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April 08, 2005 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-04-08

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Friday, April 8, 2005

Opinion 4

Jeff Cravens: less
talk, more action



Arts 7 Glee Club director
leads for the last
time at Hill

HI: 60
LOW: 32

One-hundredfourteen years ofeditorialfreedom
www.michikandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 115 @2005 The Michigan Daily





Representatives for union say
walkout would be too disruptive
to educational atmosphere
By Ekjyot Saint
Daily Staff Reporter
The Lecturers' Employee Organization at all
three University campuses overwhelmingly voted
yesterday not to conduct any form of work stop-
page, whether it be a one-day walk-out or with-
holding of grades, in response to what LEO feels is
the University's lack of effort to implement provi-
sions of the contract signed last June.
"We had some long discussion. We have a tre-
mendous responsibility to our students - a walk-
out or grade strike would do too much damage to
* MSA reps hope to
bypass decision with a
stay of enforcement
By Karl Stampfl and
Laura Van Hyfte
Daily Staff Reporters

our students," said LEO President

Bonnie Hal-

She also said that though LEO would not be
engaging in a work stoppage, it is considering
some form of a public campaign. She said ideas
will be thrown around today at a committee
meeting to be attended by various members of
the organization.
"We will be doing some public relations
activities. We may do some sit-ins, especial-
ly in departments that we feel are not being
cooperative. We might even be at graduation,"
Halloran added. She said that LEO has trou-
ble obtaining performance evaluation criteria
from various departments in LSA - specifi-
cally citing the philosophy department - as
well as the School of Art and Design.
Along with performance evaluation criteria,

LEO is having difficulty with the University in
regards to the reclassification of lecturertitles.
In the last several months, LEO has been hold-
ing implementation meetings with individuals
from Academic Human Resources - the office
that deals with employment-related issues - in
order to execute provisions of the contract that
have not been implemented, according to LEO.
"From our perspective, they are not enforcing
the contract. They do not push chairpersons or
deans to meet the kind of scheduling demands
that the contract calls for," Halloran said.
The University has responded by saying that
no specific dates were laid out in the contract,
and that the University has three years - the life
of the contract - to reclassify lecturers, as well
as to have performance evaluations done.
Halloran strongly disagrees with the Universi-

"We have a tremendous responsibility to our
students - a walkout or grade strike would
do too much damage to our students."
- Bonnie Halloran
LEO president

ty's stance, saying that, even though the contract
does not specify dates, promises were made at
implementation meetings to have performance
evaluation criteria and reclassification complet-
ed by April 1.
"They don't have three years to implement. In
the contract, they have three years to do major

reviews which most of our dissatisfaction is
about. During implementation (meetings), Aca-
demic HR said it was to have all appointments
and reviews done by April 1. They saw six weeks
ago, that they would not be able to do it and have
claimed that it is not required of them due to con-
tract language," Halloran said.

To the dissatisfaction of some
Michigan Student Assembly repre-
sentatives and Students for Public
Interest Research Group in Michigan,
the newly appointed Central Student
Judiciary has decided to postpone the
consideration of all appeals pertain-
ing to a student chapter of PIRGIM
until the fall.
In March, members of MSA filed
an appeal challenging CSJ's decision
to halt MSA from funding a student
chapter of PIRGIM on campus. CSJ
ruled that doing so would threaten
MSA's tax-exempt status because
Student PIRGIM could engage in
activities that may be considered
lobbying. Students for PIRGIM -
which would become Student PIR-
GIM if approved for funding by the
assembly - filed a separate appeal
contesting CSJ's ruling.
New CSJ justices, who were
appointed Wednesday, said they were
not familiar enough with the case or
the CSJ manual of procedures to rule
on it this semester. They also cited
scheduling difficulties during exam
, "It's understandable that (CSJ
doesn't) want to be thrown into this
whole thing right away, but it's their
job," said Matt Hollerbach, an ex-
officio MSA representative. "I think
the main problem here is that they
don't understand the seriousness of
the situation."
MSA Student General Counsel
Russ Garber said he would also like
to have the ruling on the appeals now,
but that carefully considering the
case should be a higher priority for
CSJ than making a speedy ruling.
"If CSJ feels uncomfortable rul-
ing, then I understand," he said. "I'm
not happy about it, but I understand."
Carolyn Hwang, president of Stu-
dents for PIRGIM, said she is disap-
pointed in CSJ's decision not to rule
on the appeals.
"We have a very strong case now,
and I want to appeal before I gradu-
ate," said Hwang, an LSA senior who
will graduate this spring. "It is unjust
(for CSJ) to wait until we are all gone
to hear this case."
Hollerbach said MSA may be
open to lawsuits because of CSJ's
ruling, which put the allocation of
some MSA funds under the discre-
tion of the budget priorities com-
mittee. Hollerbach claims the move
is a clear violation of MSA bylaws,
which he says will not allow such

School will
not boost
Congressional report called
for American medical schools to
increase admissions in order to
prevent major shortage of doctors
By Kingson Man
Daily Staff Reporter
Despite a recent congressional report warning of
a possible doctor shortage in the coming years and
advising medical schools to increase enrollment, the
University Medical School has no plans to change its
admissions policy anytime soon.
Authorized by Congress, the Council on Graduate
Medical Education issued a report calling for a 15-per-
cent increase in medical school students each year for
the next 10 years to avoid a major doctor shortage.
With some estimates putting the shortfall at an
alarming 200,000 doctors by the year 2020, the Amer-
ican Association of Medical Colleges, of which the
University Medical School is a member, has endorsed
the COGME report and echoed the need to increase
the number of medical students.
However, in the immediate future, "our admissions
policy won't be changing," said James Woolliscroft,
executive associate dean for the University Medical
Every year, nearly 5,000 hopeful pre-meds apply
to the University's medical school. Of those, only 170
become part of the next entering class. "Increases in
enrollment would not mean a change in admissions cri-
teria," Woolliscroft said, as many qualified people are
rejected simply due to space constraints each year.
The news of a looming doctor shortage comes as
a surprise to many medical administrators. Since as
late as 1996, the American Medical Association had
advised that there was a glut of medical students enter-
ing the field. With the recent about-face on policy, med-
ical schools are scrambling to increase their capacity.
"These are long-term types of decisions that we haven't
made yet," Woolliscroft said.
A deans' response group - a gathering of region-
al medical school administrators - will be meeting
over the summer to address the issue. Woolliscroft
chairs the meetings, which will be attended by
deans from Michigan State University's College
of Human Medicine and Wayne State University's
School of Medicine.
Woolliscroft said the challenge in increasing stu-
dents is maintaining the quality of medical educa-
tion. This year, the U.S. News and World Report
rankings of research medical schools ranked Mich-
igan ninth, down from last year's seventh-place
ranking. The Medical School remains, however,
one of the few schools in the nation to consistently
rank in the top 10.
The most difficult aspect of increasing the class
size remains finding enough mentors to provide a
See DOCTORS, Page 7

Sally Shinkel and Lidia Pomana, LSA sophomores, attend a candlelight vigil in remembrance of Pope John Paul 1i on the Diag yesterday.
Diag vigil honors late pope

Polish students organize event
to include members of all faiths
in remebering the pope
By Andres Kwon
For the Daily
To express her feelings about the late Pope
John Paul II, Slavic languages Prof. Bogdana
Carpenter recited on the Diag last night "Ode
to the 80th birthday of Pope John Paul II," a
poem by renowned Polish poet and Nobel lau-
reate Czeslaw Milosz. The poem embraced the
pope as a father figure who gave the poet cer-
tainty in moments of doubt.
Carpenter, along with about 150 other stu-
dents, faculty and community members, gath-
ered yesterday for a candlelight vigil on the
Diag in memory of the life and recent passing
of Pope John Paul II.
Father Dan Reim from Saint Mary's Student
Parish furthered this feeling of admiration
for the pope. Reim said the pope had called
today's youth crucial in the making of a better
planet, sponsoring 19 World Youth Days during
his pontificate.

Adam Urban, a member of the Polish Stu-
dent Society, echoed Reim's sentiments.
"We, the youth of the world, have kept him
going all these years with our love and sup-
port," Urban said.
The inter-faith vigil was sponsored by the
Polish Student Society and the Polish Club.
The late pope was born in Poland in 1920 and
was especially beloved by many Poles, who
considered him a catalyst of the fall of Com-
munism in Poland.
Romuald Szuberla, an alum and member of
PSS, said one of the goals of the vigil was "to
gather and unite everybody," as Pope John Paul
II had done. The main goal, Urban said, was to
invite those of other faiths and people from the
whole community.
Rabbi Jason Miller, assistant director of Hil-
lel, said he was honored to memorialize Pope
John Paul II as a rabbi representing the Jewish
community at the University - and especial-
ly as someone with Polish heritage. "We feel
(Pope John Paul II) built bridges between the
Jewish and Catholic communities," he said.
Praising the pope for apologizing in 2000
to the Jewish people for the Catholic Church's
past wrongs, Miller read the prayer Pope John

Paul II had left on the Western Wall in Jerusa-
lem, the world's holiest site for Jewish people:
"We are deeply saddened by the behavior of
those who in the course of history have caused
these children of Yours to suffer and asking
Your forgiveness, we wish to commit ourselves
to genuine brotherhood with the people of the
Organizers said the loss was especially dev-
astating to the Polish community because they
shared a common heritage with the pope.
Urban said the Polish reaction to the pass-
ing of Pope John Paul II could be likened to
the American reaction after Sept. 11, because
Poles continue to mourn deeply.
"Fortunately," Urban said, "there's no per-
petrator to chase after." Instead, he said, there
remains the legacy of a great leader - not
"Poland's greatest son," as he is sometimes
called, but "Poland's greatest father."
Business junior Aisha Jukaku, who is also
vice president of the Muslim Students' Asso-
ciation, said a few members were present at the
candlelight vigil.
Jukaku said Pope John Paul II treated the
Muslim community very well. "The pope stood
See POPE, Page 7

What It Takes
One year at University of
Cambridge in England
Additional money to aid in
travel from the United States

Senior nabs prestigious scholarship

Student recipient
will study for a year at
University of Cambridge

year, one of the award recipients is LSA
senior Chris Hayward.
Hayward, a triple major in math, phys-
ics and astronomy, said he was "pleasant-

represent the United States' admiration
for former British prime minister Win-
ston Churchill.
To honor Churchill, the award selects

Cambridge and having had Hayward as
a student, Gerdes said he is confident in
Hayward's ability to succeed abroad. He
reasoned that Hayward possessses the

i i



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