tbE Aidan Baitl SCIENCE 5 . . ....... ... .. ... --- ------- MIMICKING OYSTERS Nobel Laureate speaks on ultra-cold matter s Scientists synthesize By Ankit Sur For the Daily With ever-increasing demand for more environmentally friendly technologies, companies are searching for safer materials with which to manufacture their products. University researchers have recently provid- ed manufacturers with a potential material from an unlikely source - an oyster. As more companies demand materials that are biodegradable and use as few tox- ins as possible in their production, Chemi- cal engineering Prof. Nicholas Kotov and his team have been able to fulfill those objectives by emulating the process by which oysters produce pearls. Kotov said that nacre (pronounced nac- er), the substance that pearls are made of, has potential uses in fields such as aero- space, biomedical and many others. Nacre is secreted by oysters when irri- tants get trapped inside their shell. Those irritants, such as a particles of sand, become coated - layer by layer - with nacre and eventually form a pearl. Kotov said he and his team are at the forefront of this research effort and have been able to synthesize nacre in their lab at the G.G. Brown Building on North Campus. The procedure Kotov employs would produce the same amount of nacre in 67 days as an oyster would produce in one year by using a simple technique called layer-by-layer electrostatic assembly. Layer-by-layer electrostatic assembly involves taking a charged medium, such as glass slide used in microscopes, and immersing it into two chemicals with oppo- site charges. The first solution in which the medium is immersed would be positively charged, and the second would be a negatively charged solution. The process continues back and forth, resulting in an ordered structure built pearl-like substance for technological use A x. _ <.:. . .> .. } }. ;F fi .;t': l .. .. ^.} By Brandon H. McNaughton For the Daily B 2. Wa{sh °; 3. PvIpuaian 4. Mash GRAPHIC BY GERVIS MENZIES The process University scientists are using to create artificial nacre. by the different layers from the oppositely charged chemicals. The positively charged solution is PDDA, a synthetic polymer solution that has been shown to be biodegradable. The negatively charged solution is sodium montmorillonite (clay nanoplatelets), which is a form of clay. Both substances are similar to the materials an oyster uses to create nacre, said Rackham chemical engineering student Paul Podsiadlo, who works on the team researching this. The process of creating the nacre first begins by taking the glass slide and immersing it in a pyranha solution, a cor- rosive mixture of sulfuric acid and hydro- gen peroxide, which will clean the glass, Podsiadlo said. After drying the glass slide, it is immersed in the PDDA solution for five minutes, fol- lowed by a rinse or two minutes. Then, after drying it, the glass slide is immersed into the negatively charged of clay nanoplatelets for 10 minutes, followed by a rinse once again. After repeating the cycles 50 to 200 times, Podsiadlo said he is able to achieve a thickness of one to four microns. In order to remove the nacre film from the glass slide the research- ers immerse the glass slide into hydrofluoric acid, which dissolves the surface of the glass slide beneath the composite, thus releasing the nacre film, Podsiadlo said. The result of this layer-by-layer deposi- tion process is an ordered "brick-and mor- tar-arrangement," due to which the film exhibits high-strength properties. When stress is applied to the artificial nacre, the nacre film with 50 cycles of deposition per- forms as well as natural nacre. Possessing high-strength and the poten- tial to be used in different industries this material has a promising future. In biomedical applications, Kotov said, "we could fabricate implantable medical devices coated with nacre, which would be biocompatible." By making medical devices more bio- compatible with the human body, Kotov said the devices would be safer for use and create less strain for the patient. Kotov's team is also working with a few defense contractors with whom they have different levels of collaboration. The University research team has a close collaboration with Nomadics Inc., a defense contractor based in Stillwater, Okla. Togeth- er, they are developing several Homeland Security initiatives, which involve the use of artificially synthesized nacre" Kotov said. In the future, Kotov said he believes that the artificially synthesized nacre can be strengthened by replacing PDDA with another polymer called Chitosan, which is 70 times stronger than PDDA. The next step of the team's research aims to utilize Chitosan. Also, Kotov plans to lower the films' thermal con- ductivity, to increase the films ability to disperse heat, which would also increase its potential use. Kotov said that in about two years, we should be able to see objects either made entirely of or coated with arti- ficially synthesized nacre being used in our society. Last Thursday, a portal to one of the coldest places in the universe was opened at the University when a Physics Nobel Laureate, Wolfgang Ketterle, explained his pioneering research on ultra-cold forms of matter. Ketterle, a Physics professor at the Mas- sachusetts Institutive of Technology, was the speaker at the University's fifth annual Ford Motor Company Distinguished Lec- ture in Physics event. In 2001, Ketterle was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his co-discovery and experiments involving Bose-Einstein condensation. The original theory for this process was the result of the combined work of phy- scist Satyendra Bose and Albert Einstein. Expanding on a theory sent to him from Bose, Einstein predicted the existence of the Bose-Einstein Condensate. For sev- enty years this prediction was left unveri- fied until 1995, which was when Ketterle observed this form matter. "Without exaggeration these are the cold- est matter in the universe," Ketterle said. In Bose-Einstein condensation experi- ments, gases are cooled to a temperature close to absolute zero. "If you go down lower and lower in temperature, particles slow down and eventually lose all their energy and that is called absolute zero," he added. As a result of this cold environment, the gas atoms have very little energy left and they form a "condensate," Ketterle said. In this type of condensate, different from the ordinary condensation that gas undergoes when forming a liquid, the atoms no lon- ger vibrate independently, but rather act in unison. At higher temperatures, atoms can be thought of as an unorganized platoon of soldiers each marching to different beats. When the temperature is lowered to form a Bose-Einstein condensate, the atoms behave as a platoon marching in unison. At this point the individual soldiers - or atoms - are indistinguishable and act like a wave rather than individual particles. Ketterle's Nobel Prize-winning work included observing this wave nature by making two Bose-Einstein condensates overlap. When the two Bose-Einstein con- densates overlap, they interfere to produce a characteristic set of peaks and valleys or "interference pattern." This is simi- lar to what is observed when two sets of water waves run into each other - or the "I think the biggest impact is that new knowledge about matter may allow us to engineer new materials, but this is something more in the future." - Wolfgang Ketterle Physics Nobel Laureate effect seen when throwing two stones into a pond at the same time and watching the ripples propagate. For decades, scientist thought that it would be impossible to observe Bose-Ein- stein condensate in the laboratory. Ket- terle said, "Bose-Einstein condensation was regarded as an illusive goal. People mentioned that it would be wonderful to get there, but they felt there was no way to push laser cooling to those limits." By combining two cooling schemes, Ketterle was able to push these limits and help verify the long-time theoretical pre- diction that this form of matter existed. This verification has advanced our basic understanding of matter. "I think the biggest impact is that new knowledge about matter may allow us to engineer new materials, but this is some- thing more in the future," Ketterle added. In addition, Ketterle said that studying the interference patterns of condensates could prove useful at measuring gravita- tional and rotational forces, which may find applications in navigation and geo- logical explorations. The lectureship was sponsored by an endowment given to the University from the Ford Motor Company. "This gift from Ford ... allows the department to bring in world-class visitors to interact with our students and faculty as well as deliver this public lecture," said physics department Chair Myron Campbell at the opening of the lecture. Attending the public lecture were a few hundred students, faculty and associates of the Ford Motor Company who crowded the University's East Hall. COURTESY OF NICHOLAS KOTOV Microscopic image of the synthetic nacre University researchers created. PAST TO PRESENT: POLIO VACCINE REMEMBERED Continued from page 1 COUNTRIES STILL AFFLICTED BY POLIO UCOU.TES.OFHfBENLEY sTA C I.L LIBRAuR). U.S. Sen. Phil Hart of Michigan visits Andrea Cappaert (in Iron Lung). and especially my mother to tell you that you can't go swimming in the sum- mer. 'You can't go in the pool, you might catch polio,' she told me. I didn't know what that meant at the time, but it was very strictly enforced," Lichtenstein said. "(As a child), every day someone was worried that I was going to get polio. From 1916 to 1955, there were an average of 13,000 cases per year. At the height of the polio epidemic in 1952, more than 57,000 Americans - mostly young children - became infected with polio. A number that, while significant, is "not nearly as many as the kids who got diphtheria or pneumonia or tuber- culosis," Markel said. These diseases, however, did not receive nearly as much media attention or instill as much fear in the public as polio did. One reason for this singling out of polio was because of the visibility and the general "creepiness" of the disease's most serious symptom, paralysis, Markel said. While the majority of those infected exhibit no symptoms, the virus occa- sionally leaves its victim paralyzed from the waist down, unable to walk. Even more rarely, victims of the disease are paralyzed from the neck down, unable to breath without mechanical aid. During the polio epidemic of the first half of the century, this meant being confined for months in the dreaded "iron lung" - a giant metal machine that sur- rounds a patient and helps him breath. Although rare, the pictures of the tiny heads of children sticking out of these giant metal coffins left an indelible mark on the American public. "It was very nightmarish," Markel said. "There were these horrific images. You see pictures of kids not being able to walk (and having) iron leg braces. Then there were kids who couldn't breath and were trapped in iron lungs." And the virus comes seemingly with- out warning, preceded by symptoms that could indicate anything from the com- mon cold to polio, Markel said. "Your kid complains of a sore throat or has a low fever and goes to bed; the next morning that kid wakes up and can't move his legs," he said. "That's pretty scary stuff." MAKING THE VACCINE In response to this crushing fear, the medical community launched an all-out campaign to eradicate the disease. The effort was spearheaded by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, an organization originally founded by El Polio-Free Still prevalent A Reintroduced into country E Has circulated more than 6 months GRAPHIC BY LINDSEY UNGAR The end of polio was now in sight, and the crowd greeted the announcement with a standing ovation. The next day's papers and newsreels were filled with what one New York Herald Tribune car- toon triumphantly dubbed "The News From Ann Arbor." "People just went nuts," said Medi- cal History Prof. Howard Markel. "This achievement was considered by many to be a godsend." RELIVING THE PAST The vaccine was a godsend, because the virus it promised to eradicate seemed to many Americans to be sent straight from hell. Polio attacks the central nervous sys- tem, destroying nerve cells and can lead to paralysis or death. Most of its victims are young children, though polio's effects can last a lifetime. From the 1920s to the early 1950s, polio was at the front of every parents' mind, and fear of the disease sometimes bordered on panic - especially in the summer when the number of cases sky- rocketed. Newspapers printed weekly tallies of polio cases, while public beaches and pools were closed in areas that experi- enced outbreaks. Richard Lichtenstein, the associate dean for academic affairs at the School of Public Health remembers how this fear paralyzed more than just polio's victims during his childhood. "It was pretty common for parents, I Franklin D. Roosevelt - a polio vic- tim. The Foundation's media-heavy approach later became the model for the campaigns against cancer and AIDS, said Markel. "(The Foundation) pio- neered things like the telethon, celeb- rity endorsements. They invented the poster child," Markel said. In 1948, the Foundation funded Salk who was working in Pittsburgh at the time. Six years and a number of smaller studies later, Salk believed his vaccine to be ready for a larger trial in 1954. Using recent advances in technology, Salk developed a vaccine based on a tech- nique he used years earlier when working on influenza. It relied on injecting dead, harmless polio virus into the body, thus allowing its immune system to adapt to the disease and defend the body against attack from the dangerous, live virus. But Salk had to proceed with cau- tion: Two earlier vaccines had noto- riously failed, including one that actually infected recipients with polio rather than granting immunity to the virus. In order to avoid a simi- lar fiasco, an enormous trial would need to be conducted to determine with certainty the efficacy and safety of the vaccine. See POLIO, Page 7 Thomas Francis, left, and Jonas Salk at an April 12, 1955 Press Conference. TE- STORAeGf Eo Hu.enS THE STORA GE CHEST Teachers of Cofor 1ob Fair Career Opportunities in Independent Schools April 17, 2005 2:00 - 5:00 pm Visit :; s.::.:;; :....:;. .... f:.Yi : : :R+::f :F +:' E,:r:f' <:r3::"' YZr#;::%;r":x>: ::::fi:};r. ::,_.:;[::t . ..$. ,C.; o ovy tv. s.Y," i;1...r..,. <;[C4>}:;. f J.a'F. :'f :.:..2:?fil.p.t.v.....F... ... ...s.:. : r t R:i.:_.:..,... I I