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April 04, 2005 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-04-04

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 4, 2005


P01,JOH.N -PAUL 1 1920-2005

Parliament chooses Sunni speaker


Susan Conner,
of Salt Lake
City, Utah,
visits a make-
shift memorial
to Pope John
Paul 11 (below
a statue of
his likeness)
outside St.
Mary's Basil-
Ica yesterday
%.In Phoenix.
World gets glimpse
of late pope's bod


Lawmakers broke days of rancorous stalemate yesterday and reached out to Iraq's
Sunni Muslim minority for their parliament speaker, cutting through ethnic and sec-
tarian barriers that have held up selection of a new government for more than two
months since the country's first free elections in 50 years. Industry Minister Hajim
al-Hassani was chosen for the position.
Deputies still face, however, difficult choices for Cabinet posts and failed again
to name a new president - broadly expected to be Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani.
That choice and those of two vice presidents were put off until a Wednesday ses-
sion that could mark a major milestone as Iraq tries to build a democratic govern-
ment and civil society.
Once the president and his deputies are selected, they have 14 days to choose a
prime minister, the most powerful position in Iraq's envisioned government hier-
archy. That job was widely believed reserved for Ibrahim al-Jaafari, of the Shiite
Muslim majority.
Pressure is building on parliamentarians, with some growing frustrated with the slow
pace of forming a government, because they have an Aug. 15 deadline to write a perma-
nent constitution - a task that cannot be undertaken until a government is in place.
Schiavo case may spur statehouse debate
The arguments surrounding Terri Schiavo will live on in statehouse
debate and new laws if an emerging coalition of disability rights activists
and right-to-lifers succeed in turning the national agony over her case into
a re-examination of when and how our lives come to an end.
So far, only a few legislators in a handful of states have sought signifi-
cant changes to their laws, which define the fundamental elements at stake
- how a person can set limits on their medical care, who gets to decide
what their wishes are, what evidence is needed to prove it.
None have yet become law and the chances for most, if not all, are slim
this year, with some legislatures finished and many far along in their work
for this session. But both Republicans and Democrats say the arguments
aren't going away.
Abu Ghraib attack injures 12 Americans
Insurgents attacked the Abu Ghraib prison west of Baghdad, injuring 20
U.S. forces and 12 prisoners on Saturday while six people were killed else-
where in Iraq following a period of declining attacks that had raised hopes
the insurgency might be weakening.
At least 40 militants fired rocket-propelled grenades and set off two car
bombs at the infamous prison as darkness fell, 1st Lt. Adam Rondeau said.
Soldiers and Marines stationed at the detention facility responded, and the
resulting clash and gunfight lasted about 40 minutes.
"This was obviously a very well-organized attack and a very big attack,"
Rondeau said.
Officials have said overall attacks have been declining in Iraq, but they
also have noted that insurgents seem to be focusing their efforts on bigger,
better organized operations.
Chinese textile imports threaten U.S. jobs
Shirts, pants, underwear and a lot of other clothes made abroad have arrived in the
United States by the bulging boatload since Jan. 1, when more than three decades of
quotas on Chinese textile imports ended.
While consumers face lower prices, the domestic textile and apparel industry is com-
plaining about the loss of thousands of jobs from what it contends is unfair competition.
It wants the Bush administration to move quickly to limit the soaring number of ship-
ments from China.
"Time is so critical. The amount of goods that China is flooding into this market is so
large that only the government can move quickly enough to prevent a lot of textile jobs
from being lost," said Cass Johnson, president of the National Council of Textile


(AP) - Pope John Paul II inspired
American Catholics with his globe-trot-
ting, charismatic leadership and deep spir-
ituality in the face of debilitating illness.
But his tight grip on church leadership
and unwillingness to change some unpop-
ular teachings clashed with the more
democratic approach that many of the 65
million U.S. Catholics favor.
At the end of his pontificate, John Paul
leaves behind an American church uplift-
ed by his personal piety yet struggling
with several of the same problems that
preceded him: a dramatically shrinking
U.S. priesthood, disagreement over the
.proper role for lay leaders and a growing
conservative-liberal divide over sexual-
ity, women's ordination and celibacy for
"He was seen as an extraordinarily
prayerful pope. There was a kindness to
him that seemed to come through," said
James Davidson, a Purdue University
sociologist who specializes in Catholi-
cism. "But there were moments at which
the pope and American lay people seemed
to be on different pages on how decision-
making in the church takes place. He

A woman dips her fingers in holy water
before praying following the death
of Pope John Paul 11 on Saturday.
tended to be more top down and they tend
to be more bottom up."
The cry for greater lay influence grew
loudest after the clergy sex abuse cri-
sis erupted in 2002 with revelations that
many American bishops had moved pred-
atory clergy among parishes without noti-
fying the public or police. Some Catholics
responded by demanding the Vatican give
them a greater say in choosing church
leaders. Officials in Rome, not surpris-
ingly, did not budge.
Many of the troubles buffeting the
U.S. church began before John Paul was
elected in 1978 - though the pontiff ulti-
mately was unable to arrest them.

Vatican begins
preparations for
funeral and conclave
at rest after years of debilitating dis-
ease, Pope John Paul II's body lay in
state yesterday, his hands clutching a
rosary, his pastoral staff under his arm.
Millions prayed and wept at services
across the globe as the Vatican pre-
pared for the funeral and conclave that
will choose a successor.
Television images gave the public its
first view of the pope since his death: lying
in the Vatican's frescoed Apostolic Pal-
ace, dressed in crimson vestments and a
white bishop's miter. A Swiss Guard stood
on either side as diplomats, politicians and
clergy paid their respects at his feet.
An estimated 100,000 people
turned out at St. Peter's Square for a
morning Mass and thousands more
- tourists, Romans, young and old
- kept coming throughout the day,
filling the broad boulevard leading
to St. Peter's Basilica. They clutched
rosaries and newspaper photos of the
late pontiff as they stood shoulder-to-
shoulder to pray for the soul of "our
beloved John Paul."

"Even if we fear we've lost a point of
reference, I feel like everybody in this
square is united with him in a hug," said
Luca Ghizzardi, a 38-year-old nurse.
Early yesterday, a text message had
circulated on cell phones in Rome
asking people to display lit candles in
windows. "May they light up the road
to God for him, the way he did for us,"
the message said.
Around the world, bells tolled and
worshippers prayed in remembrance
of the man who reigied for longer than
all but two of his predecessors and was
credited with helping bring down com-
munism in Europe and spreading a mes-
sage of peace during his frequent trips
around the world.
John Paul, who was 58 when the car-
dinals elected him the first non-Italian
pope in 455 years, left a legacy of con-
servatism. He opposed divorce, birth
control and abortion, the ordination of
women andthe lifting ofte celibacy
requirement for priests.
The mourning stretched from the
pope's native Poland, where 100,000
people filled a Warsaw square at the spot
where he celebrated a landmark Mass 26
years ago, to the earthquake-devastated
Indonesian island of Nias, where a priest
led special prayers.

- Compiled from Daily wire reports
411 ( r

The University of Michigan Initiative in Disability Studies Presents
Disablity Today
A Conference Inaugurating Disability S zes at Michigan
April 8 2005 Meanings of Change" 4:00 pm Keynote: Rosemarie Garland-
Thomson, Women's Studies, Emory
Vandenberg Room, Michigan League Catherine Kudlick, History, University of University, "Can Disability be Chic? Images of
California, Disability in Late Capitalism,"
1:00 pm Poster Session by Michig an"hieCnsBlcesMakd
"White Canes, Blackness Masked:
students and aut, with a light lunch served
faculty,Blind People, Race, and Identity in Modern 5:30 pm Poster Session continued
free to the public ,"
2:00 pm Panel: Disability Today y Free and Open
Ro Anne Chaney, Michigan Disability .
Martin Pernick, History, University of Rights Coalition, to the Public
Michigan,"Medicaid: From Extermination to Guinea Pigs
higan, to Protection to What?"
"Disability History: Changes in Meaning and
4 P Z
mobile studypartner.
.Wrkwherever. , erever, ireess y
; W d'_ a PowverBook the "cools fo:r success are always at
s. r , . . proje ntsnl
Attention Grads:
Hurry! Last chance to take

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