-;- ..'/ /,ii OP/ED The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 5A VIEWPOINT Diversity's demons "I'm at the gym, and every race is up there, but it never goes past that game of basket- ball. It's never like, 'Hey, want to hang out, want to come to this party?' It just ends right there." - Engineering junior Rich Gate, who lives in East Quad Residence Hall, on the social boundaries of race "The blacks stay with the blacks, and the whites stay with the whites." - LSA sophomore Meta Brown, who lives in Couzens Residence Hall, on the reality of dorm life "Just look at the lunch tables." - LSA freshman Matt Case from Bursley Residence Hall, on evidence of the racial divide in residence halls BY MARA GAY The numbers at the bottom of this page reveal no great conspiracy. They tell us what so many have spoken of in whispers and hushed tones - that we are a campus divided, segregated by our prejudices and by the failure of the very admin- istration that championed diversity to create true integration. The University is clearly in a dif- The Uni ficult position. Until a critical mass of underrepresented minority stu- must Co dents is achieved, equally distrib- itself to uting students of color throughout the ugly the residence halls would isolate the individual and create a situa- Of Segre tion in which he would constantly - racism have to prove himself to his peers. intoleran But while the University should a ainst keep this in mind, creating clusters of safe places for minority students O color. fails to address the underlying truth - It is not North Campus, or the learning communities, but the entire University that should be a safe place for minorities. There should be no residence hall, no fraternity or sorority house, no classroom that is not a safe place for a student of color at the University. By focusing on ways to shield students of color from the white majority, the University has implicitly acknowledged the continued existence of racism on campus. By centering discussions of diversity around students of color, the Univer- sity ignores the fact that race is not a minority issue, but a University issue. If there is ever to be racial integration on this campus, the University must commit itself to attacking the ugly roots of segregation - racism and intolerance against students of color. The factors that drive minority students to the margins and create separate communi- ties must be examined, understood and ulti- mately eradicated. These numbers are important because they prove to us what can be so difficult to see - that racism affects whites just as much as it affects people of color. White students are largely being denied the opportunity to interact with people of different races and cultures. It is the University's responsibility to help white students understand that racism is the problem of every single student iversity mmit attacking Troots gation aand nce students on this campus. It must encour- age white students to take an active role in creating a commu- nity that is a safe place for stu- dents of color. None of this, however, sug- gests the student body is beyond reproach. Instead of blaming campus segregation on students of color who sit together in the dining hall, students would do well to question the role of the University in maintaining the walls society has erected. If they are not already, they should become aware of the circumstances that can cause students of color to retreat into racial comfort zones. Tak- ing a trip to an all-black fraternity house, for example, might shed some light on what minor- ity students experience on a daily basis at the University. Racism has robbed us all blind. Until we acknowledge this fact, there can be no prog- ress, and certainly no integration. As students at one of the best public schools in the country, we have an obligation to question the status quo. It is within our power to create a future where segregation is not equated with normalcy. We must demand from the University what is right- fully ours - the opportunity to live together, to grow together and to learn from each other in the school we all call home. Gay is an RCfreshman and a member of the Daily's editorial board. Alyssa Trotsky and Samantha Klaiman eat down the table from their peers in Alice Lloyd Residence Hall's dining area. 18.3 per- cent of Alice Lloyd's population is made up of underrepresented minorities. Underrepresented minorities are defined as blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Alaskan Natives. VIEWPOINT Breaking the barrier Vera Baits Residence Hall lority resented Minority &ZJ: BY WHITNEY DIBO The subject of campus segregation raises many complex and delicate questions that most of the student population tends to subconsciously avoid. While it may be easier to look the other way, it is time for University administra- tors and students to move beyond the status quo and delve deeper and more honestly into this issue. Segregation is an unfortunate but undeniable reality on this campus. The evidence lies in everything from dorm life to night life, the Greek system to cafeteria dinner tables. I first understood the magnitude of this issue while living with my black roommate freshman year, when I was given the privilege to see first hand the possibilities that exist when diversity and integration are truly achieved. At a University that strives to be a pillar of academic diversity, campus segregation seems strikingly self-defeat- ing. The University is a passionate advocate for affirmative action, and University President Mary Sue Coleman has made a concerted effort during her tenure to get minori- ties to apply and attend. While the University seemingly understands the value and necessity of a diverse campus, once students settle in, separate corners are resumed. The irony and loss here is obvious. The questions are: What causes this separation, and more importantly, what can be done about it? The statistics have proven what we all knew to be true: Certain dorms and areas of the campus have a higher percentage of underrepresented minorities than others. University Housing demographics show a higher percentage on North Campus - 17.4 percent - compared with the Hill's substantially lower 13.3 percent. Two dorms on campus, Baits and Markley, serve as prime examples-of this separation. Baits has an underrepresented minority population of 20.2 percent, while Markley has an embarrassingly low 6.7 percent - and there are no residential learning communities to account for this difference. Yet not all the statistics are as extreme as one may have thought. The difference between underrepresent- ed minorities on the Hill and North Campus is only 4.1 percent - much lower than the common perception. Who would have guessed that Alice Lloyd houses the most underrepresented minorities of any dorm on the Hill, or that only 9 percent of Bursley Hall is black? We all know the stereotypes surrounding the dorms; Lloyd is not known to be particularly diverse, and most stu- dents believe North Campus houses the majority of the minority population. However, these perceptions are simply not in line with the statistics. And so the ques- tion arises: Why does the campus feel more segregated than it actually is? The answer is self-segregation. Students naturally gravitate toward people of their own race and ethnicity, and despite the many opportunities for integration on this campus - the "comfort zone" prevails. The benefits of a diverse campus are lost. The issue here is twofold: The Uniyersity has a responsibility to combat racial segregation in the dorms by making sure the housing placement of its freshman class is balanced. But it is up to us, the students, to really make a significant change. It is easier to remain inside a racial or ethnic bubble, but it is definitely not as rewarding. Isn't education the reason we are here? We have so much to learn from one another, why settle for the norm of racial clustering? We must strive to take advantage of the diversity on this campus, despite the obvious challenges and obstacles that stand in the way. We will all be the better for it. Dibo is an LSA and School of Music sophomore and a member of the Daily's editorial board. VIEWPOINT Striking a balance BY CAROLE S. HENRY The Michigan Daily reported on a very important topic in its recent articles, Living the Critical Mass (03/23/2005), that begin to exam- ine some significant questions: How diverse really are University residence halls? To what extent do University residence halls contribute to the University's mission of promoting a diverse educational experience that will lead to lifelong benefits? These are complex questions to tackle in a short space, but I can make a few key obser- vations. University Housing has provided leadership to the University in developing and nurturing multicultural residential communities. We offer supportive, caring and stimulating environments that allow students to find a balance between maintaining their cultural and ethnic identities at the same time they can connect and interact on a day-to-day basis with other students who come from very different backgrounds. As a matter of policy and ethical principle, University Housing does not make room assign- ments based on race, ethnicity, religion, dis- ability, sexual orientation or national origin. A number of factors influence where any new stu- dent is assigned. First, continuing students have the opportunity to request a space anywhere in the system that is available at the time of sign- up. The remaining spaces are then available for assignment of newly entering students. Other factors that determine assignments include: Did the student request a specific roommate? Did the student request North Campus as first prefer- ence for campus area? When was the application received by Housing? Did the student apply to a residential Michigan Learning Community? Fundamentally, it is important for students to feel that the residence hall they are initially assigned to is their home, and that their home is safe, comfortable, welcoming and inclusive. University Housing seeks to offer its residents, especially returning residents, many choices of both where and with whom they will live. The principle of providing choices - lots of them - to University students is part of the appeal of an institution that is as large, multifaceted and complex as the University. Our residential communities, we believe, are immeasurably strengthened and enhanced when all of our residents contribute their dif- ferent cultural, religious, political, ethnic and social identities as they participate in the life and activity of the residence hall. Are we fully there yet? No, but we keep working at it as hard as we can. University students come to the University from communities that are usually far less diverse than this campus. The University in general, and University Housing in particu- lar, share a central objective of preparing our students for their future in an increasingly global and multicultural 21st century. Our objective is to have residential communities that take full advantage of the outstanding opportunities provided by the University's ability to draw from a student body that comes from all 50 states and from over 75 foreign countries; from tiny rural communities to the world's largest cities; and from the complete spectrum of socioeconomic origins. For University Housing, we want to have such successfully diverse communities in our residence halls that students - both white and of color - choose to return for at least a second year (Forty percent on average make that choice). Even more importantly, we hope our students then make similar choices for places to live once they graduate and leave the University and Ann Arbor. Henry is the director of University Hous- ing and assistant vice president for student affairs. % 30 A breakdown of underrepresented minority distribution in the res halls % of the dorm freshman population that is composed of underrepresented minorites I I