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September 07, 2005 - Image 34

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-09-07

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All members of the Michigan alumni family.
Who will your class produce?

The Alumni Association not only keeps you connected to Michigan after you graduate, but it serves as a
key resource for you during your years in Ann Arbor. We have a variety of programs that can help you and
your fellow students network with alumni, develop your leadership skills, meet new people and just have fun!
Below are some of the programs that can enhance your U-M experience.

Networking and mentoring opportunities with U-M alumni
There are more than 420,000 Michigan alumni in the world. Odds are one of them works in a field you're
interested in. We can help you make connections and get practical career advice.
e-TrueBlue: Ann Arbor Campus and e-TrueBlue: Seniors
Free e-newsletters you'll receive every other week that give you great ideas on fun things to do, special
opportunities, important campus news and tips on exploring career options.
Michigan connections back home
There are more than 70 U-M alumni clubs around the country that are involved in a variety of social, service
and scholarship activities.
For details on these programs and others, visit www.umalumni.com. On our site, you'll also find a list of
lots of other famous alumni, and fun Michigan history and trivia.

mdpw mr


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