4B - The Michigan Daily - Special Graduation Section -Tuesday, April 19, 2005 OPINION REFLECTIONS Since its inception, the Daily Editorial Page has been a forum for diverse opinions on a vast array of topics. As the class of 2005 prepares to graduate, we offer a look back at some of the most important issues addressed during its time at the University. i SAM BUTLER THE S>APB' OX NOTABLE QUOTABLE I Your nation will soon be free." - President Bush, on Iraqi television on April 11, 2003 in an address to the Iraqi people, as reported by The Associated Press. A toast to college SAM BUTLER THE 1XNG-WINDED SOAPBOX ere's to c ol- College is intoxicating, and we can only experiences we have forged us. We are the lege. Here's to hope that we drank the whole bottle. class of Sept. 11, and it's fitting that we have us seniors - we It's a perfect place, this other Eden, this risen from those ashes to enter the world we are gods amongst kings. demi-paradise, this Ann Arbor. It certainly will will help create. We finally are those deter- be missed. Stepping into the "real world," long- We have issues, to be sure. Other than mined students walking ing adults tell us that college is the best time of the ones that will be cured in psychotherapy, briskly past, too important our lives. Maybe one day I too will choke on we will have to cope with the burgeoning y to notice the herd of orien- nostalgia, but I refuse to live the rest of my life moral landscape of globalization and multi- tation kids standing there in decrescendo. Maybe I'm still shrouded in culturalism, the increasing specialization of like deer in headlights. Of naive optimism, but I refuse to believe that the knowledge and emergence of a technocratic course, we were those kids once, trying to front rest of my life will be plastered in mediocrity. class, as well as a life constantly predicated confidence when really we were the equivalent . It's an oppressing sense of ordinariness that by a barrage of information and imagery. But of new-born babes, trying to figure out what scares many of us. We suffer from generational whatever issues I think we have is immaterial, the hell we were getting into. College is a time envy. Brad Pitt tells us that our great depression so long as you have your own. for rebirth, but now we're seniors and expected is our lives. Living in the storied shadows of College is the time for the rose-colored to walk on our own. Life makes us the butt of our parents' protests, we've been beaten into beer goggles of idealism. We're told that col- another joke -just when we've got everything believing the charade of their student power. lege is our one and only chance to change figured out, it's time to leave. How could our generation ever compete? We the world. Some of us worry we missed our As we enter the winter of our scholastic think that we lack an overarching purpose by opportunity. Screw that - change the world careers, we all are reflecting on this strange which to guide our lives. This is a myth. Just on your own terms. Whether you're the revo- world we are leaving. College is more than the like 1968, there are those of us who will be sat- lutionary, the ambitious business student or late nights of drinking, more than the late nights isfied with the Volkswagen and stable job, and someone in between, make sure you have of drunkenly ordering pizza at 3 a.m., more there will be those of us who change the world. an idea of what you want out of life. When than the all-too-early mornings of going to The only separation is a decision of zeal. you opened your textbooks, I only hope class hung over. There are other things involved The current academic milieu is partly to you found yourself as much as you did the in college, too, but I can't really remember blame for our uncertainty. We are taught to answers to your homework. them too well. deconstruct everything we come across. We With confidence we should continue this College itself is like alcohol - it's intoxi- enter the world prepared by four years of learn- process of reconstruction. It'll be a slow course, cating. Activity buzzes in the air, the trees ing that everything in art and literature is a though. We're starting out like those petrified and the crisscrossed paths that are straight penis and that white males are pretty much freshman. But this time, we know from experi- and direct with purpose. Every ivy-cov- responsible for everything that is wrong with ence that we'll find our niche and continue to ered brick offers tradition and opportunity. this earth. Our wisdom comes from knowing define our lives. We need to binge on the real Plugged into the rest of the world, we are that we know nothing. We are clever because world as we did on college. Life is intoxicat- surrounded by exploding minds and unfamil- we admit to not being clever. ing, and, just because we're leaving college, it iar cultures. It's hard to leave such a blissful Emerging from this academic world of doesn't mean we need to stop drinking. Cheers. place as the University. At no other time will deconstruction, it's paradoxical that I feel our existence be dedicated to gaining a smor- academia has formed me into who I am. Aca- Butler can be reached at gasbord of knowledge about the world. demically we take apart, but personally, our butlers@umich.edu The creative destruction of youth ZAC PESKOWITZ THE LOWER FREQUENCIES orty years ago today, the Beatles made the first of four historic perfor- mances on "The Ed Sullivan Show." This, the arbiters of culture, would say after clearing their collective throats, was a moment when "to be young was very heaven." We, on the other hand, have not been so fortunate, according to those lucky Baby Boomers. We are soft and fat, occupied by fleeting concerns or no con- cerns at all. We are weak and malleable; they were strong and pioneering. Despite the best efforts of the Boomers to infect us with viral marketing, make us "tip" toward the latest trend, fashion or fad and use assorted schemes to make our lives utterly miserable, twentysomethings once again deserve a positive mention on those obliga- tory New Year's "In" and "Out" lists. Look at our accomplishments: One of us is the star witness in the Martha Stewart trial and titillates the financial press with tales of designer drug use. In Michigan, if you're a plucky member of the creative class, you can be the centerpiece of Gov. Jennifer Granholm's set-piece strategy for economic vibrancy. We even get to subsidize $534 bil- lion worth of Medicare prescription drug benefits over the course of a decade. Actu- ally, maybe things aren't that great in the United States. But outside of this country, the prospects are more promising. In Iran, the real bete noir of the ayatollahs isn't the United States, it's the millions of Iranians who are under 25. When more than 70 percent of a country's popula- tion is younger than 25, politicians have to maintain a wary eye on the whims of youth at all times. This is a particular concern in a nation where many young people have sought out space for creativity in the form of novel genres of music, blogs and, in many cases, a revolutionary posture toward the state. While Iran's Guardian Council bans reform candi- dates from running in parliamentary elections and the government arrests student leaders, this burgeoning youth movement ensures that the quest for "personal space" will continue. The age of youth isn't just limited to regions with exploding population growth. Japan stands out as an example of youth seizing con- trol of a nation's culture and injecting it with a sense of urgency and relevance. While most of Japan has experienced a decade of ennui and drift, the "gross national cool" associ- ated with the nation's youth has made Japan a superpower once more. Cultural might has replaced the dreams of economic hegemony in a country where the youth have pioneered new approaches to the challenges of post-his- torical boredom. Examples of youth wielding political power abound as well. In South Korea, the vaunted 3-8-6 generation, after its success- ful battles against military dictatorship, effectively controls the national agenda. Its power and influence has achieved diverse goals from altering the state's foreign policy to installing public libraries on the trains of Seoul's subway system. The kids exist to change culture. They are the only ones who can. They are the ones who create new ways of solving problems, new val- ues and new systems of conduct. Forty years after the Beatles were beamed into the living rooms of 73 million Americans, these lessons have been eclipsed by the Baby Boomers' cel- ebration of themselves. It wasn't always this way. There was recently a time when Wired magazine, the dot.coms and the citizens of Generation X were going to take over the world, or, at the very least, the networks of information which would eventually control it. Angry Boomers sneered at their successes. Of course, these brash young upstarts were hubristic, decadent and arrogant, but they had some great ideas. In his memoir "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius," Dave Eggers, one of the iconic symbols of this brief era, recounts how his fledgling magazine ran a glowing profile of the founder of Teach For America. Wendy Kopp, the Princeton graduate who turned her senior thesis into one of the most successful volunteer organizations in the United States, was the model for a new type of activism. But Eggers et al. soon grew bored with Kopp and decided to trash her as a self-indulgent prig, motivated by a sense of haughty noblesse oblige. Maybe the best part about being young is the opportunity to destroy every- one's heroes and not have to think about the consequences. - Feb. 09, 2004 01 - 7%.7 - 7 7- i