0 W HOSPITAL Continued from page 5B Forensic Psychiatry, where the state sent individuals who committed its most twisted crimes for psychiat- ric evaluation. With the opening of a new building for the Center for Forensic Psychiatry just north of the old hospital last year, however, the complex has been completely aban- doned. A look inside No trespassing signs, asbestos warn- ings and security patrols from a near- by state prison don't do much to deter a variety of visitors from the remains of YSH. Some bored kids I talked to at 5 a.m. one Saturday had no idea what the building was and merely found it a more convenient place to drink than their parents' houses. Other visitors might be best described as urban explorers - people who make a hobby out of sightseeing in places they aren't supposed to go, particularly aban- doned structures. With its decades- long economic collapse and a lot of abandoned buildings after the loss of more than half of its population, Detroit is a national mecca for this sort of thing. Sites such as detroit- blog.blogspot.com post photos from their authors' explorations. As urban explorers often double as amateur historians, detailed histories often accompanied the posts. Around here, Ypsilanti State Hos- pital is perhaps a would-be urban explorer's best bet. Visitors should be cautious. Besides being illegal to enter, the building is decaying and downright dangerous in places. The demolition crews had a good reason, for instance, to spray-paint "keep out" outside the auditorium - its ceiling is coming down in chunks. Anyone hoping to enter the morgue or the room where lobotomies were performed will be disappointed; that building was demolished in 2001. But the main ward structure, which housed thousands at its peak, stands for now. Though most equipment and furniture have been removed, some items were just left behind to decay. Those who are unimpressed by rusted bedframes and broken glass and who have less regard for their personal safety can head down to the basement. Underground tun- nels connected all the buildings on the hospital grounds, and there are some long enough that shining a Mag-Lite down them does nothing to illuminate the end. On one wall, someone's spray-painted a message: "Death is here." What's next Soon the site of the old hospital will return to economic productivity, and few of the employees at the new Toyota research facility are likely to give much thought to the land's past life. The patients abandoned by their families and society, the numer- ous suicides within the hospital, the ward attendant who was working an extra shift in 1987 to save up for retirement when a patient murdered him - these all have little impact on the daily grind of designing sleeker and more fuel-efficient vehicles. The last tangible link to Ypsilanti State Hospital and its patients will come down with these buildings, and what memories are left of life there will fade away. PHOTOS BY MIKE HULSEBUS/Baily Clockwise from Top Left: Only four of Michigan's original 28 mental hospitals remain open today; Toyota will begin construction on the land as early as next spring; Albert Kahn, who designed Angell Hall and-lill Audi- torium, was the architect for the Ypsilanti State Hospital; Although the building Is abandoned and dangerous, visi- tors still tour the grounds. 16B - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 29, 2005