4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 11, 2005 be £ irbigtun flaiI OPINION QUOTABLE COLIN DALY T-. i u+XN D)AI JASON Z. PESICK Editor in Chief SUHAEL MOMIN SAM SINGER Editorial Page Editors ALISON Go Managing Editor We can't EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 tothedaily@michigandaily.comr survive 1 on the pay cuts they ar talking about." e 0 0 - Delphi employee David Heizer on the company's demand that its workers accept wage cuts of up to 63 percent, as reported yesterday by The Detroit News. Another sprawl casualty - local history CHRISTOPHER ZBROZEK B )RN IN THE u a isten to Ann as you drive across the country. No matter and from structured extracurricular activi- Arborites talk how hard the Applebee's just off the freeway ties. And if the neighborhood starts to go about why they tries to be your neighborhood bar and grill, it south, well, folks just move out to a more don't like urban sprawl, just can't help to define a place the way Fleet- distant suburb. and you'll hear how wood or Blimpy Burger can. American society, constantly infused with poorly planned devel- But a local history mentioning only build- immigrants, has always encouraged mobil- opment encourages ings and businesses is about as fascinating as ity. Our willingness to move about, however, automobile dependence, a national history focused solely on treaties. seems to have increased over the past few devours green space Stories and anecdotes from the lives of the decades. It's becoming rare for people to live and sucks the life from people in a community are what make local in the same house for more than a decade or traditional downtowns history meaningful. Yet the people who live two, depriving communities of the long-term and urban neighborhoods. These are seri- amid suburban sprawl don't seem to care residents and prominent families that glue ous consequences of a blithe attitude toward much about their neighbors' stories, and they them together. And a variety of economic and land use and solid reasons why we need more tend not to put down deep roots in their so- social forces have driven people out of small thoughtful development policies. But another called communities. towns and established urban neighborhoods aspect of urban sprawl will be most clearly Houses in older neighborhoods in Detroit and into any of the indistinguishable suburbs evident decades from now, when amateur - or around campus - are a bit different surrounding any large American city. historians sit down to write the history of from the new ones going up in the townships Certainly people want to live in these patch- their suburban communities - and find that around Ann Arbor. They're closer together. es of former farmland, or they'd stop moving there's nothing worth saying. They have real porches. It doesn't take a there and the developers would stop building. All the factors that make for compelling huge stretch of the imagination to picture But people aren't likely to develop close ties to local history are gone from the average sprawl homeowners chatting with their neighbors in these indistinct places, and without a cohesive municipality. For starters, there's the newness the evening while their children play in the community, there will be precious little for an of these areas. America has never been able streets. When my mom describes the neigh- amateur historian to talk about. to match Europe for historic cities. But even a borhood she grew up in, it sounds like this: Local history, because it explains the com- 19th-century building in Ypsilanti's downtown Her block had dozens of children on it, and munities we live in, can be directly mean- has something that a freshly sprouted subdi- the neighbors looked out for each other's kids. ingful in a way that's difficult for the sort of vision where there was a cornfield last year She regarded the woman who lived across the history taught in schools to attain. Take the doesn't. A sterile new addition to suburbia is so street from her as a second mother. time to look at the glass historical markers distant from the farmland or forest it replaced In today's suburbs, though, there's no need scattered around Ann Arbor, and you'll likely that the area loses whatever stories it once held. to develop such close ties to your neighbors. walk away with a greater appreciation for God might as well have made the land about People can stay safely within their air-con- how this town became what it is today. But five seconds before the bulldozers moved in. ditioned finished basements, watching TV, it's difficult to imagine similar markers ever This might not be so bad if the new neigh- using the Internet and driving anywhere they appearing at the gates of the average sprawl borhoods didn't end up quite so uniform. need to go. They focus their civic energies on subdivision. That, I think, is a rather sad com- The houses all display similarly lousy archi- the national affairs the 24-hour cable news ment on the cities we're building today. tecture, and strip malls offer the only outlet channels' talking heads discuss. Rather than for shopping and entertainment - a lineup having their children play with the neighbor- Zbrozek can be reached at of corporate chain stores that barely changes hood kids, parents shuttle their children to zbro@umich.edu. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 0 Cartoon insensitive to Arab and Muslim communities TO THE DAILY: I have lost count of how many times I've heard a racial slur concerning my Arab heritage and Muslim identity in' post-Sept. 11 American society. I cannot enumerate the occasions where I have been asked if I know Osama Bin Laden, if I was hid- ing a bomb under my scarf or if I had a pet camel in my backyard. The cartoon that was printed in the Daily depicting a scheming Bush between a Sunni extremist and Shiite extremist (The Take-Out Box, 10/05/2005) does nothing to quell the com- mon stereotypes and misconceptions about the Arab and Muslims communities. While the cartoon shows how President Bush comes between Muslims and causes prob- lems between people, it also propagates the notion that Arabs and Muslims are violent in nature and that the smallest thing sets them off. The Arabs in the cartoon are por- trayed as scowling barbarians as well as stupid foreigners who fall for the cunning American's ruse. Negative images such as these encourage and justify discrimina- tory behavior. Having a semi-appropriate political message does not justify the latent racism expressed in the cartoon. I ask that the Daily be more sensitive in its cartoons, especially during religious holy months such as Ramadan. Shimaa Abdelfadeel LSA senior The letter writer is political chair of the Muslim Students Association. in Coke's profit line by cutting its contract ignores the fact that not just the University, but many universities across the country are rethinking their relationship with Coke, and several have already severed their ties. While the action of no one single university may have a significant enough impact, the fact that this scenario is being played out at university after university has a very strong cumulative effect. A university's decision to sever its ties with a company sends a mes- sage that resonates well beyond the imme- diate financial impact of the decision. It has a powerful symbolic value as well because of the kind of institution a university is - not just a profit-making entity, but a place where thoughtful people compile, analyze and produce knowledge, and where the next generation of thoughtful citizens is shaped. Decisions taken by a university weigh more heavily than other decisions made by other entities where similar financial conse- quences are at stake. Finally, Forester's opinion that investi- gating companies that face allegations of abuse will open the way to a floodgate of frivolous allegations, making the University a "hostage," is unfounded. The University has structures in place such as the Dispute Review Board that can easily separate frivo- lous allegations from serious ones. The spec- ter that investigating allegations would raise prices of products sold at the University also makes no sense. There are many companies free of serious human rights abuse allega- tions competing with each other to sell prod- ucts, and if one company overcharges, the University can always turn to another com- pany and sign a contract with the company that charges a lower price. Sayan Bhattacharyya Rackham Washington knew what columnist doesn't: Party politics hurt nation To THE DAILY: Twice within a single week I've had the disappointment of opening the Daily to find Singal claims to support meaningful dia- logue between people of varied opinions while proclaiming the GOP's supposed excellence throughout the entire column. By engaging in divisive campaigns, for which Singal gives the GOP his compliments, we make dialogue and understanding nearly impossible. It is in our personal and national interests to identify with each other as human beings first and as members of a political party last. As George Washington warned in his farewell address, political parties "serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the com- munity; and ... to make the public admin- istration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels, and modified by mutual interests." Adam White LSA senior LEO dispute overshadowed studio dedication ceremony TO THE DAILY: The dedication of the Stamps Studios on Friday was a momentous event for the School of Art and Design. I am disappointed that you chose to cover the conflict between the Lecturers' Employee Organization and the School of Art and Design instead of the sig- nificance of the new facilities (Lecturers crit- icize art school dean, 10/10/2005). Although there are unresolved issues between the administration and LEO, Friday's dedication was about the successes of the school and its innovative curriculum. Through a generous donation from Penny Stamps and her husband Roe, the school was able to construct nearly 100 individual, 64-square-foot studios in place of old class- rooms on the first floor of the Art & Architec- ture Building. The Stamps Studios provide a secure, private space for each seniorto work on his year-long integrative projects. It is through the efforts of Dean Bryan Rogers and Associate Dean Mary Schmidt University action can stop Coke's human-rights abuses TO THE DAILY: The "In Dissent" piece in Friday's Daily (Go ahead, drink Coke, 10/07/2005) is rife with logical incoherence and strange argu- ments that do not make much sense. Jesse Forester appears to believe that even though the case for the University not renewing its contract with The Coca-Cola Company has "valid" points, there is no point in doing so Editorial Board Members: Amy Anspach, Reggie Brown, Amanda Burr John Davis, Whitney Dibo, Sara Eber, Jesse Forester, Mara Gay, Jared Gc Eric Jackson, Ashwin Jagannathan, Theresa Kennelly, Will Kerridge, I- Bi I