Friday, April 15, 2005
Opinion 4
Jasmine Clair's
last column
t oat4tt!
Arts 5 U' student makes
beats for big-
name stars
LOW- 42
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One-hundred-fourteen years ofeditorialfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 120 ©2005 The Michigan Daily
22 students targeted in
U Bursley Residence Hall,
Zeta Beta Tau among
buildings searched by AAPD
By Karl Stampfl
Daily Staff Reporter
Police announced yesterday that they raided
15 buildings on and around campus on Wednes-
day in the culmination of a six-month undercover
drug bust, unearthing a sales ring that stretched
from Bursley Residence Hall to the Zeta Beta
Tau fraternity to 13 off-campus houses. Of 24
suspects, 22 were University students and one
was an alum.
The Ann Arbor Police Department assisted the
Livingston and Washtenaw Narcotics Enforce-
ment Team in the operation, which unearthed a
reported 34 pounds of marijuana at an estimated
worth of more than $100,000, five guns, $13,000
in cash, six cars, small amounts of various nar-
cotics and assorted other property valued at
$100,000, The Ann Arbor News reported.
Charges for delivery of drugs and possession
with intent to deliver were levied against 22 peo-
ple, the paper reported. Overall, police issued
charges for 24 misdemeanors and 32 felonies.
The names of the suspects have not yet been
released. Yesterday, 11 people were arraigned,
warrants were released for five others and police
are still looking for five more, NBC's Local 4
News reported.
Other charges include running a drug house.
Police found four places where marijuana was
grown indoors with a capability of producing 15
to 20 pounds of the drug a year, The Ann Arbor
News reported.
University officials did not return phone mes-
sages asking them to comment on the Univer-
sity's involvement in the investigation and any
University action that might be taken against the
Zeta Beta Tau President Josh Banschick said
police searched one room of the fraternity and
did not make any arrests, but he would not com-
ment on what was found. One fraternity member
is currently under investigation but has not been
Banschick said the media have distorted Zeta
Beta Tau's level of involvement in the police
"A lot of what was shown on the news and
written in the papers was a very skewed por-
trayal," he said.
Banschick discounted a local television report
that said fraternity members shouted obscenities
at the media.
"They took some shots of guys from far away,
)t bust
about a 100 yards away, and claimed the guys
were screaming obscenities, which is absolutely
false," he said.
Banschick described a video available last
night on, Local 4's
website, that showed a fraternity member talk-
ing on his cell phone from a long distance that
appeared to be out of ear-shot. News producers
bleeped out what he was saying in an attempt to
make it seem as though he was shouting obsceni-
ties, Banschick claimed.
"They falsely censored him from a distance
that was impossible to hear from," Banschick
said. "At the time, I was on the phone with
See BUST, Page 7
F' '
suit focuses
on Intemet2
High-speed network, originally developed
at the University, is mostly used by researchers
but has capacity for large-scale file sharing
By Chris Gaerig
Daily Arts Writer
The Recording Industry Association of America - the group
responsible for the production and distribution of 90 percent of the
legal music in the United States - will again ratchet up its presence
on many college campuses. The RIAA announced this week that it
would be filing copyright infringement violations against 405 stu-
dents from 18 campuses across the country.
There are currently no University students among those that will
be facing charges.
The target of this slew of lawsuits is the Internet2 application
i2hub. Internet2 is a high-speed network on campuses across the
nation, including the University, where it was originally developed.
Unlike most file-sharing applications, not all students are able to
utilize i2hub and Internet2. Some of the specifications for use are
"at least 10M bps switched access to a 100M bps departmental net-
work," the network must support multicast services and "worksta-
tions must be able to sustain high bandwidth applications" according
to the University's Internet2 site.
Internet2 is currently being utilized on campus primarily for
research. Alex Ade - who worked on the Visible Human Project
- said that he had not heard of illegal file sharing across the net-
work. He said VHS consists of staff and researchers who have little
interaction with the student body on the network.
i2hub - a program much like Napster that runs exclusively on
Internet2 - makes sending and receiving files on the high-speed
network easy and efficient. The peer-to-peer application is easily
downloadable and usable by anyone with Internet2. "Downloading
from i2hub via Internet2 is extremely fast - in most cases, less than
five minutes for a movie or less than 20 seconds for a song," accord-
ing to the RIAA's official press release.
RIAA President Cary Sherman said these lawsuits aren't simply a
witch-hunt. "Internet2 is an amazing network that holds great prom-
ise. We can't let it be hijacked for illegal purposes from the outset,"
he said.
Although Sherman stressed that "college students are not the pri-
mary target," he added that the RIAA has identified students at 140
unnamed universities across the nation for possible future litigation.
For the time being, they are opting to only prosecute 25 students
from each university.
"Today's lawsuits are different in that we focused on i2hub, which
is uniquely available on college campuses. Hence the focus on stu-
dents in this round only," 'Sherman added during an online inter-
The RIAA plans to send notices and warnings to the presi-
See INTERNET2, Page 7
LSA freshman Julie Haehnel blows a bubble at the Ann Arbor Reaching Out table on the Diag on Goodness Day yesterday.
Church losing pull over Catholics
Study shows that Vatican's
positions on social issues are
increasingly ignored in rich countries
By Andres Kwon
For the Daily
While the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church man-
dates that divorce, homosexuality, abortion and birth
control are unacceptable, according to the World Values
Survey conducted by the University's Institute for Social
Research, not every Catholic agrees.
According to political science Prof. Ronald Ingle-
hart, director of the World Values Survey, most prac-
ticing Catholics did not accept divorce 50 years ago.
By 2000, however, only 6 percent of the Catholic
respondents in the United States said that divorce was
never justifiable.
Attitudes toward abortion and homosexuality have fol-
lowed the same pattern. Inglehart found that the percent-
age of U.S. Catholics who believe that abortion is never
justifiable fell from 50 percent in 1981 to 37 percent in
2000. The percentage of U.S. Catholics saying that homo-
sexuality is never justifiable dropped from 60 percent in
1981 to 19 percent in 2000.
This increasing approval of the "forbidden practices" is
not a pattern unique to the United States or to Catholics.
Inglehart said Protestants have witnessed a similar pat-
tern. "Overall," he said, "although there has been only a
slight decline in church attendance, there's been a major
decline in the importance of religion in rich nations."
Inglehart referred to secularization as an occurrence in
developed nations, where the majority of people take survival
for granted. In the developing world, on the other hand, he
said that people who are economically insecure "seek a sense
of security - that somehow (their survival) is in the hands of
some benevolent being."
New class criticizes
U' admissions
Heroes, friends emerge in Project Outreach
Outspoken affirmative
* action critic Carl
Cohen to teach class
By Amber Colvin
Daily Staff Reporter
A Residential College class titled "Race
and University Admissions" will be taking
a closer look at two 2003 U.S. Supreme
Court cases regarding the University's
race-conscious admissions process this
fall. The mini-course will concentrate
on the plaintiffs' position that race-based
* admissions are unjust.
Grutter v. Roinger challenged the
a balanced discussion of the issue.
Cohen said the course is a response
to the University's supportive stance on
affirmative action.
"My view normally is that professors
ought not take a position on matters of a
controversial matter, but on this very com-
plicated subject ... the University takes a
very strong position," Cohen said. "So I
thought it would not be inappropriate for
me to speak vigorously for it to balance
that controversial activity."
The class will include visits from Jen-
nifer Gratz and Barbara Grutter, the plain-
tiffs from the two cases.
Cohen said he asked the administration
for permission to teach a course designed
"You get out of the class what you put into it," said
LSA freshman Breanne Vander Naald, one of 11 stu-
dents who visit a group of boys at the Maxey every
Tesday evening. "We are just going there to be a good
friend and hopefully leave a positive impact."
Maxey is a state juvenile facility where troubled
youth, ages 12 to 21, are incarcerated by courts in
order to obtain rehabilitation and re-entry into society
by completing a court-ordered program, said Denise
Thomas, activity therapy supervisor at Maxey.
Maxey is just one of several facilities that students
can visit when they enroll in the class. Students taking
the course are required to do a project, but there is no
other expectation beyond that.
Vander Naald said the group started out doing ice-
breakers and other activities with the boys, but said
they quickly realized that they were not accomplishing
what they had set out to do.
The group decided that it would be nice to end the
semester with a culmination of all the things that had
been learned and said they felt the best way to do this
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