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October 12, 2005 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-10-12

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

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News 3 Northwest plans to
meet with striking
Arts 8 Fiona Apple shows
'Extraordinary' growth

diir i6wuivaiv

Sports 10

Vozza sustains injury,
M' places fourth

One-hundredfifteen years ofeditorial freedom

www.mic/ngandaziy.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVI, No. 10 ©2005 The Michigan Daily

0 Pakistani authorities say 2
million were left homeless after
7.6 magnitude earthquake hit
MUZAFFARABAD, Pakistan (AP) - Heavy rain
and hail grounded helicopters and stopped trucks loaded
with relief supplies yesterday, imposing more misery on
hungry, shivering earthquake survivors as the United
Nations warned of potentially lethal outbreaks of mea-
sles, cholera and diarrhea.
Dazed, desperate villagers fought over food packages
and looted trucks as the first aid reached this devastated
city in the mountains of Kashmir. The Himalayan region
was hardest-hit by Saturday's magnitude-7.6 quake.
Officials said the death toll from Pakistan's worst
quake had surpassed 35,000, with many bodies still
buried beneath piles of concrete, steel and wood. Mil-
lions were left homeless after whole communities were
flattened in the region touching Pakistan, India and
Three days after the quake, survivors still were being
pulled from the rubble of pancaked schools and houses
by British, German, French and Chinese rescue teams.
A Red Cross official said people could survive under the
rubble up to five or even seven days.
A 75-year-old woman and her 57-year-old daughter
were rescued after 80 hours in the ruins of an Islam-
abad apartment tower, and a teenage boy was freed in
the northern town of Balakot.
"He's alive!" rescuers shouted with joy as people gave
the boy food and water and kissed him on the head. The
air smelled of decomposing corpses.
The U.N. World Food Program began a major airlift
of emergency supplies, including high-energy bars to
feed 240,000 people.
NATO agreed to coordinate an airlift of aid supplies
from Europe. Eight U.S. military helicopters based in
neighboring Afghanistan shuttled 16 tons of food, water,
medical supplies and blankets to quake-hit zones, the
military said.
Chinook and Black Hawk choppers flew 102 relief
workers and others into the region and evacuated 126
people, said Lt. Col. Jerry O'Hara, spokesman for the
U.S. base at Bagram, Afghanistan.
In Washington, a Pentagon spokesman said 25 to 30
more military helicopters would be in Pakistan within
days. The Islamabad government also requested earth-
movers, forklifts, bulldozers and trucks, spokesman
Larry Di Rita said.
The United Nations appealed for $272 million in
donations, saying 2 million people were homeless. The
United States pledged $50 million, Japan $20 million,
Canada $17 million and Britain $3.5 million. Other
nations donated more helicopters, money and supplies,
including tents, blankets, medical aid and food kits.
"We as a nation are going through a challenging time,"
Pakistan Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz said. "We are
overwhelmed by the support we are getting both within
the country and outside the country and are thankful to
those countries, friends and individuals who have made
our task easier."

'Hotel Rwanda' hero
receives award from 'U'

By Christina Hildreth
Daily Staff Reporters
Last February, the Oscar-winning film "Hotel
Rwanda" exposed millions of moviegoers to the
horror of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. In 100
days that year, Hutu militia killed almost a mil-
lion people.
Last night, students met the man who begged
the world to take notice.
"The world decided to run away. It closed ears,
eyes and abandoned us," he told the crowd.
Paul Rusesabagina, whose story inspired the
film, delivered the 15th Raoul Wallenberg lec-

ture last night to a crowd of more than 2,000
people at the Power Center.
Rusesabagina won the Wallenberg Medal in
recognition of his courageous actions, which
saved 1,268 people taking refuge from the geno-
cide in the Hotel des Milles Collines in Kigali.
People hoping to hear the lecture started to
form a line outside the Power Center at 5:30 p.m.,
said organizers, who expected to move at least
300 people to overflow rooms in the Michigan
League where the lecture was broadcast live on
Half an hour before the lecture started at 7:30
See RWANDA, Page 7

TOP: Paul Rusesabagina talks with students at the Michigan League
about his experiences during the 1994 Rwandan genocide. RIGHT:
Rusesabagina accepts the Wallenberg medal.

Study: Positive view of Columbus lingers

* Even among some Native
Americans, the explorer is seen
as a hero, research finds
By C.C. Song
Daily Staff Reporter
While Columbus Day has garnered criti-
cism for celebrating a man who left a legacy
of atrocities against the indigenous people of

the Americas, a new study released by the
University finds that the majority of the pub-
lic still views the explorer in a positive light.
Today marks the anniversary of Chris-
topher Columbus's Oct. 12 landing in the
Columbus is often lambasted for atrocities
such as allowing fellow colonists to torture
and enslave the native peoples on the island
of Hispaniola, which lies east of Cuba.
Howard Schuman, a research scientist at the

University's Institute for Social Research and
the lead author of the study, said the results
show that many Americans are still unaware of
the violence associated with Columbus's voy-
ages to the New World. Schuman's research
found that out of 2,000 people surveyed, 85
percent described Columbus in positive terms.
The study found that, in contrast, students
on college campuses are generally critical of
the holiday. The study also shows that only 42
percent of Native Americans view Columbus

in a negative light, a finding that surprised
"(Native Americans are) influenced by the
rest of the United States's conventional think-
ing about Columbus," Schuman said.
Brittany Marino, an LSA junior and the
president of the Native American Student
Association on campus, said the general per-
ception of Columbus should be corrected.
"Columbus Day ... is the nation that I live
See COLUMBUS, Page 7

Nonviolence may
become a minor


Candidate's son
pleads guilty to
drunk driving

* U RC prof and student
work to establish a
program for peace studies
By Ian Herbert
Daily Staff Reporter
When Will Travers came to the Uni-
versity as a 22-year-old freshman in the
Residential College, he said a typical
RC concentration in the social sciences
was not for him - he wanted to major
in nonviolence. He knew that Wayne
State University offered a course called
"Intro to Peace and Conflict Studies"
and thought nonviolence "was as good
a major as any."
To realize his goal, Travers crafted
an indlivirualiedr cnenntration he

ulty members.
Last Thursday, Travers held a meet-
ing with about a dozen professors to
presenthis final proposal.
Travers said the responses he
received from the professors who saw
his presentation gave him hope that his
nonviolence studies program may have
a chance at the University.
"The plan of action is to inspire peo-
ple in this room to go make it happen,"
Travers said at the meeting.
But Travers, who recently graduated,
is leaving his project to pursue a new,
life in California while RC Prof. Helen
Fox takes the reins in pursuing nonvio-
lence studies.
In the past few years, Fox has taught
a course titled "Nonviolence in Action,"
which Travers sees a one of the core

Freman Hendrix's son
plans to return to classes
in the Business School
(AP) - Stephen Hendrix, the
son of Detroit mayoral candidate
Freman Hendrix, was arraigned
yesterday in a drunken driving
case hours after facing a mis-
demeanor domestic violence
Stephen Hendrix, 21, was arrested
April 2 in Ypsilanti Township near
Ann Arbor on suspicion of driving
under the influence of alcohol and

was mailed to the wrong address.
The Washtenaw County prosecutor's
office and Pope's office confirmed
the charges later yesterday.
Freman Hendrix said after his
son's arraignment on the drunken
driving case that he learned of it
"I did not know of this until I
was here," Hendrix said in a story
posted on the Free Press's website.
"Stephen is 21. If he could have kept
this from me, he would have. Our
kids don't want the wrath of their
parents coming down on them for
bad judgment."

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