Tuesday, October 4, 2005 News 3 Asian students protest 'Drew and Mike' Opinion 4 Sports 8 Sam Singer: Delay celebration - DeLay may get off Henne returns to form against State HE WHITEhundreE MAKf [eenyear oUD AT AS iC . A S, PAGE 14 One-hundred-ifteen years ofedzkornalfreedom www.mzch:kandadly.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVI, No. 4 ©2005 The Michigan Daily Bush chooses lawyer for Court Nominee to replace O'Connor has no prior judicial experience, was Bush's personal attorney WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush named White House counsel Harriet Miers to a Supreme Court in transition' yesterday, turning to a longtime loyalist without experience as a judge or publicly known views on abortion to succeed Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Miers "will strictly interpret our Constitution and laws. She will not legislate from the bench," the president said as the 60-year-old former private attorney and keeper of campaign secrets stood nearby in the Oval Office. Miers' was Bush's second selection in three months for vacancies on a high court long divided on key issues. The announcement came shortly before the president attended a ceremony marking John Roberts's new tenure as the nation's 17th chief justice. "The wisdom of those who drafted our Constitution and conceived our nation as functioning with three strong and independent branches has proven truly remarkable," Miers said at the White House before departing for the Capitol and a confirmation campaign already taking shape in the Senate. Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) said through his spokes- man he wanted a confirmation vote by Thanksgiving, a com- pressed, seven-week timetable by recent historical standards. Sen. Arlen Specter, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, pledged thoroughness. "There needs to be, obviously, a very thorough inquiry into her background as a lawyer and her activities, people who will know her on the issues of character and integrity, which we will find out," he said. In conference calls and interviews, the White House worked aggressively during the day to tamp down concern among con- servatives determined - as Bush has pledged - to turn the court in a new direction. Despite criticism, initial reaction suggested Bush had man- See BUSH, page 7 Lecturers unhapy revponse By Ekjyot Saini Daily Staff Reporter After months of frustration with the University over the way employees are classified, the University's lecturers' union finally received what they consid- ered a half-hearted answer yesterday. The University was scheduled to respond to complaints from the Lectur- ers' Employee Organization last Friday regarding 20 cases where LEO believed that lecturers were put into the wrong classifying category. The University replied to the union yesterday and only conceded to having misclassified four lecturers, all of whom teach in the Col- lege of Literature, Science and the Arts. Classification is important to lecturers because it impacts their duties and wages. The University has classified lecturers by giving them titles ranging from lecturer I to lecturer IV. The titles are decided based on the amount of time that a lec- turer spends in a given department and the type of duties they perform. Lecturer I and II titles are for those lecturers who only teach classes, while lecturer III and IV titles are for those who teach and per- form administrative and advising duties. The current problem arose because LEO felt 20 lecturer IIs, who were per- forming administrative and service duties alongside teaching should be classified as lecturer III or IV. The University, on the other hand, charged that those lecturers did not meet the time requirement for the two higher classifications. LEO President Bonnie Halloran said she was extremely disappointed that the University only agreed to reclassify four See LEO, page 7 President Bush escorts White House counsel Harriet Miers from the Oval Office yesterday, in Washington, after he nominat- ed Miers, the first women president of the Texas State Bar and Bush's former personal attorney, as his choice to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the U.S. Supreme Court. Student alleges I sexual assault Federal higher ed committee draws criticism Commission created by Bush administration includes former 'U' president James Duderstadt By Margaret Havemann Daily Staff Reporter An advisory committee introduced by U.S. Education Secretary Margaret Spellings will involve the federal government in higher edu- cation to an unprecedented level, according to some academics, and will be to the detriment of the system. Spellings has appointed a commission of nineteen members, ranging from former Univer- sity president James Duderstadt to Richard Ste- phens, a senior official at The Boeing Company, to address such issues as the affordability and accessibility of college. Spellings announced the creation of the Com- mission 'on the Future of Higher Education in a speech a little over two weeks ago and justi- fied the committee's creation by pointing to the amount of federal financial support given to col- leges and universities and lack of transparency received in return. The government is surprisingly unaware of what colleges actually do, Spelling said. Even though she added that the committee was not an excuse to introduce a bigger government role in higher education, education experts and academics continue to be apprehensive about the role of the commission. There is a widespread fear that this unprec- edented government involvement in higher education will ruin what makes the U.S. higher education system the best in the world: the fact that it is its decentralized and highly competitive, said Neal McCluskey, an education expert at the Cato Institute, a public policy think tank. Because there is no national agenda set for universities by the government, McCluskey said, "Schools are innovating and putting out the best product in order to attract the best students." If the government begins to set a systematic set of goals and requirements, the competition - and motivation to excel - disappears, McCluskey said. "We should leave the education system as a free market, which it is very close to being. That is what has made America No.1, so why ruin that?" he added. Duderstadt, who was the University's president for eight years beginning in 1988, said that his inbox is full of messages from people concerned about the commission. Many people have e- mailed him saying that the commission threatens a system that they believe has propelled America as the world leader in higher education. But, he said that those concerns are unfounded. "I had no reservations at all (about joining the commission) because I think it's important See HIGHER ED, page 7 By Rachel Km.r Daily Staff Reporter A 20- year-old University student said she was sexually assaulted on Saturday afternoon in Pittsfield Township. The woman said that the man claimed to be a 23-year-old male claiming to be a Univer- sity student. The alleged victim said she met the sus- pect earlier in the day and agreed to go to lunch with the person. She said they ended up returning to the suspect's condominium on the 4100 block of Packard Street around 1:30 p.m. The alleged victim reported the incident in East Quadrangle Residence Hall at 6:10 p.m. Saturday. Pittsfield Township Police Depart- ment detective Lt. Steve Heller said that the alleged victim voluntarily went to the suspect's condo. 'There was some consensual contact; however, he pushed further and refused to stop when she told him too," Heller said. The identity of the suspect is still in ques- tion - the victimsaidshe onlyknewhis first name. She said she thought he was a student, yet the PTPD could not confirm it. The PTPD said they think they have located him, yet are still investigating the issue before they press charges. Before they send the case to the prose- cutor's office, Heller said the PTPD would have to administer further interviews with the alleged victim and suspect. Heller also said that there is physical evi- dence that hasn't yet been tested yet. The alleged victim never received a rape kAt h .inP TT) caul thawne . n . PICKETING SCAB WORKERS Researchers say new center will remain independent By Tomislav Ladika Daily Staff Reporter Although some interest groups voice concern that a new University research center may succumb to the influence of corporations that provide part of its funding, University scientists say that proper safeguards are in place to maintain the center's independence. After several years of planning, the University opened a new Center for Risk Science and Com- nyou d munication last month, Complicated sci citing a need for more research assessing and questi s, minor communicating the potential risks involved can have a jo with industrial prod- ucts. Director of the center, David Garabrant, a pro- Director of Integrit fessor of occupational medicine and enidemi- a r y pendence," some interest groups are particularly concerned with the partnership between industry and universities conducting risk-science research. In January 2003, a group of Yale University researchers published an article in Journal of the American Medical Association that said risk-assessment projects funded by industry tend to release results favorable to companies more often than studies funded by the govern- ment or other non-affili- ated sources. ing wtHarvard University has faced criticism for similar nti fic reasons in the past. Criticism t'icof the Harvard Center for subtle details Risk Analysis arose in 2001 after then-director John Gra- Smpact ham - the keynote speaker at a symposium opening the University of Michigan's risk - Merrill Goozner center - was nominated by in Science Project President Bush to a key regu- latory position in the Office of Management and Budget. S'.''+4 NYY / ' If5 }{t S y