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April 11, 2005 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-04-11

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 11, 2005


Beirut shows unity,
no fear, with run

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - There
were people in wheelchairs, fathers
pushing strollers, young men in T-
shirts and designer sunglasses, all
in all at least 20,000 Lebanese took
part in a run yesterday to demon-
strate unity after two months of
political turmoil.
Under a warm spring sun, the runners
set off from Beirut's Riad Solh Square
on three-mile course that passed near
the seafront boulevard where former
Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and 19
others were killed in a massive bomb
attack on Feb. 14.
They finished at Martyrs' Square,
the scene of a demonstration that
brought down the government and
numerous other protests during the
past seven weeks.
Hariri's sister, lawmaker Bahiya
Hariri, released 50 white pigeons to
start yesterday's event, which was
dubbed "United We Run."
"There is no fear for this country as
long as this great people are adamant
on upholding their national unity, civil
peace, independence, freedom and
sovereignty," Hariri said in a speech
before the start.

The run is part of a series of activi-
ties that will mark the 30th anniver-
sary of the beginning of Lebanon's
15-year civil war on April 13, 1975.
There will be concerts and exhibitions
of art and photography.
Most of the participants wore white
for peace. Some wore T-shirts bearing
Hariri's picture. Other runners carried
Lebanese flags.
Loudspeakers encouraged the run-
ners with patriotic music and the
national anthem, and soldiers stopped
all traffic from entering the route of
the run.
Hussein Majid, who completed the
course in a wheelchair, said: "I came
to show loyalty to Lebanon and for the
sake of unity among the Lebanese."
The organizers, Beirut Mara-
thon Association, said about 50,000
people took part, but The Associ-
ated Press estimated the crowd to be
about 20,000.
The association said the run was
"aimed at strengthening national
unity, preserving civil peace, (and)
highlighting Lebanon's cultural and
civilized face."

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WEIMAR, Germany (AP) - Elder-
ly survivors of the Buchenwald con-
centration camp laid flowers yesterday
and observed a moment of silence for
victims of the Nazis, 60 years after U.S.
troops liberated the camp.
Flags from some 30 nations hung in
a cold drizzle to symbolize the nations
from which the camp's 240,000 prison-
ers came between 1937 and 1945. About
56,000 died - worked to death, shot or
killed in medical experiments.
German Chancellor Gerhard Schro-
eder and U.S. veterans came to the
camp memorial outside Weimar for the
commemoration, which kindled vivid
memories for the survivors, most of
them in their 70s and 80s.
Georg Sterner, a Hungarian Jew,
recalled looking out from Barracks
No. 37 when the first U.S. tank crashed
through the barbed-wire perimeter fence
on the morning of April 11, 1945.
"We were hanging out of the win-
dows," said Sterner, who was 17 then. "It
came slowly, slowly. It stoppedmbetween
the trees. It revved the engine ... made a
lunge, and broke through."
Inside, shocked soldiers from the U.S
3rd Army found some 21,000 starving
survivors and piles of corpses, some
only partially burned in the crematori-
um ovens as the Nazi SS and their help-
ers fled the camp.
"It was so incredible - stacks of bodies,
the smell, the total shock and confusion,
people walking around by the thousands,"
said Jerry Hontas, who arrived the next
day as a 21-year-old Army medic.
"We were so shocked we couldn't talk
to each other for days," said Hontas, of
Boca Raton, Fla. "We had no concept of
this kind of insane cruelty."
Yesterday, some survivors came in
wheelchairs. Others wore replicas of
their striped inmate's uniforms and their
old prisoner numbers.
Schroeder recalled that Weimar
stands for Germany's classical cultural
heritage - Johann Wolfgang Goethe,
the most revered German author and
playwright, had his home there - and
said the Nazis had turned it into "cold-
ness and cruelty."
In ON KILLING: The psychological
cost of learning to kill in war and
society, psychologist Lt. Colonel
Dave Grossman who studied the
emotional price paid by veterans,
comments on the effect the
protest movement had on the
returning American warrior:
"/Never in American history,
perhaps never in al/ the history of
Western Civilization, has an army
suffered such an agony of blows
from its own people."
Gary Lillie & Assoc.,Realtors
g g gg g gg g g

Israeli police confront Jewish extremists
Thousands of Israeli police mobilized at Jerusalem's most sensitive holy site
yesterday but confronted only a handful of Jewish extremists intent on scuttling a
Gaza pullout by tying up security forces. In Gaza, militants fired dozens of mortar
shells after Israeli forces killed three teenagers.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, speaking on a plane taking him to today's
meeting with President Bush, said the mortar fire "is a flagrant violation of the
understandings" reached at the February truce summit with Palestinian leader
Mahmoud Abbas.
"And this will be a central issue to be raised in my talks with President
Bush," Sharon said.
Police arrested 31 extremist Jews who planned to demonstrate Sunday in the Old
City of Jerusalem, along with a West Bank Hamas leader who spoke at the holy
site. But the 10,000 demonstrators pledged by organizers never materialized. Only
a few dozen showed up.
Despite the low turnout, Israeli officials acknowledged the protesters appeared
to have accomplished their goal of showing how easy it will be to divert large num-
bers of troops from their main mission this summer - the planned Gaza pullout.
NIH ignored harassment, women testify
Women at the National Institutes of Health faced sexual intimidation and
repeated disregard of their concerns for the welfare of patients in AIDS experi-
ments, according to testimony by two senior female officers and documents gath-
ered by investigators.
One longtime medical officer at the government's premier medical research
agency alleges that the harassment and disregard for federal safety regulations
are so widespread that employees are now afraid to hold up experiments even if
they see a safety problem.
Her sworn testimony and other documents were obtained by The Associated
Press from a variety of sources inside and outside NIH.
"It can be fairly uncomfortable," NIH medical officer Betsy Smith testi-
fied in a recent civil case deposition that has been turned over to federal
and Senate investigators. "There are a number of things that you really
don't talk about."
In such a work environment, "You don't hold up any projects even if you feel
there are safety issues for certain projects," she said.
GOP rep says DeLay should step down
Rep. Christopher Shays said yesterday that fellow Republican Rep. Tom DeLay
should step down as House majority leader because his continuing ethics problems
are hurting the GOP.
"Tom's conduct is hurting the Republican Party, is hurting this Republican major-
ity and it is hurting any Republican who is up for re-election," Shays told The Associ-
ated Press on Sunday.
DeLay (R-Texas) has been dogged in recent months by reports of possible ethics
violations. There have been questions about his overseas travel, campaign payments
to family members and his connections to lobbyists who are under investigation.
A moderate Republican from Connecticut who has battled with his party's lead-
ership on a number of issues, Shays said efforts by the House GOP members to
change ethics rules to protect DeLay only make the party look bad.
Iraqi militants kidnap Pakistani official
The family of a Pakistani embassy employee kidnapped in Baghdad
appealed yesterday for his captors to release him, and al-Qaida's ally in Iraq
claimed to have kidnapped and killed a senior police official.
Malik Mohammed Javed, a consular and community affairs employee at Paki-
stan's embassy, went missing in Baghdad on Saturday after leaving home to pray
at a mosque, officials said.
The previously unknown Omar bin Khattab group claimed responsibility for his
kidnapping and Javed called the embassy to say his abductors had not harmed him,
Pakistan's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports


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