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January 13, 2005 - Image 16

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4B - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Michigan Dail


the capricious lifelw i t h Adam Burns

By Dan Marchese
For the Daily

Students may not realize they have
the ability to use the power of the
airwaves. The Campus Broadcast-
ing Network, otherwise known as
WCBN 88.3, is the University's very
own student-run radio station. Oper-
ating out of the basement of the Stu-
dent Activities Building, WCBN has
been in operation for more than 50
years, starting with its inauguration in
1952. Boasting some of Ann Arbor's
most eccentric musical minds, WCBN
has been a leader in allowing its DJs
to explore different artistic avenues
through free form radio.
John Notarianni, LSA junior and
president of WCBN, describes free
form radio as an approach to radio
broadcasting that started in the 1960s.
The concept behind free form radio,
he says, is that the station's manage-
ment gives the DJ freedom to develop
character during the broadcast and
become one with themselves.
Different in style from the strict pro-
gramming of mainstream radio, free
form radio is designed to allow DJs to
use their own unique blend of music
and brand of interview, allotting them
the freedom to roam into experimental
techniques exclusive to the individual.
"This style of radio opens the door
to a unique variety of programming
that differs from show to show. When
it comes contributing to the overall
WCBN experience, we encourage DJs
to explore different music they don't
know much about," Notarianni said.
"We might play a song you might

not like, but stick with the station
because there might be ten more
songs that you do like" he added.
By playing a wide variety of genres,
Notarianni feels that it may benefit a
listener if they are open to hearing
a type of music that isn't typically
familiar to them.
Shows operated by free form DJs
range from New Age to African folk
music. Every weekday morning from 9
a.m. to noon, jazz is broadcast on the
On Wednesday night, listeners can
tune in and hear local musicians come
in and perform live on the air. Thurs-
day night showcases a show called
"Crush Collision," which features
electronic music with live DJs spin-
ning records.
For the weekend enthusiast, Saturday
night is filled with two hip-hop shows.
One is called "Prop Shop", where DJ
Chill Will spins records live on the air
and has MCs come in and rap. After
that, Underground Reciprocal takes
listeners deep into the evening.
The WCBN schedule also boasts
numerous talk, shows that touch on a
wide variety of diverse issues and inter-
ests. "Game Geeks," a show devoted
exclusively to video games, airs on
Monday at 4:30 p.m. with "The Sports
Report" following after its conclusion.
On Wednesdays at 5 p.m., "Closets
Are for Clothes" talks about issues in
the LGTA community.
Starting at 6 p.m. on Thursdays,
"Renegade Solutions" is a current
events show that focuses on Native
American issues.
WCBN is a starting a show called

n I left for college years ago,
my mother, like most parents,
gave me advice. The best of
which was to bring my laundry home so
she could do it. The worst of which was
that it would be nice to see people from
my high school on campus and that it
would give me a sense of home.
I suspect that she uttered these words
in an effort to reassure herself that I
wouldn't be too far away and that part of
me would still be home. Her intentions
aside, I was going to be excited to run
into people from high school?
Balderdash! There are some people
from high school that I like seeing.
These people are called my friends. The
people I don't want to talk to are the
ones I conveniently run into in the worst
of situations.
One such situation is when you find
yourself alone in a hallway with the girl
from gym class and are left with the
dilemma of choosing between A) main-
taining your high school relationship and
ignoring each other or B) engaging in
conversation because you have so much
to talk about, such as how you went to
high school together.
More often than not, I plant my eyes
squarely on the ground or wall and.
choose option A with all my might.
Sometimes, my effort is not enough, and

before I can sneak by, "Adam Burns!" is
screamed my way.
It is in situations like these that I badly
want to become Homer Simpson. That
way, I could just scream and jump out the
nearest window, thereby ridding myself of
any and all awkwardness that could poten-
tially arise. Sadly, I am not a cartoon.
The plan to ignore certain persons
from your high school goes along
smoothly until junior year or so, when
you find yourself in the same discussion
section as someone you've avoided.
I've been in this predicament several
times, and it's not that bad. At least until
all hell breaks loose during the ice-
It is divulged during the name, home-
town and concentration section that you
and your former classmate are, in fact,
from the same school. "Oh, so you know
each other?" your GSI asks.
This impresses a surprising number
of people in the class and an embarrass-
ing silence occurs until you and your
classmate mumble an affirmative. The
fact that your streak of not talking ended
brings the awkwardness back again, as
you decide whether or not you've become
obligated to say "hello."
Any awkwardness experienced in the
halls or in the classroom is far surpassed
by a visit to another school. I remember

the first Michigan-Michigan State week-
end I experienced. It was the first time
I had seen most of my classmates from
high school since graduation and every-
one was trying to prove how much they
had changed.
The sight of the girl that never talked
dancing on a table and the class hot girl
and the class geek making out were more
than enough to make me feel uncomfort-
able and never want to see anyone from
my high school again. Ever.
In order to help others avoid this com-
mon annoyance, I'm willing to impart
what I have learned in these situations
to those who also wish to steer clear of
unnecessary awkwardness:
Don't be afraid to walk by
What are they going to do if you
ignore them? Tell a teacher? Rat you out
to a mutual friend? It's not like you want
to talk to them in the future, anyway.
Odds are that they, too, just want to pass
by, so don't disappoint.
Never initiate the hello
If you don't want to say "hello" the
next time, don't say "hello" the first time.
By showing the person that you are inter-
ested enough to say "hello," this suggests
that the next time, in addition to hello,
you will want to know what's new, and

the next time what they're majoring in
and so on and so on.
Have an excuse ready
If you are unable to avoid the initial
contact, be sure to have an excuse avail-
able for why you need to go. This is very
simple and needs to be nothing more than
an "I'm in a really big hurry." The optior
of adding what it is you are in a hurry foi
is available and is a toss-up whether of
not to employ it.
Have a topic ready
This is an excellent strategy and car
be used without seeming annoyed o:
uninterested. Simply think of someone
you both knew back home and talk abou
what they are up to these days. Not only
will you not have to reveal what is new
with you, but you will also avoid having
to hear what is new with them.
Scream and jump out the nearest
If you are lucky enough to be Home
If Adam sees you around campus, he'1
turn and walk the other way. Therefore
if you're a old classmate and want t<
talk to him, you'll have to e-mail him a


Even the ceiling of the WCBN radio station is covered with music paraphernalia.

Black Box Radio. Members of the
Michigan Independent Media Center,
a local group of amateur journalists,
are trying to provide an alternative to
mainstream media services, and will
produce Black Box Radio.
Some DJs are considered local cult
heroes by members of the Ann Arbor
community. One of those in particular
is Arwulf Arwulf, whose last name is
pronounced 'arf'. Arwulf has been
around Ann Arbor for over a decade
as a local poet and community figure
giving speeches at the community fair
in years past.
His show, "Face the Music," is
a search for alternative national
anthems. A typical hour with Arwulf
can involve anything from German
opera music to the sound of a fight

scene from a Russian film.
Taking great pride in his fellow co-
workers, Notarianni affirms this about
his fellow DJs.
"Our DJ's work to dig songs out
from obscurity. They take their records
home and experiment with new ways
of broadcasting. This brings out bril-
liance in the collage of their work using
recorded sound. The whole point is to
let DJ's find a style unique to them,"
Notarianni said.
All this creativity wouldn't be pos-
sible without WCBN's fundraising
activities. Notarianni explains that
fundraising is needed to keep the sta-
tion's license renewed and the equip-
ment up to date.
Most of the money that WCBN
operates on comes from their annual

fundraiser in February. The goal of
the ten-day event is to raise $25,000,
which is the amount needed for the
station to operate for the entire year,
according to Notarianni.
The fundraiser showcases every
DJ putting on their "Sunday best," as
Notarianni describes it, petitioning
their audience to help contribute to the
cause. Broadcasted live over the air,
DJs give the audience their best efforts
to try and help raise money. Money can
be donated either to a phone bank set
up where listeners call in, or pledged
online at WCBN's website.
Not only does WCBN boast an
exceptional free form style of radio,
they are also getting out into the
community, providing cultural forms
of musical enrichment. Tonight at 8
p.m., WCBN is putting on its first
installment of a film series at Natu-
ral Canvas Galleries. The series
includes the film "Gandek on Cor-
wood," which is focused on a musi-
cian who has been releasing records
for decades and no one knows who he
is. The showing is free.
WCBN is also excited about a sec-
ond installment of a free concert series
in March at the University Museum of
Art. They are trying to model it after
the concert series they have at the
Detroit Institute of Arts. The goal
is to bring free music to Ann Arbor
through an alternative venue, said
People interested in becoming a DJ
can drop by anyone of the training ses-
sions held Sunday's at 4 p.m.. To listen
to the radio station online, go to www.
wcbn.org and click Listen Live. The
website also provides a full schedule
of showtimes, along with fundraiser
information and additional station

A guide to who's where,
what's happening and why
you need to be there ...
Art and Design Faculty Art Show:
Work in different media by faculty of the
School of Art and Design will be on dis-
play in the Jean Paul Slusser Gallery, at
2000 Bonisteel Blvd. The event runs Fri-
day and Saturday from I1 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Free. 936-2082.
Student art on display: Two exhibits
of Art and Design undergraduate work
are currently on display at the Work gal-
lery on 306 S. State St. (Our)Selves is an
exhibit featuring work by undergradu-
ates James Arndt, Mary Paul and Emily
Squires, located on the lower level of the
gallery. Speaking Volume(s), a display of
three-dimensional art in different medi-
ums by undergraduates, is on display on
the upper level. Both exhibits run Friday
and Saturday. Noon to 8 p.m. Free. 763-
DJ Spooky: The New York DJ will
perform his "Rebirth of a Nation" show
at the Power Center for the Performing
Arts. In addition to music, DJ Spooky
has also written novels and has had his
visual art on exhibit at several museums.
8 p.m, Tickets range from $16 to $36.
The Underground Jazz Quartet: The
quartet will perform for restaurant-goers
at Cafe Felix at 204S. Main St. Friday. 9
p.m. to midnight. Free. 662-8650.

Khe Weekend List

Friday, Jan. 14
Sunday, Jan. 16

Dirty Americans, Throttlebody and
Midnight Specials: The three bands will
be performing at the Blind Pig Friday
night, located at 208 S. First St. Doors at
9:30 p.m., ages 18 and up. $6 cover, $9 for
guests under 21. 996-8555.
Ninth Annual Martin Luther King
Holiday Celebration: Charlie King and
Karen Brandow will perform at The Ark
to benefit the Interfaith Council for Peace
and Justice. 316 S. Main St. Doors at 7:30
p.m., starts at 8 p.m. $15 cover.
Third Dissertation Recital: Soprano
Megan Besley will be performing in a
concert at McIntosh Theater at the School
of Music Saturday. 8 p.m. Free. 764-
University Life Sciences Orchestra
Concert: The orchestra will perform
Mozart and Mahler for the beginning of
its fifth season this Saturday at Hill Audi-
torium. 8 to 9:45 p.m. Free. 936-7634.
Saturday Looks Good to Me: The
band will perform at The Blind Pig on
Saturday with the Pizzazz and Genders.
Doors open at 9:30 p.m. Ages 18 and up.
$8 cover. 996-8555.
Tally Hall: The band, comprised
of University students, will perform
Saturday at Club Above at the Heidel-

berg, located at 215 N. Main St. Doors
at 9:30 p.m. Cover charge unknown.
Traditional Irish jam session: Conor
O'Neill's Pub at 318 S. Main St. will fea-
ture an Irish instrumental jam session,
and all visitors are invited to listen or par-
ticipate. 7:30 to 10 p.m. Free. 665-2968.
Open mic night: Improv Inferno, a
comedy club located at 309 S. Main St.,
will host "Get Up, Stand Up," an open
mic night for stand-up comedians. Doors
The Vietnam Protestors
Truong Nhu Tang, a founder of
the National Liberation Front
(Viet Cong), writes in A Viet Cong
Memoir, "The Western anti-war
movements had contributed
much to our victory." Did the
protestors save or cost lives?
Gary Lillie & Assoc., Realtors

at 8:30 p.m. $5 cover. 214-7080.

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Mathematics students Lucas Deyer DJs at WCBN in the Student Activities Here are just a few of the many shelves of music that are located at the
Building. WCBN radio station.

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