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October 20, 2005 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-10-20

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Thursday, October 20, 2005

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Opinion 4A

Krishnamurthy has a
thing for celebrities

ffrtqw, -qwp--Rw

,t,' r

Sports 5A Instant replay
should be reviewed

One-hundredffteen years ofeditorialfreedom


Ann Arbor, Michigan

Vol. CXVI, No. 14

02005 The Michigan Daily


Mich tuition

Survey: College prices
nationwide grew this year
at lowest rate since 2001
DETROIT (AP) - For students and
parents, it's the first sliver of good news
about college costs for several years: price
increases slowed this year, growing at the
lowest rate since 2001.
But the bad news is the 7.1-percent
increase at public four-year universities
remains well above the general inflation
rate and drove the "list price" of tuition
and fees at those schools to an average
of $5,491, according to an annual survey
released Tuesday by the College Board.
Even worse news for University .stu-
dents and parents is that Michigan's public
universities rank third when it comes to
increases in tuition and fees for 2005-06,
a national study shows.
The state's 15 schools fall behind only
Colorado and Kentucky.
Most families don't pay the full list price,
thanks to grants from the government and
other sources, as well as tax breaks. Typi-
cal net costs: $11,600 at private four-year
schools; $2,200 at public four-year schools,
and just $400 at community colleges.
Yet students at four-year public col-
leges are paying an estimated $750 more
than just two years ago. And while total
financial aid is increasing, loans accounted

for more of the growth than grants for the
third consecutive year, the College Board
said. Students have to pay back loans, but
not grants.
James Boyle, president of the group
College Parents of America, said schools
and policy-makers aren't working hard
enough to hold down costs. "The beat goes
on with increases in colleges costs, and
parents are growing weary of the same old
tune" he said.
Average debt for undergraduate bor-
rowers is now $15,500 - a figure experts
consider manageable for most students,
given that college graduates can expect to
earn nearly $20,000 more per year than
high school graduates. Still, increases in
borrowing raise concerns that some stu-
dents will be priced out of college, drop out
or graduate but stay away from low-pay-
ing public service jobs so they can repay
"We have deserving students who are
being kept out of college or have difficulty
completing degrees because of a lack of
money," said Gaston Caperton, president
of the nonprofit College Board, which also
owns the SAT college entrance exam.
Michigan's universities saw a 12 per-
cent increase, short of Colorado's 17 per-
cent and Kentucky's 14 percent, the Detroit
Free Press reported.
Michigan's tuition and fees were about
See TUITION, Page 7A

LSA sophomore Ashley Wynne broadcasts campus news yesterday for NewsFeed on WOLV-TV, the University's student-run television station.

Campus TV station gears up for
changes to programming and a new
standard of professionalism
By Ben Beckett
For the Daily
WOLV-TV is a student-run television station, and
sometimes it shows.
But those involved in running the station hope to
change that soon. The station is enlisting a number of
sources - including WOLV alumni, tech experts and a
newly formed team that will promote the channel - to
help improve its image and the content of its broadcasts.

changes the channel

WOLV previously served as more of a training
ground for future broadcasters than a regularly function-
ing station, said Dean Ho, managing news editor for the
"This year, we want to make more of a campus pres-
ence," Ho said.
The station has its work cut out for it. A number of
students who were asked about WOLV were at best
vaguely aware of the station's existence.
"The only time I watched it, I came upon it by acci-
dent," said RC junior Dave Landau, who lives in East
Quadrangle Residence Hall. "They don't really promote
it in the residence halls."
To remedy that, a newly formed, student-run public
relations department at the station aims to create greater

visibility on campus and seek sponsorships from local
The station also plans to revamp its programming.
"Inside Michigan," a new long-format investigative news
program, hopes to grab students' interest by reporting on
issues at the University and in Ann Arbor.
The premiere episode, which aired two weeks ago,
looks into the admissions process at the University's law
and medical schools. Future episodes will feature inter-
views with University President Mary Sue Coleman and
noted First Amendment lawyer Floyd Abrams, who
recently spoke at the University.
Before the reforms began, WOLV ran programs like
"Giddyup," a sex advice show, and "Big House Beat,"
See WOLV-TV, Page 7A

Another gmoup
sues Google over
scanning pmoject

From staff and wire reports

Few actually study

'U' closes libraries five
hours early during fall
study break, saying few
students use them
By Muhammad Salem Khan
Daily Staff Reporter
During fall study break, LSA junior
Austin VonderHaar was just starting work
on a project in the Shapiro Undergradu-
ate Library when he found out the library
would close in an hour - at midnight.
Because the undergraduate library
remains open until 5 a.m. on regular

school days, VonderHaar said he was irri-
tated that he had to leave.
Since the fall of 2003, the library has
kept reduced hours during the fall study
break. While many students take the
break as an opportunity to go out of town,
others still studying on campus found the
reduced hours to be inconvenient.
"I didn't know anything about the
reduced hours beforehand because the
reduced hours weren't well advertised,"
VonderHaar said.
LSA senior Dave Nam was also
surprised to learn that the library was
going to close early during the break.
"I was trying to study, and they asked me
to leave. It was very inconvenient. I did

not know about
Rebecca D
Access and D
University Libr
were a result of;
to see whether
days off as an<
relax and visit f
The results,s
students use fal
ed purpose.
"Our use co
had only a frac
use during the
Dunkle said.
The year aft

durin break
t the reduced hours," Nam cut slightly, she said, and use of the library
during fall study break still remained low.
unkle, head of Onsite As a result, in 2004 the University decided
istributed Services at the to close the library at midnight.
ary, said the reduced hours "There still seems to be ample time
studies done by the library that the library is open for those who do
students use the extra two want to use it, but a large majority of stu-
opportunity to study or to dents seem to use these days to leave town
amily. or otherwise engage themselves outside of
she said, indicated that few the library," Dunkle said.
I study break for its intend- One other reason for the reduced hours
was that student employees working for
unts showed that we only the library chose to take time off during
tion of the normal library the break.
first fall break (in 2002)," Some students looking for a place to
study after midnight on Monday and
er that, library hours were See HOURS, Page 7A

NEW YORK (AP) - Just weeks after
a leading authors' group sued Google for
copyright infringement, the Association
of American Publishers has also filed suit
against the search engine giant's plans to
scan and index books for the Internet.
Under the Google Print Library Project,
millions of copyrighted books from three
major university libraries - Harvard,
Stanford and Michigan - will be indexed
on the Internet unless the copyright hold-
er notifies the company by Nov. 1 about
which volumes should be excluded.
Despite the lawsuit, the University
said it will continue to support the project
because it would preserve books for future
"We're obviously disappointed in the
lawsuit because the project is an enor-
mous leap," said James Hilton, associate
provost for academic, information and
instructional technology affairs.
The first lawsuit against the project
came when the Authors Guild sued Google
last month. The organization, which has
8,000 members, accused the search engine

of copyright infringement and demanded
that they receive permission from authors
before beginning the project.
Hilton voiced the University's support
for the project last month as well, say-
ing that they continued to be enthusiastic
about the project.
Google has called the project an invalu-
able chance for books to receive increased
In papers filed Wednesday in the U.S:
District Court in Manhattan, the publish-
ers association sought a permanent injunc-
tion and cited the "continuing, irreparable
and imminent harm publishers are suffer-
ing ... due to Google's willful (copyright)
infringement to further its own commer-
cial purposes."
The suit was filed on behalf of five pub-
lishers: McGraw-Hill, Pearson Education,
Penguin Group USA, Simon & Schuster and
John Wiley & Sons. The suit seeks recovery
of legal costs, but no additional damages.
Google, in a statement issued yesterday,
called the legal action "short-sighted" and
said the project was a "historic effort to
make millions of books easier for people
to find and buy."

* MSA brings keg to Diag to
boost flagging awareness

By Matt Kundinger
For the Daily
Red cups and kegs are acommon sight on campus
- but on the Diag? That's your student government
at work.
Michigan Student Assembly representatives set up
camp on the Diag Wednesday to help "build awareness
about MSA," said Nicole Stallings, MSA vice president
and the primary organizer of the event. The event was
designed to promote the upcoming Ludacris concert

What you should know
about MSA:
The Michigan Student Assembly recently
created a liaison to the City Council and will
also be part of a new siud . nt ourn-c o
mittee to discuss city issues pertinent to
students, such as off-campus housing and

Che Martinez,
an Engineer-
ing junior,
receives a cup
of root beer
from Michi-
an S..den+


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