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April 07, 2005 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-04-07

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The Michigan C

2B - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 7, 2005

Featured Article

10 11

Random Student Interview
Michelle discusses the Berenstein bear
books and prins in fairy tales.
Motor Cit Music Conference
More than 500 musical acts will
iit Detroit in two weeks.
Totall Awesome House
One LS senior shares his appre-
ciation for music,
The List
A ide LO the vents in Ann
A rbor this wv kn,


Heather Bodell
So homore singer-songwriter Heather
Bo efl shares her many talents.
Ann Arbor's Ark
A look inside the music venue that has
featured scores of famous performers.
Just Push Play,
Recording studios ring musl
ciao wk to life.
Weekend Entertainment
Alexandra Jon es on how her na a
siOn for mu 'ic 'ould be fVdinA
Adam Burns: Fast Food
Adam explains the nrocess of order.
ing food t the Michigan Union.

Gross in millions of dollars
1. Sin City (28.1) - With all the
nudity, violence and misogyny, it
sounds like the perfect date movie.
2. Beauty Shop (13.5) - You
can finally link Queen Latifah to Kevin
3. Guess Who (13) - Spencer
Tracy must be spinning in his grave.
4. Robots (10) - Ewan McGregor
voices a robot. Based on his performance
in "Star Wars," that's not a stretch.
5. Miss Congeniality 2: Armed
and Fabulous (8.3) - You just knew
this movie was doomed when only
the film's star and Mr. William Shatner
returned for the sequel.
6. The Pacifier (5.8) - Did you
know this director also did "Bringing
Down The House." Isn't he a great
7. The Ring Two (5.8) - Maybe in
the third one, a laserdisc will start killing
8. The Upside of Anger (4) -
We have an idea. Why doesn't Kevin
Costner join the minor leagues at this
9. Hitch (3) - Have you heard
that new Will Smith song that's on the
soundtrack? No joke is needed for that
10. Ice Princess (2.3) - More
painful to watch than the rise and fall of
Tara Lipinski.

auto-neurotic Iwith Alexandra Jones
I've noticed a small change in an aficionado than a fan, a habitual - that is, until I discovered Bob
my personality over the past secret.adirer in a community of Dylan at the ageof14 and pretty
year. It wouldn't seem like near-professional amateurs. much the same thing happened.
a big deal, really - not to most But at least a year ago I was open Eventually, of course, I branched
people, anyway. What's happenedto new ideas..Instead of chuck- out and started liking other stuff,
is that Ive sort of stopped caring igranz Ferdinand's seftied too. '(The VIvW t Underground
about music.. before completin a fIllisten the provided at cirent to more con
Le.t me clafy I still listenof.way ldid with the BlocPty L, I porary music.) But here s the
course, though not as intensely.or trotted around campus for a week catch: It's hard for young contem.
as obsessively frequently as I once with its souiess punk-disco' as porary bands - hell, 'most bands
did, and I would certainly still rank my soundtrack - only to decide ever - to live up to legends. As
music as one of the most vital and that, ultimately, things just weren't much as I love A.C.iNewman, The
most important aspects of my daily going to work out between us. In Decemberists or Songs: Ohia (and
life. See, my deterioration isn't as October, a friend who worked at a believe me, i do), they' I never be
drastic as it might sound: A while college radio station in Pennsylva- able to achieve the status in my
back - months,.even years ago nia let me burn a stack of recently mind of the artists that started my
- I was always searchingfor The lauded promos, but to this day, I rabid interest in pop music in the
Next Big Thing. My quest wasn't haven't listened to any of them..first place.
to find the latest reimagining of Sorry, Devendra and PJ: For some But here's the reason I'm con-
a superior bygone era or to snag reason, I just can't be bothered. cerned about my recent disinter-
,all the import discs from the most It's not that I'm picky, either. In est not just in The Next Big Thing,
bleeding edge U.K. group;.I just the past, I've spent dozens of dol but in my own Next Big Thing: If
wanted another band to love. I'd lars on albums of classical, noise, P'm not looking, or at least caring,
scan Pitchfork for favorable com- alt-country, hip hop, roots music, I might miss out on an album or a
parisons, side projects of favorite indie pop, I've devoured albums band that I could really, really love.
artists, mentions of tours and cot- from.Love's Forever Changes to A brand-new, breakthrough album
laborations and boxed sets, but I Deerhoof's Milk Man to Clara might not be the next Bringing It
didn't just want to be up to date Rockmore's Art of the Theremin. All Back Home or Revolver, and
on music news to compete with So what, then, is my problem - and nobody will ever be the next Bob
my friends and associates. I was why does it concern me at all? Dylan or John Lennon, but Eve
looking for another album to be The trouble lies, in fact, within come to miss the feeling I used
obsessed with, another tour stop to my own record collection. Ever to get when I listened to The New
anticipate for months, another T- since the fateful purchase of The Pornographers' Electric Version or
shirt I could proudly, happily wear Beatles' Anthology I in sixth "New Slang" by The Shins - that
on the day after. grade, I've been a complete and comfortable, hopeful feeling that
I was a sort of addict about music, utter fan. My walls were practi- music can make everything seem
discovering new bands and listen- cally papered with posters and right and new.
ing to their albums every morning pictures I printed off the Internet;
for weeks - only to drop them I owned at least a dozen Beatles Alexandra really hopes that the
after about a month for something shirts; I became a vegetarian next big thing isn't a band like Bow-
new that still gave me the calm, partly because I found out that ing For Soup. If you disagree, let
joyous feeling that only a record I Paul and Linda were. I listened to her know. She can be reached as
loved could give me. I was more of nothing but Beatles for two years alnajo@wnich.edu.


Bob Hunt: Riot Gear
Bob relives histrip to East Lan-
sing last'weekand.
ARP of the Covenant
A cutting edge band with a spe-
cial devotion to one instrument,


Ibe kbigan 3aftlg

Daily Arts Mix Tape



Now you have no excuse.
The "Wod Shuffle,, $99,
C' s I 'i C 9x"1r'nqs Cj3. a~i3C2 enum an;
fvrte SOng in v' d Sf"e(ent orde y i , 5s
ma r f , p4c of umfema)rKabty styP Clis and mpttie}ey
i yt S..t c'fsie >m us f n,0C vydI% t' ' t Q te-' t
msk colk SO'n,
Now on display at the Michigan Union U-M Computer Showcase
and at U-Go's in Pierpont Commons.
Attention Grads:
Hurry! Last chance to take
Off, advantage of your student discount.

Writers: Lloyd Cargo, Abby
Frackman, Chris Gaerig, Megan
Jacobs, Aaron Kaczander
Photographers: Trevor
Campbell, Tony Ding, Amy
Drumm, Alex Dziadosz,
Glenn Getty, Julia Tapper
Photo Editor: Ali Olsen
Cover Art: David Tuman
Arts Editors: Adam Rottenberg,
Managing Editor
Associate Editors: Alexandra
Jones, Melissa Runstrom
Managing Editor: Alison Go
Editor in Chief: Jason Z. Pesick

The soundtrack of our lives?
Maybe. This weeks mixtape
combines emotions of an
entire school year into 20
songs - There is the Welcome
Week insanity of "Twist and
Shout" to late fall's cocky
and self-assured entry from
The Smiths, "This Charming
Man." If you can't describe
sitting for your first blue
book exam, ditching someone
who was nice to you during
the opening weeks of school
or that first true moment of
collegiate exhilaration ... well,
make a mixtape that reinvents
yourself as much as you did.
- Evan McGarvey

1. rm So Bored with the 1. This Will Be Our Year -The
U.S.A. - The Clash Zombies
2. Little Child Runnin' Wild 2. Guess Who's Back (Featuring
- Curtis Mayfield Jay-Z and Beanie Si S) - scar-
3. Twist and Shout - The
Beatles 3. Town With No Cheer - Tom
4. This Charming Man - The Waits
Smiths 4. Alt The Pretty Girls Go to the
5. This Sick Bed of Cuchuiionn City - Spoon
- The Pogues 5.ow Hgh (emix) - Method
6. Let Me Lie to You -The Man& n
Afghan's whygs 6. Why Are People So Grudgeful?
7. Your Phone's Off the Hook -The Fall
But You're Not - X
7. tre Been Rkflng with. theGhost
8. Everyone Who Pretended to - Songs: Ohia
Like Me is Gone - The Walk-
men 8.igfled and Old.--TheMod -
ern Lovers
9., Trovelling At The Speed of
Tho t (Remix) - iltramag-: 9. Will .e There - VanMaor-
netic MCs rison
10.911 is a Joke - Public 10. Academy Fight Song - Mis-
Enemy sion of Burma Withers


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