The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - 7
Sharon survives challenge to leadership of Likud
TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon survived a major challenge to his
leadership in the party he helped found, narrow-
ly claiming victory yesterday in a vote widely
seen as a referendum on his rule and the recent
withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.
The victory capped a dramatic comeback for
Sharon, who has been vilified by Likud Party
hard-liners for the Gaza pullout and who had
been trailing in recent opinion polls. Sharon's
supporters said the victory meant the prime min-
ister would push forward with his peace efforts.
"The argument over whether or not Sharon's
vision was the Likud's vision is over with this
vote," Roni Bar-On, a pro-Sharon lawmaker,
told Israel Radio.
Yesterday's vote by the 3,000-member
Likud central committee was ostensibly over a
procedural issue: whether to hold elections for
party leader in April, as scheduled, or move
up the primary to November. But Sharon and
his main rival, Benjamin Netanyahu, said the
ballot amounted to a vote of confidence in the
prime minister.
Netanyahu, who accused Sharon of abandon-
ing the hawkish Likud Party's nationalist roots
by carrying out the withdrawal, pushed for an
early primary to capitalize on anger against the
prime minister. Sharon opposed any change.
Likud members voted 1,433 to 1,329 - a
margin of just 104 votes - in favor of keeping
the schedule intact, according to official results
announced just after midnight. Turnout was 91
percent. As the results became apparent, Sha-
ron's supporters at the site of yesterday's vote
popped open champagne bottles and danced in
Netanyahu, a former prime minister, conced-
ed defeat yesterday in the 52-48 percent vote,
but said he would continue his campaign to
oust Sharon. He said the close vote showed that
the party remains bitterly divided, with many
members opposed to Sharon's concessions to
the Palestinians.
"I expect to see this camp with all its force
when it fights for the path of the Likud in the
primaries and I have no doubt in the second
phase we will win and the Likud will win,"
Netanyahu said.
Uzi Landau, another prominent opponent of
Sharon, said it was now up to minister
to unify the party. "If he wants, it will be unified.
If he continues his past practices, it will not."
Sharon did not immediately react to the vote.
As he cast his ballot earlier yesterday, he warned
that the early elections proposal would "badly
harm the Likud."
Sharon confidants said that with a defeat,
he likely would have quit Likud and competed
in general elections as the head of a new cen-
trist party. Such a run by Sharon, who is pop-
ular among the Israeli general public, would
strengthen the political center, pushed Likud to
the political fringe, and likely improve chances
of a Mideast peace deal.
Sharon has expressed hope that the Gaza
withdrawal could lead to a resumption of peace
talks, and he has voiced support for an indepen-
dent Palestinian state.
The prime minister is still expected to face
a tough challenge from Netanyahu in the party
primary. And his junior coalition partner, the
centrist Labor Party, has hinted at leaving the
government and forcing early general elections
if peace efforts stall. Elections are currently
scheduled in November 2006.
Sharon has brushed off repeated attempts by
party hard-liners to defeat him since announc-
ing plans for the Gaza withdrawal nearly two
years ago. In a boost for Sharon, one of the
Likud "rebels," Gilad Erdan, said after yester-
day's vote that he would call on the party to line
up behind Sharon.
Polls in recent days had shown Netanyahu
with as much as a 12-point lead among Likud
voters, and a barrage of rockets launched at
Israel by Palestinian militants was expected to
further bolster Sharon's opponents. Netanyahu
has repeatedly warned the Gaza pullout would
encourage Palestinian violence.
Late Sunday, Sharon was thwarted from
addressing a party convention when his
microphone cut out twice. Likud officials
said the sound system was sabotaged. After
waiting nearly half an hour, Sharon left with-
out speaking.
In response to the rocket attacks, Israel
launched a wide-ranging offensive against mili-
tants across Gaza and the WeA Bank over the
weekend. Sharon's critics and Palestinian mili-
Likud Party supporters of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon celebrate the results of voting at the Likud Central Committee
meeting in Tel Aviv, Israel, yesterday. Sharon fended off a challenge to his leadership of the Likud Party yesterday, winning a key
party vote by a razor-thin margin.
tants have suggested the offensive was aimed at
bolstering the prime minister ahead of yester-
day's vote.
Today, an Israeli missile blew up a small bridge
in Gaza, Palestinian officials said. The army said
the missile targeted a road used by militants to
reach an area used for staging rocket attacks.
There were no reports of injuries.
Among targets yesterday were suspected
weapons factories, an access road leading
to a rocket-launching site in northern Gaza,
weapons-manufacturing factories and stor-
age facilities belonging to various militant
groups, and an empty field militants used to
launch rockets at Israel.
Israel pressed ahead with its air campaign
despite Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar's call
to end the group's rocket attacks. Zahar said he
wanted to prevent further Israeli attacks.
The Bush administration has backed Sha-
ron's military offensive, and State Department
spokesman Sean McCormack said yesterday
that Hamas launched attacks on Israel after the
statement was made.
"We understand the situation in which Israel
finds itself," McCormack said. "And we fully
understand Israel's right to defend itself."
Even if Hamas stops its rocket attacks, it
remained unclear whether smaller militant
groups would follow suit. Islamic Jihad said
it would not observe the truce after an Israeli
airstrike Sunday killed one of its top com-
manders in Gaza.
Continued from page 1
has been provided mostly by alumni donations. So far,
more than $28 million has been raised, and the museum
expects to reach its fundraising goal before construction
begins, Steward said.
During the time it will be closed, the museum will
operate in a temporary exhibit space on South University
Avenue. The building, which has been empty for many
years, is only about 4,000 square feet. Due to the small
size of the temporary gallery, the museum will not display
any of the more than 17,000 works of art in its permanent
collection, but will instead house a series of exhibitions,
Steward said.
The exhibits, which will begin this spring in the current
building, will revolve around a common theme of photog-
raphy, film and video.
"We chose this because in many ways it has been the defin-
ing art movement of the modern day," Steward said, adding
that the exhibits will work well in the "raw, ... more down-
town warehouse ambiance" of the temporary gallery space.
While the physical location of the museum will be much
smaller during the construction, the museum hopes to con-
tinue to have a strong presence at the University and will
host a wide variety of programs all over campus. "It will
almost become a museum without walls during that time,"
Steward said.
The museum plans to hold student focus groups this
year to decide on the best locations for museum-sponsored
programs and develop effective ways to let students know
where to find them, Steward said. The museum will also
solicit help from the focus groups to name the temporary
gallery space.
Museum staff will be working twice as hard during the
renovation to both continue to provide arts programming
for the public and to research and restore artwork in the
permanent collection while it is in storage, Slavin said.
Despite the inconveniences during the two-year con-
struction period, Steward said he believes the museum and
community will ultimately benefit, and the short-term pain
will be worth it in the long run.
Continued from page 1
to modesty and respect for precedent have persuaded me
that he will not bring an ideological agenda," said Sen. Russ
Feingold of Wisconsin, one of three Judiciary Committee
Democrats who crossed party lines and voted for Roberts.
It takes a majority vote of the Senate to confirm a
judicial nominee, and all 55 Republicans are expected
to unify behind Roberts's nomination.
Thirteen of the 44 Democrats have declared their sup-
port, the latest being Sen. Ken Salazar of Colorado and
Mary Landrieu of Louisiana on Sunday. That easily gives
Roberts more votes than the last conservative nominee,
Clarence Thomas.
Thomas was confirmed 52-48 in 1991. President Clinton's
two nominees, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer,
were confirmed 96-3 and 87-9, respectively.
Democrats opposing Roberts say they're afraid the for-
mer lawyer in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush admin-
istrations will be staunchly conservative like Thomas and
Justice Antonin Scalia.
They question Roberts's commitment to civil rights
and expressed concern that he might overturn the 1973
court ruling that established the right to abortion. The
White House refused to release paperwork from Rob-
erts's time as a deputy solicitor general in the first Bush
administration, and the nominee refused to fully answer
Democrats' questions during his confirmation hearing
two weeks ago.
Sen. Evan Bayh, a possible Democratic presidential can-
didate in 2008, introduced Roberts to the Senate Judiciary
Committee for the confirmation hearings. But he will vote
against him, he said.
"I cannot vote to confirm, not because I oppose John
Roberts, but because we simply do not know enough about
his views on critical issues to make a considered judgment,"
Bayh said.
Continued from page 1
Ann Arbor, saying, "I don't believe it's
applied (only) in certain areas or com-
munities," Councilmember Robert John-
son (D-1st Ward) conceded that the
initiative "was probably geared towards
Business junior Jason Hahn is one of
several students voicing concerns that
the Ann Arbor Police Department may
be targeting students in off-campus
housing when issuing citations for trash
violations. Hahn said his residence on
Hill Street has been ticketed three times
this semester, each citation issued after a
Michigan football game.
"They come around on Saturdays and
basically look for students with trash on
their lawns," he said.
Though Hahn said Ann Arbor should
be kept clean, he said the AAPD failed
to give students sufficient time to clean
up their lawns before issuing a ticket.
"(My) house will have a prefootball
party, we'll have some trash on the front
lawn and by the time we come back, we
have a citation," Hahn said.
Hahn described the residual trash on his
lawn from pregame parties as a substan-
tial amount consisting primarily of empty
beer cups and several garbage bags.
He added that there was also a desk
and a television on his lawn when the first
ticket was issued.
Many of the tickets written this month
for littering and messy front yards have
been issued during football games, said
Joe Champagne, AAPD community stan-
dards supervisor. But he denied that the
enforcement of the ordinances targets
Twenty-three infraction notices were
written out this month, according to
The fines for leaving trash on yards
increase incrementally with each addi-
tional infraction. The first offense war-
rants a civil fine ranging from $100 to
$250, the second offense can cost up to
$500, and violators are fined between
$500 and $1,000 for each additional or
subsequent offense within a two-year
time period.
The Clean Community Program
requires that both the landlord and ten-
ant receive a warning notice by mail or
at a conspicuous place on the property if
their front yards do not meet the city's
standards. The forewarned parties are
given 24 hours to clean the property;
failure to remove the clutter or debris
from the front and rear of the property
results in a hefty fine.
If the waste or debris is considered
a public health hazard, the city has the
right to dispose of the materials, and
the property owner is billed for all costs
incurred by the city - including labor,
equipment, material disposal and over-
head. The trash violation tickets are
issued to the property owner, though
lease agreements often transfer the civil
infraction fees to the tenants.
The Solid Waste Management code
has 14 principal ordinances prescribing
the general maintenance of property and
garbage, among them a rule that solid
waste and solid waste containers that are
collected curbside not be at the collec-
tion point for more than 24 hours before
or 12 hours after the designated day of
Despite the costly consequences of
tailgating, Hahn vowed to continue host-
ing parties on his lawn.
He added that he and his housemates
were "not trying to do anything mali-
cious" and said the AAPD could improve
its procedures for maintaining a clean
"Maybe there could be more warn-
ings given, or perhaps the police could
come and talk to us about (the Clean
Community Program ordinances)."
Though Hahn said "issuing fines isn't
the right way" to go about encouraging a
clean city, the AAPD's stricter enforce-
ment of the city's ordinances is achieving
some level of success in changing resi-
'dents' habits.
As Hahn put it, "We're going to have
to start cleaning."
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