2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 14, 2005
Violence threatens aid workers NEWS IN BRIEF
Military escorts ordered for workers in
Aceh province as tsunami death toll rises
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (AP) -
Indonesia ordered foreign aid workers
in the tsunami-devastated Aceh prov-
ince to have military escorts in areas
facing violence by insurgents, even as
the vice president welcomed a cease-
fire offer by the rebels yesterday. The
total death toll from the disaster rose to
more than 157,000.
Relief groups have not reported any
security problems in Aceh, where reb-
els have fought a low-level separatist
war against government troops for three
decades, and some worried that the new
restrictions could harm their reputation
for independence.
"We discourage such actions because
it blurs the distinction between humani-
tarian and military efforts here," said
Eileen Burke of Save the Children.
Indonesian military spokesman Col.
Ahmad Yani Basuki said in a telephone
interview that the army considers only
the areas around the provincial capital
Banda Aceh and the stricken coastal
town of Meulaboh safe for foreigners.
"Other areas aside from that are
potential trouble spots," he said. Anyone
going to the troubled zones must take
military escorts. But Basuki warned:
"We don't have enough personnel to
secure everyone.",
Health officials planned a massive
spraying campaign starting today in
Indonesia's disaster zone to head off the
threat of malaria, which one expert said
could kill up to 100,000 people in the
coming months if authorities don't act
quickly to kill mosquitoes.
Indonesia's Social Affairs Ministry
raised the country's official death toll
from the Dec. 26 disaster to 110,229,
an increase of nearly 4,000. Sumatra
island's Aceh province was worst hit,
with the number of people missing
there at more than 12,000, with 703,518
homeless survivors.
Death tolls also went up in India - by
345, to 10,672 - and in Sri Lanka - by
six, to 30,899. The overall toll across 11
nations stands at 157,642.
Indonesia's restrictions highlight its
sensitivity over foreign involvement in
the humanitarian effort, especially that
of troops from the United States, Aus-
tralia, Singapore and Japan.
The security measures represent an
effort to regain control of Aceh and
the west coast of Sumatra island.
Before the disaster, the military con-
trolled Aceh with a tight grip, and for-
eign journalists and aid workers were
barred. Widespread rights abuses
were reported.
Rebel leaders reaffirmed their com-
mitment to a cease-fire they declared
hours after the Dec. 26 earthquake
that sent killer waves fanning out
across the Indian Ocean.
Indonesia's vice president wel-
comed the cease-fire offer. "Indone-
sia will also make efforts toward it,"
Jusuf Kalla said at the vice presiden-
tial palace.
The U.S. ambassador to Indonesia
urged Jakarta and rebels to negotiate
peace. "Both sides should get together
quickly, negotiate a settlement and get
on with rebuilding Aceh," ambassador
B. Lynn Pascoe said yesterday.
Kalla said Tuesday that Indone-
sia wants the foreign troops to leave
the country by late March. Survivors
among the tens of thousands living
in refugee camps welcomed the for-
eign troops, which have been flying
helicopter aid missions to otherwise
inaccessible areas and running field
"If they leave, we will starve,"
said Syarwan, 27, a tailor who sur-
vived the tsunami and is crowded
with some 45 relatives under a tarp
at a survivor camp in the provincial
capital, Banda Aceh.
Richard Allan, director of the Men-
tor Initiative, an aid group leading the
malaria campaign in Indonesia, said
the tsunami had produced conditions
ripe for huge swarms of mosquitoes in
areas where survivors were extra vul-
nerable to malaria.
"They are stressed. They've got
multiple infections already and their
immune systems are weakened,"
Allan said. "Any immunity they had
is gone.".
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip
Suicide bomb kills three Israelis
Two Palestinian suicide bombers blew themselves up at a vital Gaza-Israel cross-
ing point, killing themselves and three Israelis, Israel Radio and a militant group
said. Fifteen Israelis were injured, Israel TV said.
The attack took place at 11 p.m. at the Karni crossing, where all the farm pro-
duce and other goods enter and leave the Gaza Strip.
A statement to The Associated Press from the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, affili-
ated with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction, said the fighters were
killed "in a martyrdom operation" near the Karni crossing in southern Gaza.
Such language usually indicates a suicide attack against an Israeli target. A spokes-
man for another group, the Popular Resistance Committees, said militants filmed the
attack. The Palestinians set off an explosive device weighing more than 220 pounds,
Israel Radio reported.
Israeli rescue services said ambulances were having difficulty entering the area
because of an exchange of gunfire between militants and Israeli forces.
Graner's defense ends with no testimony
The defense for Spc. Charles Graner Jr. rested its case yesterday without the accused
ringleader of abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison taking the stand.
The jury of four Army officers and six senior enlisted men was expected to begin
deliberating after closing arguments today.
Graner's lawyers had indicated earlier that Graner would probably be the final wit-
ness and that he would offer his version of what occurred in a scandal that stirred
outrage against the United States around the world.
Defense lawyer Guy Womack said the other witnesses provided all of the evidence
necessary to make the case that military and civilian intelligence agents controlled
Inmate rescue workers walk past a mound of debris in La Conchita, Calif., following a
memorial service for the victims of a massive mudslide, after the announcement that the
rescue phase of the relief operation was ending yesterday.
Death toll stands at 10 as
search for survivors ends
oBAbu Ghraib and ordere
Insurgents o
in u ro Gunmen killed ar
b l most senior Shiite M
t t guards in the town
o e co tycleric's"office said y
Insurgents tryingt
a message to al-Sista
WASHINGTON (AP) - It will take President Bush less geted electoral work
than a minute to take the oath of office next Thursday, but Gunmen opened fi
before the inaugural events are over some $40 million may the Bakhan Hotel inc
be spent on parades, parties and pyrotechnics. ping the Turk, who r
And that doesn't include the costs of the most intense U.S.-led occupationa
security operation in inaugural history.
The amount spent on this year's festivities will rival the WASHINGTON
$40 million raised to celebrate Bush's first inauguration in u
2001, and will exceed the $33 million spent by President Pundit und
Clinton in 1993 when Democrats returned to the White Leaders of a Senate
House for the first time in 12 years. records of recent years
While the partying is being paid for privately, there have retary of a federal ban4
been some mutterings about the scale of the celebrations at The request came af
a time of war and natural disaster. nent black media comr
Money for the celebratory activities is being raised law that had been stron
by the Presidential Inaugural Committee, which as of Separately, a Demo
the end of last week had received $18 million, much in called Thursday forhis
six-figure donations from wealthy supporters and cor- ing to disclose that the
porate sponsors. policies.
Among the dozens of $250,000 donors are Home Depot,
Bank of America Corp., Bristol-Myers Squibb and Ford
Motor Co. Kevin Sheridan, a spokesman for the commit-
tee, said the fund-raisers were confident they would reach
their goals. Sales of inaugural memorabilia, another source
of revenue, have been even better than in 2001, he said.
The big donors are rewarded with a variety of inaugural DOW JO
packages, including meetings with political VIPs, tickets toNASD
the swearing-in ceremony and parade and hard-to-get entryA
into the official inaugural balls and dinners. S& P 5C
The events begin Tuesday with a salute to the troops and
a youth concert. On Wednesday there will be a celebra-
tion on the Ellipse, including a fireworks show, and three
candlelight dinners.
On Thursday afternoon, after Bush takes the oath of
office at the Capitol, some 11,000 people will take part in a
parade from the Capitol down Pennsylvania Avenue, to the
White House. That night there will be nine official balls.
Bleacher seats for the parade cost $15, $60 and $125 The msichigan Daily (ISSN 07
apiece, while a ticket to a ball - with the exception of one Additional copies may be pick
ball for military personnel, which is free - runs $150. September, via U.S. mail are
hrough April) is $190. Univer:
The office of the first lady said Laura Bush will per- subscriptions for fall term are
sonally pay for her outfits to inaugural events, which The Associated Press and The
include gowns designed by Oscar de la Renta, Carolina
Herrera and Peggy Jennings. *
"Precedent suggests that inaugural festivities should
be muted - if not canceled - in wartime," Rep. Antho- NEWS
ny Weiner (D-N.Y.) wrote Bush on Tuesday. 763-2459, news@mlchlgn
Eight congressional Democrats from the Washington EDITORS: Alison Go, Carmen o
STAFF: Farayha Arrine, Omayah Atassi.
area on Wednesday wrote another letter to the president Adhiraj Dutt, Victoria Edwards, Donn M
complaining of what they said was the unfair financial inaHildret Jacqueline Howard ,Ayma
burden being imposed on the District of Columbia. Koustubh Patwardhan, Mona Rafeeq, L
D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams has estimated it will OPINION
cost the district $17.3 million to help pay for security 763-0379, opinion@mich
at the first post-Sept. 11 inauguration, which includes ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Daniel A
STAFF: Katherine Cantor, Whitney Dibo,
6,000 law officers and 2,500 military personnel to guard Kennelly, Nick Kochmanski, Andy Kula,F
the 250,000 people at the swearing-in and the half-mil- CARTOONISTS: Sam Butler, Coin Dl
n petd ople tCOLUMNISTS: Sravya Chirumamilla,.
lion expected to line the parade route. Sowmya Krishnamurthy, D.C. Lee, Ellic
:d Graner to soften up detainees for questioning.
appose elections, kill Sistani aid
representative of Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, Iraq's
duslim cleric, along with the aide's son and four body-
of Salman Pak, south of Baghdad, an official in the
to derail Iraq's Jan. 30 elections appeared to be sending
ani, who strongly supports the vote. Insurgents have tar-
ers and candidates.
re on a minibus picking up a Turkish businessman from
central Baghdad yesterday, killing six Iraqis and kidnap-
eportedly ran a construction company that worked with
er investigation for 'propaganda'
committee have asked the Education Department to turn over
' public relations contracts, while reminding the education sec-
on "propaganda."
fter revelations that the Bush administration had paid a promi-
imentator, Armstrong Williams, to promote the new education
ngly supported by President Bush.
cratic member of the Federal Communications Commission
s agency to investigate whether Williams broke the law by fail-
Bush administration paid him $240,000 to plug its education
- Compiled from Daily wire reports
N S 10,505.83 -111.95
Q 2,070.56 -21.97
0 1,177.45 -10.25
LA CONCHITA, Calif. (AP) - Authorities
ended the search yesterday for victims of the deadly
mudslide and warned residents not to return to the
town because of the danger of another collapse.
The death toll stood at 10 in the beach communi-
ty devastated by Monday's torrent of dirt and trees,
and everyone on the list of missing people had been
located. Thirteen homes were destroyed and 18 oth-
ers were damaged.
"The La Conchita community is a geologically
hazardous area," Sheriff Bob Brooks said. "It has
been historically, it is today and it will remain so.
We do not recommend that people return to this
area or the people who stay here remain here."
The entire town of about 260 people was evacu-
ated Monday.
Brooks conceded that officials do not have the
authority to prevent people from going back if their
homes have been determined to be sound. Authori-
ties planned to meet with residents today to discuss
a specific plan for their return.
Brooks said the remaining pile of mud and debris
might never be moved, even though some homes
remained buried. Geologists warned that moving
the mound could bring more mudslides, because it
is acting as a support for the rest of the rain-satu-
rated hillside.
"You could lose the rest of the community,"
Brooks said.
Authorities estimated that 400,000 tons of mud
fell on the community and an additional 1.3 million
tons remained on the unstable hillside.
It was the second time the cliffs behind La Con-
chita had smashed into the community. In March
1995, nine homes were destroyed when some
600,000 tons of earth fell onto the town after a
powerful storm.
The search for more possible victims was ended
after radar found no pockets in the muck where
people might have taken shelter.
"The last person brought out alive was 56
hours ago," Ventura County Fire Chief Bob
Roper said. "We are now moving this operation
from a rescue operation to a. re-establishment of
the community."
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger visited La Con-
chita on Wednesday and declared a state of emer-
gency in Ventura County that will make it eligible
for government aid.
White House spokesman Scott McClellan said
President Bush and federal officials were also try-
ing to help.
"The president wants to make sure we're doing
what we need to be doing from a federal level to
support officials and authorities in California,"
McClellan said.
45-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter
ersity of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge to all readers.
ked up at the Daily's office for $2. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in
$s15. Winter term (January through April) is $110, yearlong (September
rsity affiliates are subject to a reduced subscription rate. On-campus
$35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of
e Associated Collegiate Press. ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard
.9-1327. E-mail letters to the editor to letters@michigandaily.com.
Tomislav Ladika, Managing Edito
ohnson, Andrew Kaplan, Emily Kraack
,Liz Belts Melissa Benton, Adrian Chen, Amber Colvin, Jon Cohen, Jeremy Davidson,
. Fresard, Michael Gurovitsch, Leah Guttman, Margaret Havemann, Julia Heming,
ar Jean, Alexa Jenner, Anna Joling, Genevieve Lampinen, Michael Ken, Rachel Kruer,
a Miller, Justin Miller, Naila Moreira, Jameel Naqvi, Mark Osmond, Kristin Ostby,
eslie Rott, Ekjyot Samin Karl Stampfl, Abby Stassen, Karen Tee, Kim Tomlin
Jason Z. Pesick, Edit6
Adams, Jennifer Misthal, Suhael Momin, Sam Singer
Sara Eber, DanielFaichney, Jesse Forester, Mars Gay, Jared Goldberg, Emily Hanan, Theresa
Rajiv Prabhakar, Saamir Rahman, Matt Rose, David Russell, Dan Skowronski, Christopher Zbrozek
Jasmine Clair, Steve Cotner, Zackery Denfeld, Joel Hoard,
ott Mallen, Zac Peskowitz, Jordan Schrader
Gennaro Filice, Managing Editc
mer, Chris Burke, Bob Hunt, Sharad Mattu, Brian Schick
Edelson, Ian Herbert, Josh Holman, Megan Kolodgy, Ellen McGarrity
el Bromwich, James V. Dowd, Mark Giannotto, Seth Gordon, Tyler Hagle, Jack Herman, Jamie Josephson,
ton, Katie Neimeyer, Ian Robinson, Jake Rosenwasser, Chastity Rolling, Matt Singer, Pete Snelder, Ryan
Voss, Kevin Wright, Stephanie Wright
I I1
2005 MLK Symposium,
University of Michigan
'...but we have not learned The Simple Art of Living Together..
soW ~e~ OC O~" CWa'a-
"Hiow Democratic
is Amer-ican Ir-ac9?
January 17, 2005 2 p.m.
Michigan Union Ballroom
Juan Cole
Prnfansr nf Modern Middla
764-8585, sports@mlchil
NIGHT EDITORS: Eric Ambinder, GabeE
STAFF: Scott Bell, H. Jose Bosch, Danie
Max Kardon, Dan Ketchel, Sara Livingst
Sosin, Anne Uible, Matt Venegoni, BenV
ARTS Jason Roberts, Managing Editor
763-0379, artspage@mchigandally.com
ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Adam Rotten berg
WEEKEND MAGAZINE EDITORS: Alexandra Jones, Nlamh Slevin
SUB-EDITORS: Andrew M. Gaerig, Zac Peskowitz, Sarah Peterson, Melissa Runstrom, Doug Wernert
STAFF: Jennie Adler, Rachel Berry, Jeffrey Bloomer, Zach Borden, Lloyd Cargo, Forest Casey, Cyril Cordor, Ian Dickinson, Will Dunlap, Laurence
Freedman, Chris Gaerig, Leah Hangarter, Brandon Harig, Lynn Hasselbarth, Mary Hillemeier, Joel Hoard, Kevin Hollifield, Andrew Horowitz, Lia
Izenberg, Megan Jacobs, Michelle Kijek, Matt Kivel, Garrick Kobylarz, Marshall W. Lee, Emily Liu, Dawn Low, Punit Mattoo, Evan McGarvey,
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PHOTO Tony Ding, Managing Editor
764-2459, photo@michlgandally.com
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Jason Cooper, Ryan Weiner
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Elise Bergman, Trevor Campbell, Forest Casey
STAFF: Alexander Dziadosz, Cristina Fotieo, Joel Friedman, Dory Gannes, Tommaso Gomez, Ashley Harper, Mike Hulsebus, Jeff Lehnert,
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GRAPHIC DESIGN STAFF: Patricia Chang, Ashley Dinges, Megan Greydanus, Ashleigh Henton, Lindsey Ungar
763-2459. onlinemichigandaly.com
Janna Hutz, Managing Editor
764-0554, dspiay@mchgandaycom
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Dwyer, Shannon Fink, Alexis Floyd, Ina Gjeci, Adam Gross, Mark Hynes, Betsy Kuller, Nicole Kulwicki, Katie
Merten, Donny Perach, James Richardson, Jessica Sachs, Natalie Stolarski, Ari Tran, Michael Voice
ine Hua, Manager