ty Sheriff Michael Bouchard jumped
back into the race for U.S. Senate yes-
terday, crowding the field of potential
Republican challengers to Democrat-
ic incumbent Debbie Stabenow.
Bouchard, a former state senator
and sheriff of Michigan's second most

is below 50 percent.
Butlerrsaid Monday thatwBouchard
was recruited by people who were
"uncomfortable" with his candidacy,
but that he is in the race to stay.
"Michael Bouchard has clearly
responded to the lobbyists and pow-
erbrokers in Washington who have
recruited him with the promise of
financial support," Butler said in a
statement. "These individuals are
uncomfortable with my candidacy.
"I have not spent years hanging out
with and being entertained by Lansing
and Washington lobbyists. I am an

county since
1999, joins "(Stabenw)is a nice
Keith But- person. But she isn't what
ler and Jerry
Zandstra in 'd call an impact player"
the Repub-
lican field - Michael Bouchard,
for the 2006 'B
election. Oakland County Sheriff
49, in February backed out from a pos- lenger, publisher of1
sible Senate run, citing heart-related Politics, said Republic
health issues. But he said earlier this in an awkward positio
month he had addressed the health late entrance into ther
issues and was again considering a is black, already has
Senate run. by several of Michiga
The Republican primary is in including Senate Majo
August. The winner would take on Sta- Sikkema of Wyomin
benow in the November 2006 general General Mike Cox.
election. "If they desert But
"We need someone who won't just talk Bouchard, it looks1
about problems or point fingers, but will deserting a blackc
make things happen," Bouchard said. what kind of messag
"(Stabenow) is a nice person. But she isn't lenger said.
what I'd call an impact player." Ballenger noted t
Bouchard, who served with Stabe- National Committee
now is the state Senate, said he was Mehlman visited Flintin
asked by Republicans inside and out- voters and has courtedl
side of Michigan to run for the U.S. by saying the GOP sha
Senate. He said homeland security and values on issues such a
economic issues are among the most nomic opportunities, i
important driving the race. tion and opposing gay
Butler, a former Detroit City Coun- attended the Flint event
cil member, is founder and senior pas- The Zandstra campa
tor of the 21,000-member Word of Faith say it was building on
International Christian Center Church in has gained in recent w
Southfield. The Troy resident officially paign hired pollster S
announced his campaign in April. East Lansing-based M
Zandstra, from Cutlerville, has been on and Communications;
leave from his jobs as a minister and as ued to receive endorse
program director of a Grand Rapids-area "I welcome the sh
think tank after announcing his candidacy what we promise willt
in May. ed and highly conteste
Stabenow leads both Butler and paign," Zandstra said
Zandstra by at least 20 points in the "Bouchard better ge
latest head-to-head polls from Lan- up his gloves, climb i
sing-based EPIC/MRA. But Republi- bring his 'A' game on,
cans think they have a chance to beat on the important econ
her, noting that her job approval rating ing Michigan."

who, with
party support,
will go to
Washington to
fight the status
quo," he said.
Bill Bal-
Inside Michigan
ans could be put
n by Bouchard's
race. Butler, who
been endorsed
n's GOP leaders
ority Leader Ken
g and Attorney
tler and flock to
like people are
candidate. And
e is that?" Bal-
that Republican
Chairman Ken
n July to woo black
blacks nationally
res many of their
s expanding eco-
mproving educa-
marriage. Butler
aign continued to
the momentum it
weeks. The cam-
teve Mitchell of
[itchell Research
and has contin-
heriff back into
be a most spirit-
ed primary cam-
in a statement.
et healthy, lace
nto the ring and
where he stands
omic issues fac-



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Continued from page 1
Peterson said the University is likely to
file a brief in support of the ACLU's case.
She said the University will not change
its policy because the stay is not binding
on the University.
"What the Court of Appeals ruling does
is return things to the status quo (prior
to the lower court's decision)," she said.
The stay temporarily voids the Ingham
County ruling, which explicitly refuted
Cox's nonbinding opinion stating that
Kalamazoo's policy of providing domes-
tic-partner benefits was in violation of the
2004 amendment. The stay does not affect
the University, Peterson said, because it
restores an opinion that was never binding
on the University in the first place.
Despite the temporary setback, the
ACLU remains optimistic it will prevail
in the appeal.
"We're confident Judge Draganchuk's
ruling will be upheld," Kaplan said.
The case could ultimately be decided
by the Michigan Supreme Court, which
could take up an appeal of the ACLU case

Jackie Simpson, interim director of the
University's LGBT Office. She said she
views efforts to deny health-care ben-
efits from domestic partners as "a direct
attack on the LGBT community." "I
wish they would find something else to
do," she added.
Julica Hermann, assistant director
for educational outreach in the LGBT
Office, said she was not deterred by yes-
terday's ruling.
"We need to continue to struggle,"
she said.
Simpson's and Hermann's concerns are
mitigated by the University's continued
support of the LGBT community.
"What I am convinced of is that (Uni-
versity) President (Mary Sue) Coleman
... will continue to offer domestic partner
benefits to her employees and will take it
to court if necessary," Simpson said.
Still, she said a ruling against domes-
tic-partner benefits could deal a major
blow to the University.
"There could be a drastic decrease in
the LGBT faculty and staff who work
at the University," as well as the number
of graduate students with families, she

. . . . ............

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