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October 07, 2005 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-10-07

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Friday, October 7, 2005
News 3 Greeks paint the
rock, pass out candy
to stop hazing

'7 "T T . 'S ATTLE. Tpi ii r EoR zWPv (-


Opinion 4

Jesse Singal
exposes GOP stunt

.L kE i Yuuflai Ig

Arts 8 Thumbsucker a cliched
trip through high school

One-hundredffteen years ofeditorialfreedom

www.michzgandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan . Vol. CXVI, No. 7 @2005 The Michigan Daily

eds in
High-speed car chase,
shooting at police cruisers
takes place near campus
By Rachel Kruer
Daily Staff Reporter
A 27-year-old man robbed a Comerica
Bank on Plymouth Road with a handgun
just before noon yesterday. The robbery
ended in a high-speed chase and gunfire
near the southern area of campus.
The bank tellers notified the Ann
Arbor Police Department as the suspect
was seen fleeing in a Ford Taurus that
had been carjacked from Ypsilanti the
night before.
The suspect did not harm anyone in
the process of robbing the bank.
Detectives in unmarked cars fol-
lowed the suspect on M-14 North until
he exited off Maple Road.
When he turned onto Miller Avenue,
patrol cars followed the suspect toward
downtown Ann Arbor.
A high-speed chase ensued when
the suspect did not stop for the police.
Heading southbound on Packard
Street, the suspect shot at one of the
three police cars following him.
The bullet missed the police cruiser,
police reported, but hit a van driving
The suspect was finally apprehend-
ed at the intersection of Division Street
and Hoover Avenue about 15 minutes
after fleeing the bank.
He threw his gun out the car win-
dow and yelled, "Please don't shoot
me," according to a police report.
The suspect is in custody and will
likely be arraigned today.
The suspect could be charged with
armed robbery and attempted murder.
Both carry a maximum sentence of
life in prison.
The police said they could not dis-
close how much money was taken.
The incident was the 10th bank rob-
bery in Ann Arbor this year.

Publisher to donate $3m
By Karl Stampfl
Daily Staff Reporter
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist
Stanford Lipsey has agreed to donate
$3 million to renovate the 73-year-old
Student Publications Building, which
has not been significantly altered
since it was built.
Lipsey will sign an agreement to
donate the funds in University Presi
dent Mary Sue Coleman's office
His donation will provide most of
funds necessary to gut much of the
.. inside of the building, which houses
The Michigan Daily, Gargoyle and
"I think it's important to have the
proper facilities to nurture the young
t "people who are going to become
journalists," Lipsey said.
Before graduating with a degree
in economics, Lipsey worked at both
the Michiganensian and the Daily
kT from 1945 to 1948.
He served as photography editor of
the yearbook and took photos for the
II ' Lipsey's career has ranged from
newspaper photographer, reporter,
editor and publisher to his current
post of vice president of Warren
Buffett's investment company, Berk-
shire Hathaway, Inc. In 1973, he won
a Pulitzer Prizeufor a series of articles
he wrote while working at Sun News-
papers in Omaha, Neb.
He is also currently the publisher
MIKE HULSEBUS/Daily of The Buffalo News.
The Student Publications Building, which houses The Michigan Daily, The Michiganenslan and The Gargoyle, Is expected to be renovated next year. The In addition to Lipsey's contribu-
funding for the renovation will come largely from a donation by publisher Stanford Lipsey. See DONATION, Page 7
AAPDcie resigns for post in o lorado

Daniel Oates, chief of intelligence for New
York Police Department before coming to A2,
will take over a larger police force
By Rachel Kruer
Daily Staff Reporter
Ann Arbor Police Chief Daniel Oates resigned on Tuesday for a
position as chief of a larger police department in Aurora, Co.
Oates is also the city's interim fire chief, and his resignation will
leave Ann Arbor's two most high-profile public safety positions
Oates said his four years heading the Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment provided him with invaluable learning experience, but that he

was ready for the challenge of a larger department in a larger com-
"This made sense to me and my wife in the development of my
career, to take the next natural step," he said.
Aurora is both more populous and covers a more expansive area
than Ann Arbor. About 303,000 people live in the 147 square miles
of Aurora, compared with about 114,000 people in the 26 square
miles of Ann Arbor.
Aurora is the third-largest city in Colorado. Oates said that, with
its recent surge in growth, in 10 to 15 years it will be the largest city
in the state.
Oates will not be able to resume his new post until after Thanks-
giving. In his contract with Ann Arbor, he is obligated to give 45 days
notice before leaving.
City Manager Roger Fraser said Oates will be held to his contract.

Fraser, who is also in charge of the search process for a new police
chief and fire chief, said it has not been determined whether the
search will be internal or nationwide.
Since finding a permanent replacement is a lengthy process, Fraser
said the city will rely on deputy and assistant chiefs for both the fire
and police departments for some time.
Fraser said that because it is so early, he cannot confirm what char-
acteristics the city is looking for in a new police chief or whether
officials already have their sights on any candidates.
Before coming to Ann Arbor, Oates served for 21 years in the New
York Police Department. At the end of his NYPD career, Oates super-
vised 3,000 patrol officers and 700 civilians in his position as execu-
tive officer and second-in-command of the Patrol Borough Brooklyn
South. Oates also served between 1997 and 2001 as commander of
See OATES, Page 7

Black students to gather for Millions More March in D.C.

Organizers of D.C. march hope
to create dialogue about health
care, educational disparities
By Carissa Miller
Daily Staff Reporter
Ten years ago, hundreds of thousands of
black men answered Minister Louis Farra-
khan's call for action, gathering in Washing-
ton, D.C. in one of the largest demonstrations
the city had ever seen.
But for many members of the black com-
munity, the fight for equality continues,
and University students are traveling to the
nation's capital to reemphasize the goals of
the original Million Man March and mobi-
lize for social change.
The Millions More Movement, led once
again by Farrakhan, hopes to attract men,
women and children from around the coun-
try to address and discuss issues important
to the black community, such as health care,

educational disparities and reparations for
the descendants of slaves. Participants and
supporters of the march hope this year's
rally will produce a stronger and more vis-
ible impact than that of the original.
Despite the high attendance and great
optimism for political and social change on
the part of the participants, for many the
Million Man March showed how difficult
the enduring mobilization of a people can
History Prof. Kevin Gaines, director of
the Center for Afroamerican and African
Studies, said in retrospect, the march was
more a reflection of the hope and desire for
an effective political organization than an
actual movement, and that those who aligned
themselves with the march were ultimately
"The march came at a conservative
moment in American politics - it coin-
cided with Republicans gaining a majority
in Congress and a government agenda, in
many respects, hostile to equal rights and

the interests of black people," Gaines said.
Gaines added that with the controversy
surrounding the governmental response to
Hurricane Katrina and the extent to which
it has revealed racial and economic equality,
the political climate surrounding this year's
march is significantly different.
"A lot of conservative assumptions about
the role of government have been severely
tested, and a larger segment of the public is
willing to question those ideals."
"But if the purpose is merely to commem-
orate the past march, then I don't think it is
going to have an impact worthy of the effort
and the mobilization."
Although black student organizations on
campus have recognized the march annually
with a day of atonement, this rally is the first
opportunity for many student activists to par-
ticipate in a large-scale social movement.
Anissa Adkins, a graduate student in the
School of Social Work who helped organize
the trip, said she feels the participation of
students will foster awareness and responsi-

bility in the black community.
"Our generation has as much spirit for
activism and passion for social justice as the
civil rights generation," Adkins said. "We
express it in different ways, but it is there."
"To be with thousands of people with
the same goals and passion," Adkins said,
"There is the opportunity to come away with
a stronger understanding of the vision this
march represents and to inspire us as stu-
dents to continue to pursue social change
and not accept the devastation still prevalent
in the black community."
Riana Anderson, president of the campus
chapter of the NAACP, said the trip is also
important because it will promote a greater
sense of unity among members of the black
community, regardless of their position in
the University.
"It is important to involve members of our
community and show them that they have a
voice for themselves and they have a voice
in us as leaders of these organizations,"
Anderson said.

"Our generation has as
much spirit for activism and
passion for social justice as
the civil rights generation."
- Anissa Adkins
School of Social Work student.
"I think there are a lot of issues on this
campus dealing with race, and it is impor-
tant to make sure people can find unity
within their communities," she said.
"There is a realization for some commu-
nity members about what we can expect and
what is acceptable in terms of our treatment
(This march) is a way for discussions to be
prevalent around some of these issues we
have been dealing with."

Judy Miller's lawyer talks on free speech

By Lee Wachocki
For the Daily
Attorney Floyd Abrams, known in
part for representing New York Times
reporter Judith Miller in his latest battle
against First Amendment rights viola-
tions, spoke about free speech endan-
germent in universities at a lecture
yesterday in Rackham.
"Whose Academic Freedom?" was
the 15th installment of the annual Davis,

of reconciliation" on the University's
behalf. Abrams's speech continued the
tradition of the lecture series by contest-
ing the latest restrictions on academic
"It is very important for universities
to ensure students access to a wide range
of views," Abrams said. He cited mul-
tiple racially charged disputes between
students and professors.
He stressed the danger in the fed-
eral government's arbitration of such

Abrams's comment reflected the con-
cerns of many organizations, including
the Association of American Colleges
and Universities and the American
Council on Education (The Univer-
sity of Michigan is a member of each,)
which have sent letters to Congress in
opposition to the proposed board.
"Any legislation," Abrams said, "that
involves imposition of federally man-
dated boards to determine academic
issues threatens the very notion of aca-


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