6A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 14, 2005 the michigan daily CAMERA: CANON DIGITAL Elph found. 4/9. Wash. Ave. Identify photos to claim. 945-8810. OWNING YOUR OWN home may be cheaper than your apartment! 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom mobile home. 10 miles north of A2. $15,000, Must sell. 248-396-6215. CAMPUS PARKING SPACES available for now. 665-8825. CMB MANAGEMENT Voted BEST LANDLORD BEST APARTMENTS By Current Magazine Reader's Picks 2004 & 2004 Annual Ann Arbor Guide 22 CAMPUS LOCATIONS Experience the Difference! Family Owned and Managed Apartments and Houses DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS WHEN YOU CAN LIVE WITH THE BEST! Now leasing for May and Fall 2005 www.annarbora partments. net !!!!!!!!!!!CENTRAL CAMPUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At UNBELIEVEABLE SAVINGS. Limited locations available at discounted rates plus lots of extras for free. 761-8000, primesh.com !!!311 S. DIVISION!!! 1 bdrm. apts. avail. for fall '05 in a lovely older bldg. in the heart of central campus area by the comer of Liberty and Division. All units are fully fum. and incl. all utils! Ldry. avail. at Thompson St. behind the bldg. Sorry, no prkg. Renting now from $695! Call Dan at 663-4101 for more details on the indi- vidual units or to arrange a showing! !!!FREE!!! SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET apt. finder. 21 distinctive locations to choose from. Studio-6 bedrooms. 741-9300. !!GREATAPTS. & HSES. for 05-06!! A combination of quality and price you can't beat! We have hses. and apts. across A2 with something to fit every need. Studios, 1 and 2 bedrooms and larger available. Pick up listings today! Campus Management, Inc. 337 E. Huron. "CMI, proudly serving the Ann Arbor and U of M community for 42 years." !!MAY LEASES AVAILABLE!! Large con- temporary 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. 741-9657. Eff. Apartment On E. Madison, $450/mo. Copi Properties 663-5609 !AVAIL. SEPT. 1ST Cozy, large & beautiful 2 brdm. apt with large attic attachment. Sky- light. Rm. for 3 people. Exc. loc. 4 min. walk to classes. 325 E. Liberty. Free heat-wshr.- /dryer. One yr. lease. 769-8555 or 662-0805. !BY IM BLDG. 5, 4, & 1 bdnn. apts. Free heat & prkg. Free mo. rent. 810-227-0651. $ AVAILABLE NOW or for Fall 2005 $ Room 1 & 2 bdnn. apts. Excellent apt., great location, prkg. 883-7771 or 649-0219. $$$$$$$ SAVE A TON OF CASH $$$$$$ Leasing is almost completed. Remaining apartments have been reduced for fall move in. 2 Bdnn. & eff. apts. avail. Don't delay and miss out on the best off campus housing! Call today for an appointment to see! 761-8000 primesh.com $300 MOVES YOU in plus first mo. free! 1 & 2 bdrm. apts., from $705/mo. Free heat & lots of amenities. Pets ok. N. Campus loc. 761-3404. ***SEPT.05*** 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. apts. 1130 Oakland, 1026 Vaughn, 408 Hill, 908 Sybil & More! JMS Properties. 222-9033 www.jmsprop.com *****MAY LEASES***** Need short term?? May to August 2 bed- rooms at great rates! Free heat & water, fur- nished, parking and FREE Ethernet! Low rates! Call today 761-8000! Prime Student Housing ****AVAIL. AUG. 05! 5 bdrm. hse. Brown St., near football stadium, newly renovated. So much prkg., you can earn income during the games! Must rent. Best offer. 610-952-5269 or louisbreskman@yahoo.com 3 MIN. WALK to Frieze Bldg., 2 Historic bldgs. completely remodeled. -2 bdrm. penthouse top flr., see all of A2, avail, fall. -2 bdrm. lower level, very popular, cute, Fall. -31g. bdrms. just remodeled w/vanity. -6 bdrm., complete remodel in process, Fall. Modern Apartment Building: Remodeled - 2 bdrm. culinary delight, trash compacter. 19 ft. of counter space, dwshr., etc. 1 is Avail, now, 2 are Avail. Fall. Ldry., Great Prkg., Heat/water incl., E. Kingsleyl Division. Call 973-7368. 4 BDRM. HSE. near med. school. Central air, 2 1/2 baths., garage. Super new bldg. Great formed. studs. $2095, 994-5284. 527 S. FOURTH Unfum. 2 bdrm. & 1 bdrm. apts., close to UM campus with ldry., prkg., A/C. Call 734-9442405. 608 MONROE. HUGE, fum., bi-level, 1 bdrms. Over 1100 sq. ft. Close to Law/B- Schools. Rent $1000/mo. incl. heat, water, prkg., 2 balconies. Call Mike, 734-717-4276 or Tony at 734604-6009. GREAT Location! 807 ARCH. SPACIOUS 5 bdrm. suitable for 5-7 students w/hardwood firs., wshr./dryer, free prkg. and more. Avail. Sept. 05. 323-3918. 923 S. STATE. Spacious 6 bdrm. suitable for 6-8 students with wshr./dryer, free prkg. and more. Avail. Sept. 05. Call 734-323-3918. EVERYTHING A COLLEGE APARTMENT SHOULD BE Tower On Central Campus 1 d Free Heat and Water Fitness Center On Site Laundry Outdoor Pool ONE MONTH FREE FOR ALL MAY TO MAY LEASES MICHIGAN DAILY'S BEST OF ANN ARBOR 1 & 2 bedrooms still available for Spring and Fall Call today to set up your tour (734) 761-2680. Or see us online at www.universitytowers.mi.com 0 6 *FOR SALE: 1993 Red Ford Escort Wagon, Great little, in-town car. $2500 or best offer. 5174564979 or krepkee@hotmail.com *WE BUY USED vehicles, all makes and models, top dollar paid @ Suburban Chevro- let, 663-3321, Ask for John Baird. **535S.FIF'HAVE. ** Unfurnished 3-bedroom house at the top of the hill just south of Packard and 3 blocks west of the Union and Law & Business Schools. Hardwood firs. throughout much of the home. A spacious living rm., study, for- mal dining ml. Well-maintained kitch. incl. a side-by-side refrigerator with ice/water ser- vice. 3 substantial bedrooms & ceramic bath- room upstairs. Large covered front porch. Prkg. for 1 car on-site, and ample unmetered street parking in the neighborhood. Ldry. is provided in the basement. CMI 663-4101. Call today to arrange a tour! Reduced to $1795.00 if leased before April 15th! **905 OAKLAND #2** Massive 3 bdrm. apartment occupying the entire first floor of a beautiful older home just 4 or 5 houses south of Hill St. and a mere 2 blocks south of Cen- tral Campus. The Business and Law schools are no more than 5-7 min. away. Sorry, no laundry. Plentiful windows provide ample light throughout the apartment. The apart- ment possesses the largest living room of any of our 300 units, complete with a fireplace and a beautiful bay window. All utils. mcl., and there is parking for 2 cars in back. Com- fortable for 3-5 people. Ask us about a new kitchen! CMI6634101. $1995. 543 ELIZABETH 5 bdrm. hse. & 304 E. Jeff. 6 bdrm. hse. avail. May 2005! 327-0375. 935 GREENWOOD, GREAT 5 bdrm. close to campus. Avail. May or Sept., about FREE rent. Free ldry. 248-561-1500. hse. ask " " WE! A i 1pa wj £ Issa Properties Furnished Eff.,1I & 2 BR Includes heat, water and parking Now leasing for May and Sept 2005 Call today for our Specials 734-662-4446 info@issapropertiescom AVAIL. LARGE 2 bdrm. apts. located in the heart of Central Campus. Excellent location near the B-School. Heat, H20., prkg., A/C. Lots of amenities. Contact Michigan Realty, 734-662-5500. EHO. AVAIL. NOW! 1 bdrm. apt. 715 E. Ann. $725 + elec. Prkg., Idry., lease term semi- neg. Call Cappo 734-996-1991. AVAIL. SEPT. 1ST. 3 bdrm. Ig. unfurn. beautiful apt. 5 min walk to classes. 119 E. Liberty. 1600 sq. ft. 769-8555 or 662-0805. 1 yr. lease. AVAIL. SEPT. 2005 1 bdrm. 1127 Church St. #3. Free H20, heat & prkg. $825/mo. Call 248421-9580. AVAILABLE FALL EFF., 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments, 4 & 6 bedroom houses. Call P.M.S.I. for info. (734) 665-5552. AVAILABLE NOW! Rooms and apartments for short term leases. Call 734.668.1100. BUSINESS/LAW Spacious efficiency apt., newly remodeled, new kitch., gleaming hardwood firs., Call 734-944-2405. 0 ! 1 MONTH free and free Intemet! day to set up your tour (734)761-2680, Limited availability. Call to- _ _ __.... - U ! 4 BDRM., 4 bath. CONDO avail. now! Utils. incl., A/C., ldry. & free garage prkg. Cable TV. $500-600/person/mo. Call 313-838-2629. AVAIL. 9/I/05 for 1 yr. lease. 5 bdrm. hse. 930 Dewey, Near Central Campus. Ample prkg. 734769 6683 or sbery@comcastnet ! AVAIL. FALL '05 4 bdrm. hse. Near Busi- ness/Law School. Newly remodeled. Over 2000 square feet., living and dining room, fireplace, ldry., off-street prkg. 734-223-7777. !WALKA LITTLE, SAVE A LOT 3 bdrm., 1,200 square feet, 1 1/2 bath., A/C, prkg., Idry., from $1295. 994-5284. !! AVAIL. NOW 2 bdrm. w/ modem kitch. & bath. Prkg., from $695. Call 994-5284. Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis ***AVAILABLE FOR FALL 2005*** Eff., I & 2 bedroom apts. On central campus. Fur- nished with free water & parking. Call 663-3050 or amvestproperty.com ***EFE. & 2 BDRM.APTARTMENTS*** Only a couple of each available...don't miss out! Furnished, heat & water, parking and free HIGH SPEED INTERNET. Call to view and make us an offer we can't refuse! 761-8000 primesh.com ***L(. EFFICIENCIES AVAILABLE*** Central campus spring and fall leases. Cov- ered parking, water included. $695 call 260-3610. ***SPRING/FALL 2005***: BI-LEVEL one bedroom units. Great location, furnished, parking, laundry. Call 260-3610 today. **1223 HILL ST.** Lg. Victorian style hse. on the comer of Hill St and S. Forest, which is a prime loc. for any student needing access to central cam- pus, the Business school, Law school or School of Social Work. Multiple charming furm. studios and I bdmi. apts. are avail. in the bldg. On-site coin Idry., pets, incl. dogs, are allowed for a $40/mo. fee. Heat and wa- ter incl. Sorry, no prkg. From $595. Call Dan at 6634101 for more details on the individ- ual units or to arrange a showing! **ATTENTION GRADS: UNIQUE studio, 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. w/ spacious floor plans. Fall leases avail. 741-9300. BEDROOMg UNITS. Furni shed & Unfurni shed. One bloc k f rom UM Campus Tower Plaza. 663-1530. **2 BDRM. APTS. Recently remodeled, modem spacious kitchen w/built in micro. & dwshr. Beautifully Furnished. Private shuttle to North Campus. Pet welcome. Fall leases avail. Call 741-9657. **421 BLAKELY CT.** $500 off first month's rent!! Secluded 3-bed- room furn. house on a quiet 2-house cul-de- sac just northeast of Elbel Field and a mere 5 minutes from South Quad and the Union. Hardwood firs., abundant windows, a remod- eled bathroom, and a filly equipped kitchen including a portable dishwasher and a mi- crowave oven. Free laundry on-site and park- ing for 2 cars. Call Dan today to arrange a tour! 663-4101. Reduced to $1,695.00 if leased before April 15th! **NORTH CAMPUS** LARGE 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Large private balconies w/- wooded views. Private shuttle to Central and North Campus. Avail. summer and fall! Call 741-9300. *AVAIL. FROM AUG. 1st. & Sept.Ist. '05. Close to Med. & Central Campus. Modem I & 2 bdnn. Furn. & Unfum. Balc. 800 Fuller. 769-7520. fullerapartments@hotmail.com F - - - - - - - - - - - i Space Available Now! IC mlrLNr I I I HOUSING CO-OPS 1 Community Living for University Students 1 I Fall/Winter Contracts Approx. $430-620/month Includes utilities, laundry, parking, social I activities, and all the food you can eat! 1 Now Signing 8-month I Fall/Winter 05-6 Contracts I 1 Use this ad to get a free dinner at one of our boarding houses! For more information call: i 662-4414. www.icc.coop I Student Owned - Democratically Run - -" "" "" -" ''' -" -" -" "" "" "" 1 1 AAHH! START WITH unbelievable large 2 bdrm. apts. 1.5 baths., fumished and contem- porary in every way. Add FREE internet, FREE satellite TV, exercise facility, rec. room, study lounge with computers, great lo- cation near CCRB, and free resident shuttle to NortheCampus and you havesGeddessHill. Avail. Fall. 741-9300. www.annarborapartments.net APARTMENTS, SUBLETS & Room- mates... List and Browse FREE! All Cities & Areas. 1-877-FOR RENT. www.sublet.com APTS. AVAIL. FALL. Eff., 1, & 2 bdrms. $625-1350. Great locations. Most heat & H20 paid. Prkg. avail, for most @ extra cost. Cats okay. Call Cappo/Deinco 734-996-1991 or visit us @ www.cappomanagement.com ARBOR PROPERTIES Eff. 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. 3-5 bdrm. houses. Campus, Kerrytown, Burns Parks. May and Fall. 994-3157 or www.arborprops.com AVAIL. 9/1/05 WILLIAM & Division. Effi- ciency 1 & 2 bedroom apartments with secu- rity buzzer, separate storage & laundry facili- ties. GALLATIN REALTY CO.- 734-368-0256. AVAIL. FALL '05. 1 bdrm. townhouse apt. near downtown and campus. Very quiet. Prkg. and ldry. $780 + elec. 734426-6154. AVAIL. FALL: FURN. 2 bdrm./1.5 bath bi- level with balc. Heat, H20 incl. Covered prkg. Great loc. at 912 S. Forest. $1550/mo. 761-8220. A artments Available! ACROSS 1 Aromatic compound 6 Part player 11 Bother 14 Technique- teaching piece 15 French wine valley 16 Big name in soccer 17 _-eater 18 Loaf 20 Multi-quart cookware 22 Pages, e.g. 23 Yanks and Sox 24 "The racer's edge" 25 Sad-faced vaudeville comedian 28 They're found in 18-, 20-, 25-, 36- (?), 42-, 45-, 52- and 56-Across 32 Some tracks 33 Expression of discovery 34 Costs: Abbr. 35 Commute 36 "There is no problem _ it cannot be run away from": Charles M. Schulz 38 Sermon ender 39 Social finish 40 Quite a lode 41 It may be blank 42 Steal wheels 45 Volatile type 47 Sort DOWN 1 Sniggler's pursuit 2 Ancient portico 3 Layered skirt 4 Not beyond learning 5 Deals in, as used cars 6 "Earth in the Balance" author 7 Crotchety types 8 " I Kissed You": Everly Brothers hit 9 Former California fort 10 Discount 11 In the center of 12 Cut into cubes 13 Acorns' destiny 19 Fit for picking 21 A little, to Louis 24 Chase flies 25 Kind of acid 26 Show that won seven Tonys in 1980 27 Consumerist Ralph 28 Tai __ 29 Biological bristles 30 Cavalryman in an oater, e.g. 1 2 3 4 5 14 17 20 31 Ignore the limit 33 Penny prez 36 Odd footwear? 37 Sitcom planet 38 Gossamer 41 Argue trivially 43 Actress Clayburgh 44 Resins used in paints 45 Trojan War hero killed by Achilles 46 Corrida call 48 Onion roll 49 Handle user 50 Home for a colony 51 "Woe is me!" 53 Countess's spouse 54 "Puppy Love" singer 55 Rumple, as hair 57 Actress Scala 58 Cereal grass *CARRIAGE HOUSE ACROSS from CCRB, large contemporary 2 bdrm. bi-level apts. 1.5 baths, furnished, Fall leases avail. 741-9300 www.annarborapartments.net 1 BEDROOM & STUDIOS Having trouble finding that perfect place to call home? Let us help you! Call 734.668.1100 to see our cozy, yet spa- cious apartments. 2 BDRM. 1 bath., living room/dining room, kitch. 850 sq. ft. A/C. 1 mile from Cental Campus. $900/mo. Sec. deposit $500. 1 yr. Ise. min. 231-938-2410. 9am-7pm, Mon.-Sat. BRAND NEW APARTMENTS: Peninsular Place Apartments. Contemporary 1, 2,3 & 4 bdrm. apts. starting from $440. Fully fur- nished with brand new appliances and washer and dryer. Free internet, cable, and parking. Private bathrooms for each bedroom and individual leases. Clubhouse facility fea- tures fitness center, computer lab, lounge, and study rooms. Roommate matching ser- vice. Located in Ypsilanti. Only 15 minute drive to campus. Call for specials: 485-9999. CENTRAL CAMPUS, FURN. rms. in a rooming hse. for students, ldry., mini- kitchen. Summer rents from $275. Fall rents from $400. Call 734-769-6686. EFFICIENCIES, 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. & 3 bdrm. house. Call Michigan Realty, 734-662-5500. www.Bartonbrook.com, 734-665-5620 AVAIL. MAY & Sept. '05. Great 2 bdrm. apts. on Old West Side. Spacious, quality apts. w/ lots of amenities. 734-214-2992. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: G O A D S S P C A B E G A N G I E P R O S O V U M S U R E E N O U G H SIA L E P S A T E OIN A T L A S SMOKE R S C O U G H S A L O O N S A E T N A E V A D E A N T I T A P R O S A B O U G H N I C E A N T P E A K L I O N S R O O S T D R A G N E T B R E A K T H R O U G H R I S K Y EIN E T RIA P I D O L B R E A D D O U G H M E R E R I F T O W N E D S T Y A P S E S L E D S Y ' *"Broadview Apartments * Spacious 1 bedroom apartments * Spacious 2 bedrooms with master bath " Shuttle around campus " Large private balconies with wooded views " Pets welcome I -1741 -9300 i . (EXTENDED HOURS) www.annarborapartments.net 2 BDRM. CONDO 813 Kingsley. 10 min. walk from med. and central campus. Prkg., A/C, Idry., dwshr. $1100/mo. 248470-3386. 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Choice Campus Locations Whether you have 1 roommate or 3, we have an apariment to suit your needs! Call 734.668.1100 and we'll find the apartment that's right for YOU! Deadline for line ads is 11:30am one business day prior to publication. Rates: $3.95 per line for the first issue and $1.95 per line for each additional consecutive issue. " Frequency and Bulk contracts are available- contact our staff for details * Students may receive a 20% discount when ads are placed in person with a valid student ID (non-organizational, non- business ads only) " All ads must be prepaid unless prior billing privileges have been established " We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, cash, or check " For Classified Display advertising, please call one of our Account Executives xwordeditor@aol.com 04/13/05 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 19 22 24 28 29 30 31 I day 7.90 2 days 11.80 2 lines 3 lines 3 days 15.70 23.55 31.40 4 days 19.60 29.40 39.20 5 days 23.50 35.25 47.00 11.85 17.70 4lines 15.80 23.60 Policies: I I I I I I A- l 3 I