Monday, September 26, 2005
News 3A MSA remaps budget
to comply with U.S.
Supreme Court ruling
Opinion 4A Chris Zbrozek wants to
fix the National Guard
Arts 9A Beck rocks his entire
catalog at the State
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One-hundredfourteen years ofeditorialfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 154 62005 The Michigan Daily
'Right now,
Frat party
" "
Student who suffered a
gunshot wound to the arms
was taken to 'U' medical center
By Karl Stampfl
and Lee Wachocki
Daily Staff Reporters
A shooting took place at an Omega Psi Phi
party Saturday morning at about 3:45 a.m.,
injuring an 18-year-old freshman student,
Ann Arbor Police Department Sgt. Ed Dre-
slinksi said.
The student, whose name has not been
released by the police, suffered a gunshot
wound to the arm and spent the night at the
University's Medical Center.
The shooting took place at a house at 316 West
Stadium Blvd., which is about 200 yards away
from the entrance to Michigan Stadium and
across the street from Pioneer High School.
The house is not the official house of Omega
Psi Phi, but several members of the fraternity
live there and use the house for the fraternity's
The shooting resulted from an argument on
the dance floor, said a fraternity brother who
wished to remain anonymous to protect his
safety. Two dancers bumped each other, and
one grew angry because he believed he had
been bumped too hard.
After a short fight, an unidentified shooter
drew a gun. He fired once into the ceiling. His
second shot traveled wide of his target, striking
the uninvolved freshman in the arm.
Fraternity members wrangled the shooter
out of the house and into the house's side yard,
where he fired several more shots into the air,
injuring no one, the fraternity member said.
He escaped before the AAPD arrived a few
minutes later and is still at large. The fraternity
member described him as being a 5'9" black
man wearing a white T-shirt and a dark hat.
Anyone with information can call the AAPD
tip line at (734) 996-3199.
Two Ypsilanti residents were also appre-
hended for carrying a concealed weapon in a
car parked near the house, Dreslinski said, but
police do not believe either was the shooter.
Kreston Martin, president of the University's
division of the National Pan-Hellenic Council, said
that no one at Omega Psi Phi was involved.
Martin, who attended the party but did not see
the incident, said he will meet tomorrow with the
Black Student Union and the University chapter
of the National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People to discuss the incident.
Neighbors, one of whom described the inci-
dent as "surreal," said there were multiple par-
ties on the street. People were filtering between
them all night, several witnesses said, and cars
were parked up and down the major boulevard
where parking is prohibited.
Michigan offensive captain Jason Avant (8) and head coach Lloyd Carr walk off the field after Michigan's loss to Wisconsin on Saturday.
Problems abound or this Michigan team
Dear Michigan Football Doubters,
I can't say we were on the
same page after the Notre
Dame loss two weeks ago. Sure, I
was disappointed to see the Wolver-
ines drop a home game to a team
that was so obviously lacking in the
talent department. Of course it hurt
that Michigan took a hit in the loss
column in just the second week of the
season. And it would be an under-
statement to say that I was troubled by
the offense - or, more appropriately,
the lack thereof.
But like a loyal Michigan fan, I had
hope. Rationalization was my defense
mechanism. I reasoned that, since I didn't
actually expect the Wolverines to go unde-
feated in the first place, a loss at the hands
of the Irish was actually the best possible
scenario. After all, a single nonconference
loss to a ranked opponent doesn't sound so
bad, does it? I figured,
if that's what it took to
get the kinks out of this
squad, I'd accept it and
move on. A BCS berth
w was still eminently possi-
ble, and a Big Ten Cham-
pionship was squarely in
the crosshairs.
Needless to say, my
world came crashing
GABE down around me in
EDELSON Wisconsin on Saturday.
I watched - at times
Honest Ga be from high above the
field in the press box, at others from the
sideline in the game's closing minutes - as
Michigan blew a 10-point halftime lead,
failed to mount any viable offensive attacks
in the second half, dropped its Big Ten
season opener and sent Wolverine Nation
into despair. At this point, the Wolverines
find themselves barred from the Rose
Bowl beyond a shadow of a doubt. A bid to
the Orange, Fiesta or Sugar bowls seems
extremely unlikely. Central Florida is look-
ing like an attractive New Year's destina-
tion right now. Michigan tumbled out of
the polls for the first time since 1998. And
maybe worst of all, the Wolverines find
themselves looking up at a heap of names
in the young Big Ten standings.
As senior co-captain Jason Avant said,
"Right now, we suck."
So it is in this atmosphere, Michigan
misanthropes, that I present to you my list
of grievances in the hopes that you, with
your long-standing pessimism, will lend a
sympathetic ear. Here goes:
What's the deal with road openers?
It's a stat that we've had shoved down our
throats a million times, but the shock value
remains: Six straight losses in road open-
ers. Seven of the last eight. And every time,
Michigan has entered with a higher ranking
than its opponent. Why can't these guys get
their act together? Why can't they ever get
up for the first away game of the season?
You would think the adrenaline would be
flowing, that the Wolverines would rel-
ish their role as enemy. At least that's how
many other teams view traveling to a hos-
tile environment, especially during confer-
ence play. But these letdowns are becoming
a self-fulfilling prophecy. And the most dis-
appointing part might be that, in each of the
past six losses, Michigan has been just one
score away from winning or tying when the
clock ran out. This is officially something
to be concerned about. I know I am.
See GAME, page 8A
Definition of plagiarism
in limbo, speakers argue
Students say AAPD
and media misreported
urination incident
By Rachel Kruer
Daily Staff Reporter
While the alleged felony of ethnic
intimidation that involved a University
student urinating on two Asian students
continues to enrage student organiza-
tions on campus, the suspects and their
neighbors say the Ann Arbor Police
By Karl Stampfl
Daily Staff Reporter
With the issue of plagiarism
being pushed into the academic
spotlight by the copy-paste gen-
eration and several plagiarism
scandals, the University held what
organizers called the largest con-
ference on the subject to date.
About 160 speakers gathered
at the Michigan Union on Friday
for a three-day conference called
'Originality, Imitation and Pla-
giarism: A Cross-Disciplinary
Conference on Writing,' which
"Plagiarism is probably one of the most
unhelpful terms we've ever encountered. "
-James Porter
Michigan State University Rhetoric Prof
was organized by the University's
Sweetland Writing Center.
In a series of sessions, speak-
ers discussed topics as diverse as
plagiarism in 19th century Amer-
ica to fan-fiction and if it violates
copyrights of the source material
it derives from. Among the multi-
disciplinary speakers - who were
lured to Ann Arbor from as far
away as Belfast, Northern Ireland
- opinions differed on what con-
stitutes plagiarism.
"Plagiarism is probably one of
the most unhelpful terms we've ever
See COPYING, page 7A
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