8A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 4, 2005 ARTS Prisoner art highlights humanity of inmates By Jeffrey Bloomer Daily Arts Writer When walking into the 10th annual exhibition from FOREST CASEY/Daily Jon Stewart performs at the Detroit Opera House. Jon Stewart delights Detroit audience the Prison Creative Arts Proj- ect, the featured artworks' vivid imagery and sweeping tomes completely enthrall visitors. The overriding theme might seem to be the isolation and seclusion of pris- ons, but the works span numerous genres and mediums; one featured painting shows a brooding Afri- can-American man draped in an American flag, apparently bound by it, while another artist renders his works entirely on matchbooks, creating impeccably detailed pic- tures with a pen through a unique artistic effect called "pointillism." Despite diverse methodologies The 10th Annual Exhibition of Art by Michigan Prisoners Today and Tuesday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Free At Duderstadt Center Gallery on North Campus EUGENE ROBERTSON/ Daily Former inmate India Stewart looks at some of the artwork by Michigan prisoners in the Duderstadt Center Gallery on North Campus yesterday. By Melissa Runstrom Daily Arts Editor Who can charismatically imitate a dog eating his own explosive diar- rhea and a man fucking a pinata and still main- tain the audi- ence's respect? At the Detroit Opera House, Jon Jon Stewart Detroit Opera House jokes put his act over the top. His tim- ing was impeccable, and the audience was often eating, or laughing, right out of his hands. The political com- mentary impressed the liberal-leaning crowd and often seemed to play on his work from "The Daily Show." Performing without an opening act, Stewart looked very comfortable onstage and immediately launched into his act without falter. He over- came a sometimes overbearing audi- ence that shouted to be included in his performance. There were a few instances when he devoted too much time to these spectators though; while his respons- es to them were funny, the comments from the audience got tiresome. He also, unfortunately, reused some tired jokes that have made appear- ances in his past stand-up acts and some "Daily Show" episodes. In the last part of his approxi- and presentations, a common thread connects all the works featured: The artists are all incarcerated adults who create their works entirely inside of Michigan's prisons. The art exhibition, which has grown from 77 works. by 50 prisoners in 16 prisons when it began in 1996 to 300 works by 200 artists in 42 of Michigan's 52 pris- ons today, is displayed annually through the efforts of PCAP. The project began in 1990 with the advent of a theater workshop at a prison in Coldwater, after a Uni- versity student enrolled in English Prof. Buzz Alexan- der's English 319 course made contact with two women in the facility. The women, who were serving life sen- tences, expressed interest in the course as well. Alexander, who founded PCAP and now serves as curator with Art and Design Prof. Janie Paul, frequently made the 90 minute trip to Coldwater along with several others, and the project grew from there. "We got to work with amazing human begins who were very talented and challenged us," Alexander said. "We just kept going, and found out that we could call other facilities and say 'we have this to offer to you,' and most of them would embrace it." Those working with PCAP are mostly volunteers recruited from Alexander's English 310 and 319 cours- es and Paul's Art 454, along with two paid employees funded through grants and donations. Through hands- on interaction, the group seeks to bring a unique ele- ment to the prisoners' lives. "We (believe) people have a universal right to grow, no matter what they've done or what's happened to them," Alexander said. Most proceeds from the show benefit the artists' continued efforts, providing them with any supplies possible to enhance their limited resources. "(When the prisoners are released), they are armed with something we have given them, which is a trust in their own creativity and ability to work with others," Alexander said. The exhibition also aims to dispel stereotypes about the prisoners. Alexander said that the public often regards them untalented and subhuman; however, when people view the gallery, "it's just a huge range of color, and por- traits, and fantasies, and landscapes and prison themes and it's very, very rich. People can't think in terms of those stereotypes anymore." Because the project is in its 10th year and there are now so many entries, an especially powerful collection is on display at this year's exhibition, Rackham student and PCAP intern/volunteer Emily Harris said. "(Since) we don't have a huge space, we've had to request that the artists be more original, work harder and dig deeper in themselves," Harris said. As a result, she added, "(The work is) more personal ... It's more intense." Tomorrow's closing reception, which follows a week of special events in conjunction with the exhibition, will provide visitors with an opportunity to meet purchasers of the art and families of the incarcerated artists. "It's often very moving to see the families there, looking around the gallery," Alexander said. The reception is also a chance for visitors to reflect on the larger implications and impact of the show, which Alexander believes to be PCAP's central mis- sion. "This (show) is recognition that we've incarcerat- ed so many people ... This is about the country we live in; it's about social and economic justice." Ultimately, he said, "This is work that matters because of all the human beings affected." I 4 I I I Stewart performed in front of what he described as his "most perverse audience," yet afterward, women were still screaming that they want- ed to have his children. Topics ranged from the giant Uniroyal tire welcoming visitors to Detroit, to the media circus, "suck- ing the tit of human misery" in the Schiavo case. Strong cast propels formulaic medical drama Stewart hypnotized the crowd mately hour-and-a-half set, Stewart with his sometimes lewd but always drank a beer and discussed drugs, down-to-earth humor. Stewart didn't alcohol, school shootings and the pigeonhole himself into "Daily tensions that seem to erupt between Show" topics and catered to the different religious views, blaming Detroit crowd in the first minutes of arrogance for many of the problems. his show, making cracks about local He managed, much like his work on issues such as the condition of the "The Daily Show," to wrap pointed city and the roads. political commentary within his He seemed happy to interact with quick comedic wit. the audience, sometimes oie on one, Overall Stewart was very rel- and was forced to commqpt on the evant and incredibly entertaining; outcome of the Michigan State game he charmed the audience with his during the 10 p.m. show after people laid-back performance. Afterward, started yelling about the loss. Stew- he even ran back onstage to answer art actul sung, "Tomorrow" from audience questions and in auto- "Annie in response to the overre- graphs. It was clear "y Stewart's acting crowd's disappointment. enthusiasm that his heart was in his Suprisingly, Stewart's ability to work, and that he enjoyed perform- inctrnf-1e- physical humor into his ing foratie crowd. "" By Samantha Force Daily Arts Writer Television has become increasingly obsessed with the medical community in recent years; shows like "ER" and "Scrubs" prove that a hos- pital can be fertile ground for drama and comedy. ABC's new drama "Grey's Anatomy" Grey's Anatomy Sundays at 10 p.m. ABC aims, without any Each episode of "Grey's Anatomy" covers the 48-hour shift of 20 interns vying for a few coveted positions in Seattle Grace Hospital. In their grueling first shift, every- thing that could go wrong does, as they are swept up in an omotional ride of drama and competition. The pilot pri- marily follows Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo, "Old School") as she deals with the post-coital awkwardness of a romance with her attending doctor, Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey, "Iron Jawed Angels") and bonds with fellow interns George O'Malley (T.R. Knight) and Cristina Yang (Sandra Oh, "Sideways"). From "ER," "Grey's Anatomy" loots the heightened drama of surgical scenes and the tenuous bonds of personal rela- tionships forged in such a high-stress workplace. It also steals heavily from "Scrubs," employing voice-over narra- tion from the insightful and funny lead, What sets "Grey's Anatomy" apart is its impeccable fusion of both drama and comedy. It is a series that does not take itself too seriously but shows sincerity and realism when necessary. This can be attributed to the diverse and talented cast. Though the storyline focuses on Meredith, "Grey's Anat- omy" is truly an ensemble show that demonstrates the depth and range of all of its members. Each character is different, with weaknesses and strengths that emerge as the show progresses. Pompeo and Oh are the potential breakout stars of "Grey's Anatomy," creating indepen- dent and strong characters who are able to let their vulnerability seep through as they learn from each other. Modern and subtle cinematogra- phy gives "Grey's Anatomy" a unique look and feel, rejecting the cokl and sterile look of the stereotypical s- pital. With a talented and promis- ing cast, "Grey's Anatomy" has the potential to be yet another drama hit for the ABC network. Following in the footsteps of other successful med- ical shows, "Grey's Anatomy" blurs the line between fiction and reality, comedy and drama, and allows view- ers a fresh look at the world of scrubs and syringes. 4 higher ambition, to capitalize on the success of these shows by mimicking their model and filling their mold.