NEWS The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 7, 2005 - 7A VOTING Michigan is a "red herring" coming from people who oppose efforts to Continued from page 1A expand voter participation. election period from a day to a week "There's virtually no history of voter would allow busy citizens a greater fraud in Michigan," Brater said. opportunity to vote, he added. Chesney disagreed, saying, there is State Sen. Liz Brater (D-Ann Arbor) "concrete evidence" of voter fraud, cit- has not proposed early voting, but she ing charges levied against River Rouge introduced a bill in January that would resident Randy Durham in 2002 by allow absentee voting through the mail Attorney General Mike Cox who said without providing a reason as well. An he possessed unauthorized absentee accompanying bill that she proposed ballots, some of which were illegally would allow voters to register and vote marked. Durham pleaded guilty, but his on the same day. case is still pending. "Our election law is much too com- Brater said the Qualified Voter File plex, it seems designed to deter people system that lists all registered voters from voting," Brater said. "We need to "makes it less likely there will be vot- overhaul our election law to make it ing fraud." In 2001, the National Com- easier and encourage participation." mission on Federal Election Reform Last year, 42 percent of college - co-chaired by former presidents students nationwide voted absentee Republican Gerald Ford and Democrat - second only to military voters as Jimmy Carter - reached a similar con- the largest group of absentee voters, clusion, saying the system passed the according to a study by Harvard's test of the 2000 elections with "flying Institute of Politics. colors" and was an "outstanding model" Michigan Secretary of State Terri of a voter identification system. Lynn Land, a Republican, endorsed Brater's reforms have languished in Ward's bill because it charges people committee since January and she was with a misdemeanor if they make false not sure if or when her bill would be statements on the ballot, according to brought to a vote. Ward said he would Land's spokeswoman Kelly Chesney. like to have his bill brought before the Brater said fear of voter fraud in House by June. the michigan daily FLINT Continued from page 1A Levine disagreed with Hollerbach's accusation that execu- tive members had a heavy influence on the vote. "Speakers on all sides of the issue had a fair opportunity to express their opinions," Levine said. Al-Dabagh added that the success of the Flint resolution could be attributed to the fact that it asks the University to look at a set of five or six ethical questions pertaining to arms and human rights violations. Unlike the resolution that was voted down in Ann Arbor, the Flint resolution did not propose that the University create a committee to look at investments - another factor that AI-Dabagh said contributed to the resolution's success. "All it does is ask the Board of Regents to look at their investments," he said. Al-Dabagh said he will send a copy of the resolution that passed in the Flint Student Government to the University's Dearborn and Ann Arbor campuses in order to rally support from students and student governments. "I hope that this will be successful," A1-Dabagh said, add- ing that "you shouldn't expect change overnight." Despite the failed efforts to pass a divestment resolution in Ann Arbor, Salhi said he has not given up. "I'm not discouraged - when you consider the fact that MSA was just one of the options to go through," Salhi said. Salhi said that according to the official University purchasing policy, a significant portion of the student body must find the investments morally or ethically questionable. "We have that ... Now it is up to the regents" Salhi said. MICHIGAMUA Continued from page 1A group whose name in itself is a play on a Native American name - dressed up as Native Amer- icans in red brick paint. The movies were taken presumably from the 1950s and showed, among other things, members of Michigamua tearing each other's clothes off and covering each other in red paint. Three speakers, Mellissa Pope, Jujan Buford and Stehney, talked after the movie screen- ing. Pope and Buford were both involved in the 2000 Tower takeover, when members of the Student of Color Coalition - an organiza- tion that aimed to remedy problems facing the minority community - occupied the tower in the Michigan Union where Michigamua had its headquarters. In the process, they claimed they found Native American artifacts that they said Mich- igamua used in mock ritual practices. The consensus among the speakers was that they had already tried to deal unsuccessfully with Michigamua through dialogue starting in 1972, and they were now pursuing means of open confrontation. "(Dialogue) only benefits them.... We heard about Vicky Barner (the first person to file a lawsuit against Michigamua) who tried to change them and it didn't work. At this point we're not trying to change them - we're trying to crush them," Stehney said. A spokesman for the secret society who goes by the name Nick said that Michigamua would be willing to pursue an open dialogue with the Native American Student Association. "Michigamua is open to dialogue. There are misconceptions about the group and we'd be open to neutral representation so folks from both sides (can) discuss the issue," Nick said. He added that the group does not want to perpetuate pain in any community. Nick said that the name issue is something that they are willing to discuss through dialogue. Historically, Michigamua has tried to pursue dialogue with the Students of Color Coalition, dating back to the publicized tower occupation in 2000, Nick said. "Prior to the occupation, Michigamua attempted to dialogue with the leader of the SCC, but he or she refused," he said. Nick added that both sides were at the table when they were in negotiations after the Tower occupation, but the isolated event was all that was discussed, and the greater issues were not touched on. Michigamua also claimed to know nothing about the posters that were hung outside of the chemistry building attacking Lambda Theta Phi, an adamant supporter of NASA and co- sponsor of the "Expose Michigamua event'. " The posters criticized the Lambda Theta Phi mascot the conquistador, because of its association with massacring indigenous people. P- ICC STUDENT CO-OP Housing available SPACIOUS TWO BEDROOM/BI-LEVEL now and Fall/Winter 2005-6. 8-month apts. available for fall 2005. Please contact Fall/Winter contracts $424-610/month cen- Wilson White Co. at 734.995.9200. EHO. tral campus $469-663/month north campus. SPRING/SUMMER Includes utilities, internet, and food!2405 662-4414 or C Area Awrhmnit Issa Properties Furnished EffR,, 1 & 2 BR Includes heat, water and parking Now leasing for May and Sept 2005 Call today for our Specials 734-662-4446 info@issaproperties,com I IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY- EFFICIENCY & one bedroom apartments available. Re- duced rates & short-term leases available. Please contact Wilson White Co. at 734.995.9200. EHO. JUST A FEW blocks from the Business & Law Schools - Great 1 & 2 Bedroom apart- ments. Furnished, heat & water included, covered parking, swimming pool & much more! 8 & 12 month lease terms. Wilson White Co. 734.995.9200. EHO. Great Selection REDUCED RATES Wilson White Co., Inc. 734.995.9200 Equal Housing Opportunity GOT HOUSING? Spring Sale! Fall 2005 Houses and Apartments campus rentals 734-665-8825 or GRAD STUDENTS, FALL '05 outstanding value. Close to downtown and campus but far enough away from the chaos. 1 bdrm. $655, 2 bdrm. $835. Ldry. on-site, off street prkg. 651-1593 or GREAT 3 BDRM., 2 bath. condo, perfect for the U of M student. Close to campus & on bus line. Free ldry.! Free parking! Free ca- ble! No smoking, no pets! Call 734-699-8000. IT'S NOT TOO LATE... TO GET A GREAT HOUSE FOR A GOOD DEAL! Avail. Sept. 15t 6 bdrm., 2 bath., backyard, air, close to campus & hospital! Parking for 6. Call 734-649-5549 Or 734-994-8792 (let ring) GREAT HOUSES, GREAT APART- MENTS! !!!2005 Lease!!! ALL HOUSES. HAVE 6 LG. BEDROOMS! Plus many have studies as shown below!!!! LOCATION STDY BATH. PRKG. TERM 927 S. State 0 2 J 4 M or S 418 E. Kingsley 0 2 4 M or S 926 Sylvan 1 3 J 6 Sept. 909 Sylvan 2 3 J 7 Sept. 1012 Michigan 0 3 6 Sept. M=May S=Set J=Jacuzzi Stdy.=Study All have been completely remodeled. Oak floors, new carpet & fum., 2 new side by side fridges, trash compactor, dwshr. I have central A/C, the rest have room A/C. APARTMENTS IN 2 LOCATIONS!M 3 Min. Walk to Frieze Bldg., ( E. Kingsley/ Division) 2 Historic bldgs. completely remodeled. -2 bdrm. penthouse, see all of A2, Avail. Fall. -31g. bdrms. w/ free vanity. Avail. Now, Fall. -6bdrm., complete remodel in process, Fall. Modern Apartment Building: Remodeled 2 bdrm. culinary delight, trash compacter. 19 f. of counter space, dwshr., etc. Avail. Now and FAIL 3 Min. walk to South Quad 1 & 2 bdrm. 100% remodeled apts. with new fum., oak firs., new carpet, prkg., A/C, dw- shr., & cable. Avail. Now, Spring & Fall. Both apt. locations include: 1dy., great prkg., and heat/water. Please Call: 973-7368. HIDDEN VALLEY CLUB IS PRE-LEASING NOW FOR FALL. 1 Bedrooms as low as $645 2 Bedrooms as low as $795 Bring this ad in to receive $100 off at move- in and waived application fee of $40. Submit an application on or before 4/30/05 and be entered into a drawing for a $1000 Gift Card from IKBA. Call for details (734) 761-8910 HILL & S. MAIN. Large 2 bdrm. entire first floor, including heat, water, laundry & I car GARAGE. $1250/mo. 810-333-2133. IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR. TEMPERA- TUNES ARE RISING AND PRICES ARE FALLING...DO NOT DELAY IN CALL- " 1100 Sq. Ft. Apts. Great for 2-5 people " Free High-Speed Internet " Free 130+ Channel Direct TV " Built in microwave, dishwasher, disposal " Beautifully furnished " Close to CCRB " Complimentary Resident Shuttle around Central and North Campus " Exercise Room, Rec. Room " Study Lounge w/ Computers " Models open Daily ma(EXTENDED HOURS) LARGE FURNISHED 2 & 3 bdnn. apts. on S. State, Near UM bus stop, 5 min. to Mich. Union. Avail. Now, Summer, Fall '05. Heat & water incl. Balc., A/C, Prkg., Ldry. $900 -$1450. No smkg./no pets. 734-996-3539 or 734-678-7250. MAY OR SEPT. 1 & 2 bdrm. eff. 1215 Hill Street, 112 Koch Street & 507 S. Fifth Ave. S. University hse. needs housemates. 429-2089 or 845-6051. MCKINLEY STREET: SPACIOUS I & 2 bdrm. apts., bay windows, fireplace, balc., A/C, covered prkg. A private shuttle to North Campus. Fall leases avail. 741-9300. !5 BDRM., SPR./SUM. Sub. (furn.), 1610 Washtenaw (Hill), NEW CONSTRUCTION, A/C, 3.5 bath., 1-5 BDRM. Avail., 5 prkg. spots, $400/rm. (neg.), Call 248-910-5070. GREAT CENTRAL CAMPUS loc. Tower Plaza, Maynard & E. William. Fully furn. Ig. 1 bdrm. apt. Spacious for two. Avail Jul. & Aug. 2005. Call 734-812-4545. Price neg. ON CAMPUS I bdnn. apt., hardwood firs. Avail. May-Aug. Price neg. 248-390-0640. 1 BDRM. IN hse. 1216 Prospect. May.-Aug. $350 OBO. 248-930-1969. 2 BDRM. API., 2 fir. Duplex. Avail. Spring/- Summer with fall option. Old west side. Free prkg., free ldry., A/C, great front/backyard. E- mail or call 734.368.0114. AVAIL. MAY 1ST for Spring/Summer term. Bright, airy, 1 bdrm. apt. at State and Packard. All utils. incl. Rent neg. sonyasac AVAIL. MAY-AUG. LARGE bdrm(s). 200 Ingalls. 5 mins. to diag & med. campus Furn., A/ ., ldry. $275/mo. 231-750-1595. SOFTWARE DEVELOPER (ENTRY LEVEL) Beyond Interactive, the leader in online ad- vertising, is inviting applicants for an ex- tradorinary Software Developer for our Ann Arbor office who will be an integral part of our team designing and building web-based applications. Knowedge, skills and experi- ence needed include: SQL Server 2000, ASP, HTML, JavaScript and some Perl or Java. The successful candidate will have some ex- perience, a bachelor degree in Computer Sci- ence (or soon-to-have), be a strong problem solver and be able to take a loosely defined project and create and produce a well-de- fined plan with enthusiasm and creativity. Please submit a cover letter with salary ex- pectations (required for consideration) and re- sume to: A2resumes@ No relocation provided. Be prepared to pro- vide refrences and samples of HTML design, web scripting and programming at a later date. EOE. !!!BARTENDER TRAINEES $300!!! a day potential, Age 18+ ok. No experience neces- sary, training provided. 800-965-6520 x 125. $9.50/HR. MICHIGAN TELEFUND is now hiring students for flexible night and week- end schedules. Awesome Resume Builder! Apply online: or 998-7420. ***WAIT STAFF NEEDED 6AM-IOPM Sun.-Sat. $8.50/hr. Free Meals. 763-7819, Ask for Chuck. Qption for spring/summer. ATTENTION CAR ENTHUSIASTS! Auto- mobile Magazine is looking for a Web In- tern. Impeccable English language skills and a broad knowledge of autos are required. 20 hours per week, $6 per hour, spring/summer semester intemship. Send a resume to No calls. COUNSELORS WANTED. SUMMER Dis- covery wants resident counselors for pre-col- lege programs at UM, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, Georgetown U., U of Vermont. Must be 21 by June 15th with valid drivers lisence. Candidates should be: mature, hard-working, energetic. To receive information or apply online, visit our website or call 800-645-6611. ENVELOPE STUFFERS EARN money working at home. Call 24-hrs. 972-504-2690. GARDENING HELP WANTED by partially disabled person. Light horticultural test, promptness. Flex. hrs. $10/hr. cash. Experi- ence always preferred but not vital. Call for interview. 7614433. GET PAID FOR YOUR OPINIONS! Earn $15-$125 and more per survey! dare, soieday you'll 1 change the world... GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTORS NEEDED. For girls & boys beginning classes and pre- competitive girls team-day-evening-weekend hours. Gymnastics and experience with chil- dren necessary. Gym America 971-1667. HOUSEWORK HELP WANTED & simple meal preparation. 16-20 hrs./wk., flex. $10-15/hr. Need 1 YR. commitment. Start May/June. or 662-3218. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE FIT. Accepting applications for qualified per- sons w/ exc. driving record. Exp. pref. Roger at 734-663-3343 ext 202. MALE & FEMALE models needed for swim- wear catalog. No prior modeling exp. nec. Reply to PAID EXPERIMENTS Go to to be notified about paid experiment opportuni- ties! Multi-player games, marketing surveys, etc. Pay $0-$50. New experiments posted weekly on site, and sent out as email an- nouncements to registered users. Non-stu- dents welcome. PERSONAL TRAINER, CERTIFIED. Ann Arbor & Saline loc. Great pay & free mem- bership. 734-477-9430. PHARMACOGENETICS AND EYE Pressure Control The U-M Kellogg Eye Center is currently conducting research to understand how eye pressure is controlled by specific genes. You can participate if you: are between 18 and 50 years of age; are not pregnant; have no his- tory of severe asthma, eye surgery or eye trauma. Upon completion of the study, partic- ipants will be compensated. This study in- volves minimally invasive procedures. For more information, please contact the U-M Kellogg Eye Center at 888-393-4677(EYE- IOPS). irbmed number: 2002-0580. SPRING BREAK 2006. Travel with STS, America's #1 Student Tour Operator to Ja- maica, Cancun, Acapulco, Bahamas and Florida. Now hiring on-campus reps. Call for group discounts. Information/Reserva- tions 1-800-6484849 or SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: COLLEGE Pro now hiring Painters and Job Site Managers. Earn $10 to $11/hr. w/ bonus. Work outside w/ other students. 1-800-32PAINT or SWIMMING POOL SERVICE and construction. Fast paced outdoor work, weekends off. Top pay for hard working, self- motivated people to work in the NW DETROIT SUBURBS. 248477-7727. WANTTO LIVE in a GREAT apartnent AND earn some CASH? Varsity Management has an opening for Resident Managers at 848 Tappan (Park Ter- race) apartments and other locations. Call us at 734.668.1100 for details. WOMEN NEEDED FOR research study: The Possibilities Project @ the UM School of Nursing is seeking women between the ages of 18 & 35 who are currently experienc- ing any of the following symptoms: binge eating, vomiting, using laxatives or water pills, excessive exercising, fasting, being un- derweight due to dieting, missing menstrual periods. Participants will receive 20 wks. of psychotherapy & nutritional counseling @ no cost. Compensation up to $200 for partici- pation. For more info., call 1-800-742-2300, #2000 or email WONDERFUL MULTICULTURAL CEN- TER seeks full-time teacher position at Kids Garden Pre-school. Starting soon, energetic, exp. and degree pref. Call Iman 975-9930. PAINTER EMPLOYMENT: EARN $10/hr. May-Aug. Sam Olson at (810)516-2799 or or Lance Soderstrom at (810)252-4827 or PART-TIME RETAIL SALES. Sales exp. and some familiarity with golf pref. Must be avail. Saturdays. Phone 734-995-8940. STUDENT PAINTERS NEEDED: Earn $9-13/hr. doing exterior painting. Work out- side with others students. May-Aug. Dominic Foster at 410493-8792 or SUMMER OFFICE ASSISTANT WANTED. Stay on campus and gain great work experience this summer! The U-M Cen- ter for Research on Learning and Teaching has an opening for a full-time summer office assistant. Responsibilities would include copying, collation, packet assembly, typing, labeling, running errands on campus, and some telephone reception help. Applicants should have good computer skills and work- ing knowledge of basic office equipment. Must be punctual, reliable, and possess good interpersonal skills. $8 per hour. Position is available 8-5, Mon.-Fri., April to Aug., with the possibility of continuing part-time work in the fall. Please send resume and cover let- ter to Erin Rosenberg at eemarsh@umich.- edu. U-M is a non-discriminatory, affirma- tive action employer. AVAIL. NOW TO August. Remodeled bdrm. in historic UM home. $1200. Sara 734-214-1600. 3 at AVAIL. NOW. WILLIAM & Division. 1 bdrm. w/ sec. buzzer system, ldry./seperate storage locker. Gallatin Realty Co. 3684256. CHEAP SUBLET. 1 bedroom. $200 on Hill Street. Female only. May-August. 834-6508. NO ROOMMATE? NO problem. Let Univer- sity Towers match you with a roommate to lower your rentals costs. (734)761-2680. NORTH CAMPUS SPRING/SUMMER sub- let for 2-bdrm. apt. 734-913-6997. BABYSITER NEEDED FOR a 10 mo. old. 6-8 hrswk. Flex. schedule. Car needed. 734-646-3163. BABYSITER NEEDED IN AA area, start- ing now. Part time, flex. hrs. must love kids. ref. req. Call 734-769-7786. MOTHER OF 4 seeking mother's helper/- nanny. Must love kids, be dependable, reli- able, own transportation. 2x/week. Tues., Thurs. 4-9p.m. Contact Cyndi: 734-355-4407. NEED SUMMER CHILDCARE? UM stu- dent can babysit FIT or PIT May 22-Aug. 10 & a few dates in April. Non-smkr., own car, exc. refs., exp. w/ infants/all ages. Email Kate at ocean OCCAS. BABYSITTING FOR 2 toddlers. Wknds. & eves. 477-5909. PVf BABYSHTTER Care for 6 month old infant in A2, beginning in mid-May. Requirements: exp. with in- fants, strong refs., love of children, non- smkr. Mostly day hrs., but some nights. Call 734-994-6764. SEEKING RESP. CAREGIVER for 6 YR. old boy and 3 YR. old girl. PIT nights and occ. days. Will work with your school sched. to arrange times desiring individual this sum- mer and next YR. Ref. requested. Please call Stephanie/Pete at 734-995-1744. SUMMER NANNY - Responsible, exp., n-smkr., to care for our 2 kids, M/W/F. Strong swimmer pref. Refs. 248-596-1426. SPRING/SUMMER EFF. APT. 5 min.I ride to campus. Free parking. Call Avi 734-222-1796. SUBLETS AVAILABLE!! Need a short term lesase during the spring and summer? Call Varsity Management at 734.668.1100! bus @ AUTO SUMMER STORAGE student spe- cial - $99 for entire summer. Call 663-0690. BICYCLE SUMMER STORAGE - $25 for entire summer. Indoors. Call 663-0690. COLLEGE CLEANERS: PROE Dry Clean- ing & Ldry. Free summer storage. 715 N. University next to Hill Auditorium. 662-1906. EDITING. LANGUAGE, ORGANIZA- tion, format. All disciplines. 25 yrs. exp. 996-0566 or IN DEBT? LOW on money? Twiling Invest- ments can help you. Good or bad credit. All types of loans avail. Debt consolidation, car loans, personal, etc. Free of charge. Call 1-866-821-8496. J'S LIGHT HAULING 734-776-5236: Spring Cleaning, cheap. We haul anything. BEST OF ALL Worlds Hip-Hop/Multicul- tural Show. 9 pm, Fri. Apr. 8: Element One, Cooperative Opposites, Raas Team, Climax, Allure, Pure Dance, Gayathri. Tickets: $8 Ground Floor of the Union. Proceeds to go towards tsunami aid. After party at Studio 4. WELCOME A TO SOMEDAY!!! " Earn a $4,725 Scholarship * Spend 10 months (Sept-June) in fidl -ri ar mm ii. a vr CAMP COUNSELORS - Gain valuable exp. while having the summer of a lifetime. Coun- selors needed for Outdoor Adventure, Arts, Aquatics, and more in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. Apply online at !!FEMALE ROOMMATES WANTED! $500/mo. 4 bdrm. Condo., 2 bdrms. left for Fall. Utils. incl., A/C., Idry., & free prkg. Ca- NEAR KERRYTOWN! GREAT location!